Our un-magical Day

I thought it was someone who went to DLR as a kid then took a vacation to WDW and is shocked at the differences
For someone who has 4 kids that wanted so badly to sit down at the parks had plenty of time to sit down and type a long winded post about issues that could have been resolved with planning.

I am not a super Disney geek by any means, but even 5 years ago before I knew about this site, I simply googled Disney menus and found allears.net where I could look at all the menus and plan out where my super picky 2 year old can eat chicken nuggets and mac and cheese at magic kingdom.

If you think positive good things come your way and by the sounds of the OP nothing seemed positive by any means!
Agreed. Bravo. :coffee: (It isn't real, is it??)

But I do have to send kudos to all the members who diplomatically tried to offer real (and good) advice. :wave2:

She/He's either a troll or completely lying about the 20 visits. I remember parking in the transportation center and taking the boat to the MK the first day and the monorail the second day. I'm 42 now. I was 6 or 7 then....how could you miss that in 20 visits???

That statement jumped out at me like a red flag.

So....great trolling or.....your poor kids. :confused3
One of the more thorough troll post I have seen. Obviously much research was done by the OP to compose a story that hit on so many of the DIS boards hot topics. Bravo, very well done.
I am deducting points for failing to mention refillable mugs and tipping.

I agree it's got to be a joke. No one puts that many adjectives in front of their kids' names. But then again, I initially thought the guy complaining about tangled wires behind the furniture and men wearing suits at the Yacht Club was a joke, too.
OMG, I was totally thinking of he Tangled Wire Guy by the time I got to the fourth use of the word MAGICAL.

OP, I hope you have a **magical** day! I remember having to park at the TTC on my first visit. In 1988.

Not everyone gets fairy dust. But looks like you got yourself all grumpy and ruined the day. So much great advice given if you decide to visit the the world again!

I love holding reservations with a credit card. We were able to get all the ones we wanted this trip!
This person sounds very similar to the woman who complained about her horrible Disney trip with her family last year. In that work of art, she was obsessed with having her Disney hotel room "Deep Clean" and how Disney couldn't "Deep Clean" her utterly filthy room.

Yes, this is another good troll story, albeit a bit long winded.
For those of us who missed this post can someone provide the link? Need some entertainment this am...

Search tangled wire in the boards and check out either of the two threads titled "unbelievably bad rooms and stay at yacht club"
The crazy thing is my brother could have written a very similar post after his first Disneyland visit with his kids. He's a smart guy, an attorney. He'd been to DL hundreds of times in his youth. He figured he knew the deal so he decided to take them one day over Easter Break. When I heard when he wanted to go, I sent him a couple of last minute planning emails. I told him about the expected crowds that day, to get there at rope drop, to use Fastpass, to use a touring plan. So he gets the kids up and goes to DL. Mid afternoon I texted him to see how it was going. He said it was crazy crowded with huge lines for everything and they hadn't ridden one headliner. The kids were so disappointed. I texted back to get Fastpasses. He responded "We didn't pay for those."!!!! I asked if he'd read my emails about his DL day. He said no, he didn't have time.

Turns out they ran late and missed rope drop. It was already super crowded when they got there and he had no idea how Fastpass worked. FP wasn't around the last time he went. (I know, I know...it's been around for quite some time now. Shows how long it's been since he was there!). He was bummed he'd spent $500, and missed all the big stuff. He should have read my two short emails at the very least. The information I sent him would have changed his whole day. I'm too nice of a sister to say "I told you so".

Although everyone may be right about the OP being a troll. I can totally see what she described happening to newbie families. We Disers all know DL and especially WDW require planning. But there are many many visitors who just go with no information at all. Maybe they, like my brother, went with their families in their youth and feel like they know the parks backwards and forwards. Their parents may have done the planning behind the scenes so they never realized they should plan/research their own trips. Or, they researched their first trip or two and feel like they know the drill now so did not re- research their later trips. With all the recent changes, I can totally see how families who only go to WDW every few years can be caught unaware and be disappointed.
I can't believe that some of you are defending some of the stupid "new" rules that Disney has implemented and just accept them. I have not been to the Magic Kingdom in at least five years because I recently had two babies so yes I was unaware of the changes. Perhaps if you had been to Disney ten years ago before the economy crashed and they let go of all their good cast members you would realize how much it sucks now. You never had to wait in line for an hour to see a princess. They were strolling in the park. They were not locked up in the "Princess Fairytale Hall". I was at the park for twelve hours and it was my 40th birthday and NO cast members even said happy birthday! Three! I've gone on my birthday or kids birthdays before and we got fastpasses for the day, free dessert at the restaurants, a happy birthday autograph picture from Mickey. Um, do you guys not remember this stuff. It's wrong that nobody is complaining especially when Disney set such a high standard of customer service. Are you all in La La Land? "It's okay. Disney can do no wrong even if they are making me wait in line and pay up the a** for everything!" And don't tell me I'm a bad mother for "not doing a little planning". This was an improptu trip. Hubby said, "Hey it's your birthday. Surprise we're going to Disney!" So I had no time to plan "180 days" in advance. Now you have to prompt the cast members to be nice to you? The CM's are very good now at saying "NO". Seriously! I'm through trying to defend myself. Below is a list of things that suck now. Go ahead and try to come up with more lame excuses about why it's okay.

Pleasure Island - Gone - That sucks
Toon Town and Mickey and Minnie's house - Gone - That sucks
Having to wait in line for over an hour to see characters - That sucks
The new Fastpass system - only 3 for the whole day - That really sucks
Having to give a credit card to make a reservation at a restaurant - sucks
Not letting a mother with two small kids sit down at a restaurant while her husband purchases food from the restaurant - sucks
No McDonald's french fries - sucks
Running out of pineapple Dole Whips - only had orange - that really sucked
Both Splash Mountain and Pirates were broken - sucks
Nobody to trade pins with - or very few cm's - sucks
Cinderella Castle Closed - sucks
TERRIBLE customer service - sucks
No variety in food (only burgers) - sucks
Highest Ticket Prices EVER for a TERRIBLE experience - sucks
A 'LOCKED UP' Mickey Mouse (REALLY!?!?) - Totally SUCKS

I find it horrible that everyone on this board seems to defend Disney. Responses from people on here who claim that if we cant afford the prices then don't go, it's not whether we are able to afford the prices it's the value and the experience that we are supposed to get from it. Further more Walt Disney created Disney World to give 'EVERYONE' a magical experience not just the super rich.

"Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends." -Walt Disney

"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes PEOPLE to make the dream a reality." - Walt Disney

"You reach a point where you don't work for money." - Walt Disney

"I only hope that we don't loose sight that it all started with a mouse." - Walt Disney

"To all that come to this HAPPY place: Welcome; Disneyland is YOUR land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America... with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world." -Walt Disney

"I don't want the public to see the world they live in while they're in the park. I want them to feel they're in another world." -Walt Disney

"We believed in our idea... a family park where parents and children could have fun together." - Walt Disney

"Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea to make money." - Walt Disney

Changes and improvements to the park are fine but making it such a corporate experience rather than a magical guest oriented experience is ridiculous. The prices at every other park in the Orlando area are much less expensive sometimes by half so you can bet that my money will not be going to support a non-existent mouse. You all may be willing to roll over, hand over your cash and say "thank you sir may I have another?" but for me and my family we will not willing to roll over. As a travel agent as well, I will not be recommending any Disney Parks to my clients their time and money are better spent elsewhere. When I took my teenagers ten years ago, it was a much different, better and easier experience. I'm not mad because I didn't get my way. I'm mad because Disney's way of doing things now is sub-standard.
I can't believe that some of you are defending some of the stupid "new" rules that Disney has implemented and just accept them. I have not been to the Magic Kingdom in at least five years because I recently had two babies so yes I was unaware of the changes. Perhaps if you had been to Disney ten years ago before the economy crashed and they let go of all their good cast members you would realize how much it sucks now. You never had to wait in line for an hour to see a princess. They were strolling in the park. They were not locked up in the "Princess Fairytale Hall". I was at the park for twelve hours and it was my 40th birthday and NO cast members even said happy birthday! Three! I've gone on my birthday or kids birthdays before and we got fastpasses for the day, free dessert at the restaurants, a happy birthday autograph picture from Mickey. Um, do you guys not remember this stuff. It's wrong that nobody is complaining especially when Disney set such a high standard of customer service. Are you all in La La Land? "It's okay. Disney can do no wrong even if they are making me wait in line and pay up the a** for everything!" And don't tell me I'm a bad mother for "not doing a little planning". This was an improptu trip. Hubby said, "Hey it's your birthday. Surprise we're going to Disney!" So I had no time to plan "180 days" in advance. Now you have to prompt the cast members to be nice to you? The CM's are very good now at saying "NO". Seriously! I'm through trying to defend myself. Below is a list of things that suck now. Go ahead and try to come up with more lame excuses about why it's okay.

Pleasure Island - Gone - That sucks
Toon Town and Mickey and Minnie's house - Gone - That sucks
Having to wait in line for over an hour to see characters - That sucks
The new Fastpass system - only 3 for the whole day - That really sucks
Having to give a credit card to make a reservation at a restaurant - sucks
Not letting a mother with two small kids sit down at a restaurant while her husband purchases food from the restaurant - sucks
No McDonald's french fries - sucks
Running out of pineapple Dole Whips - only had orange - that really sucked
Both Splash Mountain and Pirates were broken - sucks
Nobody to trade pins with - or very few cm's - sucks
Cinderella Castle Closed - sucks
TERRIBLE customer service - sucks
No variety in food (only burgers) - sucks
Highest Ticket Prices EVER for a TERRIBLE experience - sucks
A 'LOCKED UP' Mickey Mouse (REALLY!?!?) - Totally SUCKS

I find it horrible that everyone on this board seems to defend Disney. Responses from people on here who claim that if we cant afford the prices then don't go, it's not whether we are able to afford the prices it's the value and the experience that we are supposed to get from it. Further more Walt Disney created Disney World to give 'EVERYONE' a magical experience not just the super rich.

"Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends." -Walt Disney

"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes PEOPLE to make the dream a reality." - Walt Disney

"You reach a point where you don't work for money." - Walt Disney

"I only hope that we don't loose sight that it all started with a mouse." - Walt Disney

"To all that come to this HAPPY place: Welcome; Disneyland is YOUR land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America... with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world." -Walt Disney

"I don't want the public to see the world they live in while they're in the park. I want them to feel they're in another world." -Walt Disney

"We believed in our idea... a family park where parents and children could have fun together." - Walt Disney

"Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea to make money." - Walt Disney

Changes and improvements to the park are fine but making it such a corporate experience rather than a magical guest oriented experience is ridiculous. The prices at every other park in the Orlando area are much less expensive sometimes by half so you can bet that my money will not be going to support a non-existent mouse. You all may be willing to roll over, hand over your cash and say "thank you sir may I have another?" but for me and my family we will not willing to roll over. As a travel agent as well, I will not be recommending any Disney Parks to my clients their time and money are better spent elsewhere. When I took my teenagers ten years ago, it was a much different, better and easier experience. I'm not mad because I didn't get my way. I'm mad because Disney's way of doing things now is sub-standard.

No one can take you seriously because many of the things you say make zero sense. I have been to WDW every year for the last 7 years, and we only do the QS meals. I have not had a burger in at least the last two years. Not liking the changes is one thing, but many of your complaints come off as entitlement and even if you didn't have time to research anything prior to the trip, there were things you could have inquired about at the park once you were there. You have to take responsibility for your own miserable day. Disney is a business, and they still have the best customer service I have ever dealt with. I am sorry you had a bad day, but your expectations were unreasonable.
I'm not mad because I didn't get my way. I'm mad because Disney's way of doing things now is sub-standard.

I just reread your original post. It honestly sounded like you were mad because you didn't get your way.

Also remember that what you consider sub-standard, may be considered an improvement to others. For example, I love the new cc guarantee at the restaurants and I prefer the new Fantasyland to Mickey's Toontown.
No one can take you seriously because many of the things you say make zero sense. I have been to WDW every year for the last 7 years, and we only do the QS meals. I have not had a burger in at least the last two years. Not liking the changes is one thing, but many of your complaints come off as entitlement and even if you didn't have time to research anything prior to the trip, there were things you could have inquired about at the park once you were there. You have to take responsibility for your own miserable day. Disney is a business, and they still have the best customer service I have ever dealt with. I am sorry you had a bad day, but your expectations were unreasonable.

Exactly. The complaints don't add up, and some of them have nothing to do with changes in the past few years. You've been to Disney tons of times, yet you never once realized you can't park at the front gate of the MK? Cinderella Castle has never been open for touring, just a pass through and a restaurant (and now BBB). If you went from Cosmic Ray's to Pecos Bill's, you passed several other eateries, including Be Our Guest counter service lunch and Columbia Harbour House, which is not new. These are not burger joints. I have a picky kid and a food allergy kid, and we can go an entire trip and never eat a counter service burger. If you've been there recently enough to know about the existence of Fastpass in its original form, and Disney is a place you've supposedly been lots, then these are just silly complaints. It's hard to take the rest of the issues seriously.

Why is holding a table with a credit card such a big deal? It's not unique to Disney. Cancel or show up, no charge. And yes, big families can and are on time. Timeliness is not unreasonable for anyone.

There are plenty of complaints about FP+ on this board, so you lose on saying people are blind. No one here is saying Disney is perfect. But honestly, if you put a fraction of the effort you've put in to your posts into just looking at the web for an impromptu trip, you would have saved yourself a lot of frustration.
Yep... has to be a joke. There is no way someone who has been to Disney as often as the OP states could not have known many of these items. ESPECIALLY the MK parking. I mean, it's been like that since what? Day 1?

Even my cousin, who has never planned a trip to Disney and hasn't been there in 22 years, would know more then this person.
I find it horrible that everyone on this board seems to defend Disney. Responses from people on here who claim that if we cant afford the prices then don't go, it's not whether we are able to afford the prices it's the value and the experience that we are supposed to get from it. Further more Walt Disney created Disney World to give 'EVERYONE' a magical experience not just the super rich.

Not everyone on this board will always defend Disney.

But if you make wild accusations about what you thought you were entitled to at Disney when really, let's face it, you just did a sucky (I used this word since you seem to like it so much) job at planning we will.

And I'm sorry, but I find the fact that you say you're a TA and have been 20 times laughable.

However, it's kind of laughable that I'm taking time off from living in "La La Land" to respond.


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