Tan and rested and alone (Almost!) – An August 2015 Solo TR - UPDATE 11/14 WRAP UP - TR COMPLETE

we entered into the buggy loading area

Maybe put some fly strips up or something.
Who wants bugs getting in your face when you're trying to go on a ride???

It was clear that they’d obviously been having issues that were causing delays but that they hadn’t figured out to stop letting people in so it was like being trapped with no way out. If I was slightly claustrophobic it would not have been a fun situation.

I always wonder about this.
I mean, it's not that complicated of a ride, at least from the doom-buggy aspect, right?
They just go round and round.
I always assumed that whenever the ride stopped like that, it was to let on a wheelchair or disabled person where they had to stop the ride for safety reasons.

And I could be totally wrong.

The ride began normally enough but it didn’t take long for the first ride stop to occur. Apparently it was “playful spooks interrupting our tour” – what can you do when that happens? Eventually we started moving again and managed to make it another 100 feet or so before we were “unavoidably detained by playful spirits”. As we began moving I figured that I could forgive them one more time – they are spirits after all. But it happened again. And again. And again. By the 6th time I was internally screaming to just let us off the stupid ride (I’m pretty sure I didn’t vocalise it but you never know). By the time we picked up our hitchhikers we had stopped at least 8 times! So let’s just say the Haunted Mansion and I were no longer friends after this trip.

Yep. You were right. I don't like you any more.

Just kidding. It would take a lot more than that to make me angry at a pretty young lady.

One thing, though. I love when the ride stops. I take those moments to really look around and try to pick up things that I may have missed before.
The best was when the ride stopped right in front of the dining room. Awesome.

However, one thing the Haunted Mansion does have which is pretty cool is an awesome gift shop – Memento Moris.

And it's smaller cousin Memento Boris.


I made use of the free shipping to your resort and left my memento behind.

Well, no wonder it too so long!
Most people get a memento of their face done! But you had to be different.
I guess that's one photo you won't be posting on the DIS!

I saw the meet and greet location for Merida. There were only two or three people in line so I jumped in. Apparently I’d just missed Merida because it was at least 20 minutes before the line started moving again, and for that 20 minutes we were out in the baking hot sun.

Ugh. That bites.
<20 minutes later> "Hi Merida! Got a towel and a cold drink by any chance?"

But the wait was worth it. Merida was one of the best meets all trip – she was absolutely in character and was super chatty. I definitely recommend leaving time to meet here in your in the Magic Kingdom.

Really! Gee, makes me sorry we passed her by.

After the meet I went up to the kiosks and grabbed my next FP – the next one available that I hadn’t done yet was Enchanted Tales with Belle so I took it and made my way into New Fantasyland. I thought this attraction was ok – I think it’s definitely one aimed at little kids rather than adults – and I’ll probably skip it next time.

I really enjoyed it when I did it.
The mirror is quite something and I was really impressed with the animatronics for Lumiere...
but it's still a Princess meet for the littles at the end of the day.
I too will probably skip it now.

All the spots on the shady side were gone but there was no one on the river side of the path. Yes it was hot, but I bought myself a drink and claimed my spot right against the rope.

Good location, cold drink... good plan.

It turned out to be a great spot to see the parade even if I got a little more tanned than intended (I’ll say tanned even though it was more of a burn).

Burn? What? You mean you don't get lots of sun over on the other side of the pond?


I had a few point at my first visit badge on their way past.

Nice! I've never worn one of those.
They tried... "What are you celebrating?"
"Nothing, really."
"Are you sure? Absolutely sure??"

My favourite float was the Tangled one (hello Flynn Ryder)

Really? Is that what it comes down to?
You have all these wonderful floats, all these colourful characters...
And all you can say is "hello Flynn Ryder"???
I mean, please! You seriously are going to take a wholesome, family enterta...

Hey! Where are the pictures of Ariel?
She's in this parade too, ya know!
What gives????

Unfortunately Woody was unwell so he wasn’t able to make it that afternoon

Nothing worse than an unwell Woody...



but Jessie and I had a great chat and she loved that we shared a name.


So I joined a few hundred of my friends and entered the Hall of Presidents. I don’t know what to say about it other than perhaps you need to be an American to truly appreciate it.

I appreciated the movie, sterilized (of course) but not bad. And I appreciated the very well done animatronics.
But yeah. Definitely no emotional upwelling of pride or anything.

It was about half an hour until I made the front of the line but thankfully it was indoors out of the rain and in the air-conditioning.

Two pluses, right there.

and we had a hilarious interaction involving a discussion of beignets and freddo frogs (Tiana’s clearly been to Australia as she brought them up!).

Or New Zealand... or Ireland... or.... Zimbabwe apparently!

Jungle Cruise is super nostalgic for me as it is the only ride I remember from my very first ever visit to a Disney park which was to Tokyo Disney back in 1990.

And I find it interesting that a ride you went on when you were five had that much of an impact.

Unfortunately our skipper seemed to be going through the motions and on top of that no one seemed to be laughing at any of the bad puns (I chuckled I swear) so it was an underwhelming cruise this time.

Oh, well. Jungle Cruise is really becoming hit or miss, I'm hearing.
Pretty tough to sell it as a "real" jungle cruise (which was the original intent) when you have AK with real animals just down the road.
Maybe put some fly strips up or something.
Who wants bugs getting in your face when you're trying to go on a ride???


I always wonder about this.
I mean, it's not that complicated of a ride, at least from the doom-buggy aspect, right?
They just go round and round.
I always assumed that whenever the ride stopped like that, it was to let on a wheelchair or disabled person where they had to stop the ride for safety reasons.

And I could be totally wrong.

I'm sure that's why they stop for most of the time but it was happening way too often for it to be that and with all the delays in getting on it I'm sure it was something way more sinister....

One thing, though. I love when the ride stops. I take those moments to really look around and try to pick up things that I may have missed before.
The best was when the ride stopped right in front of the dining room. Awesome.

I stopped in front of the dining room. The bride. The graveyard. Pretty much everywhere so you would have been able to see all the little details!

Well, no wonder it too so long!
Most people get a memento of their face done! But you had to be different.
I guess that's one photo you won't be posting on the DIS!

I'd happily post if I could figure out how to take a picture of a moving pic. Maybe I'll put up a video for Halloween?

Really! Gee, makes me sorry we passed her by.

You missed out big time.

Burn? What? You mean you don't get lots of sun over on the other side of the pond?


People do. I don't. Working in a office building for most of the sunlight hours tends to limit your tanning opportunities.

Nice! I've never worn one of those.
They tried... "What are you celebrating?"
"Nothing, really."
"Are you sure? Absolutely sure??"

My next trip will be for my birthday so you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be wearing a birthday badge! And if people fail to recognise the birthday badge there will be hell to pay :mad:

Really? Is that what it comes down to?
You have all these wonderful floats, all these colourful characters...
And all you can say is "hello Flynn Ryder"???
I mean, please! You seriously are going to take a wholesome, family enterta...

Hey! Where are the pictures of Ariel?
She's in this parade too, ya know!
What gives????

What can I say other than girls love a bad boy? I promise to make it up to you at the end of this TR with a whole post of just Ariel pics!

Nothing worse than an unwell Woody...




Oh no I gave away my top secret identify. Well I guess the cat is out of the bag - my name is indeed Mattel Toy.

Or New Zealand... or Ireland... or.... Zimbabwe apparently!

How dare you Sir?!! Freddo Frogs were invented in my home town of Melbourne, Australia. I don't care if they're available elsewhere, Tiana must have got them from the one and only true source :hyper:

And I find it interesting that a ride you went on when you were five had that much of an impact.

5? I think you'll find that I was only three....:sad1:

Oh, well. Jungle Cruise is really becoming hit or miss, I'm hearing.
Pretty tough to sell it as a "real" jungle cruise (which was the original intent) when you have AK with real animals just down the road.

You've put a lot more thought into its decline than I have.
I'm sure that's why they stop for most of the time but it was happening way too often for it to be that and with all the delays in getting on it I'm sure it was something way more sinister....

Sinister? In HM? How.... apropos.

I stopped in front of the dining room. The bride. The graveyard. Pretty much everywhere so you would have been able to see all the little details!

Colour me envious.

I'd happily post if I could figure out how to take a picture of a moving pic. Maybe I'll put up a video for Halloween?


You missed out big time.


People do. I don't. Working in a office building for most of the sunlight hours tends to limit your tanning opportunities.

What? Your boss won't let you install a skylight or sunlamp and let you wear a bikini in the office?
The cad!

My next trip will be for my birthday so you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be wearing a birthday badge! And if people fail to recognise the birthday badge there will be hell to pay :mad:


I promise to make it up to you at the end of this TR with a whole post of just Ariel pics!


Well I guess the cat is out of the bag - my name is indeed Mattel Toy.

I knew it!!!

How dare you Sir?!! Freddo Frogs were invented in my home town of Melbourne, Australia. I don't care if they're available elsewhere, Tiana must have got them from the one and only true source :hyper:

Ah. A thousand pardons Madame. Off to hang my head in shame now...

5? I think you'll find that I was only three....:sad1:

Rats. I was this close to putting 3 then thought I'd just round to an even number.
I find most 18 year olds wish they were 20... and then... freeze there.

I am warning you now that you may never look at me the same way again - but I will put it up ;)

What? Your boss won't let you install a skylight or sunlamp and let you wear a bikini in the office?
The cad!

I know right? You'd think working for the nation's leader would have its perks but unfortunately not.

Ah. A thousand pardons Madame. Off to hang my head in shame now...

I almost gave you the Mushu

But decided against it ;)

Rats. I was this close to putting 3 then thought I'd just round to an even number.
I find most 18 year olds wish they were 20... and then... freeze there.
I am warning you now that you may never look at me the same way again - but I will put it up ;)

How do you know which way I look at you now???


I know right? You'd think working for the nation's leader would have its perks but unfortunately not.

It's been my experience that working for Govt means spending no money at the expense of employees.
I think that's a truism.

I almost gave you the Mushu

Whoa! Dodged a bullet there!
I checked in at the little tollhouse at the end of the bridge to Be Our Guest and then made my way up to the castle. We were held behind the gate until 8am and then had to wait to be called by a server to be taken in. I was lucky enough to be the second person in, but obviously that other person hadn’t pre-ordered as I was through the kiosk section before them and was the first into the dining room. I grabbed some empty ballroom photos and then headed into the West Wing as it was the area that I’d heard most people rave about. The theming in here is pretty spectacular. I’d ordered a cronut which came out relatively quickly and I was through with breakfast by 8:35.

How was the cronut? I have an 8AM ADR there and that looks to be the only thing I might enjoy as I don't eat eggs!
How do you know which way I look at you now???



It's been my experience that working for Govt means spending no money at the expense of employees.
I think that's a truism.

So it's not just an Australian thing then?

How was the cronut? I have an 8AM ADR there and that looks to be the only thing I might enjoy as I don't eat eggs!

It's not bad - it's very sweet so you have to be prepared for the sugar hit (I could only eat half)
Chapter 18.jpg

With my latest FP in my hand I made my back up to New Fantasyland to do a bit of deep sea diving. That’s right – I was heading under the sea. What more can you want from a ride? Give me a giant clam for a vehicle and I’m one happy gal. Seriously though it’s a decent attraction but I was glad to have a FP as there was no way I’d want to line up for more than 5 minutes for it.


I still had time before my dinner ADR so after drying off after my swim I ran off to grab another FP. I wanted something in the area and something I hadn’t ridden yet so Winnie the Pooh it was. This was a useful FP to have as the standby line was 40 minutes – that’s as long as actually fun rides like Splash Mountain! After walking straight on I boarded my honey pot and began the adventure. I love how this ride starts of like classic A.A Milne illustrations and ends up in a hippies LSD dream!

After saying goodbye to Christopher Robin and his pals it was time for dinner. A few weeks prior to my trip I’d managed to score an ADR for dinner at Be Our Guest. If you remember back to earlier in the day you might recall that I may have already eaten at Be Our Guest that day. So yeah, I was going to eat there twice in one day. I was excited for this reservation not only to be able to meet the beast but because everyone had raved about the food. Let’s just say I was sorely disappointed (not by the beast) and you’d struggle to get me back there (if you want more details there’s a full run-down in my dining review).



After the disaster that was dinner I decided to go see what FPs were left for the night. Dumbo popped up on the screen and I grabbed it. Now this was a ride that I had never experienced – not once in any of the other parks. I’d always thought it was just for little kids so I never bothered but thought what the heck let’s try it out. This was really cool to ride at night all lit up – it’s not the most thrilling ride but I get it now and although not a must do every trip I’d ride it again for sure.



By now it was about almost 9pm and I’d been in park since 7:45. I was starting to tire but decided to push through as long as possible. I decided to see if there were any FPs left and there was one that popped up which would be a great thing to do to fill in time before wishes. I made my way back down Main Street and turned left into the Town Square Theatre. I had a date with a talking mouse that I was really looking forward to. I’d read that Mickey can suffer from laryngitis but thankfully he was vocal when I met him. I really loved this experience – being able to talk to a costume character is something you can’t experience anywhere else. I tried to get him to agree to open another park in Australia – he said he’d think about it so at least that’s a start.


As I was leaving Mickey I stumbled upon the Main Street Electrical parade. I only got to watch 5 minutes or so and I was pretty far back but what I saw looked interesting.


Before wishes started I headed off into one of the stores to get a birthday present for a friend – I was getting her the Ariel ears with her name on them. You’d think this would be an easy task but it took the CM three attempts and about 15 minutes to do it.

With the ears safely in my possession I grabbed a spot at the end of Main Street to watch Wishes. It was pretty crowded and it was about to rain which didn’t help with the atmosphere. I watched the first half or so of the show and decided to make my break for it to try and beat the crowds back to the buses.


I left the park and headed back to the Pop bus stop. While waiting for the bus I was able to watch the rest of the fireworks and the bus pulled up pretty much at the same time the show finished.


I jumped on the bus and was back at Pop by 10:30. It was another long day but I met a number of characters, rode all the big attractions and ate in a castle so I’d say it was a success.

Next - It's time to evacuate...
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With my latest FP in my hand I made my back up to New Fantasyland to do a bit of deep sea diving.

You have to go to Epcot for that.
And I believe the name's been changed again. It's KNF now, I think.
(Kinda New Fantasyland)

Give me a giant clam for a vehicle and I’m one happy gal.

:laughing: You're weird! Must be why I like you so much.

Seriously though it’s a decent attraction but I was glad to have a FP as there was no way I’d want to line up for more than 5 minutes for it.

I get that. I do.
And yet... I can't help but think of the time and expense that must've gone into making it.

I wanted something in the area and something I hadn’t ridden yet so Winnie the Pooh it was. This was a useful FP to have as the standby line was 40 minutes

I rode Pooh on my solo trip... because the wait was zero.
Don't know if I'd even wait long enough to FP it.

that’s as long as actually fun rides like Splash Mountain!

Ridiculous, right?
But then... I guess that's why they build Under the Sea. For the littles who can't (or won't) ride scarier rides.

I love how this ride starts of like classic A.A Milne illustrations and ends up in a hippies LSD dream!

:laughing: I may never look at this ride the same way again!

If you remember back to earlier in the day you might recall that I may have already eaten at Be Our Guest that day. So yeah, I was going to eat there twice in one day.

Why, yes. I do recall.

Let’s just say I was sorely disappointed (not by the beast) and you’d struggle to get me back there (if you want more details there’s a full run-down in my dining review).

Really! What a disappointment!
I don't read dining reviews (just no time!) but I popped over to see what you had to say about it.

Wow. That's just.... bad.
I wish you had tried the lunch instead... for a few reasons.
1. Pre-order. No worrying about lousy wait staff. Simply pick a spot you like and your food just shows up a few minutes later.
2. The Braised Pork was very tasty (I've also heard good things about the Tuna Nicoise Salad).
3. For dessert, instead of getting a trough of grey stuff, you get a nice cupcake with grey stuff on top.
While I agree that the grey stuff is just sugary icing, it works on a cupcake. But I for sure don't want just that... or more of it. Who needs a diabetic coma while trying to enjoy Disney?

Dumbo popped up on the screen and I grabbed it.

:laughing: Of course you did!

Now this was a ride that I had never experienced – not once in any of the other parks.

Well, then it makes sense.
Gotta go on it at least once.

This was really cool to ride at night all lit up – it’s not the most thrilling ride but I get it now and although not a must do every trip I’d ride it again for sure.

I have very fond memories of DW and I taking the girls on it.
But I haven't been since.
I would however, like to try it at night... and take long exposure pics, too.

I was starting to tire but decided to push through as long as possible.

Get going! You've got touring to do!

I’d read that Mickey can suffer from laryngitis but thankfully he was vocal when I met him.

Haven't done this yet. Might never, considering I tend to not do character visits.

I really loved this experience – being able to talk to a costume character is something you can’t experience anywhere else. I tried to get him to agree to open another park in Australia – he said he’d think about it so at least that’s a start.

I don't really need another reason to visit Oz, you know.
Actually, if we did, Disney would probably be the last thing on my mind.

As I was leaving Mickey I stumbled upon the Main Street Electrical parade.

Did you scrape your knee? Or did you catch yourself?

I was getting her the Ariel ears with her name on them. You’d think this would be an easy task but it took the CM three attempts and about 15 minutes to do it.

Why? Couldn't find the right ears? Spelling issues?

While waiting for the bus I was able to watch the rest of the fireworks and the bus pulled up pretty much at the same time the show finished.

Good timing.
Although you may be the first person in recorded history to walk out half way through Wishes.

It was another long day but I met a number of characters, rode all the big attractions and ate in a castle so I’d say it was a success.

With the exception of BOG dinner, I think so too!
You have to go to Epcot for that.
And I believe the name's been changed again. It's KNF now, I think.
(Kinda New Fantasyland)

I like it - have you let Disney know of the name change?

:laughing: You're weird! Must be why I like you so much.

It's nice to have the weirdness appreciated every one and awhile.

:laughing: I may never look at this ride the same way again!

Glad I could help.

Really! What a disappointment!
I don't read dining reviews (just no time!) but I popped over to see what you had to say about it.

Wow. That's just.... bad.
I wish you had tried the lunch instead... for a few reasons.
1. Pre-order. No worrying about lousy wait staff. Simply pick a spot you like and your food just shows up a few minutes later.
2. The Braised Pork was very tasty (I've also heard good things about the Tuna Nicoise Salad).
3. For dessert, instead of getting a trough of grey stuff, you get a nice cupcake with grey stuff on top.
While I agree that the grey stuff is just sugary icing, it works on a cupcake. But I for sure don't want just that... or more of it. Who needs a diabetic coma while trying to enjoy Disney?

I almost regretted giving up my BoG lunch later in the week but ended up with something even better

I don't really need another reason to visit Oz, you know.
Actually, if we did, Disney would probably be the last thing on my mind.

But think of the joy it would bring us locals. I could be an Annual Passholder and go every weekend!

Why? Couldn't find the right ears? Spelling issues?

Material issues. Apparently the Ariel hat is too thick and it jammed the embroidery machine twice before she managed to get it work on the third time.

Good timing.
Although you may be the first person in recorded history to walk out half way through Wishes.

Yes! Do they offer a Guinness world record for it?
Day 5 Wrap Up
Parks visited: 1
FPs used: 10
Favourite Ride: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Favourite Show: Festival of Fantasy Parade
Characters met: 6
Steps taken: 21,266
Miles/Kilometres walked: 16.34km
Calories burned: 2,298
Calories consumed: 2,159
I like it - have you let Disney know of the name change?

Oh, they know. They just refuse to admit it.

I almost regretted giving up my BoG lunch later in the week but ended up with something even better

Oh? I's curious.

But think of the joy it would bring us locals. I could be an Annual Passholder and go every weekend!

Oh, by all means. Get one. I just may not visit it myself.

Material issues. Apparently the Ariel hat is too thick and it jammed the embroidery machine twice before she managed to get it work on the third time.


Yes! Do they offer a Guinness world record for it?

Yep. Give 'em a call.
Following along, I've enjoyed reading your report! I'm jealous that you've now been to all the world wide parks. I'm only missing HK Disneyland and Disneyland Paris, but I hope to cross them off soon. The Tokyo parks are my favorite :love:

After Illuminations I headed back into Future World. I went to see what the wait time for Soarin was (70 mins - no thanks) so I headed onto the no wait ride Living with the Land instead. This was interesting and I think I would definitely do the Behind the Seeds tour next time I’m there.

We did the Behind the Seeds tour a few years back and definitely recommend it. Plus it's relatively inexpensive!


Swoon, love!

Pop! That was me bursting through the Disney bubble for the weekend. I was about to spend two days at the dark side exploring Universal. It was another early start (I believe the latest I slept in all week was 7am!). I got up and got dressed and then placed my order for an Uber. By the time I walked from my room to the main building the Uber was just pulling up. We were on our way at 7:30 and 26 minutes later we were pulling up to Citywalk.

Any thoughts/tips on using Uber to get to/from Universal? I'm hoping it will be a smooth process, that's how I'm getting to Universal on my trip in a few weeks.

I then walked on to Forbidden Journey (+1 to Universal for having so many single rider lines). This was a cool ride but nothing like I actually expected. I did miss touring Hogwarts by going single rider but by 9:40 the stand by line was 75 minutes and with so little time in the parks I decided I’d rather experience as many attractions as possible than stand in lines (even if the theming is amazing!).

This doesn't help you now, but I know they've had a queue that walks you through Hogwarts if you didn't want to ride. I've done this queue if I've wanted to see the castle again, then hopped into the single rider queue.

Still in need of more indoor time I walked up to the nearest attraction, which happened to be E.Ts adventure. Unfortunately the stand-by time was over 40 minutes (which seemed excessive to me for that sort of ride) so I continued on and found my next escape – the Universal Horror Make-Up Show. Now this was actually really entertaining. The actors were great – the person playing Mark was hilarious – and the show, while cheesy, was thoroughly enjoyable. In fact, I think it would make my list of almost must dos if I ever get back there.

Every time I go to Universal I always intend to see this show but I never do! The timing never falls right for me. Making it a priority next trip!

Can’t say I’d ever waste an FP on Test Track

I usually travel solo as well, so I just use singler rider at Test Track and save my FP for Soarin.

So I joined a few hundred of my friends and entered the Hall of Presidents. I don’t know what to say about it other than perhaps you need to be an American to truly appreciate it.

My favorite nap spot in the Magic Kingdom :thumbsup2

Thanks for sharing!
All caught up! I'm loving your solo trip report! It looks like you're having an amazing time. I wish I could comment more specifically, but I'm just starting too far behind. I'll do better going forward. :goodvibes
Following along, I've enjoyed reading your report! I'm jealous that you've now been to all the world wide parks. I'm only missing HK Disneyland and Disneyland Paris, but I hope to cross them off soon. The Tokyo parks are my favorite :love:

Any thoughts/tips on using Uber to get to/from Universal? I'm hoping it will be a smooth process, that's how I'm getting to Universal on my trip in a few weeks.

This doesn't help you now, but I know they've had a queue that walks you through Hogwarts if you didn't want to ride. I've done this queue if I've wanted to see the castle again, then hopped into the single rider queue.

Every time I go to Universal I always intend to see this show but I never do! The timing never falls right for me. Making it a priority next trip!

I usually travel solo as well, so I just use singler rider at Test Track and save my FP for Soarin.

My favorite nap spot in the Magic Kingdom :thumbsup2

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for joining - I always appreciate the effort people make reading trip reports. It makes all the time thinking about what to write worth it :goodvibes

For the Uber I don't really have any tips. I used them four times total (back and forth to Universal from Pop Century on two days). I put in a request and waited no more than 10 minutes for one. If you do some searching try and find a discount code - I ended up getting my first trip free which was a nice way to save some money. Actually I do have one tip - when requesting your uber put in Citywalk as your destination as if you request/tell the driver to go to universal google maps takes them to the staff entrance at the rear of the park whereas if you put in Citywalk you end up in the right spot (the main entrance).

Hope you have a great trip.

All caught up! I'm loving your solo trip report! It looks like you're having an amazing time. I wish I could comment more specifically, but I'm just starting too far behind. I'll do better going forward. :goodvibes

Thanks for joining in - there's still two fulls days left to go in this report!
Chapter 19.jpg

And the streak continues. That’s right – for the 6th day in a row I was going to do rope drop but this time it would be at the one park I’d yet to experience – Hollywood Studios. I was exhausted but I was going to keep this train on rolling. HS was due to open at 9am so I was on a bus just after 8am to try and beat the crowds. I arrived at HS at 8:25 and joined the long queues that were already at the entrance turnstiles. I of course picked the slow moving line again but thankfully it didn’t actually hold me back as there was an internal rope drop to wait behind once you made it through the gates.




I positioned myself next to the Starbucks so I could make a break for Rock’N’Roller Coaster as soon as the rope dropped. At 8:50 we were let in so I made my way through the stampede down towards the ride. We were held outside the ride until 8:55 and there was probably 20 or so people in front of me. After the pre-show (hi Steve!) we walked on to the ride (and thanks to standing at the back in the pre-show I actually ended up being among the first to board!) and then we were off. I really enjoyed this ride – it’s what Space Mountain should be like in terms of a dark roller coaster!


After farewelling Aerosmith it was only 9:08 and my first FP window was open until 10:10 so I decided to see what else I could ride in the meantime. The line for Tower of Terror was already 45 minutes and I had an FP for later so I headed back into the centre of the park to ride the Great Movie Ride. After spending a good 15 minutes or so inside watching the history of sci-fi movies we were suddenly informed that the ride was being evacuated and were kicked out of the building. I’m glad I wasn’t on the ride when it was evacuated but it was still annoying having waited and then to get nothing out of it.

After that debacle I decided to head off to my first FP – Star Tours. This had been one of my favourite rides in Disneyland and Paris Disneyland so I was looking forwarded to riding it again. And yes I didn’t end up needing a FP for it. The stand by time when I got there was 5 minutes so I rode it first as a walk on and then again using my FP. I tried my hardest to be the rebel spy but unfortunately I mustn’t look spy-ish enough as I never got picked :sad2:. At least I got two different scenarios when I went through – one in Hoth and one in Jar Jar Binks land.


My next FP was for Toy Story Midway Mania so I made my way around to Pixar Place. Now this is a ride you definitely want a FP for – at 10 in the morning the stand by line was already 100 minutes. I had experienced this one before at Disney California Adventure but can’t recall how I did that time. This time I only made it to the bunny rabbit score range but with the stand-by line so long I wasn’t able to try and beat that score :sad:.

I had time to fill in before my next FP so I decided to check out the Muppets as there was obviously no wait time for that. The Muppets are great even if the show itself is dated. Plus any chance to see Statler and Waldof must be taken :thumbsup2.

I then trekked all the way back across the park towards the Tower of Terror. This is a ride I’ve never done and I’ve never done anything else like it either. I wasn’t sure what to expect – I don’t mind dropping rides but had read that this one freaks people out so I was a little apprehensive. I made my way past all those poor people in the stand by line (70 minute wait) and straight into the pre-show room. After explaining to the person next to me that she was in the completely wrong park to see the pictures stretch and the room expand :-)rolleyes1) we made our way to the boarding area and onto our elevator. I thought the ride was pretty cool – the views are pretty awesome – but it wasn’t as terrifying as the name might suggest.


I stopped off at the FP kiosk outside Tower of Terror to grab my fourth FP. Of course there were none left for TSMM so I couldn’t attempt to beat my score. I saw that Great Movie Ride was available and thought having an FP might make up for the time I’d already waited earlier that morning. The stand by line was 30 minutes so it was useful to have even if I hadn’t already waited. What can I say about the great movie ride? Nothing I’m afraid. Not because I didn’t ride it but more for the fact that if you’ve got nothing nice to stay don’t say anything. And I think I’ll leave it at that other than to say it is not on my to do list if I go back to HS. I did stop at an FP kiosk to grab one more for later in the afternoon on the way out though.


It was then time to leave the park for my lunch at one of the nearby resorts. It was 12 and my ADR was for 12:30 so my plan was to walk over along the edges of the waterway. But it was hot and as luck would have it a boat was just about to leave so I ran down and boarded that instead. It meant that I could cross another form of Disney transport off my list even if it did take as long as it would have to walk. I disembarked the boat at the Beach Club resort and then spent the next 5 minutes ridiculously lost trying to follow the directions in MDE. After eventually being pointed in the right direction I checked in at Beaches and Cream.

I knew what I was going to get here months in advance and sat down to wait for it to arrive. Here it is – the No Way Jose Sundae. The perfect ice-cream sundae flavour combination of peanut butter and chocolate. This thing was massive and could easily have fed a family of four. It was delicious and was one of the Disney dishes that actually lived up to the hype!


After eating as much as humanly possible I decided that even with the heat I was going to walk back to try and burn off some of the 1,000+ calories I’d just eaten. It’s actually an enjoyable walk and I got to see things I wouldn’t have otherwise like the boardwalk.


I made it back to HS by 2pm and headed back on in for some afternoon fun.

Next – I thought you were tougher than that.....
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Actually I do have one tip - when requesting your uber put in Citywalk as your destination as if you request/tell the driver to go to universal google maps takes them to the staff entrance at the rear of the park whereas if you put in Citywalk you end up in the right spot (the main entrance).

This is exactly what I was looking for ... thank you!!

The Muppets are great even if the show itself is dated. Plus any chance to see Statler and Waldof must be taken :thumbsup2

Love the Muppets and Statler and Waldorf. "What are you guys doing here?" "We entered a contest!" "Yeah, we lost!" :rotfl2::rotfl2:
I was exhausted but I was going to keep this train on rolling.

Commando tour or die trying!!

I arrived at HS at 8:25 and joined the long queues that were already at the entrance turnstiles.

Already, huh?
Looks like we're going to have to get there 45-60 minutes early now...

That is a lot for 8:25am!

Well I'm glad someone was smart enought to take a picture of Hollywood Blvd sans Chapeau.


I suck.

I positioned myself next to the Starbucks so I could make a break for Rock’N’Roller Coaster as soon as the rope dropped.

I had to Google where that was.
Shows up as Trolley Car Cafe on the map.
But at least now I know where you were.

You know... for stalking purposes.

We were held outside the ride until 8:55 and there was probably 20 or so people in front of me.

Not bad... not bad...

(and thanks to standing at the back in the pre-show I actually ended up being among the first to board!)

Nice move!

I really enjoyed this ride – it’s what Space Mountain should be like in terms of a dark roller coaster!

Wow. No one's ever said that before, that I can recall...

and you are so right!

I wonder how hard it would be to rip out the crazy mouse and put in a decent coaster?

The line for Tower of Terror was already 45 minutes

That didn't take long!

After spending a good 15 minutes or so inside watching the history of sci-fi movies

History of sci-fi? Wasn't it the history of all genres?
Seems to me when I go I usually see more Western stuff.

we were suddenly informed that the ride was being evacuated and were kicked out of the building. I’m glad I wasn’t on the ride when it was evacuated but it was still annoying having waited and then to get nothing out of it.

Oh, poop.
Probably someone freaking out because the animatronics look so little like the people they're supposed to be.

And yes I didn’t end up needing a FP for it. The stand by time when I got there was 5 minutes

::yes:: That's been my experience.
Mind you I usually hit it later at night.

so I rode it first as a walk on and then again using my FP.

I think we did the same. Might have flipped it around, though.

I tried my hardest to be the rebel spy but unfortunately I mustn’t look spy-ish enough as I never got picked :sad2:.

Next time wear an eye-patch. Or draw a scary scar.

at 10 in the morning the stand by line was already 100 minutes.

I know this happens. I know it.
But it still blows me away when I see that.

Every time.

The Muppets are great even if the show itself is dated. Plus any chance to see Statler and Waldof must be taken :thumbsup2.


I made my way past all those poor people in the stand by line

Mwahahahaha! Fools!

Too much?

After explaining to the person next to me that she was in the completely wrong park to see the pictures stretch and the room expand :-)rolleyes1)

Whoops! :rolleyes:

I thought the ride was pretty cool – the views are pretty awesome – but it wasn’t as terrifying as the name might suggest.

But the theming is terrific.
Every time I ride it, I seem to notice something new.

What can I say about the great movie ride? Nothing I’m afraid.

Oh dear.
But... <sigh> ... yeah.
I think I like the preshow and the end show with all the clips better than the rest of it.

Please Disney. Update your animatronics!

And I think I’ll leave it at that other than to say it is not on my to do list if I go back to HS.

Okay. Check. No more GMR for you.

I did stop at an FP kiosk to grab one more for later in the afternoon on the way out though.

:lmao: Unless of course you get a FP for it! :rotfl:

But it was hot and as luck would have it a boat was just about to leave so I ran down and boarded that instead.

Good timing!

It meant that I could cross another form of Disney transport off my list even if it did take as long as it would have to walk.

Really? Was it that slow?

After eventually being pointed in the right direction I checked in at Beaches and Cream.


Here it is – the No Way Jose Sundae.

Wow. That looks good!

After eating as much as humanly possible

Fess up. You polished off the whole thing, didn't you.

I decided that even with the heat I was going to walk back to try and burn off some of the 1,000+ calories I’d just eaten.

I think you'd have to walk an awful lot to burn that puppy off!

Next – I thought you were tougher than that.....

Uh, oh. This does not bode well for our heroine.
This is exactly what I was looking for ... thank you!!

No worries - hopefully Ubers work as well for you as they did for me!

Commando tour or die trying!!

If you don't almost die from exhaustion on vacation have you really vacationed properly?

Already, huh?
Looks like we're going to have to get there 45-60 minutes early now...

That is a lot for 8:25am!

I'm hoping it was just peak August crowds and it's not usually that bad :(

Well I'm glad someone was smart enought to take a picture of Hollywood Blvd sans Chapeau.


I suck.

Well I've never taken one with a giant hat in so I guess were even.

I had to Google where that was.
Shows up as Trolley Car Cafe on the map.
But at least now I know where you were.

You know... for stalking purposes.

You know where I was....

Wow. No one's ever said that before, that I can recall...

and you are so right!

I wonder how hard it would be to rip out the crazy mouse and put in a decent coaster?

I'm a theme park design genius - you're just the first to recognise it.

History of sci-fi? Wasn't it the history of all genres?
Seems to me when I go I usually see more Western stuff.

I think it loops through different themes - I only saw the sci-fi and it was the same both times I tried to go through the line.

Oh, poop.
Probably someone freaking out because the animatronics look so little like the people they're supposed to be.

Next time wear an eye-patch. Or draw a scary scar.

I might have to as scowling menacingly didn't work.

Mwahahahaha! Fools!

Too much?

Not enough.

:lmao: Unless of course you get a FP for it! :rotfl:

I clearly wasn't clear enough - it was definitely not another FP for GMR - it's for something completely different :blush:

Really? Was it that slow?

It was. All the stops don't help with the speediness.

Fess up. You polished off the whole thing, didn't you.

No I swear - see??


Uh, oh. This does not bode well for our heroine.

For once I'm not referring to myself here. It's someone far more heroic than I :rolleyes1


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