"Does this ride have drops?" March 2015 TR *NEW* 1/17 COMPLETE - Final Thoughts

Day 6 Continued: Thursday March 5th

After the Disney Jr. show, we overheard some CMs saying the line for Anna & Elsa was not too long, so we went inside the animation building to check it out. Once we were in there though we found out there is no standby line, FP only. Of course, all the FPs were gone for the day. Not sure what that was about?? It was like they were trying to get more people in to go see them, but then there is no standby line. Weird! We wanted to check out the next Turtle Talk show instead, but first DS needed to use the restroom. Our plans kind of got derailed when he had a little accident on himself and we didn’t have a change of clothes with us for some reason.

We spent waaaaaaaay too long going from bathroom to bathroom looking for one with a hand dryer to dry off his undies with absolutely no luck whatsoever. Finally, I found a custodial CM and asked her if she knew of any after the like 5th bathroom, and she said she thought the ones in Cars Land still had dryers. So we ended up in Cars Land yet again. No hand dryers in the restroom, but we decided to stay there for a bit. We just put his underwear on top of the stroller canopy so they could hopefully dry in the sun and I sat on the side while DH and DS went on Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree.

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Next we had a bit of wandering around. We tried to go ride Monsters Inc first, but it was down, so we went back to the animation building to try to catch a Turtle Talk show, but we had just missed the next one. Very frustrating to just feel like we were walking around wasting time.

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In part of our wandering, we did get to catch the tail end of the Mickey show on the Red Car Trolley.

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So finally, we headed to what had become old faithful when we were in need of something to do in DCA and went over to Bug’s Land.

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We immediately saw that Flik was out! With a little coaxing, we got DS to go over to meet him.

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Flik liked DS’s Big Hero 6 shirt with Baymax & Hiro on it, so of course there had to be a fist bump before we could leave!

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First up was Heimlich’s Chew Chew Train.

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Then DH & DS took a spin on the bumper cars.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

That evening, we had an ADR scheduled at Naples for 5 pm. But because we had gotten FPs for Fantasmic for that night and we didn’t want to cut it too close getting there to find a spot, we decided to go over and see if they could seat us early. Just a short walk later, we were in Downtown Disney and standing in front of Naples!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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Naples is basically a copy of Via Napoli in Epcot, so of course, I wanted to eat there while we were in Disneyland! It’s one of my favorite meals in WDW! The menu is very similar, but the décor inside was a little different.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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They were easily able to seat us around 4:20 so that we could have plenty of time to eat and make it back for Fantasmic. We started off with some delicious bread and olive oil.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

DH got a pepperoni pizza, I got the Quattro formaggi, and DS got a kids cheese pizza, but he refused to eat it because it “tasted weird” he said.

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DH’s pepperoni

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DS’s kids pizza and fruit

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And my heaven on a plate!

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DS being goofy!

What can I say, this is one of my favorite Disney meals! Naples definitely didn't disappoint. The pizzas were just as fresh and delicious at the ones at Via Napoli that we enjoy every trip.

Continued in next post...
Day 6 Continued: Thursday March 5th

After dinner, we walked back to the plaza and DH left to make a run to the car to get our jackets and drop off DS’s leftover pizza we had taken with us. Once he left though, I realized he had all of our park tickets so we were stuck waiting for him outside of the gates.

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DS showing off his menu art

By then, DS’s poor little undies had dried up, so we didn’t have much choice than to put them back on him since we were changing him into jeans as the temperature had dropped quite a bit already that evening. Once he was all dressed and ready to go, we made our way back into Disneyland for the evening. It was that perfect time of day that some refer to as the “golden hour” as we walked down Main Street, and it was gorgeous! Sun going down, lights coming on...just perfect.

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The time capsule…we spent forever looking for this on our anniversary trip a few years ago!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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It was nice having so much time in the parks during the week because it allowed us plenty of time to do those smaller attractions that can be often overlooked for the headliners and more popular attractions. We decided to go through the Sleeping Beauty Castle walkthrough. This was something DH and I had done together when we went on our anniversary trip, but it was new to DS.

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Hard to tell, but the dress changes to blue

I thought DS might think this was boring, but turns out, he actually loved it and would ask to do it again later!

DS asked next to ride the Casey Jr. train again, and I needed to use the restroom, so I went over to the ones right beside the train. By the time I came back, they had already gotten in line for some reason and I didn’t want to push through to meet up with them. So I was kind of annoyed sitting off to the side while waiting for DH and DS to ride.

By the time they came off, it was around 6:30 pm and we decided to go over and try to get in our Fantasmic FP area. It was already pretty packed by then, even though it was an hour before show time! But we still managed to find a spot along the railing in our section so there was no one in front of us.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

We settled in for the hour long wait. DS was chilling in the stroller watching movies on an extra phone we take with us for just that reason on vacation. The family next to us had two older kids and an adorable little girl named Harper who couldn’t have been more than 18 months old maybe. She was really getting restless! She and I ended up playing a fun little game of giving her maps which she would toss to the side and hold out her hand for another one. Her mom would be picking them up behind her back and handing them back to me so it was like she had an endless supply of maps coming her way! :rotfl:

Then came the announcement that caused everyone to groan in unison. The show would be starting late due to technical difficulties! Would we ever have a chance to see this show??

UP NEXT: Maybe Fantasmic??
Love the picture with Mickey!! And such cute pics of Paxton in his house.

It's smart that you guys split up to get more things accomplished. I am sorry you had to miss out on Space Mountain though :( Next time!

I really enjoyed the pictures from Tarzan's treehouse!

Looks like Paxton had a lot of fun at the Disney Junior show :)

Ugh that's annoying not being able to find hand dryers!

I'm sorry you weren't having much luck with attractions.

Cute pictures with Flik!

I'm glad you were able to get seated at Naples early..and that it lived up to your expectations!

Absolutely gorgeous pictures during "Golden Hour"!

Technical difficulties? Uh oh!!
ok, this is a dumb reaction, but I didn't even realize Mickey met in his house sometimes! When we visited him he was meeting in the back barn and in different outfits (we saw him in the band leader outfit) - so we got to walk through his house and touch everything, but then went to the back to actually meet him

I liked Roger Rabbit but not sure if Olivia did or not - since she has no idea what Roger Rabbit is or what was going on. She did like that in the queue there is a door that if you bang on it, a slot opens up and a character says different things (what's the password, etc.)

I really did like the Space Mountain at DLR - it was the Ghost Galaxy overlay which was awesome! makes me sad we are missing the Hyperspace (Star Wars) overlay

Love all the details you found in the shops on Main St!

man, those Gold Doubloons are like, well, gold to kids!

Oh no! Too bad about DS's little accident, and then bummer about just missing the Turtle Talk show - always hate when you feel like you are wasting time

I must say, we enjoyed the Bug's Land area way more than I thought we would. And I think I may have enjoyed the Chew-Chew-Train more than the kids - I kept using the Heimlich voice for probably too longer after getting off

You did get some pretty "Golden Hour" pictures on main st.

Glad you got a good spot for Fantasmic! but uh, oh - technical issue delay on top of an hour wait?!?!?!
Oh man----you just leave us in suspense every time!

You certainly did a lot of hopping around on the trip! Did you find it was best to start at DL and then swing to DCA because the crowds were so much lighter, or did you just kind of hop back and forth on a whim?

We don't get to see Fantasmic this coming trip - closed for Star Wars construction! Oh well.
Joining! I need to start from the beginning. We're thinking of going that same week in March 2017. I'll be curious to see how the crowds and lines were for you.
Once we were in there though we found out there is no standby line, FP only. Of course, all the FPs were gone for the day. Not sure what that was about??
Maybe they just assumed that "everyone" had an FP by then anyway and there must have been a lot going unused? Or maybe the crowd tends to hit at the beginning or end of a window and it was just an ideal time? I don't know, but it does seem a little strange that they'd even comment on the length of a FP only line.

We just put his underwear on top of the stroller canopy so they could hopefully dry in the sun and I sat on the side while DH and DS went on Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree.
I want to laugh. But I feel your pain. Sorry!

Flik liked DS’s Big Hero 6 shirt with Baymax & Hiro on it, so of course there had to be a fist bump before we could leave!
I'm glad Flik could help turn things around.

What can I say, this is one of my favorite Disney meals! Naples definitely didn't disappoint. The pizzas were just as fresh and delicious at the ones at Via Napoli that we enjoy every trip.
::yes:: I'm glad you got to enjoy your pizza.

DH left to make a run to the car to get our jackets and drop off DS’s leftover pizza we had taken with us
And I'm really glad to see that the uneaten pizza was saved for later.

The time capsule…we spent forever looking for this on our anniversary trip a few years ago!
Cool! I didn't even know about that!

By the time they came off, it was around 6:30 pm and we decided to go over and try to get in our Fantasmic FP area. It was already pretty packed by then, even though it was an hour before show time! But we still managed to find a spot along the railing in our section so there was no one in front of us.
Wow, not a bad view at all. Much better than what we had after paying for a dinner package. :headache:

Then came the announcement that caused everyone to groan in unison. The show would be starting late due to technical difficulties! Would we ever have a chance to see this show??
Oh no... :sad2:
Aw, poor DS! We almost never carry extra clothes for Nate since he's 5 now and almost never has accidents so I understand not having a change of clothes.

It sounds like you had a fun afternoon is DS's favorite spot! And that's great that they could seat you early at Naples! The food sounds good, too! We are trying Via Napoli for the first time in May and I'm excited!

Oh, no! I hope the show goes on!
Love the picture with Mickey!! And such cute pics of Paxton in his house.

It's smart that you guys split up to get more things accomplished. I am sorry you had to miss out on Space Mountain though :( Next time!

I really enjoyed the pictures from Tarzan's treehouse!

Looks like Paxton had a lot of fun at the Disney Junior show :)

Ugh that's annoying not being able to find hand dryers!

I'm sorry you weren't having much luck with attractions.

Cute pictures with Flik!

I'm glad you were able to get seated at Naples early..and that it lived up to your expectations!

Absolutely gorgeous pictures during "Golden Hour"!

Technical difficulties? Uh oh!!

Mickey's house is so much fun! Their whole Toontown area is so great, and way better than what WDW ever had.

Splitting up was good practice for our October trip, where we did A LOT of that. lol It was a bummer to go all the way out to California and not be able to ride some of the most fun attractions there, but it's just a good reason to plan another trip sooner rather than later.

Tarzan's Treehouse was surprisingly fun! We mostly ignored attractions like that on our previous trips, so it was nice to have the benefit of time on our side so that we could do more exploring.

The lack of hand dryers was soooooo frustrating! You don't really notice they aren't there until you're in desperate need one one!!

It is really just the perfect time to be wandering down Main Street. It turns something already beautiful into almost surreal!

ok, this is a dumb reaction, but I didn't even realize Mickey met in his house sometimes! When we visited him he was meeting in the back barn and in different outfits (we saw him in the band leader outfit) - so we got to walk through his house and touch everything, but then went to the back to actually meet him

I liked Roger Rabbit but not sure if Olivia did or not - since she has no idea what Roger Rabbit is or what was going on. She did like that in the queue there is a door that if you bang on it, a slot opens up and a character says different things (what's the password, etc.)

I really did like the Space Mountain at DLR - it was the Ghost Galaxy overlay which was awesome! makes me sad we are missing the Hyperspace (Star Wars) overlay

Love all the details you found in the shops on Main St!

man, those Gold Doubloons are like, well, gold to kids!

Oh no! Too bad about DS's little accident, and then bummer about just missing the Turtle Talk show - always hate when you feel like you are wasting time

I must say, we enjoyed the Bug's Land area way more than I thought we would. And I think I may have enjoyed the Chew-Chew-Train more than the kids - I kept using the Heimlich voice for probably too longer after getting off

You did get some pretty "Golden Hour" pictures on main st.

Glad you got a good spot for Fantasmic! but uh, oh - technical issue delay on top of an hour wait?!?!?!

Both times we have met Mickey there, we have gone to his line as soon as Toontown opens, so maybe he just meets in the front in the beginning until the line starts growing? It makes sense that the house would function more as the line with him meeting in the back. The band leader outfit sounds pretty cool though!

Paxton had no exposure to Roger Rabbit either, but the fact that the cars spin was good enough for him! I loved that movie as a kid but watching it now as an adult, I can't believe my parents let me watch it. lol

I can't picture how they do these overlays on Space??? But it sounds pretty cool nonetheless. SO MUCH BETTER than the WDW version...so herky jerky there!

Haha, the Heimlich voice definitely got used a lot by us too!! I kept quoting the line about candy corn being a vegetable and it would crack DS up!

Love that time of the day on Main Street. So beautiful!

It was a LOOOOONG wait, so we were definitely hoping for the payoff of actually getting to see the darn show!

Oh man----you just leave us in suspense every time!

You certainly did a lot of hopping around on the trip! Did you find it was best to start at DL and then swing to DCA because the crowds were so much lighter, or did you just kind of hop back and forth on a whim?

We don't get to see Fantasmic this coming trip - closed for Star Wars construction! Oh well.

Ha! Gotta find good stopping points!!

We usually started out in DL because it opened earlier, but otherwise, it was on a whim for the most part. We kind of knew where we wanted to start each day or end up each day depending on the park hours and nighttime entertainment. It's so nice to have the option of just going back and forth as much as we wanted instead of having to plan for park hopping!

In the past I wouldn't have been disappointed to miss Fantasmic. But now with how much DS loves it, I think we'd be upset to miss out on it! Bummer if will be closed for y'all, but at least you get World of Color! I was soooo sad that was down for refurb while we were there!
Joining! I need to start from the beginning. We're thinking of going that same week in March 2017. I'll be curious to see how the crowds and lines were for you.

Welcome!! While it wasn't as dead as I would have thought in the parks, it definitely didn't feel very crowded. Some of the big headliners would post longer waits in the middle of the day, but nothing crazy. We really enjoyed that time of year! And the weather was great!!

Maybe they just assumed that "everyone" had an FP by then anyway and there must have been a lot going unused? Or maybe the crowd tends to hit at the beginning or end of a window and it was just an ideal time? I don't know, but it does seem a little strange that they'd even comment on the length of a FP only line.

I want to laugh. But I feel your pain. Sorry!

I'm glad Flik could help turn things around.

::yes:: I'm glad you got to enjoy your pizza.

And I'm really glad to see that the uneaten pizza was saved for later.

Cool! I didn't even know about that!

Wow, not a bad view at all. Much better than what we had after paying for a dinner package. :headache:

Oh no... :sad2:

I totally didn't get why they would be sending people into a FP only line when the FPs were gone for the day? Really strange! And kind of disappointing because I was excited at the possibility of meeting them without the huge waits WDW posts.

Poor kid. :( It wasn't really an accident, more just like bad aim when sitting down. I kept forgetting to pack him extra clothes because he doesn't have accidents anymore! I've since learned to come prepared for more than just accidents, there is the food/drink spills in the lap we gotta be ready for too!

That pizza was so good, of course we had to bring it home!

The time capsule is pretty cool! We spent a long time circling the castle looking for it, and it's right out front and so obvious once you find it! lol

DH was sooooo against the dinner package since we could get the FPs for free. I don't know if we just got lucky or what, but it was a great view!

Aw, poor DS! We almost never carry extra clothes for Nate since he's 5 now and almost never has accidents so I understand not having a change of clothes.

It sounds like you had a fun afternoon is DS's favorite spot! And that's great that they could seat you early at Naples! The food sounds good, too! We are trying Via Napoli for the first time in May and I'm excited!

Oh, no! I hope the show goes on!

I never think about it until something happens and I'm like, "what was I thinking?!" I should have learned my lesson on a previous trip when he spilled a cup of juice in his lap, but for some reason I just never thought to pack more clothes for him. This past trip in October, I was prepared and thankfully never needed it!

I hope you enjoy Via Napoli!! I didn't have it booked for February, and I just randomly looked one night and was able to get a reservation for all 13 of us for lunch, so I snagged it! I just love that place!!!
In the past I wouldn't have been disappointed to miss Fantasmic. But now with how much DS loves it, I think we'd be upset to miss out on it! Bummer if will be closed for y'all, but at least you get World of Color! I was soooo sad that was down for refurb while we were there!

It's starting to look like World of Color will be down as well. They are taking it down as of January 18th or so. No idea how long it will be down yet, but I am not feeling good about it. I will be totally ripped if it's down too - that's one of the top 2-3 things I wanted my mom to see. Basically the only nighttime entertainment being Paint the Night and maybe the fireworks SUCKS! Kind of glad now we are shortening the stay to 3 days instead of 4.
It's starting to look like World of Color will be down as well. They are taking it down as of January 18th or so. No idea how long it will be down yet, but I am not feeling good about it. I will be totally ripped if it's down too - that's one of the top 2-3 things I wanted my mom to see. Basically the only nighttime entertainment being Paint the Night and maybe the fireworks SUCKS! Kind of glad now we are shortening the stay to 3 days instead of 4.

Holy moly, that would be TERRIBLE to have both WoC & Fantasmic down!! I was bad enough for us not getting to see WoC, but not getting to see either one sucks big time. It's so tough too because we go there so much less frequently than WDW so chances to see their nighttime shows are few & far between.
Day 6 Continued: Thursday March 5th

When I left off, we were in limbo as to whether Fantasmic would happen or not. After having waited an hour prior to showtime in our spot, they had announced the show would be delayed due to technical difficulties. Finally at 7:45, the show was ready to begin! DS was hooked from the first moment of the show, and it was totally worth the long wait to see his reactions to everything happening in front of him. He was so excited and animated!

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Fantasmic has never been one of my favorite nighttime shows because I found it to be such a pain and time investment when we could be doing something else. However, seeing the joy on my child’s face every time he watches it and even when he just hears the music come on in the car has changed my mind about the show. We now make time for it every trip because he loves it so much!

Once the show ended, we joined the sea of humanity heading for the park exit.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

We hustled out of the park and walked back to our car, making it back to the resort by 9 that night. It had been a long day starting early and no break, so we were happy to see our beds! We needed a good night’s sleep so that we could enjoy our last Disney day the next day.

Continued in next post...
Day 7: Friday March 6th

On our last day in the park, we were again up bright and early because the park was opening at 8 am! Our alarms were set for 6:15 and we were out the door at 6:50. We got to the parking lot and the gates weren’t even open yet, so we had to wait for them to open them up for us at 7 am. I was probably a little grouchier than usual that morning, and was in a bad mood once I realized we had left our water bottle at the resort. We got to the DL gates at 7:15 so we had some time to wait there before the park opened. While we waited, we had our breakfast.

One thing I love that DL does is even when the turnstiles are not open yet, they will start scanning the tickets of those closest to the front of the line so that when they do open, those people can go straight in. We were close enough to the front this time that this is exactly what happened so when the gates opened a little before 8, we went right in and stopped at the rope they had up across Main Street.

While waiting for the rope to drop, DH got some photos of the castle and the hub.

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We were bound and determined to get on Alice in Wonderland before the line got super long, so once again, that was our first stop of the morning!

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Luckily this time our attempts were not thwarted by dysfunctional ride mechanisms, so soon we were heading down the rabbit hole with Alice.

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Our Alice mission complete, we were ready to move on to another attraction we hadn’t visited yet but that boasted long wait times in the middle of the day. And not because it is insanely popular but because it is an extremely slow loader with a low capacity. Have you guesses Storybookland Canal Boats yet?

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Our ride on Alice had apparently been so quick that despite it being our second attraction of the day, we were the very first ones of the day to ride and had a boat to ourselves! But that could also be explained that very few people are rushing to this ride at rope drop when there are such things as Space Mountain and Indiana Jones right around the corner! Lol Nonetheless, into the mouth of Monstro we went.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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A new addition since the last time we had been there, Arendelle and Elsa’s ice castle!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

DL 07-035
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

DL 07-036
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
UP NEXT: More Fantasyland Fun
Finally at 7:45, the show was ready to begin! DS was hooked from the first moment of the show, and it was totally worth the long wait to see his reactions to everything happening in front of him. He was so excited and animated!
Yuck... that wait is brutal, but at least you got to see the show and he loved it!

Fantasmic has never been one of my favorite nighttime shows because I found it to be such a pain and time investment when we could be doing something else. However, seeing the joy on my child’s face every time he watches it and even when he just hears the music come on in the car has changed my mind about the show. We now make time for it every trip because he loves it so much!
I'm kind of in this camp too... I mean, Fantasmic! is my second favorite at WDW behind Wishes... yet I'd almost prefer to watch Illuminations just because it is such a time suck and a hassle to see Fantasmic! It's a great show, but hardly worth the wait unless you can pull of FP or Dining package to give you a little more time to do other things.

Luckily this time our attempts were not thwarted by dysfunctional ride mechanisms, so soon we were heading down the rabbit hole with Alice.
Wow!!! You actually found a ride ready to open when the park opens!!! I guess it does happen once in a while!

Our ride on Alice had apparently been so quick that despite it being our second attraction of the day, we were the very first ones of the day to ride and had a boat to ourselves! But that could also be explained that very few people are rushing to this ride at rope drop when there are such things as Space Mountain and Indiana Jones right around the corner! Lol Nonetheless, into the mouth of Monstro we went.
It really makes a lot of sense though. It really is a slow loader and you can always grab an FP for Indy and Space and rides like that later on. Getting Alice and the Storybook Boats done so quickly should really give you a great head start on the day.
I'm glad you were able to see Fantasmic! And that DS loved it so much :)

Those empty park pics are lovely. Impressive that you were there early enough to be at the front of the rope!

Awesome getting to do Alice and the boats in such a short amount of time!
Yuck... that wait is brutal, but at least you got to see the show and he loved it!

I'm kind of in this camp too... I mean, Fantasmic! is my second favorite at WDW behind Wishes... yet I'd almost prefer to watch Illuminations just because it is such a time suck and a hassle to see Fantasmic! It's a great show, but hardly worth the wait unless you can pull of FP or Dining package to give you a little more time to do other things.

Wow!!! You actually found a ride ready to open when the park opens!!! I guess it does happen once in a while!

It really makes a lot of sense though. It really is a slow loader and you can always grab an FP for Indy and Space and rides like that later on. Getting Alice and the Storybook Boats done so quickly should really give you a great head start on the day.

Oh my gosh, it felt like an eternity sitting there trying to keep DS entertained!!

It's definitely the most time consuming, which really turns me off. And especially at DHS where then it takes forever to get out of the theater once it's over!

:rotfl: Unfortunately, that was not the norm for us either! But it was a nice way to start the last day, that's for sure.

It was great to get the slow loaders out of the way first thing because those can get really bad later on in the day and we definitely wanted to see them. It's still so nice that they still have the legacy FP there so you can decide on the fly what you want a FP for to use later in the day when lines get long!

I'm glad you were able to see Fantasmic! And that DS loved it so much :)

Those empty park pics are lovely. Impressive that you were there early enough to be at the front of the rope!

Awesome getting to do Alice and the boats in such a short amount of time!

I was so relieved that it finally started because I would have been so upset to have waited there so long and the show be canceled! It's definitely DS's favorite now, so it will be part of the rest of our upcoming trips.

I love those early morning park pics DH got!

It was great to get those two in before the lines started getting longer, especially since we had been trying to do Alice for several days and always encountered a long line or problems with it not running!
My only comment is I rather like the Storybook Boats. It's a reminder of a earlier - simpler time at the theme park. Cute, but not a waste of time. (The train I could live without though!)

I had a dream last night that our family was going for a walk up by Niagara Falls, and Paxton ran up to me and had recognized me from the DIS. Turned out your family was up visiting Niagara Falls, and for whatever reason didn't realize we lived nearby, but we ran into you anyways! Nothing exciting about it otherwise, we just showed you guys around. Maybe a premonition that someday you'll come up to Niagara Falls with the family - or that someday we'll actually manage to meet.
Fantasmic sounds amazing! I'm so happy DS enjoyed it so much - I agree that my favorite party of most trips is just watching the boys enjoy the experience!

The Alice ride looks fun! And love the new addition to the Storybookland Canal Boats - it seems like such a cute ride!
My only comment is I rather like the Storybook Boats. It's a reminder of a earlier - simpler time at the theme park. Cute, but not a waste of time. (The train I could live without though!)

I had a dream last night that our family was going for a walk up by Niagara Falls, and Paxton ran up to me and had recognized me from the DIS. Turned out your family was up visiting Niagara Falls, and for whatever reason didn't realize we lived nearby, but we ran into you anyways! Nothing exciting about it otherwise, we just showed you guys around. Maybe a premonition that someday you'll come up to Niagara Falls with the family - or that someday we'll actually manage to meet.

I think the boats are just adorable! Although the Casey Jr train is a little lame, I do like how the two rides overlap.

OMG how funny!! :rotfl: I would love to see Niagara Falls someday, so maybe that means we need to start planning a trip up there sooner rather than later!

Fantasmic sounds amazing! I'm so happy DS enjoyed it so much - I agree that my favorite party of most trips is just watching the boys enjoy the experience!

The Alice ride looks fun! And love the new addition to the Storybookland Canal Boats - it seems like such a cute ride!

It truly makes it such a different experience compared to when we went just DH and I or with a group of adults. There is something SO magical about watching your kids enjoy something so much!! He was even saying today how much he LOVES Fantasmic. It will definitely be on the itinerary for years to come.

It's definitely a cute ride. I don't know if Arendelle took the place of something because I just don't remember it that well from past trips, but it was a great addition!


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