HELP!!!!!! Ink Pen EXPLODED in Wash--How to get INK out of several shirts??


Jul 10, 2012
Dont know how it got in there but after retrieving my wash to put them in the dryer I noticed several shirts with ink pen stains and I know they are going to be next to impossible to get clean --one of which is a white top of my dd's one of her favs.

Any ideas at all would be appreciated. Did try alcohol on a few stains and read that hand sanitizer and then wash on hot with detergent but the stains are still there. Is it possible for me to save any of these?

There is one hoodie that I think is toast --ink stains everywhere front and back---was wondering if there is any solution that can be used in a complete wash cycle since there are too many stains to remove individually? Thanks for any and all help;)
I've used Magic Wand stain remover stick for small ink stains (like dropping a pen in my lap and it leaves a line of ink). I've never had a large spot, so not sure how well it would work there. Works great on small stains!
I buy mine at JoAnn Fabric.
Go buy a big big cheap can of hair spray and douse all the shirts with it.
While at the store buy the highest proof rubbing alcohol you can buy and a big bottle.

After you douse the shirt with the hair spray, take a papertowel and DAB DAB DAB at the spots. You are going to have to spray on the outside and inside where the ink spots are. Are you have inhaled enough hairspray to have your eyes cross, move on to the rubbing alcohol. Put the alcohol directly onto each ink spot and DAB DAB DAB. The ink should almost automatically start coming to the service when hit with the alcohol. You are going to have to do this with both sides of the ink spot again.

I had to do this with my husband's brand new uniform and couple khaki pants and shorts. I would spray down with hair spray and DAB DAB DAB then douse with alcohol and then throw in the washer. After washing, I would put back on the table and do it again. I think I probably washed 3 or 4 times and used two cans of hairspray and one giant bottle of rubbing alcohol.

If you have ink in the dryer drum, pour nail polish remover and turn the drum back and forth. Dab with paper towel.
I've used Dawn, OxyClean, Bleach on white shirts. Usually apply and let set a day(except the bleach) or more and then wash.

All else fails, tie dye and have a new shirt
I used the homemade cleaner. Blue dawn, hydrogen peroxide and water on a red ink explosion in the wash with great results
Make sure you scrub out the washer and dryer very well, and run some towels through a couple of times before you do important clothes again.
I had one bust and didn't notice it until I was folding them, and by then already had another load in the dryer and yep- there was enough ink on the inside of the tumbler that a few in that load got spotted as well.
This just happened to me a couple of months ago. I used spray hand sanitizer. Took it right out! There was a big glop of ink in my dryer, and took it right off. Make sure to put some paper towel or an old rag underneath the ink spot so it doesn't run on the other side of the garment.

This also works great when you get hair dye on your skin. Just put some on a tissue and wipe gently...gone!
Were any of the sained articles put in the dryer after washing, or did you try to get the stains out while they were still wet?
I use Lysol spray in a can. spray a lot on let sit about one minute then blot with paper towel and repeat. It works I was using stamps and put my whole arm in an ink pad and this worked.! It also removed sharpie from the wall
Were any of the sained articles put in the dryer after washing, or did you try to get the stains out while they were still wet?

The clothing I had ink stains on had been washed and dryed and sat in the dryer for several days. Maybe that was why it took so much hairspray and alcohol because it had "set." We still had good luck.
Another vote for the Carbona ink remover, I got it at JoAnn's. It took permanent marker out of a bedspread that couldn't be washed when the alcohol/hairspray trick didn't touch it.
Dont know how it got in there but after retrieving my wash to put them in the dryer I noticed several shirts with ink pen stains and I know they are going to be next to impossible to get clean --one of which is a white top of my dd's one of her favs.

Any ideas at all would be appreciated. Did try alcohol on a few stains and read that hand sanitizer and then wash on hot with detergent but the stains are still there. Is it possible for me to save any of these?

There is one hoodie that I think is toast --ink stains everywhere front and back---was wondering if there is any solution that can be used in a complete wash cycle since there are too many stains to remove individually? Thanks for any and all help;)

Hairspray and a toothbrush
I had that happen when DS washed a pen left in a pocket.

I made a paste of cornstarch and water. I smeared the paste on the stain and left it to dry, about 20 minutes. It lifted most of the stain out. Heavier spots I treated twice. Lighter spots I wet the area with water, poured rubbing alcohol on it and scrubbed it with a toothbrush until the stain came out. Then washed liked I normally do.
Dont know how it got in there but after retrieving my wash to put them in the dryer I noticed several shirts with ink pen stains and I know they are going to be next to impossible to get clean --one of which is a white top of my dd's one of her favs.

Any ideas at all would be appreciated. Did try alcohol on a few stains and read that hand sanitizer and then wash on hot with detergent but the stains are still there. Is it possible for me to save any of these?

There is one hoodie that I think is toast --ink stains everywhere front and back---was wondering if there is any solution that can be used in a complete wash cycle since there are too many stains to remove individually? Thanks for any and all help;)

I used AquaNet hairspray sprayed right on the stain to remove ink from white nurses uniforms. No idea why it works but it does. On the odd item when it does not work you can buy RIT dye and try changing the color.
Be sure to put some junk towels between the stain and the other side of the clothing item so you don’t transfer the stain while you remove it !! Meaning it will soak through
Hairspray works great
Oxyclean gets out just about anything from my experience
Dawn dish soap miracle cleaner
I’ve dealt with pens / tar / grease / crayons / etc
Clean your machine really well before you use it again
Good Luck I hope it works for you I’m sorry this happened I know how frustrating this is !! ❤️
Be sure to put some junk towels between the stain and the other side of the clothing item so you don’t transfer the stain while you remove it !! Meaning it will soak through
Hairspray works great
Oxyclean gets out just about anything from my experience
Dawn dish soap miracle cleaner
I’ve dealt with pens / tar / grease / crayons / etc
Clean your machine really well before you use it again
Good Luck I hope it works for you I’m sorry this happened I know how frustrating this is !! ❤
Since this was posted in 2013 I assume they either got it out or threw out the item. Zombie thread!!


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