BREXIT......How do you feel Brits? Excited??

Haha I remember when I was working at Disney I had a 20 minute conversation with a Floridian about the word rubbish and how it has so many meanings. This is rubbish (bad), put that in the rubbish (trash can), through that away it's rubbish(trash). Small things in life :p
There is also an American swear that can fill in for any part of speech :)
I don't think you need to worry too much.........

as for the pound against the dollar I remember it the early 2000's at 1.26 roughly..........

You can find anything to absorb any data you like.........

You never answered my question........what do you do for a LIVING that makes you such an expert on all things British, how we've made this huge mistake and even Brits that you know that voted for leave are regretting it now. More fool them then.........what a waste of a vote.

You also mentioned security and terrorism. Well maybe now we don't have our hands tied by Europe we will be able to deal more with some of these terrorists..........

I'm certainly not any more worried than I was yesterday about terrorism........we in the UK do have an excellent security service and armed forces.........
No disrespect or argument but can you tell me where you are getting the figures from, I'm interested in reading about it all. Everything I've heard and read i.e Wallstreet Journal, Business News says the pound is at the lowest exchange rate in 30 years. I'm hoping what I just heard on CNN is incorrect but just heard that UK has lost 200 billion since the vote....surely not.

I do know that it has affected 401Ks and IRA's dramatically and will continue downward from all predictions, a loss that any of us within retirement age in a year or two will not be able to recoup. May not be a lot of warm fuzzy feelings for UK after this by a certain demographic.
Yes it did. I still take umbrage at her opinions of the motives behind the vote. She is ill informed.

Opinion is one thing.

She said international markets were crashing and the pound was at an all time 30 year low.......wrong. She claimed it was a protest vote.......don't really care where she got her information from! It's insulting to say that was the reason the uk majority voted to leave the EU.
She got it from Twitter. There were a few viral tweets today from some folks who may or may not have spoken to voters & were told "I meant to send a message as a protest; I wanted to communicate that I was fed up" or "I didn't think it would actually happen." These statements have not been verified, but were regurgitated almost verbatim in her post.
This is just sad to me.

The U.K. Is Googling What the E.U. Is Hours After It Voted to Leave

"Britain has voted for Brexit and now the British are wondering exactly what that means, search data shows.

In the UK, the search “Are we in or out of the EU?” has spiked 2,450%, according to Google Trends.

Many are asking questions about what the European Union is:"
Maybe, not all of the googles voted to leave.
Actually pixie dust.........I didn't get it from Twitter!! I don't do Twitter or any social media........have no interest in it at all.

I didn't travel to the States till 2007. We were getting $2 to the pound. And almost that again in 08.

In 09 I was bemoaning the fact we got a lot less........friends commented how at some time in the early 2000's they got a low 1.20's rate.

So pixie dust, please don't speak for me. You are wrong as to my reasoning for posting such a thing.

That's how stories start..........
Actually pixie dust.........I didn't get it from Twitter!! I don't do Twitter or any social media........have no interest in it at all.

I didn't travel to the States till 2007. We were getting $2 to the pound. And almost that again in 08.

In 09 I was bemoaning the fact we got a lot less........friends commented how at some time in the early 2000's they got a low 1.20's rate.

So pixie dust, please don't speak for me. You are wrong as to my reasoning for posting such a thing.

That's how stories start..........
I think Pixie was saying the other poster that you were conversing with got HER info from Twitter. It's a little hard to follow but easier from the sidelines LOL!
I think Pixie was saying the other poster that you were conversing with got HER info from Twitter. It's a little hard to follow but easier from the sidelines LOL!

Ah........I am easily confused after 2 glasses of wine.......thank you for the correction and I apologise to pixie dust if an error was made. :flower3:

It can be hard to follow..........who quotes who at times.........
Actually pixie dust.........I didn't get it from Twitter!! I don't do Twitter or any social media........have no interest in it at all.

I didn't travel to the States till 2007. We were getting $2 to the pound. And almost that again in 08.

In 09 I was bemoaning the fact we got a lot less........friends commented how at some time in the early 2000's they got a low 1.20's rate.

So pixie dust, please don't speak for me. You are wrong as to my reasoning for posting such a thing.

That's how stories start..........
I don't want to speak for 'Pixie Dust' but I understood her comment was in response to where the poster you were 'discussing' this issue with and took umbrage to, got her information not where you got your information.
Edit** see someone beat me to it:)
I don't want to speak for 'Pixie Dust' but I understood her comment was in response to where the poster you were 'discussing' this issue with and took umbrage to, got her information not where you got your information.

Already been cleared up. :)
Already been cleared up. :)
Right, edited my post to say that. I live in a more rural area and my internet is slowwwwww.:tongue:

However I am still interested in where you are getting your figures from as all of the business and financial journals I've been reading say something different about the exchange rate and I'd like to be better informed. (see post 185)
No offense taken. I was indeed not referring to you. :flower3:

Thank is easy to get mixed up.........:)

Right, edited my post to say that. I live in a more rural area and my internet is slowwwwww.:tongue:

However I am still interested in where you are getting your figures from as all of the business and financial journals I've been reading say something different about the exchange rate.

I think I already answered above.
Thank is easy to get mixed up.........:)

I think I already answered above.
Sorry I don't see it( and I'm a teetotaler so I may just be blind :)), the personal anecdote? I was thinking more along the lines of some published information like I've been reading? As I may have missed the publications you have in the UK.


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