I Am NOT a Bad, Bad Baby -- TR final updates 9/12

I love your comments about the world/boys watching out for those girls. Truer words have never been spoken. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that!

Holy Transportation Issues, Batman!! That is a TON of people in the TTC area. I would be very uncomfortable as seriously large crowds kind of make me nervous. Good thing that Disney was prepared and got those buses in the right place!

CP is also one of my favorites. My DH and I actually ate there for dinner in 2011 during MNSSHP, and we dressed as Tiger and Pooh. I wish I had a picture to offer, but sadly my Photobucket skills are lacking.:confused3 It was one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had at WDW.

I can imagine how many tears may have flowed during that goodbye. I wouldn't want to leave those adorable, lovely ladies either.

Kathy, I always love your TR's and am thankful to have found you on DIS. I know we've never met, but hopefully one day the stars will align and we'll have that DIS meet.:goodvibes

Here's to 5 more days!! :dance3::yay::dance3:

Kathy, it was so much fun reading your trip report. It was so nice to finally meet you in "real life", giving you a big old hug and seeing Mary, Avery and Cayley again. You can tell from the huge smiles that you and the girls have a very special bond that will last a lifetime.
Yeah me! I finally got finished reading this one. :rotfl: And just in time since you leave in four days! :cool1: As usually I thoroughly enjoyed reading along with your adventures.

Have a wonderful trip, I can't wait to read all about it when you get home.
That was nice of the Mouse to pay for your round of drinks ... actually, I could go for a drink right now - your's looks tasty!

I could also go for some Puffed French Toast as well! And I'll assume that drink is the proper pairing for Puffed French Toast ;)

Love the breakfast and character interactions at Crystal Palace! And at least you got a little bouncing in on your last day!

That is definitely a sad selfie. Glad you enjoyed your trip though - it must be great to have that time together and, as you say, see the girls grow (though, like you also said, look out boys!)

Definitely wish you and Mark and wonderful upcoming trip! :goodvibes
Well, we got fresh towels, but no garbage pick up either night four or night seven, no cleaning of the room, etc.
No garbage pick up??? I think I'd have been concerned about that a little bit earlier on in the week. Glad they did something to make up for it though.

But as we were moving through the thousands of people, we saw that they had buses coming into get everyone (no announcement was being made and even if it was you wouldn't be able to hear it). We headed on that way and were on a bus within seven minutes.
Yuck... nothing like complete chaos to start the day!

I believe it was Heather who told Tigger that he was my favorite and I needed my own special picture with him (thanks Heather!)
Well, she clearly earned some points with you for that one. :rotfl2:

We loved it as much this time as the first time
I can't wait!!!!

The bus arrived and I got a front row seat (I can never get that seat coming in).
Everybody wants to be the first one there, but nobody wants to be the first to leave...

I'll try to do responses a bit later, but in the meantime, Mark and I drove to Milwaukee today to go to the Zoo (they have elephants...something neither Chicago zoo has)
Chicago... one of the larger cities in the USA has multiple zoos. But no elephants?????? :faint:

and we met up with DIS friends, Barry and Bambi and their three great kids (FreezinRafiki)
Who needs a zoo when you've got Barry? :confused3
Fun times.

Love Soarin'. Wish I was riding it now.

Love the fountain pics.

Love the pics with Chip n Dale.

MMM, Coral Reef.

Nice hat pics.

Love all the WS pics.

Great way to spend the last evening. Glad they gave her a credit.

I love Crystal Palace. Have not eaten there in a while (saw a girl playing with the bacon and it turned me off to buffets but the cm changed it out when I told him, but still) but it was a favorite and of course now after surgery I cannot do buffets.

Great character pics.

Love the selfie.

It was a great report and pics. Thanks for sharing.

Love your Olaf shirt.

Dismeets are fun.

Look forward to hearing of the next trip and I hope you both have a magical trip and will see you in 3 weeks of course I will see on FB too.
The Golden Spoon is when you've eaten at every QS and sit-down restaurant in the parks and resorts. We're about 30% there. It's not an official Disney thing, I think it's just a DISer thing.

That drink from the Suitcase looks awesome, can't wait to enjoy one in just about 16 days!
You've totally convinced me to to Crystal Palace. I just want to hug them all so much!

Unmagical express is right. Your sad selfie is a lot cuter than the ones Pete takes of me as we are leaving.

It seems like you had a such lovely trip and I'm gunna go find that PTR. I hope its not your last one for a while!

And yes! I did start a new TR finally! Its in my sig!
I had so much fun reading your trip report!!! What wonderful adventures! I love your go with the flow demeanor and all of the adventures you had!!

Looking forward to your next trip report!!!
Kathy, awesome ending to another great TR... It has been fun reading and seeing all the details, to bad it has to end. But hey, you still have a Pre-TR you are working on(take that back, finished) and can't wait to see that one become a TR instead. :goodvibes

Thanks, Bob.

I see you asked what a Golden Spoon is. I believe it is in reference to this thread.


Thanks for the info; that will never happen to me since there are several restaurants I will never eat at since I don't eat that type of cuisine.

It was a privilege to see you, Mary and the girls and I can't tell you how nice it was of you to take some time out of your Epcot day to meet up, I look forward to having DIS meets when we are back home and having them with you is always a highlight of our trip.

We were delighted to see you, and I plan on many more visits with you and Carolyn.

I love your pictures from your breakfast at CP, like you it is our favorite character meal in all of WDW. We never fail to make it part of our plans before rope drop. Tigger is a very, very close second place to Goofy with me. Love Tigger. That and the food is actually pretty good. I have to admit I am absolutely addicted to the breakfast lasagna they have... Perhaps one of these days we can do a breakfast DIS meet at CP if our paths cross again in Disney (I'm hoping they do).

It is definitely my favorite. Tigger is my man (just don't tell Mark).

Have a wonderful trip starting next week. I hope you have great weather while you are at Disney and that it continues while at Marco Island with Todd and Nicki. :thumbsup2

Thanks; I can't believe we leave tomorrow.

What a sad selfie! :worried:

It's ahrd to take a selfie and see how bad you look. :lmao:

But, what a wonderful trip -- thanks for sharing your TR with us!! :goodvibes

Thank you for reading, Julie.

Boo for the last day, but yay for a breakfast ADR at CP! The pictures with the characters are all fantastic, especially you and Tigger. I have told him he was my favorite both times I've eaten there and have gotten similar reactions :goodvibes

Thanks, Steph; Tigger is just so much fun.

I loved 7dmt when I rode it in May, and I agree it's a great ride. It's more family coaster than thrill, but MK already has BTMR and Space for more thrilling coasters. It's a fun coaster and I'm glad you, Mary and the girls enjoyed it too!

And Family Coaster it should be since it is in the New Fantasyland. I can't wait until Mark rides it Saturday night.

:( having to leave everyone. I'll miss getting to read a girls trip for a while! But I'm glad all went smoothly getting home! :)

I will miss going on the trips with the girls. Hopefully, they will happen again after they make their big trip to Hawaii.

I can’t wait for CP, haven’t been in a few years! :hyper:

Be sure to get the puffed french toast!

Awesome ending to another great TR!

Thanks, Jen.

It looks like you had a wonderful time with all the girls!

I did; I love those girls.

Don’t say this may be the last trip to DW (besides the one coming up) for a while, I really enjoy reading your reports!!! :sad: No I understand, it maybe ours as well. Especially now that the kids are getting a bit older and want to see other things. But if I can squeeze in a DW trip in there, I will. LOL :rotfl:

It will all depend on what happens with Mark once we get back and what he decides to do. Nicki is already in my ear about going to meet her and Todd in May at Disney World.

Have a great time in Milwaukee! Sounds like it’s going to be a busy week for you!

We had a great time at the Zoo and fun at our DIS meet.

Have safe travels and enjoy your vacation in DW and with Nicki and
Todd!! :beach:

Thanks; and I hope we see each other while we are at DW. And, if we don't, you have a great time too!

What a great end to your trip, a fun breakfast with the girls and your fav character. Sad trip home :sad: but hey you'll be there in a week :thumbsup2 so looking forward to reading about that :goodvibes

Thank you; we had so much fun at breakfast. Thanks for reading and I promise a TR will start at some point.

The Dis meet looked great! So much fun. :) Oh my goodness the pictures in the Crystal Palace are great. I absolutely love you jumping with Tigger!! You looked so happy! :tigger:

Thanks; Tigger makes me very happy!

The end of a trip is so so sad. :( You however get to go back this week! More great memories in store for you. Have a great time and be safe!! :goodvibes

It is sad; but we will be there again tomorrow...just not my girls.

I wanted to say thank you for giving us such a great TR. All of your work is appreciated and it was loads of fun! :dance3:

Thank you for reading. My readers make it worth it.
Boo for the last morning and the Unmagical Depress! Another great trip and report! Those girls are growing up before our eyes!

Jill in CO

Thanks, Jill; and you are so right...I can't believe how they've grown in four years. :(

Going back home - NO fun!!! Love the selfie though!

Thank you, Karin.

Thanks for sharing, Kathy. It was so fun to tag along with you, Mary and the girls.

Karin, I am always glad when you tag along.

I've enjoyed your trip report Kathy. Thanks for letting us all in on your trips. I sure wish you were going to be there when we are. We always seem to just miss each other. Wishing you and Mark a great trip and I know you will have a blast with Todd and Nikki. Be safe and have fun!

Thank you so much for being here again. I wish we were going to meet up too. :( Thank you; we are so looking forward to it.

I was a few updates behind!

Just a few. :)

Mmmm, Coral Reef! I haven't eaten there in a few years. The last few trips it gets on the list and then gets scrapped for something else. I do enjoy it though. The atmosphere more than anything else. Well, and the chocolate wave. :lmao:

It is so hard to pick when I like so many (and now Mark has made me cancel all of our ADR's at Epcot but one for F&W); I wish I could go to Coral Reef just for the Chocolate Wave.

Yay for another DISmeet!

As you know, I love my DIS meets.

Okay, so I totally read the other day that the Liberty Inn had a New York Strip! That's crazy. And it got a decent rating. Never thought I would see a steak at a CS location.

I didn't even notice that. And a decent rating? PerhapsI'll check it out.

That stinks that they didn't do garbage pick up on the days they were supposed to! Honestly, I lose track all the time when we're there.

It wasn't the end of the world, but when you have little kids, you tend to have a bit more garbage.

Wow, insanity at the TTC! I'm glad that there were buses being run though.

I almost fell over when I saw ALL those people.

Mmmmm. Puffed french toast.

I'll be having it Tuesday morning. :)

Booo. Magical Depress. You guys had a great trip though. I loved following along as always and look forward to reading your next report.

We did have a great trip, Danielle. And I do hope you join me for the next TR...it won't be the same without you.

Another great trip report Kathy :hug: The last morning looked fun!!! Hugs from Tigger!!!!:cheer2: Then goodbyes :sad: DH and I enjoyed your OKW pics before the trip, and looking at them now is like "going back there". Have a great trip with Mark, and then seeing Nicki and Todd...and more special DISmeets!!! :flower3: Thank you (and Mary and the girls) for sharing this trip with us! :goodvibes

Thanks, Jeanette, and thank you for being here. Loved my Tigger hugs; hated my goodbyes. I am sure the trip will be fantastic!

Loved reading your trip report, Kathy. They remind me of all the special trips we took with my friend, April and her family over the years. :cloud9: So much fun and amazing memories that we'll have forever. Last one together was in 2012 (without Mark as he couldn't get vacation) but we are keeping our fingers crossed for a girls trip only we've wanted to do forever, or maybe even a big one in a couple of years for some sweet 16's. :) Who knows what life will bring - got to keep the faith!

Oh I hope the two of you can do a girls trip together and a sweet 16 trip would be lovely.

Thank you for sharing your memories and enjoy your vacation coming up this week. Eeeek! :yay:

Thank you for reading. :eek: I'll be there tomorrow.

I laughed how you said Mark wouldn't be jealous. I know wouldn't be too happy if I came home and told him I had a "bounce" with someone else. :rotfl2:

Mark is so easy going it scares me sometimes. :rotfl2:

Lovin the mine train pictures! Thanks!
It sucks coming home and I am so glad you are going back soon so we have more to read about.

Thank you; it was a sad trip home knowing it was my last girls one. :(

I guess I didn't realize you had a PTR going, but I think I will just wait for the next report now and be surprised!
Give me the bat signal when you start!

I will definitely send you a bat signal; thanks for being here, Jen.

Ah, our trip is over :sad: It was a very fun time. I do hope that we can go on another girls only trip someday!! Thanks so much for doing such an awesome report :)

It is sad it is over. As I typed the last update I was in tears again saying goodbye. :( We better do another girls trip sometime. And I am still hopeful we will get to Phoenix in March.
Trying to get all caught up................ :blush:

Marv, Marv, Marv. What can I say?

The drinks look great! Wish I had one right now!!! :drinking1

Me too...this day is dragging.

That is crazy the monorails weren't running. I'm glad they had an alternate plan. Very seldom do I make that walk in, so great picture of the Mickey Mouse. I can't say I have ever seen that!!! :goodvibes

We usually make that walk the last day of every trip.

Love the pictures from breakfast! I still need to get there and try that stuffed French toast.......boy does that look good! :thumbsup2 And the bouncing with Tigger.........I don't think I have ever seen you look like you are blushing that much! :rotfl:

You still haven't gone there? What are you waiting for? I was NOT blushing; I was exhausted from bouncing...as you tell me, I am old.

New Fantasyland and the 7DMT..........sorry, but I was underwhelmed! :(

Sorry to hear that. The only thing I wish is that the ride was a tad longer; but I think it fits in perfectly in NF as it is a kid area.

Un-magical Express.........I hate that! :sad2:

So do I! But no Un-magical Express for us on the trip that starts tomorrow.

::yes:: The Roast beef is gooooood. Well it is the only thing I have ever ordered but still have not been disappointed and it is enough for 2.

Oh good...glad I ordered it for Mark.

Nice last days and great for pool time, the room credit and of course the drinks it eventually went to :rotfl:.

The drinks were especially good since they were "free."

Always a nice way to end a trip, by bouncing with Tigger and then a spin on 7DMT. I liked it, wished it was longer but well done. :goodvibes

I agree...a tad longer would have been nice, but I loved it nonetheless.

Hopefully I will get back here but safe trip and I know you will have a magical time.

Thanks, Pat.

Well, I'm sad that this trip has ended, but excited for your upcoming adventures!!!

Thanks, Dee.

You had a nice last night at the pool. That is awesome that Mary got credit for the issues you had with housekeeping.

It was very nice of them and unexpected; and it was even nicer of her to buy us adult beverages with that credit. :)

Is that a pina colava that I spy?

I'm not sure what Mary had, but that could be it. I had my Turtle Krawl as usual.


Yikes, what a fiasco at the TTC with no monorail running!

I had never seen anything like it.

I'm glad that the buses came along quickly.

Me too; I was worried we'd have to drive back to resort and catch a bus.

What a nice farewell breakfast! The series of pictures with Tigger are hilarious! He is my favorite Pooh character, too. Unfortunately, the one time we ate at Crystal Palace, he didn't come by our table while we were there :(

I won't leave UNTIL Tigger arrives.

The Eeyore pictures are very sweet too.

Mark's favorite, of course.

Not a bad final ride, either. 7 Dwarves?!? Cool!

Great ride!

Leaving is always sad, but it sounds like your return home was fairly pain-free.

It is always sad to leave my girls.

Thanks for a great report.

Thanks for reading along, Dee.

And no, I didn't spot a Bad, Bad Baby! Just some funny, cute girls!


Yes, they are cute girls. :goodvibes

I was able to check in for the ending. It was good to see Magic Kingdom and Old Key West and all the sweet little girls. I know it was hard to say goodbye to them. Happy travels as you head out on your next adventure!

Caren, good to see you and please don't worry; I know what a busy time of year this is for you. It was very hard this time around. Thank you...can't believe we leave tomorrow.

First of all - YAYAYAYAY for your trip being 6 days away! :cool1: I am certain you will have a wonderful time!

One day now.

What a relaxing last night. Adult beverages while the girl's swim.

Can't think of a better way to spend our last night.

What fun pictures at CP! It looks like all the girls had a blast.

They sure did.

Puffed french toast - I LOVE it!!!!

My favorite; I'll be having it Tuesday.

Lovely goodbye to the MK pictures.


I think I had that exact same pouty face when I left OKW in May!

I bet you did.

Loved your TR. I really do love seeing the girls grow up!

It's fun watching how they have grown and matured.

Crystal Palace is the perfect "last" breakfast of a trip. Those photos are really sweet. I have no self control when it comes to puffed french toast.

Absolutely; I have no control either with that stuff.

Awesome that you got one more ride on 7DMT!

I was glad to get on it twice.

Great report, as usual! I hope your upcoming trip is safe and wonderful!

Thank you very much for reading and for your wishes.

Great updates!

Thanks Tim who is now on a cruise ship.

I read the last few last night before bed but I passed out before I could write a response. :lmao:

3 kids will do that to you.

I can't believe the monorail was broken but at least they were proactive getting those busses running.

Thank the Lord...because it was a circus.

I really look forward to meeting you and Mark next week!

I can't wait...four more days.

I have enjoyed reading your TR so much! Thanks for your magical stories. I love seeing how other people experience WDW. Have fun next week! I'm super jealous.

Thank you for joining...I truly appreciate it.

Thank you for sharing your trip with Kathy and those adorable girls with all of us Mary!! Loved it!! :yay:

Thank you for sharing them with me, Mary.

Boo to the end of the trip but CP looks fun :goodvibes

Thanks, Emma; CP is my favorite.

A great trip. Thanks for sharing! Can't believe you leave soon. Sending prayers to your family.

Thanks Sandy. I can't believe we leave tomorrow.

I will finish responses later. I'm off to a DISmeet for lunch.
Fun Times!

It really was; I'm glad we've made this a yearly tradition since I met Barry and his oldest son in Chicago four years ago.

What a great little trip and it is great to see the Barry and his family since he spends so little time here now. :worried:

I miss him (although I wouldn't tell him that) here on the DIS too.

I love that picture of you and Ryder. To cute :goodvibes

Thank you; I had to tickle him to make him smile.

Looks like an awesome dis meet!

Jill in CO

We had great fun, Jill.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! It can't be over yet! Thanks for another great report.

Thank you so very much for reading. :goodvibes

What a great way to end your Disney Trip! Crystal Palace breakfast and a ride on the Mine Train! Woo hoo!! Sad to see the trip end, though.

Thanks, Darla; it was the perfect ending.

Glad you had a great trip to the zoo and a fantastic meet with friends.

It was so much fun and it's a great zoo.

Can't wait to see the pictures when you are back from your upcoming trip.



Thank you, Dee. :)

Sounds like a real mess without the monorails running! They seem to break down more and more. I wonder if there are plans to replace them with newer models.

I have never seen so many people...well, except at the Blackhawks Rally after they won the Stanley Cup.

Breakfast at CP looks really good. I could eat a mess of french toast!

It' such gooooooooooooood french toast.

The 7DMT looks fun too!

It's short, but it fits in perfectly.

Sorry the trip had to come to an end. But I'm glad you had such a good time with your friends and the girls, and glad you'll be back in Florida soon!

Soon...tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow, you are only a day away.

I love your comments about the world/boys watching out for those girls. Truer words have never been spoken. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that!

Neither would I; and I'd hate to be that boy who has to meet the girls dad! :scared1:

Holy Transportation Issues, Batman!! That is a TON of people in the TTC area. I would be very uncomfortable as seriously large crowds kind of make me nervous. Good thing that Disney was prepared and got those buses in the right place!

The people directing you to the buses were outstanding.

CP is also one of my favorites. My DH and I actually ate there for dinner in 2011 during MNSSHP, and we dressed as Tiger and Pooh. I wish I had a picture to offer, but sadly my Photobucket skills are lacking.:confused3 It was one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had at WDW.

Awww...I bet that was so cute. They are my favorite characters to meet.

I can imagine how many tears may have flowed during that goodbye. I wouldn't want to leave those adorable, lovely ladies either.

They do every trip, but this one was a little harder.

Kathy, I always love your TR's and am thankful to have found you on DIS. I know we've never met, but hopefully one day the stars will align and we'll have that DIS meet.:goodvibes

I too hope one of these days the stars align and we meet. Thank you for being here, and I'm go glad you enjoyed.

Here's to 5 more days!! :dance3::yay::dance3:

We are down to 20 hours now until take-off. :)
Notoriously behind - as usual. It doesn't mean I don't love you though - because I do. ::yes::

Just stopping by to wish you a WONDERFUL trip! :lovestruc Hug that Duck for me. :thumbsup2

Kathy, it was so much fun reading your trip report. It was so nice to finally meet you in "real life", giving you a big old hug and seeing Mary, Avery and Cayley again. You can tell from the huge smiles that you and the girls have a very special bond that will last a lifetime.

Thanks for being there again, Lisa; I appreciate it. And it was so great meetin gyou too. I hope we can do it again. I love those girls as if they were family!

Yeah me! I finally got finished reading this one. :rotfl: And just in time since you leave in four days! :cool1: As usually I thoroughly enjoyed reading along with your adventures.

Thanks, Ariana.

Have a wonderful trip, I can't wait to read all about it when you get home.

I am super excited that we leave tomorrow.

That was nice of the Mouse to pay for your round of drinks ... actually, I could go for a drink right now - your's looks tasty!

All of our drinks were quite tasty.

I could also go for some Puffed French Toast as well! And I'll assume that drink is the proper pairing for Puffed French Toast ;)

Puffed French Toast and Pina Colava...absolutely!

Love the breakfast and character interactions at Crystal Palace! And at least you got a little bouncing in on your last day!

Quite a few bounces...I was tired.

That is definitely a sad selfie. Glad you enjoyed your trip though - it must be great to have that time together and, as you say, see the girls grow (though, like you also said, look out boys!)

It was a great trip, and I love being with those cute girls. Heaven help the boys!

Definitely wish you and Mark and wonderful upcoming trip! :goodvibes

Thank you so much, Phil.

No garbage pick up??? I think I'd have been concerned about that a little bit earlier on in the week. Glad they did something to make up for it though.

Well, it's not like we had diapers or anything. ;)

Yuck... nothing like complete chaos to start the day!

It scared me; I thought I'd get to do nothing before I had to catch the Un-magical Express.

Well, she clearly earned some points with you for that one. :rotfl2:


I can't wait!!!!

Your kids will love it; so smooth.

Everybody wants to be the first one there, but nobody wants to be the first to leave...

Very true.

Chicago... one of the larger cities in the USA has multiple zoos. But no elephants?????? :faint:

Nope! Lincoln's died and the animal rights people went off on them that Chicago was too cold for elephants and they never replaced them; Brookfield shipped theirs out because they were going to remodel their home and then didn't have the money and the elephants never came back. :(

Who needs a zoo when you've got Barry? :confused3

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I spit my pop all over my computer when I read that.
Fun times.

They were.

Love Soarin'. Wish I was riding it now.

I will be soon.

Love the fountain pics.

Thank you.

Love the pics with Chip n Dale.

They are so fun.

MMM, Coral Reef.

We like it there.

Nice hat pics.

They did good.

Love all the WS pics.


Great way to spend the last evening. Glad they gave her a credit.

We were happy too!

I love Crystal Palace. Have not eaten there in a while (saw a girl playing with the bacon and it turned me off to buffets but the cm changed it out when I told him, but still) but it was a favorite and of course now after surgery I cannot do buffets.

I woudl imagine buffets would be out for you.

Great character pics.

They are so much fun.

Love the selfie.

My sad face.

It was a great report and pics. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for reading!

Love your Olaf shirt.

Me too!

Dismeets are fun.

They sure are.

Look forward to hearing of the next trip and I hope you both have a magical trip and will see you in 3 weeks of course I will see on FB too.

Have a great time in Italy, Scott.

The Golden Spoon is when you've eaten at every QS and sit-down restaurant in the parks and resorts. We're about 30% there. It's not an official Disney thing, I think it's just a DISer thing.

Ahhhh....thanks; that is something I will never hit.

That drink from the Suitcase looks awesome, can't wait to enjoy one in just about 16 days!

They have the best drinks. Try the Turtle Krawl...it's great!

You've totally convinced me to to Crystal Palace. I just want to hug them all so much!

You must do it on your next trip; you'd love it.

Unmagical express is right. Your sad selfie is a lot cuter than the ones Pete takes of me as we are leaving.

I have a feeling your tears show in yours.

It seems like you had a such lovely trip and I'm gunna go find that PTR. I hope its not your last one for a while!

We will see what happens when we get back with Mark and a job.

And yes! I did start a new TR finally! Its in my sig!

I found it and have subscribed.

I had so much fun reading your trip report!!! What wonderful adventures! I love your go with the flow demeanor and all of the adventures you had!!

Thank you so much for reading. Sometimes it is best to just do what the mood calls for on that given day.

Looking forward to your next trip report!!!

Thank you; I look forward to sharing with you all.

Fab trip report Kathy
Hope you have an amazing trip and I can't wait to hear all about it :-)

Thanks, Linda, for being here. And I hope you'll join the next one.

Kathy- have an awesome trip!!!!

Thank you, MaryEllen. I can't wait to see Cynthia tomorrow night.
Notoriously behind - as usual. It doesn't mean I don't love you though - because I do. ::yes::

Just stopping by to wish you a WONDERFUL trip! :lovestruc Hug that Duck for me. :thumbsup2


I love you too, friend. Thank you for stopping by to wish us a fun trip. I will be sure to hug the Duck for you if we see him.
Hi Kat! I'm finally all caught up! I loved reading the end of your report! I know you leave today to celebrate your anniversary, so have a great trip and congratulations!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! :cutie:


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