You're mad, bonkers, off your head for reading this 6/2015 PTR!!! Updated 6/5!

Those outfits are are so creative!!! I love the idea of Disneybounding....but I'm lazy and will probably end up just getting a few Disney themed shirts and calling it a day...but it sure is fun to think about!! And you ARE really lucky the whole family is into it!!

Thanks Kathy! Disney themed shirts are still fun! Most of my outfits came right out my dresser and closet! I only picked up a few things.

Boy oh boy do I understand that! Somehow I have screwed up my links list here and cannot get them all the same font or same color! grr. lol. *sigh* Oh well, we're learning right! ;)

Right?!? I'm still not sure if I do half of the things right on here....guess we'll learn as we go!
We'll be at CBR the same time you are. It'll be our first time at CBR as well, and we're getting really excited. If the USPS website is correct, our MagicBands will be waiting for me when I get home today :)

The DisneyBounding concept is pretty cool! I'll let me wife know about it, and maybe we'll have our daughter incorporate it in.

Can you believe we're under a month away? It seemed like yesterday that we were still 100 days out.
It's going to be June AKA Hot and Humid, so cool and comfortable were our main concerns!
Holly you have that Disneybounding thing down can't wait to see the pics and read your TR! :thumbsup2
The DisneyBounding concept is pretty cool! I'll let me wife know about it, and maybe we'll have our daughter incorporate it in.
Hi Nilla :wave2: there is a thread on the DIS for Disneybounding and a couple more resources for your daughter... and
We'll be at CBR the same time you are. It'll be our first time at CBR as well, and we're getting really excited. If the USPS website is correct, our MagicBands will be waiting for me when I get home today :)

The DisneyBounding concept is pretty cool! I'll let me wife know about it, and maybe we'll have our daughter incorporate it in.

Can you believe we're under a month away? It seemed like yesterday that we were still 100 days out.

Hi! Thanks for joining in! Oh my goodness, so excited. CBR looks so beautiful and relaxing!
Yay for MBs!!! Are you planning on decorating them? I had planned to do ours but now I don't know if I'm going to have time, guess we shall see!
I had already started making Disney themed shirts for the whole family before I discovered Disneybounding, now we've completely changed our wardrobe for our trip. LOL
We didn't book until 86 days out so not as long of a wait as some, but I don't think I can wait another 3 weeks!!! Seems so close yet so far away! Maybe we'll see you out and about! Have a great trip!!!
Hi! Thanks for joining in! Oh my goodness, so excited. CBR looks so beautiful and relaxing!
Yay for MBs!!! Are you planning on decorating them? I had planned to do ours but now I don't know if I'm going to have time, guess we shall see!
I had already started making Disney themed shirts for the whole family before I discovered Disneybounding, now we've completely changed our wardrobe for our trip. LOL
We didn't book until 86 days out so not as long of a wait as some, but I don't think I can wait another 3 weeks!!! Seems so close yet so far away! Maybe we'll see you out and about! Have a great trip!!!

Our daughter has jibitz (or whatever they call those things you can stick in the MB band holes) for hers, but we don't do anything beyond that. Some of the designs I've seen look really cool, though. I'm too lazy to do that :)

We're CSR homers, so going to a different resort from where we were the last 5 years will be an adjustment. Everything I'm reading and seeing about CBR looks amazing, though. It's starting to become "real", and we're now saying things like, "in four weeks from right now, we'll be watching Fantasmic!"

We're pretty hard to miss. Just look for the girl with the big Castle tattoo on her left shoulder at the pool, and the guy with the big Haunted Mansion tattoo on his right shoulder :)
Our daughter has jibitz (or whatever they call those things you can stick in the MB band holes) for hers, but we don't do anything beyond that. Some of the designs I've seen look really cool, though. I'm too lazy to do that :)

We're CSR homers, so going to a different resort from where we were the last 5 years will be an adjustment. Everything I'm reading and seeing about CBR looks amazing, though. It's starting to become "real", and we're now saying things like, "in four weeks from right now, we'll be watching Fantasmic!"

We're pretty hard to miss. Just look for the girl with the big Castle tattoo on her left shoulder at the pool, and the guy with the big Haunted Mansion tattoo on his right shoulder :)

Yeah, we're saying some of those same things. I'm actually feeling the "let's get the house cleaned, laundry done, and bags packed" pressure. :rotfl:

We're pretty hard to miss too, just look for the girl with the lotus and koi tattoo on one arm and a green arrow on the other and a guy with well too many tattoos to name on his arms. :wave2:

Love that ya'll have Disney tattoos!!!
17 days out! Getting closer and closer! :jumping1:

The last couple of days have been kind of rough around here, so the planning and getting ready has come to a stand still. :( Friday DH and I had the day off together so we hit the outlets to do a little shopping and had lunch together, then once the kiddos got home we cleaned up the house a bit while we listened to Disney music, then we all kind of hung out outside with some of the neighbors and watched the kids play. When we came in for the night we decided to play Beat the Parents. It's a game where parents play against their kids to see who has more Disney knowledge! Yeah, the kids beat us....this time....LOL

Saturday I had to work during the day and after work we all had dinner and then watched Into the Woods together. None of us had seen it before and honestly I don't think any of us were really impressed. :sad2:

Sunday the DH and I both had to work during the day and when I got home from work DD8 was saying that she had a belly ache. She didn't have a fever and said nothing else hurt so I sent her up to her room and told her to relax on her bed and watch TV until dinner. I ordered Chinese take out and got Sweet and Sour Chicken with white rice, her usual when we get Chinese. She said she was feeling a little better after dinner so she and DD14 headed up to take showers and get ready for bed. After the girls headed to bed DH and I stayed up a little while, he headed up to bed and I stayed up a bit longer. About 2:45 am, DD14 is waking my up saying that DD8 is sick... Poor little thing got sick in her bed....and on the floor....and in the bathroom. So, here I was, up until at least 5:00 am doing laundry, scrubbing floors, steam cleaning carpets, and Lysoling EVERYTHING!

She stayed home from school Monday, so I shut off my alarm. Well, alarms...I was so tired I accidentally turned off the alarm for DD14 (her alarm hasn't been working right). She woke up 15 minutes before she had to be at school! UGH!! Boy, was she mad at me! :guilty: DD8 and I slept in and just kind of hung out in our PJ's most of the day until I had to get ready for work that evening. She said she had felt better and had been eating normally all day so when DH got home he took them to the pool for a quick dip before dinner. When I got home from work that night the kiddos were in bed and DH was heading to bed too. We stayed up and talked for a few, then I headed down to get something to eat and let DH get some sleep. I was WIDE AWAKE!!! I think I finally fell asleep about 3 am and had to be back up at 7:00. I had a service unit meeting for Girl Scouts at 8:15 am. I didn't make it til about 8:20 because I was having a hard time getting going, then I made it through about 15 minutes of the meeting before I started feeling sick and had to leave. :headache: I came home and went back to sleep until about 1:30 pm. I still had a bit of a headache, but have been feeling ever since. I think my sleep schedule (and lack there of) just got to me. IDK.

Like I told DH, better now then when we're at Disney!!!!party:
Friday DH and I had the day off together so we hit the outlets to do a little shopping and had lunch together
That part sounds like it was pretty nice. :)
When we came in for the night we decided to play Beat the Parents. It's a game where parents play against their kids to see who has more Disney knowledge! Yeah, the kids beat us....this time....LOL
I'll have to look that one up- sounds neat!
watched Into the Woods together. None of us had seen it before and honestly I don't think any of us were really impressed. :sad2:
Bummer. Sorry to hear you guys didn't like it. My daughter and I went to see it and the Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies on the same day, was great fun!
Poor little thing got sick in her bed....and on the floor....and in the bathroom. So, here I was, up until at least 5:00 am doing laundry, scrubbing floors, steam cleaning carpets, and Lysoling EVERYTHING!
Poor kid :( so sucky when that happens.
I was WIDE AWAKE!!! I think I finally fell asleep about 3 am and had to be back up at 7:00.
This happens to me as well, totally understand.
I came home and went back to sleep until about 1:30 pm. I still had a bit of a headache, but have been feeling ever since.
Glad you were able to get at least some rest. Is the headache better?
Like I told DH, better now then when we're at Disney!!!!party:
Indeed!!! Hope the whole family is well and happy! :genie:
That part sounds like it was pretty nice. :)

I'll have to look that one up- sounds neat!
It's fun, the kids get a kick out of it for sure, especially when they win! LOL
Bummer. Sorry to hear you guys didn't like it. My daughter and I went to see it and the Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies on the same day, was great fun!
We knew it was a musical, but I think it was a bit too much for a bit too long. IDK?
Poor kid :( so sucky when that happens.
Yep, she's better now though! I'm honestly thinking it was something she ate that upset her stomach. She didn't get sick again after that.
This happens to me as well, totally understand.
Seems like one bad night has me out of whack for days!
Glad you were able to get at least some rest. Is the headache better?
Actually, I still have the headache, though it's not as bad as yesterday.
Indeed!!! Hope the whole family is well and happy! :genie:
Ugh...sorry about the sickies hitting your DD...but like you said..would much rather that happen at home. Hope this week is better and you can get back to thinking about Disney!
Seriously?!?!?!??? Why can't I get this quote thing down??? LOL :crazy:
Because it is very confusing at first! I'll post what @pkondz wrote for someone and then shared with me... by the way I like the 3rd method best! :D
"1. Click the <Reply> button.
This immediately takes you to the reply window with the entire message copied and ready to be commented on.

Type away then click the <Post Reply> button when you're done.

2. Click the <+Quote> button.
A window will open up briefly with the following message:
"Message added to multi-quote"
You can keep doing that for as many messages that you want to reply to.
If you add one by mistake, you can always remove it by clicking the same button.
It will have changed to <-Quote>
When you're ready to reply, go to the reply window where you'll have a new button that has shown up.
Click the <Insert Quotes...> button and a new window will open and you can click <Quote These Messages> and all the messages will be put in the reply window.
Or you can individually remove any you don't want.
Just remember that the entire message will show up in the reply window (although it will appear in a condensed version with <click to expand> when posted.)

3. This is the easiest one.
Using your mouse, simply highlight the word, sentence, paragraph, picture or whatever you want.
A small bubble will open up below the highlighted section with <+Quote | Reply>.
If you only want to reply to this one highlighted section, click <Reply> and it'll pop into the reply window.
If you want to comment on other things, just keep highlighting and keep clicking <+Quote> instead and when you're ready to go, go to the reply window where you'll have a new button that has shown up.
Click the <Insert Quotes...> button and a new window will open and you can click <Quote These Messages> and all the messages will be put in the reply window.

Long winded response, but it's step by step.
Once you've done it a couple of times, you'll see that it's really easy.

Good luck!"
Hey all! I'm Holly, I'm married to the love of my life and we have 2 lovely daughters, ages 8 and 14.

Very nice photo of you all.

These are only 2 of the 10+ I've been working the shirt for $2.00 a piece on clearance!!!:woohoo:

What are you using to make the shirts?
I got an iron on for colours and it was a complete waste.

and a few surprises for the DH for Father's day! Hope he doesn't catch me on this thread and read along! LOL

Even if he does. He'll still act surprised.
That's what we do.


Yay for finding something to get her interest back into our family trip!!!


Who doesn't love shopping right?!

pkondz does not love shopping.
pkondz does have a tendency to refer to himself in the third person.
pkondz may have a problem with tenses.

Saturday I had to work during the day and after work we all had dinner and then watched Into the Woods together. None of us had seen it before and honestly I don't think any of us were really impressed. :sad2:

I really hated the way they advertised it.
No real warning that it was a musical.
DD14 and DW went to see it and they were both, meh.

About 2:45 am, DD14 is waking my up saying that DD8 is sick... Poor little thing got sick in her bed....and on the floor....and in the bathroom. So, here I was, up until at least 5:00 am doing laundry, scrubbing floors, steam cleaning carpets, and Lysoling EVERYTHING!

Oh dear.
We've all (parents) been there.
Not fun.

Like I told DH, better now then when we're at Disney!!!!

Feeling okay now?
Because it is very confusing at first! I'll post what @pkondz wrote for someone and then shared with me... by the way I like the 3rd method best! :D

Wow, thanks! And here I was quoting the entire thing, removing the parts I didn't want to quote, and manually inserting the starting and ending QUOTE tags! Never realized you just select individual text to quote.
Wow, thanks! And here I was quoting the entire thing, removing the parts I didn't want to quote, and manually inserting the starting and ending QUOTE tags! Never realized you just select individual text to quote.
He totally saved my bu--err...tail ;) with that one! Happy it helped you as well Nilla! :D
Using your mouse, simply highlight the word, sentence, paragraph, picture or whatever you want.
A small bubble will open up below the highlighted section with <+Quote | Reply>.
If you only want to reply to this one highlighted section, click <Reply> and it'll pop into the reply window.
If you want to comment on other things, just keep highlighting and keep clicking <+Quote> instead and when you're ready to go, go to the reply window where you'll have a new button that has shown up.
Click the <Insert Quotes...> button and a new window will open and you can click <Quote These Messages> and all the messages will be put in the reply window.

Thank you!!! LOL This quote thing was giving me a headache!
Very nice photo of you all.
Thank you! It was from my best friends wedding.

What are you using to make the shirts?
I got an iron on for colours and it was a complete waste.
I used freezer paper to make an iron on stencil and fabric paint. Pinterest is a wonderful site!

Even if he does. He'll still act surprised.
That's what we do.

I don't think he's found the DIS so hopefully he won't see it! LOL

pkondz does not love shopping.
pkondz does have a tendency to refer to himself in the third person.
pkondz may have a problem with tenses.
Shopping to me = retail therapy...though I don't enjoy shopping with certain people...I'm not a "browser", I like to get what I'm looking for and get out!

I really hated the way they advertised it.
No real warning that it was a musical.
DD14 and DW went to see it and they were both, meh.
We knew it was a musical from the get go, and we usually like musicals, but all the songs sounded the same to me. Yes, MEH!
Oh dear.
We've all (parents) been there.
Not fun.
Yes, not the first time, definitely not the last, but still not a fun time for sure!

Feeling okay now?
Yes, all better now, thank you!


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