WISH Away the Pounds - Spectacular September Challenge...Everyone Welcome

I am a daily weigher to keep me on track. I only weigh myself in the morning as the evening would be too frustrating. I am always fearing that the numbers will be back where I started. This said, I don't know if weighing yourself twice a day is healthy as it might make you more anxious or frustrated leaving you to make less than stellar meal/food choices.

Excellent point! ::yes::

True. I don't know how I got in the habit of weighing twice. I used to do it just in the morning. I enjoy plotting it and seeing a daily decrease or stability when I'm not working on losing. I still eat normally because I don't like diets. It's just largely portion control, cutting out most sweets and exercising several times a week. So with all that, even if I'm not losing, I will be getting healthier. Don't know why the numbers scare me but they do. ;-)

It's just a number, it's not who you are. :flower3:

Since I do not have a Body Bugger & I choose to not really be militant in counting calories but enstead approximate, I feel that by weighing myself two and every now and then three times a day helps in me seeing what is working and what is not.
Yes, there are many a day that I dread looking at that dang "scale of truth," :scared1:
but more often than not, I AM finding that I am losing weight.....even if its just .02 of a pound at the end of every day.:woohoo:

And I feel that that's what it is all about - a journey and not a weight loss destination. It is also quite fascinating to watch my body recover after a workout and to see what certain proteins (like a slice of chicken breast and 1/2 a bottle of Vitamin Water) does in reaction to the overall poundage I have lost versus what the body puts back while it is recovering (including water weight).
My body also reacts differently if its Gator-aid vs Vitamin Water and to me, Vitamin Water won out as I am finding its less taxing on my body.

Nice job on having willpower to toss out trigger foods. It does take awhile for your body to metabolize what you have eaten so the scale does not necessarily reflect what you might have gained or lost "instantly." You're obviously having a very successful time and that is the goal to find what works for you. :)

I would very much suggest to not weigh twice a day!! Your weight depends on so many factors. Losing fat is nothing that happens within a few hours!

Just think if you eat a large bowl of low fat carrot soup or a candy bar and step on the scale directly afterwards you will certainly weigh much more after the carrot soup than after the candy bar, but in the long run you will have eaten less calories with the carrot soup. So there is no real connection between the short effect these two different types of food on the scale and the long term effect. But you will want to go for the long term effect.

What counts is your long term trend. That's why people recommend to only step on the scale once a week.

And if you are getting stressed by the scale, I would recommend to just stop getting on it. Just put it away somewhere where it is not easy to get it out and try how you feel if you don't get on it. Make a commitment to try for a month to only do weekly weigh ins.

Excellent point! ::yes::

I was so excited on Friday when I weighed in because I could see a a drop next WI from one digit to another!

Then.....my DH and I went away and I do NOT want to get back on the scale! I am going to avoid it til next WI and hope I can recover to what I was at least this Friday and maybe nudge it down to that next digit! I know I won't make my goal, but it was a lovely get-away with my sweetie that we needed, so hang the calories! :lmao:

Glad that you had a good time on your get-away -- you will continue to work toward your goals and having a good time with DH is just as important as healthy living. :love: I would go ahead and look because it might not be as bad as you fear. :flower3:

I weigh twice a day. Might not be the smartest thing, but it truly is a slippery slope for me. Like if I don't get on the scale I "conveniently" forget that I need to be healthy and just end up off track. The scale keeps me honest. I only record the morning weight.

I think it comes down to what works for you to keep you honest and keep you moving forward.

Another excellent point! :thumbsup2

I am IN for coaching in October!! I can start 10/6-7, 10/13-14, or 10/20-21 (we usually start on a Thursday or Friday, right?? I can't remember). Let me know!

Thank, Pamela! :flower3: Sent you a PM.

I have two coaching spots left open for October -- just five short days. Please consider volunteering! :thanks: And a big thank you to all who have already volunteered. :cool2:

I weigh 3 times a week. Once for you guys (always 1st thing on Friday morning, before I shower), Saturday morning (again first thing before shower) for the record DH and I are keeping of our journey, and finally, 7:00pm on a Monday at Slimming World Group......that's the 'official' one!!! I always have to remember to compare like with like.....I can weight up to 4lb more in an evening than in a morning.

Good luck on your weigh in tonight! :flower3:

Oh, so your DH is losing weight as well? Just following along your cooking for your slimming class?

To be honest, I am a daily weigher as well. But I don't freak when I suddenly have a higher number one morning. I track my weight in an app on my phone and as long as the longterm trend is downwards I am happy. Since my weight sometimes fluctuates for two or three pounds and since I am not a fast loser, I think I might get too depressed if I would only weigh once a week as it would take longer to see whether the higher weight is just a one time occurence or really part of a trend. BUT, and I think this is the most important issue: I don't let myself be governed by the scale. I stick to my plan and follow that - whatever the scale says momentarily. And it works! :thumbsup2

Hear! Hear! :thumbsup2

Have I not mentioned that Duncan is also losing weight?? I've lost 67lbs so far and he's lost 61lbs.......just from eating the cooking I'm doing!!! He doesn't actually go to the group, which is why we weigh at home on a Saturday. He's at target now..I have some way to go!!!

When I take new pictures on 1st October I'll put some of him up too.

Congrats to your DH on his loss, too. And way to go that you have lost more than he has! :yay: Usually men lose a lot more and lot faster so :woohoo: for you! ;)

on the weighing yourself conversation - I have been there where I weighed myself almost daily and it really depressed me and frustrated me. I fluctuate up to 5 lbs and seeing the number jump would almost always lead to self-sabotage. so now I weigh myself on Friday mornings, and sometimes I forget! I think gaining so much weight and feeling really like it was out of my control (health)..I just had to stop stepping on the scale for my mental health. Now that it's (finally!) reversing, I guess I just don't want to obsess on the number again, b/c that's where I tend to head towards

now...OH MY! I totally forgot to post a question this morning!! I'm so sorry!! I hope everyone had a good weekend..mine was decent, it definitely could've been better. i'm lacing up my walking shoes tomorrow morning and intend on getting this routine back in play. Friday night -- DH and I went out to dinner to a local pub ... I got in the car and said 'take me to beer and junk food' :rolleyes1 so don't' feel sorry for me!! but seriously, I felt TERRIBLE, we're talking anti-nausea meds and sleeping with a bucket on the side of the bed. I have no inkling for pub fare anytime soon. My GI system was very very irritated over the past 3 years and so I've gone mostly gluten-free. usually I can eat a meal with gluten without any problems..so I just don't know if it was just a bad night or what. DH was fine so it wasn't the food

rose -- i'm glad you are settling in your new home! and those buyers! wow..nerves!!

( I thought I had bookmarked a post of coaching questions? does anyone have that? can't find)

I bumped the QOTD archive for you, Molli! :flower3:

MONDAY QOTD -- what's your go-to spice? what foods do you use it for?

Trader Joe's has some fab spice grinders, right now i'm lovin my Garlic Salt - sea salt, roasted garlic, onion, and parsley. it's great on vegetables, I buy fresh green beans from the farmers market and sauté them with the garlic salt blend. it's delish!

No worries, Molli! :flower3: We have been doing one question for week-ends anyway so you were spot on. :cool2:

I have really been enjoying a spice mix called "fine herbes" which is a mediterranean spice blend with parsley, chives, tarragon and chervil. It is great on chicken and roasted vegetables.

For me, the spice I use frequently is parsley. I put parsley in everything. Also garlic. I buy fresh garlic at Costco and put it in everything too! I love to cook!

I made a good veggie side last night. 1 lb carrots coarse chopped, 1 lb small gold potatoes, 1 head cauliflower chopped. Boil for 20 min and mashed. Added 2 pieces light laughing cow garlic cheese and a splash of skim milk, salt/pepper to taste.

Seeing I hate to cook and not a huge veggie fan it's a start.

Alright - weekend is over and planning on getting back to stronger focus. Weekends are do hard for me w the family home I almost forget my diet focus and just start falling in w everyone else's snacking. I've been doing better but still not good enough. Doubt my goal of 2 lbs is happening. We'll see.

Have a great day.

Yum! I love roasted vegetables. Sounds delicious! ::yes::

Have a great day all! :goodvibes
This morning I broke into the 160's (barely) with a 169.8. I haven't seen that number in over 2 years. We go on a cruise in November and I was hoping to hit 170. Looks like I'll have to aim for 160 now.

Hope everyone has a successful week this week and put your Monday to good use! A new start to Friday!
Had a very good weekend, but the scale went up slightly today. However, the week is not over yet, so I am still counting on a good result for Friday! :goodvibes


I do have various spices for diferent purposes. But my current favourite is a wonderful organic mild curry powder which I mainly use with anything pumpkin/squash related (during autumn and winter I tend to live on pumpkin soup) as well as in couscous. Had a lovely meal yesterday of grilled chicken breast with a green salad and some cousous where I added the curry powder to the dry couscous before I added the water. And then I mixed some quartered red grapes into the couscous. Delicious!
MONDAY QOTD -- what's your go-to spice? what foods do you use it for?

Trader Joe's has some fab spice grinders, right now i'm lovin my Garlic Salt - sea salt, roasted garlic, onion, and parsley. it's great on vegetables, I buy fresh green beans from the farmers market and sauté them with the garlic salt blend. it's delish!

That does sound yummy. I tend to be a rather bland cook. I never learned how to season foods very well. I use garlic for nearly everything that i can. I also love curry, but only use it in recipes that specifically call for it. S I guess my answer to the question would be garlic! Your green beans sound very yummy! I do a green bean sautéed sometimes with fresh garlic, onions, and tomatoes!

I made a good veggie side last night. 1 lb carrots coarse chopped, 1 lb small gold potatoes, 1 head cauliflower chopped. Boil for 20 min and mashed. Added 2 pieces light laughing cow garlic cheese and a splash of skim milk, salt/pepper to taste.

Seeing I hate to cook and not a huge veggie fan it's a start.

Alright - weekend is over and planning on getting back to stronger focus. Weekends are do hard for me w the family home I almost forget my diet focus and just start falling in w everyone else's snacking. I've been doing better but still not good enough. Doubt my goal of 2 lbs is happening. We'll see.

Have a great day.

First of all your veggie dish sounds really delish! Second, did you know that weekends and holidays account for 1/3 of the year? If you are getting off track on weekends you stand to lose a lot of ground in regards to your weight loss. Would moving your weigh-in day to Monday or Tuesday help keep you on track for the weekends? Just a thought.

Hi everyone:) Just checking in to say I'm reading along but haven't had much time to post. Loved the autumn chicken recipe Pamela :thumbsup2 Have you ever made it with other types of sausage? I've never seen chicken sausage here but pork and apple sausages might work or chorizo? Even without the sausage I think it'd be good so thanks for sharing :goodvibes. Off to do another school pick up. Keep up the good work everyone :goodvibes

We don't eat much processed meat here, but the chicken sausage is all natural and fairly lean. I use a sweet apple chicken sausage in this dish, as it goes well with the root veggies and the maple syrup. I'm guessing that pork and apple sausage would work as well!

This morning I broke into the 160's (barely) with a 169.8. I haven't seen that number in over 2 years. We go on a cruise in November and I was hoping to hit 170. Looks like I'll have to aim for 160 now.

Hope everyone has a successful week this week and put your Monday to good use! A new start to Friday!

Woohoo! Take a moment to celebrate your new number in the 10's place!:banana:

Had a very good weekend, but the scale went up slightly today. However, the week is not over yet, so I am still counting on a good result for Friday! :goodvibes

I do have various spices for diferent purposes. But my current favourite is a wonderful organic mild curry powder which I mainly use with anything pumpkin/squash related (during autumn and winter I tend to live on pumpkin soup) as well as in couscous. Had a lovely meal yesterday of grilled chicken breast with a green salad and some cousous where I added the curry powder to the dry couscous before I added the water. And then I mixed some quartered red grapes into the couscous. Delicious!

That couscous sounds really tasty! I love pumpkin! Have a pumpkin soup recipe to share?

BBL to chat!.......P
Sorry I had to dash away a few minutes ago to pick up a student. But I have a minute now to say hi!

So much to do in the next 48 hours. My mom is coming to stay with DS so that DH can stay in Maine and so that I can stay overnight with DD Wedednesday night. I love that she is coming but it means I need to do a bit of extra cleaning! It was a last minute plan, so I couldn't even clean over the weekend! I also promised DD that I would bring her some pumpkin muffins, so I need to do that tomorrow after my WW meeting. And I need to hit Target for a big bunch of stuff I promised I'd bring to DD!

So tomorrow looks like drop DS at school, Bible study, Target and a few groceries, home to clean, prep for my WW meeting, meeting time, dinner with the guys, make muffins, load car with stuff for DD, crash into bed! Hopefully I can get most of the cleaning done tonight, since the car pool is taking DS to robotics.

Looking forward to my lunch today, since it is leftovers from last night's dinner! Breakfast was a bit lame since I was running late but it filled the empty belly.

Off to do my lunch duty..........P
Hi Everyone.. Just a few things.. I only weigh once a day in the AM.. sometimes I get on at night but just because I ate alot and want to see how much so the next few days I behave better... fave spice.. I would say garlic - love to saute greenbeans, zucchinis chicken ect in it..
Plutobaby thanks for sharing your doggie photo, I need that today... sad day for us today, 2 years ago we had to put our beloved Beagle - Copper -- down at age 10 and right this very minute we are contemplating putting our cat -- Bandit -- age 16.5 down .. it's horrible when they get old and can no longer control where they "go" I have had him almost as long as my youngest so I am having a hard time with it.. I know it's coming. he has a growth on this side that has gotten larger over the past few weeks and now he isn't just missing his box in the bathroom but also just going in our hallway.. he is still eating and alert so this is why the thought of putting him down is so destressing to me.. WAAA :(
Hope everyone has a great week! TTFN
Michelle, so sorry about your cat!!! :hug:

That couscous sounds really tasty! I love pumpkin! Have a pumpkin soup recipe to share?

Actually, I am really lazy with my pumpkin soup. First of all, I should point out that I nearly never use real pumpkin, but some other sort of squash. Germany is no pumpkin/squash country and the easiest to get is the "red kuri squash" which we call "Hokkaido pumpkin" and it has the advantage that it does not need to be peeled. But my favourite one is called "Muscade de Provence". Butternut squash has become easily available, too.

So what I do is as follows: cut up the squash in big chunks, get rid of the seeds. But it onto a baking tray and bake for about 45 minutes. Get out of the oven, peel off the outer skin (not necessary with the red krui) and then cut it up a bit. Add water and puree it until smooth. The reheat it, add salt and curry powder. And that's it. I recently thought that I would roast a few unpeeled cloves of garlic with the pumpkin and add the soft garlic to the purree. Recently I also added some sesame oil which was delicious! Most of the time I will eat some low fat yoghurt with it. Makes for a very low point dinner!
Michelle, so sorry about your cat!!! :hug:

Actually, I am really lazy with my pumpkin soup. First of all, I should point out that I nearly never use real pumpkin, but some other sort of squash. Germany is no pumpkin/squash country and the easiest to get is the "red kuri squash" which we call "Hokkaido pumpkin" and it has the advantage that it does not need to be peeled. But my favourite one is called "Muscade de Provence". Butternut squash has become easily available, too.

So what I do is as follows: cut up the squash in big chunks, get rid of the seeds. But it onto a baking tray and bake for about 45 minutes. Get out of the oven, peel off the outer skin (not necessary with the red krui) and then cut it up a bit. Add water and puree it until smooth. The reheat it, add salt and curry powder. And that's it. I recently thought that I would roast a few unpeeled cloves of garlic with the pumpkin and add the soft garlic to the purree. Recently I also added some sesame oil which was delicious! Most of the time I will eat some low fat yoghurt with it. Makes for a very low point dinner!

Sounds wonderful! It would be easy to make with canned pumpkin, but probably not quite as delish as with the roasted squash. We didn't grow anything this year and I miss having some home grown squash and pumpkins on hand. DS is allergic to pumpkin so if I make this it will be just for me!

Day here at school is winding down. I'm done with students, but need to hang around until 3 pm for afternoon duty. BBL to chat! ...........P
Well, I had a half pound gain tonight at 'official' weigh n, but I'm cool with that as it was totally deserved after my cakefest on Saturday!!!

7 weeks to my birthday, so I know I'm not going to get to target by then, but 14lb off would be nice and 2 a week should be manageable.

Magdalene, the soup sounds lovely, think I might try that with a butternut squash at the weekend.....there seems to be a glut of them in the shops here at the moment.

Watch out for the canned pumpkin, the stuff we get in the UK has all sorts of rubbish added to it, including sugar!!

Off to do a few colour changes now.....................
Hey - what's your fav meal to cook??? any recipe ya wanna share??:goodvibes

Been meaning to let you know.... we have a recipe thread!! Here is the link!! Lots of great recipes there and you can feel free to share any that you might have!!


Well, I had a half pound gain tonight at 'official' weigh n, but I'm cool with that as it was totally deserved after my cakefest on Saturday!!!

7 weeks to my birthday, so I know I'm not going to get to target by then, but 14lb off would be nice and 2 a week should be manageable.

Magdalene, the soup sounds lovely, think I might try that with a butternut squash at the weekend.....there seems to be a glut of them in the shops here at the moment.

Watch out for the canned pumpkin, the stuff we get in the UK has all sorts of rubbish added to it, including sugar!!

Off to do a few colour changes now.....................

Glad you aren't overly disturbed about the small gain and that you aren't letting it get you down!! Fourteen pounds before your birthday will be a push, but it is a great goal to keep you on track!!

Thanks for the heads up about the pumpkin. The canned pumpkin here is just that.... plain pumpkin. However, it can easily get mixed up with "pumpkin pie filling".... which does have sugar and other things!


Evening all! Men are out and I have the house to myself (well... me and the cat!). I went through everything I have put aside to bring to DD on Wednesday and updated the shopping list I have for Target tomorrow. Plus I played the role of "brave homeowner" and went out with a big stick and a can of hornet spray to kill a large yellow jacket nest I discovered under the edge of our deck a few days ago. I had to wait until a very cool evening to give it a try.... but of course, by the time it was cool enough tonight, it was rather dark. I could HEAR the angry bees buzzing as I attacked them and their home with my poison, but I couldn't see them! :eek:It was kind of scary!! But I think I managed to destroy most of the nest and made it back inside without getting stung! Hopefully I got it all!!

Dinner was yummy, but it was more caloric than my usual dinners and as such I have just a very few PointsPlus left for an evening snack while I watch Dancing With the Stars!!

Okay... off to find some coupons so that tomorrow's Target trip isn't such a big blow to the wallet! TTYL..............P
TUESDAY QOTD - what Disney resort hotel best expresses your personality and why?
TUESDAY QOTD - what Disney resort hotel best expresses your personality and why?

Love the question!!:goodvibes
IMO, I like CBR cuz it has a great locale to all the places I wanna go, has a water theme (I am BUILT for "sunny and 72 degrees" vacation adventures) -

and lastly, it just puts me in that Ocho Rios kind of a mood to have a Mai Tai in one hand while taking pics of a wonderful sunset with a camera in the other hand.:cloud9:

TUESDAY QOTD - what Disney resort hotel best expresses your personality and why?

Interesting question! My favourite resort is AKL - and I think it has the personality I would like to have: outgoing and spectacular.

But I think my personality is more like the Boardwalk: I enjoy company (the Boardwalk has direct neighbour hotels), I can be very traditional, but also am not at all a conservative person (the Boardwalk is "historical", but has the circus theme making it whimsical again). I like luxury (so I can only be a deluxe resort!). I like to walk (the Boardwalk has two theme parks in walking distance).
TUESDAY QOTD - what Disney resort hotel best expresses your personality and why?

Well.... my "gut" reaction was to say Art of Animation (even though I have yet to stay there) because when I am at Disney I want it to be ALL about Disney. I don't necessarily need to feel like I am in the redwood forests of the Northwest or in Africa or what-have-you. I love the characters, I love the movies (both Disney and Pixar) and love feeling like a big silly kid. I want to be immersed in the magic of Disney 34/7 on my trip and AoA seems like it would do that for me!

Gotta dash for the day!...................P
TUESDAY QOTD - what Disney resort hotel best expresses your personality and why?

This is definitely a tough one! My fave is Wilderness Lodge but I've only stayed there once thanks to a HUGE discount. :yay: As far as personality goes though, just pick whatever resort you think is the silliest and that's definitely me! :rotfl2: However, as I'm obsessed with the critters, Animal Kingdom Lodge is right up my alley, but again too procey for me to stay at. :eek:

Well, the scale was definitely NOT my friend this week...up two pounds!! I'm pretty sure my enemy is the weekends. As I'm not usually on the computer all weekend long, I tend to not track. Plus, since my long runs are done on the weekends, I end up feeling crazy hungry later in the day and chow down on everything in sight (well, maybe not everything, but it feels like it! :sad:). Help ladies!!!!! :scared:
Kim, thank Calypso for the reminder that we all need to live in the moment! :love: Sorry for the scale result but I have faith those pounds will disappear as quickly as they showed up.

I did see Pamela's statement about week-ends and holidays adding up to one third of the year -- that was a big eye opener for me. :eek: And will definitely help me to be more OP on those week-ends.

Hi everyone:) Just checking in to say I'm reading along but haven't had much time to post. Loved the autumn chicken recipe Pamela :thumbsup2 Have you ever made it with other types of sausage? I've never seen chicken sausage here but pork and apple sausages might work or chorizo? Even without the sausage I think it'd be good so thanks for sharing :goodvibes. Off to do another school pick up. Keep up the good work everyone :goodvibes

Hello! :wave: Thanks for checking in! :flower3:

Michelle, so sorry about your sweet kitty. :hug: That is a decision that no one likes to make. I can only say that each time we've had to live through it we knew in our hearts that it was the right time. I'm so sorry! :flower3:

Actually, I am really lazy with my pumpkin soup. First of all, I should point out that I nearly never use real pumpkin, but some other sort of squash. Germany is no pumpkin/squash country and the easiest to get is the "red kuri squash" which we call "Hokkaido pumpkin" and it has the advantage that it does not need to be peeled. But my favourite one is called "Muscade de Provence". Butternut squash has become easily available, too.

So what I do is as follows: cut up the squash in big chunks, get rid of the seeds. But it onto a baking tray and bake for about 45 minutes. Get out of the oven, peel off the outer skin (not necessary with the red krui) and then cut it up a bit. Add water and puree it until smooth. The reheat it, add salt and curry powder. And that's it. I recently thought that I would roast a few unpeeled cloves of garlic with the pumpkin and add the soft garlic to the purree. Recently I also added some sesame oil which was delicious! Most of the time I will eat some low fat yoghurt with it. Makes for a very low point dinner!

Magdalene, your pumpkin soup sounds yummy and easy! :thumbsup2

Pamela, sounds like your bug zapping was a success! :darth:

TUESDAY QOTD - what Disney resort hotel best expresses your personality and why?

I'm going with the Grand Californian -- warm, majestic and a classic. :cool2: Very interesting question, Molli!

I am swimming along here hoping that the modest loss that is showing on the scale now stays around for Thursday's weigh in at WW. Since I still cannot do any activity on my leg I have to be very vigilant on my food consumption although the pumpkin spice latte calls my name. :pirate: You can make it relatively point friendly by sticking to a nonfat tall with no whip -- it's a 3 point treat on a cold morning.

Have a great day all!
....I'm pretty sure my enemy is the weekends. As I'm not usually on the computer all weekend long, I tend to not track. Plus, since my long runs are done on the weekends, I end up feeling crazy hungry later in the day and chow down on everything in sight (well, maybe not everything, but it feels like it! :sad:). Help ladies!!!!! :scared:

:furious: this is my problem too!! that was good to read Lisa, that weekends account for 1/3 of the year! wow!!

...although the pumpkin spice latte calls my name. :pirate: You can make it relatively point friendly by sticking to a nonfat tall with no whip -- it's a 3 point treat on a cold morning.

:yay: that's what I do! I love the pumpkin spice latte, I look forward to it every year!!

QOTD -- I believe i'm going to say the Boardwalk as well. I LOVE me some bakery treats :rotfl: I like the atmosphere of the boardwalk, it says slow down and enjoy this beautiful scene. I like it's calm in the morning and bustling more so at night. I also love the location, I like to be near all the good happenings! I remember seeing the Christmas display many years ago and it was devine I love Christmas time!

ok, i'm going to do a few tasks on the computer this morning and then i'm going to dust off my just dance for some calorie burn.

Lisa -- do you still need coaches in Oct -- PM me the dates, I have a very busy month but since it's only 5 days i'll see if I can. I think 5 days is a great idea! I got the question from the archive, should we make that a sticky? and then maybe coaches can post to help keep it up?

have a great day on plan you big LOSERS!! :thumbsup2
TUESDAY QOTD - what Disney resort hotel best expresses your personality and why?

well my personality is definately outgoing and fun with Disney in everything so I'll say All Star Movies.. however I Love warm/hot/sunny weather and being by the water which also makes me want to say the Poly!

Great question!

not feeling my best today - scratchy throat and sniffles so eating some tomato soup and grilled cheese - not the best for Atkins but much better then my vinegarette salad dressing.. really wish today was the turkey noodle soup but that is tomorrow.. hope to be fine tomorrow because after my Hubs goes to his Neuro appt we are headed to one of the Local Fairs for the rest of the day! Fun Fun.. :cheer2: Talk to you all on thursday!
Sorry everyone, I got distracted last night and didn't finish updating the colours, but I have done them now!

I think my personality is definitely POP....I'm a 60's child and have probably followed most of the iconic trends that POP represents...I'm also pretty loud and colourful, so it suits me perfectly!!! (and fits my budget too!!! Sometimes wish I could afford to be more Grand Floridian though!)
My personality would be the Beach Club. I love nothing better than a beach vacation or cruise. I love the sand, the sun and the waves. If I could pick DCL that would be my favorite "resort."


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