The Walking Dead on AMC

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can someone explain something. When Michonne was talking to Carl about her past and her kid. Did she ever say what exactly happened to her child ? I don't think she did. Maybe I missed it. ????? I got the part about the 2 guys. One was her boyfriend. She said they were high ? And both were bit

I took it to mean he got bitten/killed because they were too high to take care of him
But if that's true then wouldn't you think Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, Rick, etc etc would also smell it? But yes, I did wonder about that because the prison was surrounded by walkers and Terminus is not. I'm sure it's something we will figure out early in the next season but

Well, they've all been fighting dead people every day, so they're used to that smell of blood and guts coming out, so instead of being a bad smell, it's just "the air" now. Plus they haven't had proper showers in a long time so I'm guessing their sense of smell isn't picking up on the differences of dead people / bad bo / etc. :-D
Perhaps they took the belongings because Glenn's group became hostile, or because the Termites confiscated them while Glenn's group is in isolation for observation (for illness, aggression, etc.).

The skeletons could be zombie remains, though I doubt it.

I just think there's more to Terminus and the Termites than them just being cannibals.


Yeah, there almost has to be. But geez, they shot their own guy.
And confiscating their stuff is one thing, but the wear the poncho and put the watch in your pocket? That's a bit more than confiscating.

can someone explain something.

When Michonne was talking to Carl about her past and her kid. Did she ever say what exactly happened to her child ? I don't think she did. Maybe I missed it. ????? I got the part about the 2 guys. One was her boyfriend. She said they were high ? And both were bit

The entire camp was killed by walkers is what I got out of it, and yes, her boyfriend and his friend were too high to save her son. Not quite sure how she knows that, if they were already dead, but oh well. Unless they were not totally dead when she got there. Did she say she could have saved them?
Yeah, there almost has to be. But geez, they shot their own guy.
And confiscating their stuff is one thing, but the wear the poncho and put the watch in your pocket? That's a bit more than confiscating.

The entire camp was killed by walkers is what I got out of it, and yes, her boyfriend and his friend were too high to save her son. Not quite sure how she knows that, if they were already dead, but oh well. Unless they were not totally dead when she got there. Did she say she could have saved them?

She said she could have saved them but let them turn. I took it to mean they were still alive when she got there but died and instead of stabbing them in the brain she let them turn and removed their arms and mouth to punish them and remind herself what can happen
Anything is possible. Though why would they have stole all those belongings (poncho, backpack, pocket watch) if they were good?
An observation of mine: During the final flash back scene, Rick took the sheriffs hat off of Carl and put it on Beth while telling her she was the new "sheriff in town". I definitely think that scene is a bit of foreshadowing into season 5. I'm thinking she might be the one to save the crew from the termites.

I like that train of thought!
Because she didn't mention her son, I thought maybe the boyfriend and friend turned and attacked the son and that's why she felt bad for not killing them. I think she blames them and herself and that was why she "punished" the two men by putting them on leashes etc.
How far behind is netflix? I thought they were a whole season behind and got the new season when the DVD came out?

Well of course it's released after the season ends, that's why I said she would be behind. lol Who is your cable provider? Do they offer it on demand? Or does AMC offer it after it airs? We watch quite a few shows via on demand.

Well that wouldn't help her at all LOL, as I buy the BluRays. She could binge catch up when she is home, from the DVR, but she has friends who post spoilers. If worse comes to worse I'll just have to spend $$$ and buy it on ITunes.

The Carl thing was very glossed over actually. I know what they were threatening, because of things posted here (which I wish I had not read), but my dd who is 18, did not even realize that is what they were getting at.

I agree that the Carl thing was well handled, I knew what was being suggested but it didn't make me as crazy as I thought it might. I thought they did a good job with it.

Perhaps they took the belongings because Glenn's group became hostile, or because the Termites confiscated them while Glenn's group is in isolation for observation (for illness, aggression, etc.).

The skeletons could be zombie remains, though I doubt it.

I just think there's more to Terminus and the Termites than them just being cannibals.

Regarding Beth being the new sheriff in town... I hope they turn her into the kind of character Andrea becomes in the comic book: Awesome.

I would think if they were segregating them for illness they would put them in different cars. I don't think that is the case. And again, why would they steal their stuff? The watch, the poncho, those are necessary, I mean I understand the body armor but the other stuff?

I took it to mean he got bitten/killed because they were too high to take care of him

Me too :(

Well, they've all been fighting dead people every day, so they're used to that smell of blood and guts coming out, so instead of being a bad smell, it's just "the air" now. Plus they haven't had proper showers in a long time so I'm guessing their sense of smell isn't picking up on the differences of dead people / bad bo / etc. :-D

Well that is very

She said she could have saved them but let them turn. I took it to mean they were still alive when she got there but died and instead of stabbing them in the brain she let them turn and removed their arms and mouth to punish them and remind herself what can happen

Well of course it's released after the season ends, that's why I said she would be behind. lol Who is your cable provider? Do they offer it on demand? Or does AMC offer it after it airs?

There is a 5 month difference between after the season ends and after the DVD comes out. AMC only allows you to watch it online with certain providers. We have direct tv and they are not one that AMC allows to watch online.
Things have deviated so far from the GN that I feel safe commenting on the episode.

1. The first thing the Welcome Party at Terminus does is offer you a "plate". They obviously feel that once starving people eat (human flesh or not), they become one of them, and by shared shame and guilt will go along with the flesh eating pack.

2. The Writers are always setting up juicy (sorry cannot resist) dilemmas of where the humanity line is ; chew on this; so its ok for Rick to kill a man like a walker by tearing his throat out, but not ok for people to hunt and eat other people???
Where does the right stop being right and the wrong go really wrong? What if Rick had swallowed that throat? They did make a point of showing him spit it out!!! So is it like not inhaling your pot?

3. Rick is going to get bloody here. There is a truly amazing story arc about cannibals in the GN involving Dale, who was still alive at this point. i really hope they go this route on the show, unfortunately for that story to work, someone has to die....
Things have deviated so far from the GN that I feel safe commenting on the episode. 1. The first thing the Welcome Party at Terminus does is offer you a "plate". They obviously feel that once starving people eat (human flesh or not), they become one of them, and by shared shame and guilt will go along with the flesh eating pack. 2. The Writers are always setting up juicy (sorry cannot resist) dilemmas of where the humanity line is ; chew on this; so its ok for Rick to kill a man like a walker by tearing his throat out, but not ok for people to hunt and eat other people??? Where does the right stop being right and the wrong go really wrong? What if Rick had swallowed that throat? They did make a point of showing him spit it out!!! So is it like not inhaling your pot? 3. Rick is going to get bloody here. There is a truly amazing story arc about cannibals in the GN involving Dale, who was still alive at this point. i really hope they go this route on the show, unfortunately for that story to work, someone has to die....

Rick tore his throat out, because it was the only way he could get away from that guy, to save his son. I think that is completely different than hunting humans to eat them. Kill or be killed is very different than cannibalism.
Rick tore his throat out, because it was the only way he could get away from that guy, to save his son. I think that is completely different than hunting humans to eat them. Kill or be killed is very different than cannibalism.

Exactly. Rick's goal wasn't to eat Joe, it was to stop them from assaulting his son and that was the only way he could do it. And considering the situation, was all right for Rick to do that.

I definitely think the people at Terminus are the cannibals. Even Mary's line, "We'll make you a plate..." in the episode before the finale seemed a little too much like that episode of The Twilight Zone to me.

As far as Beth, I'm starting to suspect that she's with Gabriel from the comics. He was a priest who'd locked himself in his church during the initial zombie outbreak and let his parishioners die because he was too afraid to open the door. There was a cross on the car that drove off with her, and someone was giving proper funerals to the walkers in that funeral home. Gabriel obviously had some major guilt issues after what he'd done in the comics, so it seems to fit with how that left off.
Rick tore his throat out, because it was the only way he could get away from that guy, to save his son. I think that is completely different than hunting humans to eat them. Kill or be killed is very different than cannibalism.

I am going to play devils advocate, because I think the writers are going to draw the parallel between what Rick did and what the Termites do ( I don't know who came up with that name but its great)

You say Rick did what he did because it was the only thing he could do to save his son? Well the Termites could very easily say the same. They had many people starving to death, they were dying from starvation and they did not have any other choice to save their people....all they need do is show a scene of a starving child and say they killed someone to feed them.

Now understand, what the writers hope to show is the blurred lines between what is right and wrong. When is it ok the brutally kill to save some one? Where is the line in this world? Again I not saying i agree with the termites, they had crops all over, but I definitely think the writers put they scene with Rick in the finale to male that point later on.....What will you do to survive?

Btw I agree with the Gabriel hypothesis..

We will see!!!
I am going to play devils advocate, because I think the writers are going to draw the parallel between what Rick did and what the Termites do ( I don't know who came up with that name but its great)

You say Rick did what he did because it was the only thing he could do to save his son? Well the Termites could very easily say the same. They had many people starving to death, they were dying from starvation and they did not have any other choice to save their people....all they need do is show a scene of a starving child and say they killed someone to feed them.

Now understand, what the writers hope to show is the blurred lines between what is right and wrong. When is it ok the brutally kill to save some one? Where is the line in this world? Again I not saying i agree with the termites, they had crops all over, but I definitely think the writers put they scene with Rick in the finale to male that point later on.....What will you do to survive?

Btw I agree with the Gabriel hypothesis..

We will see!!!

I agree about the writers potentially drawing a parallel between Rick and the Termites but the crops and resources at Terminus debunk their need to kill & eat people in order to survive.

I think Rick has finally learned that the world has changed and you do have to kill people that threaten your family. Innocent people have died in the past when he has tried to find a way to resolve something without killing. Carl even confirmed when they arrived at Terminus that the other man deserved it so it was possibly even a teaching moment between Rick and Carl.
I agree about the writers potentially drawing a parallel between Rick and the Termites but the crops and resources at Terminus debunk their need to kill & eat people in order to survive.

I think Rick has finally learned that the world has changed and you do have to kill people that threaten your family. Innocent people have died in the past when he has tried to find a way to resolve something without killing. Carl even confirmed when they arrived at Terminus that the other man deserved it so it was possibly even a teaching moment between Rick and Carl.

But I think it's going to be why they started to eat people. I think at some point in their past they were faced with starvation. Why they continue to do it when it may not still be necessary, is what makes it such a dark subject. The show has show is all about the way the characters have changed since the zombie apocalypse. The termites weren't always bad people. I feel like the show is constantly walking the line of what is acceptable.
I am going to play devils advocate, because I think the writers are going to draw the parallel between what Rick did and what the Termites do ( I don't know who came up with that name but its great)

We will see!!!

I actually saw it a bit differently. I think this last episode brought us back full circle to the first and summed up the whole season. The first one was about Rick coming across Clara and how "we can't come back from the things we've done". And that's when he started asking his 3 questions: 1 How many walkers have you killed? 2 How many people have you killed? 3 And why?.
I think the whole focus of the season was how the ZA changes everyone and makes them become people they never thought they'd be and do things they never thought they'd do. It even makes us all "too far gone". And that is exactly what happened to Rick in the last episode. He can never come back from what he did to Joe and realizes he needs to be this different version of himself in order to survive in the ZA.
There is a 5 month difference between after the season ends and after the DVD comes out. AMC only allows you to watch it online with certain providers. We have direct tv and they are not one that AMC allows to watch online.

I know there is a difference, I was just trying to help you guys figure out other ways to watch it. Sorry it doesn't seem like it will work out. :/

Things have deviated so far from the GN that I feel safe commenting on the episode.

1. The first thing the Welcome Party at Terminus does is offer you a "plate". They obviously feel that once starving people eat (human flesh or not), they become one of them, and by shared shame and guilt will go along with the flesh eating pack.

2. The Writers are always setting up juicy (sorry cannot resist) dilemmas of where the humanity line is ; chew on this; so its ok for Rick to kill a man like a walker by tearing his throat out, but not ok for people to hunt and eat other people???
Where does the right stop being right and the wrong go really wrong? What if Rick had swallowed that throat? They did make a point of showing him spit it out!!! So is it like not inhaling your pot?

3. Rick is going to get bloody here. There is a truly amazing story arc about cannibals in the GN involving Dale, who was still alive at this point. i really hope they go this route on the show, unfortunately for that story to work, someone has to die....

Rick killed like that for the life and safety of his child, IMO that's the biggest difference. No it isn't like not inhaling, it was self defense. Yes, he is going to get bloody, but most of expected that.

Rick tore his throat out, because it was the only way he could get away from that guy, to save his son. I think that is completely different than hunting humans to eat them. Kill or be killed is very different than cannibalism.


I actually saw it a bit differently. I think this last episode brought us back full circle to the first and summed up the whole season. The first one was about Rick coming across Clara and how "we can't come back from the things we've done". And that's when he started asking his 3 questions: 1 How many walkers have you killed? 2 How many people have you killed? 3 And why?.
I think the whole focus of the season was how the ZA changes everyone and makes them become people they never thought they'd be and do things they never thought they'd do. It even makes us all "too far gone". And that is exactly what happened to Rick in the last episode. He can never come back from what he did to Joe and realizes he needs to be this different version of himself in order to survive in the ZA.

I definitely agree with the focus being on how the ZA changed them all. I know I'm excited for next season......
And I do feel like someone is going to die......
I just watched bonus material from the last Talking Dead & a few important details were said. Andrew Lincoln says that Rick recognized Tara in the train car. So that will come out about Tara being part of the Gov's group which then will lead to Glen not telling Maggie b4. Also, Scott Gimple says that the orange backpack seen at Terminus was from the episode "Clear" which had to do with Morgan. I did not realize that significance while watching the epi. So I wonder where that is going.
I just watched bonus material from the last Talking Dead & a few important details were said. Andrew Lincoln says that Rick recognized Tara in the train car. So that will come out about Tara being part of the Gov's group which then will lead to Glen not telling Maggie b4. Also, Scott Gimple says that the orange backpack seen at Terminus was from the episode "Clear" which had to do with Morgan. I did not realize that significance while watching the epi. So I wonder where that is going.

Interesting ! Yes I have been wondering about Morgan I thought he was coming back and haven't seen him.
But that orange backpack has nothing to do with Morgan, so it's not a sign that he's coming back. It belonged to the man on the side of the road that Michonne and Rick refused to pick up on the ride to where Morgan was.

On the return trip, the guy was dead, and the orange backpack was lying in the road. They picked it up.
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