*COMPLETE!!!!*THIS IS THE WILDERNESS!!! A Selfie-tastic April/May 2014 Teacake Adventure

The dance party looks like so much fun! I didn't even know they did such a thing. Hopefully that's something we can catch next trip. It looks like there were a lot of rare characters there!
It was really fun!! I thought I had a picture of one of the CM's holding us a sign that said the official name of the dance party, but now I can't find it! :(
Hey girl! I am home :( on the down side, no more Disney...on the plus side, I can catch up on your TR!!

Having a bus to yourself is the BEST, it's like being a VIP!

I'm glad you loved Everest! It's amazing.

I don't do Dinosaur because I am a weenie. Even though Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies, the huge dinosaurs jumping out at me would freak me out too much. That's a fabulous ride photo though!

NEMO!!! You got such good pictures! We sang the songs all trip haha. "Go With The Flow" is a personal fave.

I didn't get to go to any dance parties this trip :( so sad! The Dinoland one looks crazy fun.
FIRST OF ALL, I SO enjoyed your snapchats!! Thank you for them!!
secondly, boo for Disney depression!! Thankfully, the beauty of TR's is that they help with the "disney home-sickness"
The particular actor who played Crush in our Nemo show had this AMAZING voice! Like, when I try to listen to the soundtrack version I can't help but wish it was recorded by that guy!
OH, you like Jurassic park too?! I believe we live parallel lives LOL
Everybody Wave! We're in the Drink Cart Parade!
As we were walking out, we got behind these CM pushing like the drink coolers toward the front of the park since it was about to close so we proceeded to have a drink cart parade with them! :rotfl:

We stopped on the way out because Emily, Kat, and Kat's Mom wanted some ice cream! (I was saving room for my Dole Whip because, I have an addiction) I spotted the Wilderness Explorer booth! I wanna do this some time!

Kat and Emily got a frozen banana! Emily let us try a bite and it was DELISH!!

Then we left the park for reals! Somewhere along the way, Katherine dropped some chocolate accidentally on the ground and then proceeded to pick it up and eat it which started the #DiseasedChocolate joke :p

The bus line for MK was monstrous and once a bus had pulled up we knew the only way we were getting on was if we stood up, but we eventually decided just to do it and were the very last people to get on! For some reason, I decided not to hold on to anything and ended up falling onto Katherine Dad because I'm just smart like that.. :confused3
We started talking to the sweet couple on their anniversary trip! They were SO nice!! After talking to them, we were in Magic Kingdom in no time!!
So, tonight was a very special night in Magic Kingdom, it was the press release for SDMT!!! They had cameras all over the place and signs too!! I felt very special getting to be there on such a monumental occasion!



It was even on the times guide!!

The plus side was that we got to see all this press, the down side was half of new fantasyland was closed! But that was fine with us! We headed into guest relations because Katherine and I wanted some Disney Dollars!!
I had seen someone getting these in World of Disney in February and was very intrigued.


We stepped out of the building and I was just hit with the perfect Disney ambiance that is Main Street lovestruc:


And if that couldn't get any better, there was the castle all perfect!!

We decided it was about time we had some food! So it was off the Liberty Square!
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I love Dinosaur but I have still yet to see the big dino at the end. I close my eyes every time even though I tell myself to look at it!
Kat was so kind as to upload some of the memory maker photos for me!!! I went back and added them to their respective posts, but if you're like me and don't want to do all that work to go back and look, I'll put them here too!
If you do want to go back and look back at the posts, the words before it​
shall be black! :)
Okay! Here ya go!
From[URL="http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?p=51481118#post51481118"]"I've Made a Mistake! Just Say No!"
[/URL]We attempted to do like the rock on sign, but Laura wasn't prepared.. lol

We were going for the terrified look! You can tell who are the actresses between us!

From "That Top Is Absolutely Lovely...and Then There's YOU"
Apparently there was some miss-communication since Laura and I are "checking the time" and Kat is acting tired and Emily is doing the #SlowBlink


From "No Blinking on Mission Space"
This ride photo was a complete fail but I post it just so you can laugh at us LOL


"I'm Gunna Be the WS Hobo!!!"
We decided to start heading toward the WS for lunch!
But we stopped on the way over for some pictures!




"Donald Duck is the Sass Master"
Donald was so done with us! #SassyDuck


"I Can't Believe Tinkerbelle Is Coming to MY Bathroom"
He also got some great shots of us! You can see he was cracking us UP!



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I've been loving all the updates! It was so fun to read the chapters with all the "teacakes" writing, I hope you'll do more of those in the future!

The fab four Disneybounds are great! Really clever!

That's so cool that you were there for the press release of SDMT!

Yay for all of the Memory Maker photos! (And thanks for putting them all in one post, I'm way too lazy to go back and look through every chapter but I wanted to see them! :rotfl:)

Looking forward to the next chapter!
I've been loving all the updates! It was so fun to read the chapters with all the "teacakes" writing, I hope you'll do more of those in the future! The fab four Disneybounds are great! Really clever! That's so cool that you were there for the press release of SDMT! Yay for all of the Memory Maker photos! (And thanks for putting them all in one post, I'm way too lazy to go back and look through every chapter but I wanted to see them! :rotfl:) Looking forward to the next chapter!
Thanks! With all of our crazy schedules it's hard to get all 4 of us in one place but I'm glad I thought ahead and got them to write for when we meet Gaston later in the trip!
Thanks! DisneyBounding is addictive LOL
I know! I felt like a VIP or something we should have snuck on the ride somehow but we were busy fishing for Mickey Mice! Hehe
Haha no problem! I figured people wouldn't want to got back! ;)
I spotted the Wilderness Explorer booth! I wanna do this some time!

Coming out of lurkdom to say: I did the Wilderness Explorer thing the last time I was at Animal Kingdom, when I was on a solo trip, and it was so much fun! I think I ended up getting like 15 sticker "patches" around the park and it made me feel like a big kid! Of course I like this kind of thing anyway, I was a Boy Scout.
I'm back and all caught up!!
Love your AK day, and your photo on Dinosaur is so good, love your photos from the dance party what a great experience!
Love all your PhotoPass/Memory Maker photos, especially your Tower of Terror and Rock n Roller photos!

Also what site do you use for uploading your photos to the DIS???
Coming out of lurkdom to say: I did the Wilderness Explorer thing the last time I was at Animal Kingdom, when I was on a solo trip, and it was so much fun! I think I ended up getting like 15 sticker "patches" around the park and it made me feel like a big kid! Of course I like this kind of thing anyway, I was a Boy Scout.
Hello! :wave: I really want to do it next time! I just love Animal Kingdom! So many people just skip it or blow it off but it has SO much to offer!
I'm back and all caught up!!
Love your AK day, and your photo on Dinosaur is so good, love your photos from the dance party what a great experience!
Love all your PhotoPass/Memory Maker photos, especially your Tower of Terror and Rock n Roller photos!

Also what site do you use for uploading your photos to the DIS???
Welcome back!!!! Can't wait to hear about your trip!
I just use Facebook... I create a private album so I don't bother all my friends with all my pictures! :)
That's so awesome you got to be there for the press opening!

OMG that Tower pic kills me.
How to Smuggle a Dole Whip 101
We were headed to Columbia Harbour House!! But we had to stop so we could obsess over these umbrellas!! :lovestruc

I just love this place!! It has such a home-y feel!

The CM who handed us our menus tried to tell us something but it took her three times because we couldn't understand her (probably because we were acting delirious or something :rotfl:) But she told Katherine to tell the people at the counter that it was her birthday!
So, we did and they gave Katherine the most amazing birthday song! They even had a bell!! She loved it so much!!


After we all ordered, we headed to the upstairs seating section (which I didn't know existed) and sat down! It was so empty in there!
Here's my horrible food pictures!! They were severely lacking this trip! Sorry people, but I just have a hard time asking people if I can take pictures of their food :rotfl2:



We got salmon, fish and chips, fried shrimp, and chicken nuggets (Which were different from the kind that I got in Feb.)
We enjoyed our food and had some GREAT laughs thanks to the hilarious stories told by Katherine and her parents!
After we ate, we headed over to the FP+ kiosks to take advantage of the new changes in the rules!
There was a Mickey Mouse directing people on the way! #MickeyMouseSixOClock
They had just been put in place that week! You were still limited to only 3 FP+ reservations at a time but if you used up one, you could go to a kiosk and make another one!


The CM who helped us make our FP+ was the same person who helped us get our Disney dollars! It was so weird because she was the one who noticed us and she was like "Hello again.." LOL It was like she had transported from guest services to liberty square :rotfl:
We made ourselves some more reservations for later that night and decided we needed some dessert! Where else do you go in Magic Kingdom for dessert?! ALOHA ISLE OF COURSE :banana: (Uhhh, why isn't there a Dole Whip emoji?!)


Kat was also very excited to try this after hear me talk and talk about it!
So, I struggle ordering a dole whip because I want the one with just vanilla ice cream and pineapple juice but I ended up ordering the one with a twist of pineapple ice cream and vanilla! But that's okay because it was still YUMM
While we were waiting in the super long line, there was this guy behind me with 2 Hollywood Studios 25th anniversary buttons on (Sorry, forgot to mention that was going on that day!) I wanted to ask if I could have one SO bad (#noshame) but I didn't!! lol
Isn't it beautiful?!



This thing was huge!!! It was so large in fact, that after I thought about it about twice as big as the one from

Can we just talk about this for a minute?! Like, look at all that Dole Whip goodness I missed out on!! :scared1:
SO, long story short I'm obsessed with Dole Whips! If you have never had one PLEASE try one!! You will not be disappointed! Laura got her own and Emily and Kat shared one! We all loved them!
We couldn't go on any rides with our Dole Whips so we decided to check out Swiss Family Robinson Tree House!!
Gross picture time!!!


You have a gorgeous view up there especially at night!
After that, us girls went on our way to BTMR! We had to make a pit stop to take Katherine's picture at Sunshine Tree Terrance because she is collecting Orange Bird pins!


When we got over to BTMR I was the only one who hadn't finished my Dole Whip and I was afraid they weren't going to let me in line with it so everyone was like "Just hide it! Smuggle it in" :lmao:
So yes, I smuggled a Dole Whip onto BTMR!! Turns out you could take food in line!


When we were in line I looked down and spotted a pin! Yay free pin!! But the back part had somehow been flattened!! :confused3 But I didn't mind because I can still put it in my scrapbook!

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Columbia Harbour House is the best! They sang to me when I was there for my birthday too!

HOLY MOLY THAT DOLE WHIP IS GINORMOUS! It doesn't even look like the same species as the one from your February trip!

Also -- how did you go about smuggling that thing onto BTMR?!
Columbia Harbour House is the best! They sang to me when I was there for my birthday too! HOLY MOLY THAT DOLE WHIP IS GINORMOUS! It doesn't even look like the same species as the one from your February trip! Also -- how did you go about smuggling that thing onto BTMR?!
IKR?! I was about to bust after I ate that thing!!!
Oh! I probably should have mentioned that! I just like held it down at my side as I passed the CM then did the like casual flip and turned around to face them and held it behind my back LOL
I had heard about people riding BTMR looking backward and it adding a whole new thrill! So, of course I just had to try!! OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS I'm never riding it any other way!! It was SO fun!! We loved it so much that we just had to ride again!!
After we got off, we decided we should go over to Tomorrowland to ride Space Mountain! Just as we were walking in front of Splash Mountain I saw a Mickey Mouse but of course because I was playing it cool, I didn't mention it until we were half way through Frontierland! Emily was very upset that she had once again missed a Mickey Mouse again so she proceeded to turn around and march back to that CM to get a good look at him :lmao: We were just standing there laughing SO hard and when she walked back, she had the most satisfied look on her face! WE LOVE YOU EMILY!!
We stopped at the bathrooms that sit between Frontierland and Adventureland. But I didn't need to go so I headed over to the shop beside it so I could look at some pins! I met the SWEETEST CM who was earning her ears! I was talking to her about that and pin trading with her! She was asking me about if I wanted to work for Disney and called over her friend who was on her DCP! We just hit it off and talked and talked! By that time everybody else had come in and had joined on the conversation! So Kat and I pulled out our autograph books and had them give us their autographs and then it was selfie time!! (It's about time!)
Selfie Count: 18


Selfie Count: 19

After we all made our pin trades, we waved goodbye!
Here's what I got!
This explains my thought process :rotfl:


I realized that this pin was the completer to a set Kat was collecting so we traded again!

I really like this pin but after I got home I learned all about the year of a million dreams and love it even more!!

So we're making out way through the Christmas shop where I come to a complete stop and realize that I left my ears in the gift shop!! (Never thought I would type that sentence LOL)
So Katherine and I told Laura and Emily to wait and we'd run buck and get them! Thankfully, Laura and Emily didn't listen to us because Kat and I walked right past the gift shop and once we realized we had passed it, We found Laura and Emily walking toward us, ears in hand! Yay! :cheer2:
Before we headed back, we went into the pin shop so Kat could get some locking pin backs!


So it was back through The Christmas Shop and to the Walt and Mickey Statue! There were some CM's standing there because Wishes was about to start so we asked them to take our picture and they were all over it! They were like "AWWW! That's adorable!!"

Then we actually made it to Tomorrowland! Did you ever think we would make it?!

For some reason it seemed like all the Mickey Mouse CM's had been gathered at the entrance of Tomorrowland and we all noticed them except for Laura who, for some reason was singing proudly "CLIMB ABOARD, GET READY TO EXPLORE! THERE'S SO MUCH TO FIND LITTLE EINSTEINS" :rotfl2: It was hilarious!!
Then, we made it to Space Mountain! This was about to become our very favorite ride!!!
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If someone were to ask why we were friends I would point them to this post. Mickey Mouses and pin trading! The best things in life :D

Conversations with CMs are so great! And I love the pic of you guys in front of the castle!

So it was back through The Christmas Shop and to the Walt and Mickey Statue! There were some CM's standing there because Wishes was about to start so we asked them to take our picture and they were all over it! They were like "AWWW! That's adorable!!"

Aw! I love this photo! I love the Partners statue, as well as the one of Roy and Minnie on the bench by the flagpole.​
If someone were to ask why we were friends I would point them to this post. Mickey Mouses and pin trading! The best things in life :D

Conversations with CMs are so great! And I love the pic of you guys in front of the castle!
OHH!! You are too sweet!! Cyber hug!!! :hug: If you happen to heading to the world in December PLEASE let me know!! Maybe our dates will match up!

Aw! I love this photo! I love the Partners statue, as well as the one of Roy and Minnie on the bench by the flagpole.
Thank you!! I love this picture too!! I had forgotten about it! but I might just have to get this one framed!
Space Mountain, Moving Sidewalks, and a Missing Phone!!

Ahhh, Space Mountain! How I love you!!


For this ride photo, we wanted to look like we had gotten lost and some how ended up on Space Mountain! I think we succeeded!


When we got off, I got super excited because I had forgotten about MOVING SIDEWALKS! My new-found love! :lovestruc
On a side note: My friends and I were talking about the purpose of moving sidewalks in airports and I was like "What if they are like those things in Mario Kart that when you drive over it, it speeds you up! (this is one of my proudest discoveries! :rotfl:)


I traded for this at the MM counter! My friend Rachel (chocolab23) collects Duffy pins and so I'm always on the lookout for the ones she doesn't have while I'm on my trip!

So we loved SM so much that we had to do it again! To make things even better, it was walk on!
We rode on the other side this time and didn't know the camera was on he other side as well... lol


Up the moving sidewalk we went

....AAAANNDD back on the ride!


When Katherine stood up, and got off the ride, she realized that her phone had slipped out of her pocket and was still on the ride! :scared1:
We told a CM and they were SO nice and helpful to us! They radioed the people up front and told them to look for it!
While we were waiting to hear if they found it, we go to go through a special exit that spit us out right at the chicken exit! So we rode it again!
The guy who was riding with us was so funny! He sat down and was like "you guys don't scream right?!" and we were like "uhhh... no?" lol! So that's why he's plugging his ears!



So we got off and after a couple minutes, a CM came out of a back room and handed Katherine her phone! YAYYYY!!! :banana:
Kat got the life saving CM's autograph!


Meanwhile, Laura, Emily and I were taking advantage of Kat's new found phone!
Selfie Count: 21


Selfie Count: 22

The CM at the MM counter was cracking us up! Kat was trying to take a picture of the screen (but apparently you aren't allowed to do that) so she was flipping the pictures back and forth REALLY fast! And eventually she was like "Uhhh.. I'm not really supposed to let you take a picture but take one really fast" And then she was like "Okay, now run, run!!" :lmao:
But of course she was just kidding (well, kinda lol)
Selfie Count: 23


After that we left Space Mountain :sad1:
So after riding that ride multiple times, I have decided that the very front seat is where it’s at!! Usually people want to ride in the back of a roller coaster but with this one, because its so pitch black in there, you have no idea what’s going to happen next and you’re at the front of it all!! It was just AMAZING!
We headed back to Main Street to meet back up with Kat's Mom!
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