Turn Around and See What Happens -- It's Whoopi Time and that's a wrap 3/31; F&G add

I am so far behind.
Nice PP pics.
Oh. Sorry about his gallbladder. I was to have mine removed but I just have not yet.
The onion rings look so good.
Sounds like good times with everyone.
Nice Osborne Lights pics.
Too bad you had to cancel the breakfast.
I like the hat he is wearing at AKL.
We were there too that day. Epcot I mean.
Great pics around Epcot. I was looking for us but did not see us. LOl
You guys got so many little things done!!

I love the little tiny Christmas decorations on the trains in Germany! Details, details!!

I love looking around those Morocco stores, such pretty stuff in them. I don't think I've actually ever bought anything though. :confused3

I had to :rotfl: at the pictures from the American Adventure. We saw it in February and I think I took the same exact pictures as you. I'll be posting that update early next week and you'll see what I mean then.

Holy cow, Maelstrom 60 minutes! I've seen it 30 minutes before but never as long as you guys did. I couldn't imagine waiting that long for it, it's just not worth it.

Love the pictures with the Pluto topiary. I love how they decorated his dog house for Christmas!

Yeah for no wait time for the Character Spot. I guess everyone was in the Norway Pavilion at that moment. ::yes::

Oh, I know where you are going for lunch! One of my favorites, yum, can't wait to read about it.
We then hit America and arrived just in time to see the Voices of Liberty do their Christmas set:

Good timing!

I may or may not have taken a nap during the show.

Don't worry, I won't tell anybody.

We walked over to Maelstrom and the line was 60 minutes. Really? It's an okay ride, but not worth waiting 60 minutes for it.

Even 10 minutes would be a dilemma. :rolleyes1

We saw a furry friend:

Disney groundskeepers!

Looks like you had a lot of fun with the characters.:thumbsup2
Those trains in Germany are certainly every little boy's dream! We had a hard time getting Ian away from them last year.

I can imagine...and Ian is how old? I had a hard time getting my 61 year old little boy away.

I love the picture from China! And great PhotoPass pictures!

Thank you. :)

More great photos! Happy mark was feeling a bit better:)

Thanks, Lisa; me too...I didn't want him to be miserable our last day.

Sounds like a fun two weeks! Great you are finally getting to DLR! You need to have lunch at the Carnation Cafe in Disneyland! They have a baked potatoes soup and turkey sandwich on pretzel bread that is so yummy! It's right on Main Street and a great spot to people watch if you get a table on the patio at the railing
Are Mary and the girls going with you?

I'm going to need lots of hints for our trip. As for Mary and the girls, I think it will depend on when we end up going with school, etc.

Did you have a new Tshirt for every day of the trip?

I think that we did bring every Disney Christmas shirt we had this trip (the one in the last pictures we had made up at the T-shirt shop at DTD in August).

Love your bag! :good vibes

Thank you.

The drummers and VOL back to back - two of my favorite performances.

I love those performances too.

Glad Mark started feeling better. Seeing him NOT have fun in pictures in just WRONG!

I agree; and I could tell he was not feeling well a lot.

I just realized I never stopped to look at the train set this trip and see it with the holiday decorations. So cute!

With your size group, I'm sure it was hard to get everything in.

The American Adventure, while absolutely wonderful, has also been known to occasionally induce a nap.

Yes, it is a wonderful show, but it also induces sleep at times. ;)


You are the update queen. :worship:

My time has been so limited lately that whenever I can get an update done, I do it. Plus I have a PTR I need to get started since we leave in just over 60 days.

I just love all the photopass pics you got around WS - perfect memories.

Thanks, Karin.

60 minutes for Maelstrom? Thanks but no thanks - don't blame you for not waiting. ;)

Reflecting back, I wonder if a lot of people were holding spots in line for Elsa and Anna and the rest of the party was riding Maelstrom. I can't imagine any other reason it would be that long.
Now those are among some of your finest pics ever from WDW. If I had things my way Mickey would play second fiddle to Goofy. :lmao:

Why am I not surprised by this post? :rotfl2::rotfl2: Thanks for the compliment, Bob. How is your Mom?

What an update!!! Glad Mark was feeling better.. The PP are awesome. I really love the 2013 Christmas border with green mickey heads!!!

It was sooooo hard picking a border because I loved them all.

I cannot believe Maelstorm was 60 minutes.. No way.
4 hours to meet elsa and ana?!?! again.. No way. :faint:

Thankfully they now have FP+ for them as I'm sure the girls will want to meet them in May/June.

What were you and Minnie talking about?? Looks like a great conversation! :thumbsup2

If memory serves me right, she told me I should be dancing because it was my birthday.

The train in Germany is amazing. all the little details are mind blowing. :worship:

One of the things I love most about Disney...the little details.

BUNNIES!!! aren't they the cutest!!!!

Especially Disney bunnies. :)

that's one big-ol- drum.. i think i may need aspirin after it.

Your giving me GREAT ideas in pictures for Sept.. :hug:

I'm glad I can help.

All caught up...

Glad such a good trip with Mary and the girls. It looked like so much fun!!

They made the trip even more special.

Feeling sick at Disney is the worst! I am glad Mark started to feel better.

It really is, but happy we now know what it was and are having it taken care of.

I love your character interaction, Goofy looks like he was being a charmer!

Goofy was being a huge charmer...it was a fun interaction.

You got some great PP photos! Cute little bunnies! Crazy the lines were that long, we lucked out seeing Elsa and Anna, friend held our spot I was in DHS with her kids and Megan and we hoofed it over were the last ones in to see them that night, think she waited about an hour!

There is NO way I'm waiting in a four hour line for any character...not even Tigger. That was nice of your friend to hold your spot.

There is so much to do and see on a stroll around World Showcase. If the girls aren't with me at the time, I stop to hear Voices of Liberty, and I enjoy all the movies.

I'm with you, Caren. So much to do and see, and Mark and I too enjoy all the movies.

Disney bunnies are special, aren't they? I see TN bunnies occasionally, but I don't run for the camera. WDW bunnies are much more likely to get their picture taken.

You have a very good point there.

I'll be interested to read about your Candlelight Processional evening. We were scheduled to see Amy Grant in December. I wasn't able to make it, but Jill sent me a short video on the phone. :-)

I was so sorry about your missing doing thing son your trip, but especially this.

I am SURE it was, left the kids at home and overdid it :lmao:

Silly girl!

I loved the PP pics and the WS pics. I am so excited to FINALLY get back there and really try to check everything it :cheer2: Happy to see Mark feeling better :hug:

Thank you; I could spend a whole day in WS. Thanks, I was happy he was better too.
Hi stranger!

(or am I the stranger?) :confused3

I think a lot of people will differ on who is stranger. :rotfl2:

Anyway… I'm not sure where I was so I will just comment on the last few posts. :coffee:

Sure; I go back and read ALL of yours....but it's okay, Tim.;)

So sorry Mark was feeling under the weather and you had to cancel your meal with all your friends. :sad1:

Those gallstones were really giving him a hard time.

… but I'm sure giving him the extra rest got you through the next day.

It seemed to help because he was feeling a lot better by noon.

60 min for Malstrom? Ummmm no thank you. I'm not sure if I'd wait 10 minutes for it. We do need to check out a show or two next time. We always skip them. BTW can you bring Grey Goose slushes into the shows? ;)

It was unreal; and as I mentioned above I think it had to do with Elsa and Anna. Be sure you get your FP+ for your angels before your trip. No, you cannot bring slushes into the shows. :(

You 'may or may not have fallen asleep' during the show? Well, which one was it? Inquiring minds want to know. ::yes::

Yes...I dozed for a few minutes. :blush:

I'm going to have to pose with Mark for a few hat pictures. He is the king! :rotfl2:

Oh, I want pictures of you and Mark with hats, and Mark having a sword fight with Christopher.

I think you guys deserve a medal for taking the most photo pass pictures of anyone I know! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Hey, if I'm going to spend that amount of money, I want to get my money's worth!

So glad Mr. Mark was feeling better.

Thanks, Camille.

So sad to say goodbye to the people you adore and have such a good time with. :)

It is; but luckily I'll be seeing them real soon again.

Sorry Mark was feeling undr the weather !!See it didn.t stop his Ha Parade though !!Love the PP pix !!!

Thanks, Rosie. Nothing stops Mark...he wouldn't want to disappoint all the DISer's.

I really enjoyed the tour of WS today, thanks! :goodvibes Wonderful and sweet PP pictures, as always. :santa:

Thank you. :goodvibes

I just found out a few weeks ago that a friend of my pastor is one of the Voices of Liberty, really cool thing to find out! :thumbsup2

That is so neat! I love listening to them.

So you "may or may not have taken a nap" in the American Adventure, huh? :rotfl: Well, for me that would be ALWAYS!!! We have even been guilty of going there with the soul purpose of napping in the middle of the day when we didn't want to go back to the room. :rolleyes1 :lmao:

Mark used to look at me like I was nuts when I suggest it's time for Carousel of Progress. Then he finally figured it out...I needed a nap. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

I finally found your link and had time to read through and catch up! What a wonderful trip so far! Glad ya'll had so much fun with friends!

:welcome::welcome: I'm glad you found me and delighted to have you here. We had a blast with our friends and they just made the trip even more wonderful.

All your pictures are so fun to look through. I had to laugh at the nose-picking picture from Mexico- my kids always do it in Norway with the troll!
And our first time at WC for breakfast we had Jeffro too- he was amazing! Our neighbors and their son and nephew met us for that meal and he was so funny with all of us. He had the kids chanting "Let's go, Jeffro!"
Can't wait to read more.

My boys, when they were very young, used to do that to the troll too! Wasn't Jeffro just the best? I loved him! And I love that the kids were chanting his name.

It was good to read that Mark was feeling better and getting back to his silly self. Lots of great pictures around World Showcase! I can hardly wait to get back there myself.

Thanks, Lisa. We all know how men can be when they aren't feeling well (one of these days I just want ONE man to have a baby and maybe they'll stop whining when they get a runny nose). Our trips are getting closer and closer.

You got some really cute pictures! Love your shirts.

Jill in CO

Thanks, Jill. They were fun shirts...we enjoyed making them.
I may or may not have taken a nap during the show.
That isn't a very patriotic thing to do. :rolleyes1

Next stop: Germany and every boy's dream
Doesn't everybody like toy trains??? :confused3

We walked over to Maelstrom and the line was 60 minutes. Really? It's an okay ride, but not worth waiting 60 minutes for it.

We peeked in on Elsa and Anna and that line looked to be like 4 hours long.
DS loves that movie. I hope they are either not as popular, or he has found another movie to obsess over by the time we get there in December. I don't want to wait half a day to meet them.

There was NO line at the Character Spot so we stopped there too
That's because everyone wants to meet Elsa and Anna. Glad you were able to spend some time with friends.

Up next, we dine with the fish and what did we think of the Candlelight Processional?
I hope you either like it and reinforce our decision to see it or have a bad enough experience to make me not want to do it.

Or the way we seem to disagree on everything... does it really matter what you think??? :scratchin
:rotfl2: One of the best napping spots in the parks.


Great photo pass pictures!!!

Thank you!

I agree! 60 minutes? :eek:

Definitely NOT worth it.

That settles it! My next trip we will spend a day drinking around the world so I can keep everyone happy while I watch O Canada. I think both times I have been all they give me time for is to look in the shops and eat. I want to see some shows. I am sure a drink or two won't hurt either.:rotfl2:

Now that's a plan I could join with you on. :)

Glad Mark started to feel better. Love your ws pics.

Thank you.

I am so far behind.

I wondered where you had gone because I knew you had been updating.

Nice PP pics.

Thanks, Scott.

Oh. Sorry about his gallbladder. I was to have mine removed but I just have not yet.

I wish it had been sooner but it just didn't work with the schedule. Three more weeks and it will be done.

The onion rings look so good.

They are awesome!

Sounds like good times with everyone.

It really was.

Nice Osborne Lights pics.

Thank you again.

Too bad you had to cancel the breakfast.

I was disappointed, but Mark had to come first.

I like the hat he is wearing at AKL.

I liked that one too. Would you believe in probably the last ten trips or more, he has NOT come home with a hat. :confused3

We were there too that day. Epcot I mean.

I'm surprised we didn't see you.

Great pics around Epcot. I was looking for us but did not see us. LOl

Maybe you'll see you in the next set of pictures. ;)

You guys got so many little things done!!

We really did that last morning...it was great.

I love the little tiny Christmas decorations on the trains in Germany! Details, details!!

It's what Disney is all about.



I love looking around those Morocco stores, such pretty stuff in them. I don't think I've actually ever bought anything though. :confused3

I'm with you; I've been tempted to buy a thing or two, but they are delicate or too pricey.

I had to :rotfl: at the pictures from the American Adventure. We saw it in February and I think I took the same exact pictures as you. I'll be posting that update early next week and you'll see what I mean then.

I can't wait to see those. ;)

Holy cow, Maelstrom 60 minutes! I've seen it 30 minutes before but never as long as you guys did. I couldn't imagine waiting that long for it, it's just not worth it.

Definitely not worth an hour of my time on our last day...or any day for that matter.

Love the pictures with the Pluto topiary. I love how they decorated his dog house for Christmas!

I noticed that too...yet more great details from Disney.

Yeah for no wait time for the Character Spot. I guess everyone was in the Norway Pavilion at that moment. ::yes::

You are probably right (but we also walked right in a couple of weeks ago).

Oh, I know where you are going for lunch! One of my favorites, yum, can't wait to read about it.

Coming up soon.

Good timing!

It could not have been better.

Don't worry, I won't tell anybody.

Thanks, friend.

Even 10 minutes would be a dilemma. :rolleyes1

Agreed; now Figment, I might wait 30 minutes, but not even 60 minutes for my favorite purple dragon.

Disney groundskeepers!


Looks like you had a lot of fun with the characters.:thumbsup2

We did...they must have been bored because they spent a lot of time with us old folks.
That isn't a very patriotic thing to do. :rolleyes1

Well, it's not like I've never seen it. :rotfl2:

Doesn't everybody like toy trains??? :confused3

For a few minutes, but not an hour!


Yes it was.

DS loves that movie. I hope they are either not as popular, or he has found another movie to obsess over by the time we get there in December. I don't want to wait half a day to meet them.

You do know that they are moving them to the Magic Kingdom and you can use Fastpass+ for them, don't you?

That's because everyone wants to meet Elsa and Anna. Glad you were able to spend some time with friends.

It was a fun meet and greet.

I hope you either like it and reinforce our decision to see it or have a bad enough experience to make me not want to do it.

Hmmmm...maybe I won't tell you.

Or the way we seem to disagree on everything... does it really matter what you think??? :scratchin

Now for sure I won't tell you. :bitelip:
We arrived to check in for our ADR. We were dining here:

We got our pager and waited for it to go off so that we could be seated. While we were waiting, Mark and I both looked at each other and prayed that we would NOT be seated by the family of seven that was waiting in the lobby with us. Grandma and Grandpa were arguing, the kids were hitting each other, bouncing off the walls and the parents were oblivious to it all because they were both on their phones.

They were called in first and we were called in shortly after. I looked as we were led to our table to see if I could see them. I saw them on the far, opposite end of the restaurant and we were brought to our table. We had a table for two right next to the acquarium. SCORE!

Now, let me tell you about our waitress. She was awful! Let me explain. She has been a waitress at Disney for years (I want to say she said 12 or 13 years) at Cap Jack's at DTD. Well, that restaurant has now closed and she was moved to Coral Reef during the worse time of the year: the holidays and the Candleight Processional Dinner Package. Luckily, I knew the rest for Mark was good for him or I would have been mighty upset with her taking forever to get us anything, etc.

First up, the bread

Mark got soup (he was afraid he was going to stir up his stomach again):

I had a ceasar salad:

You want to see more fish? I will tell you now, I did NOT order fish off the menu...a little tough with them swimming right by me. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

For his entree, Mark DID have fish. :faint:

I had the Grilled New York Strip Steak

Mark raved about his fish and thoroughly enjoyed it. My steak was okay. After being spoiled at Yachtsman and a pretty good steak at Captain's Grille, this one was just okay.

I remember I didn't finish all of it because I wanted my favorite dessert:

Yes, heaven on a plate or other wise known as The Chocolate Wave.

Mark tempted fate and had dessert too:

We sat and enjoyed our dessert and I took more pictures of the fish:

When we FINALLY got our bill and settled it, Mark wanted to go see Nemo one more time. So off we went:

We went to see his manatees:

We left the aquarium and decided to walk over to line up for the Candlelight Processional. Although we had tickets, we knew from reading other updates, that the line could get extremely long and we could have bad seats.

Up next, do we end up in the back row? And what's happening with the choir?

I hope everyone has a great weekend. We are going to a wedding tomorrow (Andy's best friend is getting married...they've been best friends since we moved to our home 21 years ago) and Sunday Mark is umpping his first two games of the season and then I want him to hang the rest of our pictures back up from when we took them down for the painting of the house and I'm getting a massage on Sunday with Edward. :)
Yay for getting a table by the fish ! Dinner looks good, sorry you didn't gave a good waitress.

Have a great weekend!

Let me know if you have any questions on DLR! Happy to help!
Oh yum! I've been waiting for that update! Of course now I'm hungry and I've still got a ways to go till dinner. Must. stay. out. of. the. candy. dish! I can make it, right? :rotfl:

For some reason I don't have a problem eating fish while watching them. I probably should since I do a lot with animal rescue but it's just so tasty to eat! :thumbsup2

Someday I want to try that Chocolate Wave cake. The problem is I love the Bailey's Mousse that they serve so much I always get it. Maybe next time I'll get two desserts. That's got to be allowed at Disney!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I have very little planned which is good because I desperately need to do some cleaning.
I have to say I love the Coral Reef but have had some awful service there. I actually complained one year it was so bad and I waitressed my way through college so it takes a LOT for me to complain.

The Living Seas or whatever the pavilion is called now is a favorite. I just wish they had better identification on the fish tanks.

Love the manatees but they always make me laugh a little. One of my last trips as I was watching them get fed there was a woman next to me. She yelled at her family to come over and see he walruses. I could barely contain myself. There are signs right there that say MANATEES.

Have fun at the wedding. My grandson had his first game with school yesterday. The lost and it was in the 40's so really cold. Thankfully it's starting to warm up. Hope Mark has nice weather.
You do know that they are moving them to the Magic Kingdom and you can use Fastpass+ for them, don't you?
Yes, but I only get 3 of them!!! I'm not wasting them on characters!!! :rolleyes1

She was awful! Let me explain. She has been a waitress at Disney for years (I want to say she said 12 or 13 years) at Cap Jack's at DTD.
That's all the explanation that is needed... :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

You want to see more fish? I will tell you now, I did NOT order fish off the menu...a little tough with them swimming right by me. :rotfl2::rotfl2:
No it isn't! Just point and say, "I want that one!" :thumbsup2
Wanted to jump on and say hello… as I am waaayy behind… for sure I can comment there must be plenty of great Mark hat pix.. and adorable pix of the girls... and you guys always rock in your pix. :thumbsup2 Love all the PP pix!

Congrats on that casino win!! :woohoo; Earnarked for Disney. Hey I remember when you won the scratch offs on one of your Florida trips a few years back.:goodvibes And big congrats to your friend Tony! Quite a feat!!:cool1:

Malstorm is a take it or leave it for us… and at 60 minutes definitely a leave it! Just think of the drinks one could sip… or the number of hats Mark could of modeled in 60 minutes!

Good to read that Mark bounced back after not feeling well. No one wants to be sick, especially in Disney. Sorry about missing out on CP but he wouldn't of enjoyed the meal.

We will have to give Coral Reef another try. We had a similar waitress to yours and we were the furthest you can get from the aquarium. Just haven't been able to fit one in.

Happy you all had a great time with Nikki, Todd, Mary and the girls. Have to go back to read all of the updates. :goodvibes
I've never heard good things about Coral Reef and just can't bring myself to eat there. Glad Mark enjoyed his food though and you didn't get stuck next to the large family!

Jill in CO
Poor Mark not feeling well. I hope that he did okay after that meal at Coral Reef! What a great table you got - that would be the main reason that I would want to eat there.
Ian is 3 1/2 now, but he was 2 1/2 when we were at Disney World last year. When we visit my parents the boys spend most of their time asking to go down to the basement so they can watch my dad's model railroad layout, plus we have tons of train toys at our house.

The last time we got to eat at Coral Reef was when Ryan and I went on our honeymoon and we were very close to the aquarium wall too - perfect place to sit. I'm sorry you had such a horrible server though.
:The Chocolate Wave looks amazing! I'm afraid to try Coral Reef, though. And I also have a hard time ordering fish when sitting by an aquarium!


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