PARADISE LOST… AND FOUND – Our family’s first trip to Aulani & Hawaii - updated 9/2/16

How did I miss this?! I'm in and off to catch up...Aulani and a fellow Minnesotan (I'm guessing from your username, at least)...perfect! We're going in 3 months and cannot wait. Trip is very much a dream come true. We got price-glitch first class flights for $70/each and a steal of a deal on point rental at Aulani (just applied the 5-nights-points-for-7-night-stay deal to it too!). Anyway, off to start reading over lunch here...
All caught up! Great report so far and lots of good tips! Looking forward to more and the Aulani part of your trip! :goodvibes
Hello! :wave2:

I'm still reading :goodvibes I have the slowest internet connection in the entire world so I had to wait for that to get fixed (again).
Thanks so much for checking in! Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about the internet trouble. I know what you mean. I battle my computer regularly. :badpc:

Loving EVERYTHING. I love the looks on your boys' faces at the snorkelling - what a great morning that looked like! But I think my favourite is little lego man not coping too well at the high tea. I think it's great for boys to get some culture! hehehe :rotfl: I think they don't know what they're missing out on! I would love to take my Mum there.
:thanks: And thanks for the support on the tea. It must be a girl thing! My mom, my sisters, and I just went out for tea last week. Fun, but definitely not for everyone.

Looking forward to the Aulani section very much, but I have to ask - what is the little donut thing you bought from the red-and-white striped truck? I have never seen it before.
They are Portuguese doughnuts called malasadas. They are prepared fresh, while you wait, so they are hot and delicious. They can be ordered with or without a variety of fillings. Leonard's Bakery is well-known for them. Agnes' Portuguese Bake Shop in Kailua also sells them. I personally think they should be a Must Do for any trip to Oahu.

We have finally booked our flights and the Hilton for next year! Wahoo. I have requested a 2 bedroom at Aulani for 5 nights (to share with my parents, it was so much more affordable for us that way). I just got an email saying to go on the wait list, and I remember you saying you did that and got what you wanted - how long did you wait before you got confirmation?
I wonder if I am wishfully thinking with this and will not get it? :confused3t.
Wow! Congratulations. :yay: I waited two months for confirmation of our DVC rental request, which I placed at 11 months (so 9 months from departure). It was hard waiting and not knowing for sure if it would come through, but I would be hopeful. You are in line and doing all you can. I hope you get good news soon!

Anyways, just saying how much I am enjoying reading along! Can't wait for the next installment.
Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for being such a slacker in keeping up. There will be an update tomorrow. ::yes::
Ok all caught up! ;-)
We leave in 2 weeks! Reading your report has me very excited about our trip!!

Wish Aulani had afternoon tea! It is a favorite of dd20 and mine. We love tea at the Plaza in NYC and the Grand Floridian in WDW!
How did I miss this?! I'm in and off to catch up...Aulani and a fellow Minnesotan (I'm guessing from your username, at least)...perfect! We're going in 3 months and cannot wait. Trip is very much a dream come true. We got price-glitch first class flights for $70/each and a steal of a deal on point rental at Aulani (just applied the 5-nights-points-for-7-night-stay deal to it too!). Anyway, off to start reading over lunch here...

Welcome, fellow Minnesotan! You understand just how dreamy a Hawaiian holiday is to us with the kind of winters we can get! Amazing deal on your flights!!! :woohoo: I heard about Delta making a mistake and that some people got crazy low flights to Hawaii. Was that the case for you? And nice deal on the room, too! Well done.

Three months away... How exciting! It will go fast. :) If you have any specific questions, shout them out! I would love to be of any help.
Ok all caught up! ;-)
We leave in 2 weeks! Reading your report has me very excited about our trip!!

Wish Aulani had afternoon tea! It is a favorite of dd20 and mine. We love tea at the Plaza in NYC and the Grand Floridian in WDW!

I'm sure you will have an amazing time! Wow, that is coming up fast... You will be in single digits soon! :banana:

I have been after that Grand Floridian Tea, since I heard about it a couple of years ago. Sounds fantastic! I plan to subject at least some of my family to it for a big birthday of mine a number of years from now. Then they can't say no and I won't feel guilty.
Welcome, fellow Minnesotan! You understand just how dreamy a Hawaiian holiday is to us with the kind of winters we can get! Amazing deal on your flights!!! :woohoo: I heard about Delta making a mistake and that some people got crazy low flights to Hawaii. Was that the case for you? And nice deal on the room, too! Well done.

Three months away... How exciting! It will go fast. :) If you have any specific questions, shout them out! I would love to be of any help.
Yep, I was crazy lucky and just happened to be looking at airfare during the Delta price glitch. I wasn't planning to buy tickets that day or anything - only looking to get an idea of prices, since the in-laws had mentioned wanting us to join them in Hawaii (I posted here on it, if you want more detail (second half of post):

Cannot wait to go and I'll let you know if I have questions...just really starting to get down to planning now!
I apologize for being so slow to update! I have had family in town – my sister from Louisiana & her family – so have been busier than usual. I promise to keep more on track from now on! Thanks for hanging in there. 

Let’s see… When I left off my story, we had arrived at Aulani and received our room keys. I can’t tell you how excited we were to be there. It was just incredible. We rode the elevator up to our rooms on the 15th floor. We had a room next to my mom, which was perfect, as our plan was to have one of our boys stay with Grandma each night. They loved having a little extra one-on-one time with her, so it worked nicely. Here are some photos of the room:

The room was beautiful, but felt a little bit small for four people with way too much luggage :crowded:. I loved the details in the room and throughout the resort. It was just perfect, amazing attention to detail, very high quality, and a brilliant blend of Hawaii and Disney. Fun hidden Mickeys in places like the carpet and the quilt on the bed.

After checking out our rooms, we took the short walk back to the elevator and went to the lobby area to soak it in some more and then headed outside. When we stepped out the door, who do we see, but our twins’ favorite rodents… Chip and Dale!

And the obligatory head-as-armrest shot:

Benji even brought his Dale hat along on the trip, but unfortunately did not have it on him. (It's always fun to see characters when wearing their hats. They go crazy.) Anyway, it was fun to see them. And what a coincidence that they vacationed in the same spot as us! :goodvibes Chip and Dale were friendly and very sweet to the guys. After hugs and pictures, we said goodbye and set out for Ulu Café for dinner.

Ulu is the new quick service restaurant. We really enjoyed the food there. We started out by purchasing refillable mugs, which were well worth the money. We used them for coffee, pop, and hot chocolate (I know it sounds insane, but I cannot resist a little hot chocolate on vacation, in Orlando or Hawaii.) There was a nice variety of food available, and everything we had was tasty. Some pineapple was often included and as one would expect in Hawaii, it was spectacular. Way better than in Minnesota! I could eat that pineapple all day. There was a large selection of bakery items at Ulu, but sadly I forgot to take a picture.

Here's my dinner. Note the many Mickey Rice Krispy treats. Yum!

After dinner, we explored a little outside.

Unfortunately, we were exhausted, so went up to our room soon after dinner. I fell asleep almost immediately. It had been a full day. We needed to rest up for a big day of fun the next day.

Coming soon: Breakfast, Auntie’s Beach House, & the exciting Waikolohe Valley.
Thanks! And I trust your very recent family vacation was amazing. Can't wait to read the TR! popcorn::

We had a lot of fun and very little sleep! TR is coming soon.

Let’s see… When I left off my story, we had arrived at Aulani and received our room keys. I can’t tell you how excited we were to be there. It was just incredible.

I know what you mean. Very hard to describe that feeling!

After checking out our rooms, we took the short walk back to the elevator and went to the lobby area to soak it in some more and then headed outside. When we stepped out the door, who do we see, but our twins’ favorite rodents… Chip and Dale!

Our experience has been that Chip and Dale are usually the best at interacting with kids.

And the obligatory head-as-armrest shot:

Like that, for instance. :thumbsup2

Some pineapple was often included and as one would expect in Hawaii, it was spectacular. Way better than in Minnesota! I could eat that pineapple all day.

Me too! Pineapple is in the Pantheon of Foods That Make Everything Better.
The room looks really nice! I'm glad we only have two adults and a toddler, though - hoping it won't feel as crowded.

Do you know if the room had a high chair? I'm pretty sure they all have a pack 'n' play, right? (Random toddler accessory questions...:rotfl2:)

Dinner looks good also. I'm debating on the refillable mugs. We plan to do a Target run early in the trip, so we'll be able to stock up on pop and water, so not sure if they make sense or not for us.

I can't wait to get there and just look around and soak up the atmosphere. Maybe I missed it, but what time did you get in? Our flight arrives around 6pm, so I'm thinking we'll be a bit tired, but hoping to stay up for a bit to adjust (well, maybe not our daughter, but us) and explore the resort.
We had a lot of fun and very little sleep! TR is coming soon.
Glad to hear it! ::yes::

Our experience has been that Chip and Dale are usually the best at interacting with kids.
Agreed! I like how the pairs of characters play off each other, too.

Me too! Pineapple is in the Pantheon of Foods That Make Everything Better.
I am sure another one is chocolate. I have to say one exception to the pineapple thing for me is pizza. Can't do it.
The room looks really nice! I'm glad we only have two adults and a toddler, though - hoping it won't feel as crowded.
Oh, you'll be just fine in a studio. :)

Do you know if the room had a high chair? I'm pretty sure they all have a pack 'n' play, right?
No high chair, but there was a pack 'n' play in the closet.

Dinner looks good also. I'm debating on the refillable mugs. We plan to do a Target run early in the trip, so we'll be able to stock up on pop and water, so not sure if they make sense or not for us.
If you drink coffee, the mug may be worth it, but otherwise perhaps not, since you will have other beverages. I did liked the convenience of it. There is also ice water available free outside at the pools.

We did a Target run also (the next day), but it was so hard to be away from Aulani for the errand.

I can't wait to get there and just look around and soak up the atmosphere. Maybe I missed it, but what time did you get in? Our flight arrives around 6pm, so I'm thinking we'll be a bit tired, but hoping to stay up for a bit to adjust (well, maybe not our daughter, but us) and explore the resort.
We landed at around 6 and we were pretty tired by the time we got to our first hotel in Waikiki. I think how energetic you feel can depend upon the length of time you'll be traveling. I know it is not a direct flight, because those sadly ended (for Delta anyway) from MSP, so the length of time between connecting flights would be the issue. We had a several hour delay due to a problem with the plane (as I said earlier in the TR), so that made our day longer. I think without that it would have been much easier for us that first night. I bet you will have several hours at least without getting too tired. :thumbsup2
We did a Target run also (the next day), but it was so hard to be away from Aulani for the errand.
Did you happen to notice if they had a decent stock of Disney Gift Cards at that Target?

I think how energetic you feel can depend upon the length of time you'll be traveling. I know it is not a direct flight, because those sadly ended (for Delta anyway) from MSP, so the length of time between connecting flights would be the issue.
We leave around 11:30am and have a 1-hour layover at LAX. Hoping things run on schedule and we should be okay.

Did you happen to notice if they had a decent stock of Disney Gift Cards at that Target?
I did not notice. Sorry! By the way, I brought some Disney gift cards with me that I had purchased when Target allowed people to use their Pharmacy Rewards 5% discount on top of the 5% off (yay!), but I forgot to use them until it was too late (check out). It is nice to use them at the resort if you can remember better than me. :) Of course, using your room key card is very convenient. Just don't lose your card. (More on that to come...)

We leave around 11:30am and have a 1-hour layover at LAX. Hoping things run on schedule and we should be okay.
I expect it will be just fine, provided you don't have any big delays. I would recommend getting a good night sleep in case it takes longer than you think. We failed on that one and it was not smart.
On Sunday morning I got up early, because I needed to do laundry. :laundy: While my family slept, I threw the clothes I needed to wash into a couple of our bags and headed down to the first floor. The laundry room was conveniently located near the elevator, which was a good thing, because this was the first of many trips to the laundry room that morning. I will say that the elevators at Aulani are delightful, which made an otherwise monotonous chore much more tolerable that morning. There is always fun music playing: special versions of Disney favorites sung in Hawaiian. Examples of songs I heard were “When You Wish Upon a Star,” “Be Our Guest,” and “it's a small world,” There was a lot of variety, which made it fun to try to “name that tune” whenever taking a ride during our stay.

Anyway, back to the ups and downs of my morning… I made Trip #2, because I forgot my laundry detergent in the room. After I returned with it, I realized I needed to pair of scissors to open it, so that was Trip #3. Then, when I saw that I had room for more laundry in both washing machines I was using, I couldn’t resist going to the room to get some more: Trip #4. I moved the laundry to the dryer on Trip #5. With the laundry set for a while, I made a coffee run to Ulu with my handy refillable mug and afterward went to the lobby and picked up a copy of the Daily ‘Iwa, so I could check on activities and characters for the day. Finally, I was able to collect my clean laundry, fold it, and return to our room (Trip #6). Whew! Relaxing morning in paradise… My family was all ready to start the day by that point, so we went to Auntie’s for their open house (at least my 7th trip down on the elevator before 8am).

On our way, Sam reported that he got lost in the bathroom after using it at 4:00 in the morning. He says he turned off the light (when finished) and couldn't see anything. It apparently took him a while to figure things out and get back to bed. Silly. :rolleyes:

Sam was not interested in spending time at Auntie’s Beach House (12 is the maximum age for it, and most kids there were much younger), but the twins wanted to check it out. There are two sides to Auntie’s: Uncle’s side and Auntie’s side. When we were looking around at the open house, a couple cast members stood in the doorway of one side, saying that we would not be interested in that side at all, and strongly discouraged our even coming near it, because it was “only for little kids.” They were firm about this (which seemed a little odd to me), so we didn’t spend more than a minute or so peeking into the area. (Benji would have plenty of time for a closer look on another day, as it turned out… More on that later.)

We ate breakfast at Ulu, since we had enjoyed the dinner there the night before. We all had either the breakfast platter or the French toast. Yummy & generous portions.

Sam with his French toast:

My breakfast platter:

I know there’s a lot of complaining about the (powdered?) eggs at Disney quick-service restaurants, but I really like their eggs. I may as well go ahead and admit something awful early on in the Aulani portion of our stay: we considered eating at Ama Ama and Makahiki, but did not. I had read some reviews in advance of the trip and found them to be really so-so. The cost of the meals for a family of five was a factor, but also we really felt satisfied with the other options at the resort and nearby. More on other food adventures later… There will be great news and terrible news on that front.

We decided we should go to Target to pick up some essentials: more sunscreen, some food and beverages, a boogie board for Sam, a couple towels, etc. Before leaving, we dropped our twins off at Auntie’s, because video games apparently rank higher than boring errands. :confused3

On our way out, we grabbed a photo of the fun fruity water with the (not-so-very) Hidden Mickeys:

I guess it was worth the trip, but I have to say that it was very hard to be gone for so long (Target is not far away, but it took about an hour and a half). When we returned, we took the elevator up to the room to drop all our stuff off and then got the boys at Auntie’s. Kevin and Benji reported that they had fun, but they were eager to leave so we could all enjoy some pool time.

Oh, quick note on the Target run: We needed to get towels, because we lost the beach mats we had purchased earlier in the trip. I had brought them to Hanauma Bay, set them down when I got there, and never saw them again. They’re cheap mats, but I could not bring myself to bother buying new ones. I had meant to keep better track of our lost items in this Trip Report. I have never lost so many things on vacation! It was ridiculous. We have only really begun our list, but by this point in the trip, we had lost: 1) Jeff’s driver’s license (later found), 2) three beach mats (still lost).

Anyway, back to our story. After we got Kevin and Benji, it was time to change and get into the pool. So, you know what that means! More elevator music. :goodvibes When we got back outside, we were greeted by more vacationing friends: Mickey and Minnie! It was another amazing coincidence, I guess.

We loved the pools and the lazy river and the amazing theming of the Waikolohe Valley. It was beautiful.

We had a great time swimming and playing in the main pool and then a pool party started, which was fun (and loud). A photopass photographer caught us watching the show in the water:

Later the boys went up with Mickey and friends and they did the hula and some other goofy things:

The boys are on the far left. Benji was the most into it, and Kevin did not want to be up there at all. He and Sam played it pretty cool.

Next time: A volcano erupts on Oahu! :scared1: And we try Rainbow Reef and go to a luau.
Great update! That sure is a lot of ups and downs! :rotfl2: This is the first I've heard of the nice elevator music, though, so looking forward to that.

Huh, I'm curious about the Aunty's Beach House mysterious room now. :confused3

Yeah, as much as I love Target runs and having everything conveniently there, I think it will be hard to carve out time being away from all the Aulani and general Hawaiian scenery.

Can't wait to see Mickey and Minnie there! Izzy frequently says, "I want go Hawaii, please. I want Minnie!" :lmao: Darn that youtube video from Aulani with Minnie in it, haha!

Looks like a fun time at the pool! :thumbsup2
On Sunday morning I got up early, because I needed to do laundry. :laundy: While my family slept, I threw the clothes I needed to wash into a couple of our bags and headed down to the first floor. The laundry room was conveniently located near the elevator, which was a good thing, because this was the first of many trips to the laundry room that morning. I will say that the elevators at Aulani are delightful, which made an otherwise monotonous chore much more tolerable that morning. There is always fun music playing: special versions of Disney favorites sung in Hawaiian. Examples of songs I heard were “When You Wish Upon a Star,” “Be Our Guest,” and “it's a small world,” There was a lot of variety, which made it fun to try to “name that tune” whenever taking a ride during our stay.

My wife and I firmly believe that one of the main reasons Disney feels so magical is because there's music everywhere you go.

Anyway, back to the ups and downs of my morning… I made Trip #2, because I forgot my laundry detergent in the room. After I returned with it, I realized I needed to pair of scissors to open it, so that was Trip #3. Then, when I saw that I had room for more laundry in both washing machines I was using, I couldn’t resist going to the room to get some more: Trip #4. I moved the laundry to the dryer on Trip #5. With the laundry set for a while, I made a coffee run to Ulu with my handy refillable mug and afterward went to the lobby and picked up a copy of the Daily ‘Iwa, so I could check on activities and characters for the day. Finally, I was able to collect my clean laundry, fold it, and return to our room (Trip #6). Whew!

:faint: Sounds like it's time for bed! At least doing the laundry is better at Disney properties.

On our way, Sam reported that he got lost in the bathroom after using it at 4:00 in the morning. He says he turned off the light (when finished) and couldn't see anything. It apparently took him a while to figure things out and get back to bed. Silly. :rolleyes:

You didn't hear any loud crashes? :rotfl2:

I may as well go ahead and admit something awful early on in the Aulani portion of our stay: we considered eating at Ama Ama and Makahiki, but did not. I had read some reviews in advance of the trip and found them to be really so-so. The cost of the meals for a family of five was a factor, but also we really felt satisfied with the other options at the resort and nearby. More on other food adventures later… There will be great news and terrible news on that front.

Uh oh. Hope I didn't steer you wrong. We didn't do either of those restaurants, mostly due to the cost. Hawaii is already expensive; Hawaii + Disney markups = outrageous.

Before leaving, we dropped our twins off at Auntie’s, because video games apparently rank higher than boring errands. :confused3

I'm glad it's not just me! :rotfl:

We loved the pools and the lazy river and the amazing theming of the Waikolohe Valley. It was beautiful.

Best. Pool Facility. Ever. :thumbsup2
Great update! That sure is a lot of ups and downs! :rotfl2: This is the first I've heard of the nice elevator music, though, so looking forward to that.
You'll love the elevator music. I wish I could buy it on CD!

Huh, I'm curious about the Aunty's Beach House mysterious room now. :confused3
It is a nice room. All the rooms were nicely decorated and themed and looked like fun for the kids. The guards that day were a little strange, though. Wish they had not said what they did. The service we received from cast members was exceptional overall. We do have an issue with Auntie's coming up, but I'll get to that pretty soon...

Can't wait to see Mickey and Minnie there! Izzy frequently says, "I want go Hawaii, please. I want Minnie!" :lmao: Darn that youtube video from Aulani with Minnie in it, haha!
Cute! You're raising that girl right. :thumbsup2 You will have no trouble meeting Minnie. Characters were super-easy to find every day.

Looks like a fun time at the pool! :thumbsup2
Yup. Amazing pools!!!
My wife and I firmly believe that one of the main reasons Disney feels so magical is because there's music everywhere you go.
Correct! It makes a HUGE difference. ::yes::

You didn't hear any loud crashes? :rotfl2:
Nope. Good soundproofing. (He was with Grandma.)

Uh oh. Hope I didn't steer you wrong. We didn't do either of those restaurants, mostly due to the cost. Hawaii is already expensive; Hawaii + Disney markups = outrageous.
Yes, it is expensive... I forgot that your family did not do those restaurants either. We just did not see enough reason to do it, based on the price and what I had heard and the menus (we just are not into some of the more exotic stuff so many items on the menu weren't our thing). Plus, we were only at Aulani 4 nights and quick service there meant more time for pools, beach, & everything else. Ulu Café really was a GREAT option. I think that it was not there yet on your trip?

I am sure others love the sit-down restaurants. Just not a fit for us.


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