Something's Starting Right Now! A year of working for Disney-*UPDATED Dec 11/2015-page 8*****

Hi there!
So, I'm not familiar with how things work when you work for the Mouse. ;) I was reading your stuff and you eat in the park a they give you a food allowance or do you eat at a discounted rate or is your paycheck just AWESOME? LOL I feel like eating there that much would cost as much as a student loan! :scared1:
I've loved reading about your experience!

Bahahahahahahahaha yeah...not really any of those. We pack a lot of snacks, and budget our groceries during the week accordingly. If I know I'll be out in the parks for 2 meals both days I'll spend that much less on food at Publix. I also eat a lot of kids meals, they're cheaper & more my portion size. For sit down meals, especially if we're at a buffet, we'll eat as much as we can to save money lol. We get discounts on specific places, some sitdown places, but most are only before or after certain times of the day. There's definitely no food allowance and our paycheques SUCK (coming from Canada where minimum wage is higher). We budget everything out and do bring a lot of food with us. It works out to being no different than going out 1 time on your weekend, and maybe buying lunch at "the office" once a week like I would at home.

I think we probably crossed paths on 12/5 and 12/6 more than the two times we actually saw each other. I also had lunch at BOG on 12/5 and then on the 6th I'm pretty sure I was at HS and MK at the same time you were. Funny that we didn't bump into each other more time!

Lol. I don't even remember which days those were lol. I'm surprise we didn't bump into each other more if that's the case though!!

That's so great that you got to hang with Danielle and posse. That's something I think would be one of the coolest parts of working/living there. There's always someone on vacation to meet.

Awww YAY "4 Keys Card". Made even better if you thought you were in trouble, lol.

AWWW MAN!!!! Like seriously... WHY COULDN'T SANDY CLAWS BE OUT LAST YEAR?????? I called for it, but noooooooooo, bring him out the year I'm not there. Not fair. Great picture though.

Oh God I remember the Tornado warnings. That's no joke.

Day off and MK on my birthday... I approve. :)

Awwwwwww that older couple on Space. I am ridiculously in love with that.

HA, lots and lots of wine. :drinking1

Right?! I feel like I constantly have "friends in town" because there almost always is someone I know here lol!

Lol, yeah, he's pretty great. I'm just super glad they've started adding some different characters into the mix for parties this year. I'm just still waiting on Meg! Lol

Wow, you've really kept yourself busy. Loving your IG posts lately! I wish my study spots were as cool as yours lol And that's so sad Baemax and Hiro might be going away soon. I was really hoping to meet them :( Yay for the Kitchen Sink and the Four Keys card! :thumbsup2

Hope everything is still magical and swell in Florida! Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum's actually insane. I actually feel like I have no time for anything some days. I miss living a mere 10 minute walk from my work place, the grocery store, walmart, AND my gym...*sigh*

Thank you!! Well, the studying is temporarily done for now, so hopefully those study spots paid off!

Just got all caught up. YAY for amazing Disney days! I actually just got an AP :woohoo: for my Bday so I'm sure I'll be seeing ya around.

I think it's amazing that you saw Bolt! My DS is NOT a big Disney guy, but he loves Bolt & Wall*e and you never see them or any merchandise. :sad2:

I love the idea of loosing both shoes for more options prince-wise, brilliant. Cinderella's a thinker. I just love her. :love:

I didn't know Sandy Claws was at MVMCP now I think I'll have to catch one. Jack was LOVELY at MNSSHP a total gentleman.

I'm glad you're managing so well despite the bumps in the road. Keep us posted on your continued adventures.

Yay for AP!! And i'm sure we'll see each other around at some point!

It's insane! And it's been weird with some of the characters they've had out for people's training days (it's not the characters they're training, but the people in that height range) so it's odd to see like, Bolt, and Launchpad out and about a lot recently!

I will gladly lose all of my shoes if I could get at least one great prince! Lol.

Yeah! He was great!! I'm always impressed with him at the parties, I hope he starts to come out more often!

Glad you had so much fun with Danielle. Based on reading her TRs I bet she could charge people to hang out with them at Food & Wine :lmao:

Congrats on losing the "earning my ears" ribbon and great job getting a "4 Keys Card" on your first day after earning said ears! :thumbsup2

"we ended the day with a couple of cocktails over at the Yacht Club" - sounds lovely and quite refined :goodvibes

Love all the character shots with you girls in your Christmas sweater and ears. Glad things worked out with seeing FoF and that lunch was good. (I've only ever done breakfast at CP)

Glad the meet with Sandy Claws was worth it and sounds like fun at the party - plus made even more seasonal with the cold weather!

Your Sanaa lunch sounds really nice - fully second your recommendation of it and it is a great spot for lunch if it is an AK day for you as easy to get to and, at least we found, easy to get an ADR

We just finished catching up on OUAT - can't believe we have to wait until like March for new episodes!

That bus driver sounds lovely :sad2:

Very cool that you got BOG last minute and your meal sounds great! Love wine flights

Great picture of the three of you with the Kitchen Sink, kinda, almost empty - sounds like a fun evening, plus FREE BEER!

That does stink they aren't having more Big Hero 6 characters in the park. Maybe for the Halloween Party or something they can roll them out

That crying photo with the Tremaines is tremendous! and then you outdo it by riding the carousel with them!

Ack, now I am kinda annoyed that you got to see FOF while it was raining and they cancelled it while I was there even though it totally stopped and the sun came out before 3pm ... le sigh :lmao:

Bahaha, Danielle & Co are amazing to hang out with, and it got to happen again a few weeks ago so that was wonderful!!

Thank you!!

Lol, I like having glasses of wine at fancy resorts! Makes me feel fancy!

I love breakfast! I think it's MUCH more worth the price. Dinner & lunch are good, but I don't like spending that much on it. Lol.

It really is! Sanaa was amazing, and not hard to get into. I find a lot of the resort restaurants that aren't monorail resorts are relatively easy to get into!

I STILL have like, 10 minutes of the last episode left to watch, I'm getting worried about that lol.

Lol, thank you!! Tremaines always make for a fantastic photo op!

Bahaha, it just depends on the level of wet on the ground too! By the time they got to main st no one was dancing, and it was barely raining, but everything at Disney is about safety lol

Interesting -- did you say there is a cast member training room above the Garden Grill restaurant? I'm trying to visualize that.

When I was at Be Our Guest in October, we didn't request a specific server, but we got Shelly, and I remembered your praise for her in other TRs. So I was glad to get to meet her as well.

It looks like you know lots of CMs in Entertainment, and I'm still rooting for you to network your way into your dream job eventually.:thumbsup2

Lol. yup, there sure is!

That's so awesome!!

Thank you so much!!

From the look of you parade picture on 12/6, we were standing right near you!

I have been to that fudge shop. Everyone who works there sounds like professional singers! So much fun!

I am enjoying reading about your day to day activities! It is definitely work and that can get grueling. I am glad you you get to enjoy yourself as well!

Awe man! Yeah, we're usually over by the barbershop for our main st spot!


Thank you!! Glad you're here!

I'm loving your TR! So glad I found it. ��

Yay! Glad you're here & lovin it! :)'s actually insane. I actually feel like I have no time for anything some days. I miss living a mere 10 minute walk from my work place, the grocery store, walmart, AND my gym...*sigh*

You're a trooper to have put up with such awkward living arrangements as long as you have. I think it's wrong to make three adults share one bedroom. Would you be allowed now to get your own apartment outside of the Disney housing, or are you required to stay in the shared apartment for the whole year, now that you started that way?

Oh, and that's really funny about giving up all your shoes to find a prince. Maybe he would buy you some new shoes anyway. Here's hoping the right prince will show up for you at the right time.
Katt, just wanted to let you know I'm still here and thoroughly enjoying reading about your experience! Thanks for posting about it.
That is so seriously cool that you got Lady T a Christmas Card (and all of the other CM's too). I know I still love that you sent me one. :goodvibes

Now that is a pretty good way to spend a Christmas morning. Dining in the castle. But I'm so sorry the day ended so badly. Being away from family on Christmas day and having a day like that is such a bad combo. :hug:
Oh my, I am so delighted that you all got to actually enjoy the the New Year's fireworks. That is super awesome. You really deserve that bit of just being in Disney almost as a guest even though you're technically working. What a great memory.

Through all the ups and downs, I am so glad that you're making the absolute most of your time there and all of the money saved on flights, lol.
Katt, just wanted to let you know I'm still here and thoroughly enjoying reading about your experience! Thanks for posting about it.

Thank you for replying! Lol. I know there's a lot of busy people out there (including me! i haven't had time to read any tr's recently, gotta start making time!) Glad you're still here & enjoying! I hope we can meet up for longer next time you're down!

That is so seriously cool that you got Lady T a Christmas Card (and all of the other CM's too). I know I still love that you sent me one. :goodvibes

Now that is a pretty good way to spend a Christmas morning. Dining in the castle. But I'm so sorry the day ended so badly. Being away from family on Christmas day and having a day like that is such a bad combo. :hug:
Oh my, I am so delighted that you all got to actually enjoy the the New Year's fireworks. That is super awesome. You really deserve that bit of just being in Disney almost as a guest even though you're technically working. What a great memory.

Through all the ups and downs, I am so glad that you're making the absolute most of your time there and all of the money saved on flights, lol.

Everyone that I gave xmas cards to deserved them so much! Lol. Lady T definitely loved hers and I love her for her reaction!

It was fabulous, the morning of course lol. And NYE was great, it was honestly such a fun night & I'm pretty sure I know what I want to do for next nye! Bahaha.

Thank you!! UGH, yes, all the saved money! Though technically I'm saving all the flight money now, I would be making SO much more in Canada (thank you min wage being higher!) lol...but hey, it pays to be down here!

Katt, I've really been enjoying your report. It's very interesting reading about the life of a Disney CM.
Until recently, I'd never heard of poutine. I've had fries with gravy but never cheese.
I have to admit, if you're gonna study, a bench/table in World Showcase sure beats a desk at home. :goodvibes

In regards to TR's, I'm actually surprised (and impressed) you have any time at all to maintain one let alone THREE!!!

I do get confused from time to time as I was thinking you already posted about the meet up with your Insta friends. Then I clued in that was on FB. D'oh. But seriously, that photo on Main Street (literally) is so awesome!!!

Oh lord, when you wrote you got "a ton of frozen things" at Walmart I honestly was thinking Anna/Elsa. Yeah, Disney brain.
Yay, more updates!

I had no idea that Snow White had a meet in MK. How in the world did I miss that?

I love, love, love that picture of you with Lane laying on Main Street. That really needs to be in an ad for WDW. :thumbsup2

Oh yummy, Coral Reef! I will admit that the service is not always the greatest there but I do love the food and atmosphere. I haven't tried the steak yet but have heard it's yummy.

Congratulations on passing your service test!
Ok, that picture you took of cold Anna at FoF is my new favorite picture ever. :)Thank you for sharing.

Also on the subject of grumpy guests, what's with people? Sometimes I just want to shake them and say "You Are At The Happiest Place on Earth, act accordingly!!"

I was talking to my mom the other day and I mentioned that I knew someone who worked in Canada in Epcot and she got all excited. "That's my favorite place in the world...[showcase]" LOL. I see a mother daughter day at Epcot in my future.
Holy crap I cannot believe you're almost all caught up to today!!!!! I am so amazed at your ability to keep on top of this trip report plus your other ones, especially with how busy you are and how unreliable your Wi-Fi is in the apartment, but in any case I am SO INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL every time I log in and see updates!
Congrats on passing your written service test!!!! :cheer2:
Your Christmas morning sounded so magical! Giving Christmas cards to the characters is such a fun idea, I bet they all loved them.
New year's Eve sounds like it was a crazy mess but at least you got to catch the special fireworks!! I can't even believe how long you had to wait for buses after though, like did they not realize 100s of CMs would be trying to get home all at once?!
And your bus catching on fire is insane too!! I will have my car down there and you can catch rides with me anytime lol!
CANNOT BELIEVE YOU HUNG OUT WITH LANE OMG. The luckiest!!!! What did you guys chat about!?
I love how you are very straight up about the bad parts of your Disney life (and I'm very happy it's mostly all good parts!!). I'm learning so much from reading along!!
Omg I saw your poutine on insta and didn't realize you MADE it! Looks so yummy even minus the curds hahah!
Eeeeeechh hope your sliced finger is healing up nicely!
Lol at how much you love Lady T!!! I've never met her before but apparently I need to!
How is the roommate situation going? (I'm guessing based on the drunk one passed out in the bathroom, not fabulous?)
What counts as a 'phase 1 closing'? It basically means you have to get to the parks at the crack of why-the-hell-am-I-up-this-early if you want to get in?
That lion king phone case!! I hope you bought it! I have a Samsung s4 mini which is impossible to find fun cases for but I would probably own like 468825 Disney cases if I had an iPhone! Also speaking of phones maybe you mentioned this and I missed it, how come you don't have an international plan on your phone?? Pretty sure I would die
Omgggg you're going to be serving soon and I can't wait! Are the server costumes the same as podium/popcorn cart?
Super pumped for more updates!!
Catching up on all your updates --- so interesting to read about your experiences (good and bad!).

We just wrapped up our trip, Jan 7-12, looks like we didn't overlap parks any of those days, haha! It was a little chilly some of those days, and those nasty storms on the 12th led to a flight delay when we left!
Katt, I've really been enjoying your report. It's very interesting reading about the life of a Disney CM.
Until recently, I'd never heard of poutine. I've had fries with gravy but never cheese.

Thank you!! Glad you're here & enjoying! Ugh, poutine is amazing & delicious and I seriously love it!

I have to admit, if you're gonna study, a bench/table in World Showcase sure beats a desk at home. :goodvibes

In regards to TR's, I'm actually surprised (and impressed) you have any time at all to maintain one let alone THREE!!!

I do get confused from time to time as I was thinking you already posted about the meet up with your Insta friends. Then I clued in that was on FB. D'oh. But seriously, that photo on Main Street (literally) is so awesome!!!

Oh lord, when you wrote you got "a ton of frozen things" at Walmart I honestly was thinking Anna/Elsa. Yeah, Disney brain.

Hahaha yes! And I honestly just prefer being out of the house, it really sucks to not have my own space lol!

Hahahaha, I'm not maintaining them very well, and it's only because I have the updates pre written up, hence why Sept is nowhere to be found!

Baha, yeah, I'm trying to keep more updated now so it shouldn't be that confusing for you lol.

Lol. no...i bought none of that frozen stuff. lol

Yay, more updates!

I had no idea that Snow White had a meet in MK. How in the world did I miss that?

I love, love, love that picture of you with Lane laying on Main Street. That really needs to be in an ad for WDW. :thumbsup2

Oh yummy, Coral Reef! I will admit that the service is not always the greatest there but I do love the food and atmosphere. I haven't tried the steak yet but have heard it's yummy.

Congratulations on passing your service test!

Hahaha, yeah, she's pretty hidden since she's been out of fairytale hall she's moved around town square but is found at the exit to mickey/tink's meet!

Hahha thank you! She's super cute.

The food was good, but everything else was not what I expected, but oh well. lol.

Thank you so much!! :)
Ah boo to having to skip Wilderness Lodge just because it's going to be home soon (well after a 3 day POP stop)!!!

I'm actually going to Fort Wilderness this next trip I think for the very first time. No Hoop De Doo for me sadly, but there is a Munkfire in my future.

That's so cool that you got to be the Can Can dancer. And also, kudos for not spilling your drink this time (of course your mom's not there to embarrass you this time anyway, lol)
Ooooh, I like the idea of drinking around the monorail resorts! Adding that to my must-do list! But okay, are Lapu Lapus kind of different every time?? I had one last year and it was AWFUL, wayyyyyy too strong and alcoholy and I didn't even drink most of it because it was so gross. But I had been SO excited for it because everyone says they are SOOO great :confused3 I want to try again lol
You and Snow White! :lovestruc SUCH cuties all bundled up in your "cold" weather outfits haha
Awesome job as the can-can girl at Hoop-de-doo! That was a very sweet upgrade from category 2 seats to being up on stage!! I'm sure the performer in you was ultra joyful at that moment!
Also appreciated you sharing Jazz's food choice! I'm vegetarian too and TRs don't often discuss the veg option so that was awesome of you! :thumbsup2


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