Biscuit's Grand Adventure 2 - Adventures in Opposite - 12/3 Another Update!

What an awesome trip report! I'm really enjoying reading it and love your writing style! It reads almost like an episodic caper, which I adore. Can't wait for more. Thanks so much for sharing! :goodvibes
Howdy, Thanks, and :welcome:!

Glad you stopped by! I shall endeavor to be caper-worthy!

I feel your pain, we are THAT family as well. However once bitten by the EMH bug, I have found that the kids get it and are far easier to wake up the next round. IF and when there is one.
Tahlia is now a believer.

You are seriously implying you aren't at that level?

Glenn (and I, truth be told) resemble that remark.

why last attempt? Gorgeous!
Thanks...I was just never still long enough after that. It takes a fair amount of changes to the camera settings and a stable surface.

I had a morning like that with the E's once. It still is my favorite park experience.
I just started singing Remember The Magic. Okay I didn't, but I heard it in my head.

And smiled.
"I finally got it altogether but I forgot where I put it." Thus read a T-shirt my dad used to wear years ago when I was a kid.

The saying applies perfectly to the forthcoming episode. At some point I had it all typed up, but for the life of me I cannot find it anywhere.

I'm currently working to get it redone and dropped by to answer the replies on my thread. I was quite surprised by the new look of the boards but I do think they are improvement. One thing I am noticing though is that apostrophes, quotation marks, and some spacing was lost in translation when the data migrated over from vBulletin. I'm going back through episodes now and correcting things that are now showing in a funky manner, and hopefully will have an update here in the next day or so.

I also seem to have misplaced my biscuit picture so I guess a new Avatar is in order.
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Previously on Biscuits Grand Adventure II, ferryboats were boarded, wait times reported, and a honeypot was ridden with glee.

Our journey to the Hundred Acre Wood being wholly complete, Tahli and I headed back into the morning frenzy of Fantasyland. The line for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train had actually grown during our brief absence, ensuring that even more park guests would be funneled away from the other attractions to which we were headed.

Once we made it past the end of the queue overflow, the area beyond was virtually deserted. Rounding the corner, we pressed on towards Under the Sea: Journey of the Little Mermaid.




This was another new one for us, and Touring Plans seemed to think hitting it early was a nifty thing to do. Trusting in their knowledge, we began winding our way through the queue, which we discovered to be completely empty.

Casually strolling through the caves, we eventually found ourselves at the loading dock and got straight into a clamshell. After settling in and preparing ourselves to become part of her world, we began scooting around a plethora of Ariel inspired aquatic animatronics.



I kept waiting for something to happen.

And yet it never did.


After returning for our journey deep under the sea, I was done playing around. It was time we found us some big boy rides. Bubba wanted him something with a little more meat on it.

Thankfully I knew where to get it.

Exiting the soggy bowels of Eric’s castle, we turn left and headed towards the greatest of Magic Kingdom destinations.

Oh yes friends, the time had finally come.

After over 20 years of separation, I was going back to my first Magic Kingdom love.

I speak of course of Space Mountain.

If you read my last report, you know I have a history with this ride. When I was 12 years old I rode it for the first time with my dad. He and I spent several hours alone together one afternoon at the Magic Kingdom while my mom and aunt took the little kids on other rides.

To this day that moment remains one of the greatest childhood memories I have of spending time with my father. That I was now here, walking with my own 12 year old to do the exact same thing, was a fact not lost on me.

On our last trip, Tahlia didn’t like coasters, but in the five years since, she has come to love them. I couldn’t wait to see what she thought of my old favorite.

We chugged through Tomorrowland at a fairly brisk pace and found that it too was empty. When arrived at the entrance, I stopped to pull the camera out, but Tahlia was so eager to ride, she was literally pulling me by the arm into the building like Theodore Tugboat trying to shove an oversized barge into a dry dock. Admiring her tenacity, I acquiesced and snapped the case back shut.

We entered the building and enjoyed the cooling blast of glorious Disney air conditioning. Yes, it was morning, but it was morning in Florida.

In July.

There were no folks standing around in the entranceway, so we headed down the stairs in to the Star Tunnel. I managed to grab a pic on my phone with minimal success.


The gaming area was empty when we passed it, and we didn’t encounter another person until we made it all the way into the loading area. We decided to head left, and joined the half dozen or so guests in line. We never actually stopped walking until we were standing in our boarding area, waiting for the next car to arrive.

Within a couple of minute we were seated, buckled, and mentally prepared for the upcoming launch. (So note to self, anytime a new attraction opens at the Magic Kingdom, got to EMH and ride EVERYTHING else.)

I was beyond excited to be able to ride Space Mountain again. On our Honeymoon from Hades, we never made it over there, and on our 2009 trip, it was down for rehab. (Both trips were covered in my last TR.) The last time I actually rode this thing was the summer of 1991. I was 17. SEVENTEEN! Bush senior was still in office. Super Nintendo was about to be released. The Rocketeer was still in theaters and Beauty and the Beast hadn’t been released yet. I’m pretty sure there were still hitching posts in the parking lot.

That strikes me as crazy. Not a happy crazy like dropping your keys while walking, kicking them with your shoe, and then sending them flying into a molded Jello dessert. I mean bad crazy, like forgetting to pack clean underbritches for a week long camp or something. (Not that I’ve ever done either of those two things…I’m just sayin.)

Now, some 23 years later, I was finally back to take another spin on my old favorite. I hoped it would live up to my memories, and that the ride rehab would not combine with my increased age to conspire against me.

As I was pondering all of this, our rocket was readied for launch and with a thumbs up, our cast member sent us hurtling around the corner and into the first tunnel. We were in the front car, and Tahlia was in front of me. As soon as we passed the tunnel and hit the chain to start our climb, she turned back and yelled “THIS IS SO COOL!”

I couldn’t help but smile. I wasn’t sure what she would think of the thing. After all it IS an older ride. Up to this point, her only real knowledge of the place was that it’s where the Overtakers held Maybeck captive in Disney After Dark. As to the actual ride itself, she knew it was a coaster, but I hadn’t told her much else about it.

As soon as we reached the top of the hill and the chain let us go, my daughter started to squeal, laugh, and holler all the way through it. To see her loving the ride and hear her laughing and yelling was the best part of the morning.

Forget the characters, the theming, the music, the food, the attractions, the fireworks, and the pressed pennies. To me, THAT is the magic of the Magic Kingdom; that rare moment when my own childhood converged with that of my daughter.

For the next few moments we zoomed, dipped and slung our way around the darkened track, fully enjoying the mess out of it. I was happy to know that it hadn’t lost its charm and once again claimed its spot as my favorite Magic Kingdom attraction.

After a few brief moments, we hit the second light tunnel and slowed before arriving at the unloading area. Exiting the rocket, I asked Tahlia what she thought of it. She declared it to be “Awesome!” and in that moment, all was right in my world.

Next Time On Biscuit’s Grand Adventure – Bibbidi Bobbidi Breakfast

Click Here for the Next Episode
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I Think I got a speck of dust in my eye or sumthin'.

And apparently I was chopping onions too.

What a great morning for both you and Tahlia, GB!
Very special that you got to spend that experience on Space Mountain with Tahlia. I could not *believe* the picture you took of the area by Ariel's Adventures, with not a single living person in sight!
Awwww a shared love of Space Mtn, makes a dad proud! Sounds like the anticipation from 23 years was worth it.
So great to see you back, GB, What an awesome moment for you and your daughter! Always love your updates.
I Think I got a speck of dust in my eye or sumthin'.

And apparently I was chopping onions too.

What a great morning for both you and Tahlia, GB!
That stupid spec keeps floating around.

And let me tell you, those onions will kill you. I've been smelling them ever since I had two little girls. Well, I didn't have-have them mind you. I mean, I was on the team and all, but you know, I was more of the catcher.

Well, really third base coach would be a more accurate description of my duties.

Heh! I said duties.

What were we talking about?

I'm going for a brat.

Very special that you got to spend that experience on Space Mountain with Tahlia. I could not *believe* the picture you took of the area by Ariel's Adventures, with not a single living person in sight!
It became my favorite park moment of the trip. And yes, we were LOVING the empty park.
Awwww a shared love of Space Mtn, makes a dad proud! Sounds like the anticipation from 23 years was worth it.
Well if anything was worth the wait, that certainly was. It was a quite a cool little morning.

So great to see you back, GB, What an awesome moment for you and your daughter! Always love your updates.
Hey BSG! Thanks for reading along! It was a fantastic morning!
All was right in the world . . . .

The last time I rode Space Mountain was in 2013. My older son wasn't tall enough to ride yet so my husband and I rider swapped it and rode alone . . . I came off feeling VERY dizzy for some reason . . . three days later I found out I was expecting my younger son. Exactly one week ago today, my older son (at the ripe old age of 5) was tall enough to ride. He was beaming when he got off. I've got a bit of a soft spot for Space Mountain.
Previously on Biscuit’s Grand Adventure II: Mermaids were boring, rockets were soaring, and a lifelong memory was planted.

Around the time we were entering the loading dock at Space Mountain, Nick and Tammy’s crew was pulling into the boat dock of the Magic Kingdom. They had a reservation for breakfast at Cinderella’s Royal Table and had arrived with the girls decked out in the requisite princess habiliments.

They reported that there was a steady line of folks entering the park, and that they were all heading through the castle. Some stopped at Cindy's, but most kept going. (Presumably to queue up for 7DMT.)

After the requisite castle shot, they made their way to the restaurant and checked in.


Fortunately they did not have to wait long before being escorted inside.

Since I was not present for the princess revelry, and the particular they details shared are managing to eluded my memory, I will dedicate the remainder of this post to a pictorial.








Next Time On Biscuit's Grand Adventure 2 - Climb Every Mountain Part 2

Click Here For the Next Episode
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Looks like they had a mighty nifty time at Cindy's Royal Table.

(And I hate to say it, but Aurora looks like she had a hard time rolling out of bed that morning.)
Great pictures with the princesses! It's kind of funny how on I Dream of Jeannie, they used to have to cover up Jeannie's navel, but nowadays, Disney thinks nothing of showing off Jasmine's! Shows how times have changed, I guess...
El Glennbo said:
Looks like they had a mighty nifty time at Cindy's Royal Table.

(And I hate to say it, but Aurora looks like she had a hard time rolling out of bed that morning.)
They seemed to have a mighty nifty time indeed. And yes, ole Briar Rose looks like she had rough night.

PrincePluto said:
Shows how times have changed, I guess...
They have indeed. I feel like a proper middle aged man now that I find myself breaking out the "Well when I was a kid..." speech on an increasingly regular basis.


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