Thumping Our Way Through Disneyland.

Actually that is a good idea. What's an even better idea, we can do it from your house. Seeing as we'll be without jobs, a house and all.

Sure, c'mon up. As long as you don't mind sleeping on the floor. We only have 1 spare couch, and I'm betting Mrs. T ain't gonna give it up for you.

What? It was your suggestion to quit our jobs.

What, "what"? I said c'mon up.

Hey wait a minute! Was she referring to me or you seeing as you're the one that posted this? She said she had a meeting today, but didn't say where.

I wouldn't know. But I can't talk right now, I've got a meeting I need to get to.

Not sure what you're trying to say here. :scratchin

Rabbit Stew?
Bugs Bunny?
Laverne and Shirley?

Bugs Bunny... although I couldn't find the exact scene I was looking for.

At your expense? Funny. I haven't received the check in the mail yet.

While we were in Europe, a group of Czech tourists had a terrible tragedy befall them. While they were visiting the zoo, a youngster fell into the bear cage where he was promptly eaten by one of the bears. A zoo worker immediately took a tranq gun and, ignoring the female with the cubs, shot the male in order to retrieve the body. When asked how he knew which bear it was, he shrugged and replied, "The Czech's always in the male."
That's always true isn't it?
I think it's like a Band-Aid... You just want the pain to be over with quickly.

Yeah, until you rip the band-off along with the stitches and..............

Right, family board.

I hate that. Everybody does, I think.

For once I'll agree with you. Don't let it happen again.

You're like me. I'd rather leave too early then stress about traffic. I may be at the airport for a while longer... but at least I can relax.

This is our thinking. Gives us time to get through security. Grab a snack and drink for the plane ride. Especially on flights that only take a little over an hour. You know all you're going to get is one drink and that's it. And just as they bring it to you, they tell you. Hurry up and finish, we're descending now. And I'm not making this up. Coming back from Vegas this past April. Lady H and I ordered a beer. Getting into a rough patch of weather. Flights attendants just brought us our beer when they said "I know we just brought them to you, but you need to finish those quickly as we've been ordered to take our seats." Good thing we had lots of practice in Vegas.

:lmao: That struck me as funny. "Well, dear. There's a beautiful view, a gorgeous sunset, wonderful company, a fantastic vista of... what? No beer?.... I'm going to bed."

That's pretty much what happened. I took the beautiful view and good company with me to bed though. And by that time, there was no sunset. Obviously you weren't paying attention.

I've only encountered this at one place... and I've rented from several different companies. That one time was... odd. I needed to "rent" the Home Depot van to move some lumber from their store. I was told to fill it up and as long as I had a gas receipt, even a couple of bucks, I'd be good. So I did. And it was.

I wonder if our Home Depot does that here? I know they rent the truck, but I don't know their policy about filling up the tank. Not that I really need it seeing I own a truck. Yes, own. As in its paid for. It's all mine and no longer tied, chained or even cemented to the bank.

A few years later, I needed to bring home a bunch of patio furniture from Costco. A light bulb goes off. I had to get a bit of lumber, so... I bought the lumber, zoomed home, unloaded the van, screamed over to Costco (about 20 minutes away), quickly bought and loaded the furniture, roared back home, dumped the furniture in the garage, squealed tires over to the gas station.... and put one... one dollar of gas in.

I can picture Ponzi running like a mad man:

Usually, though, either the company doesn't even check the gas gauge, or they have someone pop their head in to see if the gauge is showing full or not... and that's it.

Well that's one of the things that made us so mad as well. He looked at the gas gauge and saw it was full. It may have been full of water, but it was still full.

Let us know how that goes.

I already did. Keep reading. I posted it somewhere on the Dis. Heck, maybe even in this TR.

Yeah, that's not right. Someone should've told you... and at the very least, since you had a "receipt", that should've been enough.

Needless to say, IF I ever rent from them again, I'll make sure and get a receipt. Lesson learned.

Google translated that to "Happened dude?".

That's pretty close.

Why? Is it a slur?

When people say it here in New Mexico, it means "What's happening dude?" So it's kind of a slur, but not really. If that makes any sense.

If you were to travel to Mexico and use this same phrase there, they would probably look at you funny.

Or would they assume you were an illegal immigrant? :confused3

Ok. First off, let me say I'm not being disrespectful to the spanish minorities here. After all, I fall into that category.

Now that we have gotten the legal information out of the way and pleased the lawyers, I'll do my best to explain.

That is not the phrase citizens from Mexico commonly use. As you know, citizens from Mexico are the most common immigrants in the Southwestern part of the USA. I cannot post the phrase (here on the Dis) they commonly use. If you were to Google and translate the phrase, then it's not the friendliest of phrases; but to the Mexican citizens, it has a different meaning. I don't know if other countries like Colombia, Cuba and those types of places use this phrase, but there are plenty of Mexican immigrants here in New Mexico that you hear it quite often.

To answer your question, in the Southwestern part of the US, they probably wouldn't think I was an illegal immigrant. Just some idiotic US Citizen that needs to learn to speak spanish. In other parts of the US, they might.

heh. Learning from the school of Nebo, are we? :rotfl:

Actually no. There was a movie reference here.


Lock him up and throw away the key.

:sad2: Why can't they just admit that they forgot? Always gotta have some lame excuse. "Oh, sorry, our oven just broke. But we got it fixed now, just for you! You should be thanking me!"

"Uh, huh. What about the thirty other people who've gotten their food while I was waiting?"

"Ummm.... next!"

Now that I think about it, this is actually what happened. You are stalking us, aren't you?

So were you disappointed... or relieved?

I was disappointed. Turns out I would've at least had clothes to change into.

So.... It doesn't matter, but... First you say I couldn't be further from the truth, then you say I "really hit the nail with [my] head". So which is it?

Umm, both?:confused3 Oh wait. It was supposed to be "Ponzi really hit the nail on the head with his hammer on this one." Better? :rolleyes1 Geez.

and I quote, "but our good friend Ponzi...

They like me! They really, really like me!

And the oscar goes to, PONZI.

How'd you feel about seeing it again?

Seeing it again? It's not October yet? How could we have seen it again? Unless you're referring to the time we saw DL waaaaayyyyyyyyy back in the days. In which case, it was truly wonderful.

Oh you mean the picture. Memory

Excellent TR, Bunnies! :goodvibes

Thanks again Ponzi. Think we can get ready to officially end this once and for all now. I'll wait until tomorrow for any more final comments before we bid you all one final farewell.
For once I'll agree with you. Don't let it happen again.

It was a one shot deal.

Especially on flights that only take a little over an hour. You know all you're going to get is one drink and that's it. And just as they bring it to you, they tell you. Hurry up and finish, we're descending now.

Yup. Been there, chugged that.

That's pretty much what happened. I took the beautiful view and good company with me to bed though. And by that time, there was no sunset. Obviously you weren't paying attention.

Didn't notice that shadow in the corner, huh?

I can picture Ponzi running like a mad man:

That's pretty much it.

I already did. Keep reading. I posted it somewhere on the Dis. Heck, maybe even in this TR.

Whoops! :blush: Yup. Just missed it somehow.

Actually no. There was a movie reference here.


I didn`t even have to click the link to know exactly which movie you were referring to.

Now that I think about it, this is actually what happened. You are stalking us, aren't you?

Yep. But you scared me off. Now we just have clandestine meetings.

And the oscar goes to, PONZI.

Ya know, I actually watched the Oscars when Sally Field said her famous acceptance speech. Third best Oscar speech I`ve ever heard.

Thanks again Ponzi. Think we can get ready to officially end this once and for all now. I'll wait until tomorrow for any more final comments before we bid you all one final farewell.

And thanks again for the TR Thumpies!
Well this is it. It's been a long time coming, but I can't believe its finally over myself. I know we say it often, but Lady H and I want to say one last big THANK YOU for sticking around with us.
We may sound like broken records, but we know it was a long drawn out process and we finally made it all the way through. As Lady H stated earlier, it was fun living out the adventure again through this TR and sharing it with you all. You have helped us recall and relive so many wonderful memories on our first trip together to DLR and our first ever TR.

Even though a certain individual categorized us as WDW fans (I won't mention Nebo's name) I would have to say the opposite is true. We are fans of Disney that just so happen to have visited WDW more times than we have DLR. Now that we have discovered that DLR is cheaper for us to go to, we may visit more often. Vegas used to be our yearly trip, but since DLR costs more or less the same, we may be alternating every year now.

We truly love both WDW and DLR though, and will continue to visit each as much as possible. Our next visit being to DLR, as you all know by now, is only a little more than a month away. Hopefully accompanied by 2 members of this TR. Since it took us so long to do this TR, I doubt we'll do one for the next trip; but you never know, we may surprise you.

We probably wont make it back to Orlando until 2015. We actually enjoy all the theme parks in the Orlando area and are waiting for the WWoHP expansion to be opened. We've learned never to compare any theme park to each other. You will not enjoy them and not have a good time, but here's hoping we can get back to Orlando soon.

If anyone has ever pondered a trip to DLR, I would say you have to try it at least once. I often read from those that frequent WDW, DLR doesnt even begin to compare to WDW. Then you have the DLR folks defending their parks. Its almost as much as a constant battle and comparison these days as it is to compare WDW to Universal Orlando. Sure DLR is not WDW, but DLR is unique in its own way. When we started this TR, I said I would not try to compare WDW to DLR. Obviously I did eventually compare them a little. We even found ourselves comparing DLR to WDW when we went back to WDW 3-months later. Overall there are things we like and dislike about both places, many which we've discussed. My favorite thing about DLR is still how close everything is to each other.

I hope you're not tired of hearing it but Thank You to Smidgy, mmeb144, orangecats2, Queenbetsy, DWheatl, MAGICFOR2, Mom&RN, Nowellsl, Backstage_Gal (I know I'm missing several people here). Thanks for the helping keep this TR alive. At times it seems like this TR would be dead in the water. You gave us that extra push we needed to keep going and get back on track. Also Thanks to Pkondz for all his humorous breakdowns. I hope the mental hospital sees it fit to send him home one of these days. Although with 2 teenage daughters at home, he'd probably wind up going more crazy at home.

For anyone that I may have missed and for the new followers that joined us; Thank You once again for also helping keep this TR alive and for the wonderful contributions you have made to this TR as well. As Nebo once stated, its the wonderful group effort that makes or breaks a TR. This TR has over 1,000 posts (of course almost 1/3 of those are from me alone) and over 100K views. I would say that makes for a pretty successful TR. Could also be because we worked on it for a little over year now.

And of course, how can we forget Nebo. A special Thank You goes out to him. He was the one that pushed us into doing a TR in the first place. We may never be as good as he is, but we gave it our best shot. We hope he's proud of our TR; and if he's not, oh well it's too late now. It will forever be in Disboards history. Just can't help but wonder if he enjoyed it, or if he got bored with it and we lost him half way through. Somewhere down the yellow brick road, he stopped posting.

Come to think about it, we lost DSis down the yellow brick road to. She either got tired of waiting for us, she got bored or both. I'll give her a hard time later.

There is one more special shout out and personal Thank You I would personally like to give.

To my wonderful co-writer, bestest friend in the whole wide world, my traveling buddy and the one person whom I truly TRULY love: my lovely wife Heather. She could've very easily have let me tackle this on my own. After all, I'm the one that committed to writing it. She was gracious enough to tackle this challenge along with me. I owe her a debt of gratitude. Hopefully as payment shell settle for some beers from our new favorite DCA bar; and a lifetime of hugs and kisses. Thank you Lady H for all your contributions and the work you put into this TR. I truly appreciate it.

Well I guess this is it my wonderful friends. In true T_Man fashion, I would leave you with a song T_Man style. There will be a song, but not in T_Man style. Instead its a song that Lady H and I want to leave you with. This song says exactly what we want to say and I don't want to change the words. We have made such wonderful friends here on the Dis and we want each of you to know,

A Lifetime Is Not Too Long, To Live As Friends.

Take Care and God Bless!

(A song by: Michael W. Smith)
Even though a certain individual categorized us as WDW fans (I wont mention Nebos name)

That's good of you.

My favorite thing about DLR is still how close everything is to each other.

That struck a chord. Was just saying how it'd be nice if WDW could connect all the parks via monorail. Here they don't have to.

Also Thanks to Pkondz for all his humorous breakdowns.

It was my pleasure.

I hope the mental hospital sees it fit to send him home one of these days.

Although with 2 teenage daughters at home, hed probably wind up going more crazy at home.

Oh GAWD! You have no idea.... :sad2:

Thanks again for the TR guys! :goodvibes
Well this is it. Its been a long time coming, but I cant believe its finally over myself. I know we say it often, but Lady H and I want to say one last big THANK YOU for sticking around with us. We may sound like broken records, but we know it was a long drawn out process and we finally made it all the way through. As Lady H stated earlier, it was fun living out the adventure again through this TR and sharing it with you all. You have helped us recall and relive so many wonderful memories on our first ever TR.

Even though a certain individual categorized us as WDW fans (I wont mention Nebos name) I would have to say the opposite is true. We are fans of Disney that just so happen to have visited WDW more times than we have DLR. Now that we have discovered that DLR is cheaper for us to go to, we may visit more often. Vegas used to be our yearly trip, but since DLR costs more or less the same, we may be alternating every year now.

We truly love both WDW and DLR though, and will continue to visit each as much as possible. Our next visit being to DLR, as you all know by now, is only a little more than a month away. Hopefully accompanied by 2 members of this TR. Since it took us so long to do this TR, I doubt we'll do one for the next trip.

We probably wont make it back to Orlando until 2015. We actually enjoy all the theme parks in the Orlando area and are waiting for the WWoHP expansion to be opened. Weve learned never to compare any theme park to each other. You will not enjoy them and not have a good time, but heres hoping we can get back to Orlando soon.

If anyone has ever pondered a trip to DLR, I would say you have to try it at least once. I often read from those that frequent WDW, DLR doesnt even begin to compare to WDW. Then you have the DLR folks defending their parks. Its almost as much as a constant battle and comparison these days as it is to compare WDW to Universal Orlando. Sure DLR is not WDW, but DLR is unique in its own way. When we started this TR, I said I would not try to compare WDW to DLR. Obviously I did eventually compare them a little. We even found ourselves comparing DLR to WDW when we went back to WDW 3-months later. Overall there are things we like and dislike about both places, many which weve discussed. My favorite thing about DLR is still how close everything is to each other.

I hope youre not tired of hearing it but Thank You to Smidgy, mmeb144, orangecats2, Queenbetsy, DWheatl, MAGICFOR2, Mom&RN, Nowellsl, Backstage_Gal (I know Im missing several people here). Thanks for the helping keep this TR alive. At times it seems like this TR would be dead in the water. You gave us that extra push we needed to keep going and get back on track. Also Thanks to Pkondz for all his humorous breakdowns. I hope the mental hospital sees it fit to send him home one of these days. Although with 2 teenage daughters at home, hed probably wind up going more crazy at home.

For anyone that I may have missed and for the new followers that joined us; Thank You once again for also helping keep this TR alive and for the wonderful contributions you have made to this TR as well. As Nebo once stated, its the wonderful group effort that makes or breaks a TR. This TR has over 1,000 posts (of course almost S of those are from me alone) and over 100K views. I would say that makes for a pretty successful TR. Could also be because we worked on it for a little over year now.

And of course, how can we forget Nebo. A special Thank You goes out to him. He was the one that pushed us into doing a TR in the first place. We may never be as good as he is, but we gave it our best shot. We hope hes proud of our TR; and if hes not, oh well its too late now. It will forever be in Disboards history. Just cant help but wonder if he enjoyed it, or if he got bored with it and we lost him half way through. Somewhere down the yellow brick road, he stopped posting.

Come to think about it, we lost DSis down the yellow brick road to. She either got tired of waiting for us, she got bored or both. Ill give her a hard time later.

There is one more special shout out and personal Thank You I would personally like to give.

To my wonderful co-writer, bestest friend in the whole wide world, my traveling buddy and the one person whom I truly TRULY love: my lovely wife Heather. She couldve very easily have let me tackle this on my own. After all, Im the one that committed to writing it. She was gracious enough to tackle this challenge along with me. I owe her a debt of gratitude. Hopefully as payment shell settle for some beers from our new favorite DCA bar; and a lifetime of hugs and kisses. Thank you Lady H for all your contributions and the work you put into this TR. I truly appreciate it.

Well I guess this is it my wonderful friends. In true T_Man fashion, I would leave you with a song T_Man style. There will be a song, but not in T_Man style. Instead its a song that Lady H and I want to leave you with. This song says exactly what we want to say and I dont want to change the words. We have made such wonderful friends here on the Dis and we want each of you to know,

A Lifetime Is Not Too Long, To Live As Friends.

Take Care and God Bless!

(A song by: Michael W. Smith)

Wow...we are a sentimental bunch aren't we? That song almost made me cry...I'm at work! I can't cry at work! :headache: Oh what the heck...

On a lighter note, great job wrapping it up honey. I agree completely. This TR wouldn't have been what it was without the support from everyone involved. We loved having you along for the adventure, and maybe...just maybe...if our arms are twisted in just the right way, and a little chocolate and wine are involved, we may decided to do another one after this next trip.

*knock knock knock* Hello? Anyone? Prac! I think I chased them all away after that...:confused3 Oh well...It was great fun everyone. Now we can catch up on everyone else's TR and see what grand adventures we are whisked away to as we await our own.

So from us, to you...
I'm another one that loved this report and is so sad it is over! Thanks for the memories guys!

Jill in CO
What?! It's over? No way! Really enjoyed your adventures. Assuming that you have an interesting trip at DLR next month, you should do another trip report. I love your writing style and all the pics. Sorta felt like I was with you, without the heat and drinks. Maybe I should go get a little something something now... ;)

I loved the report, learned so much, and had a lot of fun. sorry nebo has been vacant from the computer. his multiple problems have made it dificult and also made for a not very happy nebo.:sad2:
you 2 are the best!!! thaks for shairing with us!!:grouphug:
Great team reporting ::yes:: I forgot you guys are going back soon .... you are going to write another report, right??? Please let us all know when you start! We'll be waiting :hyper:
Yay!!! I got a mention!!!

You should definitely do another TR for DLR. It looks like Nebo won't be up to it. Plus you two would tell the real story. :rotfl:
, "The Czech's always in the male."

' After allmost a month's hiatus from the confuser,,, or should that be hiatal,,,,hmm,,, no, that's a hernia, right?
Can I have both? huh, huh, can I can I? Crap, I had everything elsse go bad lately, might as will throw in a
\hiatal hernia as well.
So,,, it's clever lines like this that I've been missing out on, oy vey.

Mike, I didn[t abandon you, I abandoned the computer,,, I just couldn't even hold a mouse properly wiith this b race on, much less type, and it got really frustrating. Right now I can temporarily take it off for a while to tkype they said,,, but yowza,, it hurts!
No, I havent' caught up with your report,, though I did just read your final chapter,,,, and well done my friend,,, well done!

I shall be talkinggt to you soon, in the meantime,,, let's go terrorize Ponzi.


Can I have both? huh, huh, can I can I? Crap, I had everything elsse go bad lately, might as will throw in a
\hiatal hernia as well.

Well since you ask so nicely.... yes, you can have a hernia.

Mike, I didn[t abandon you, I abandoned the computer,,, I just couldn't even hold a mouse properly wiith this b race on,

Is that a b racist comment?
What?! It's over? No way!

Hard to believe it myself.

Really enjoyed your adventures.

So did we.

Oh, I guess a thank you is in order here.

Thanks for reading along.

Assuming that you have an interesting trip at DLR next month, you should do another trip report.

See previous post about MAYBE answer.

I love your writing style and all the pics.

Ok, you can't give Lady H all the credit. Well what about me? I helped to you know.

Sorta felt like I was with you, without the heat and drinks.

Hopefully we'll be without the heat this next trip. The drinks on the other hand, will also be in the other hand.

Maybe I should go get a little something something now... ;)


Mind grabbing me one to and bringing it to me?
I loved the report, learned so much, and had a lot of fun. sorry nebo has been vacant from the computer. his multiple problems have made it dificult and also made for a not very happy nebo.:sad2:
you 2 are the best!!! thaks for shairing with us!!:grouphug:

Thanks again for reading along. No need to apologize for Nebo. We know what he'd going through at the moment.

We look forward to making more magical memories with you and Nebo next month.
Great team reporting ::yes:: I forgot you guys are going back soon .... you are going to write another report, right??? Please let us all know when you start! We'll be waiting :hyper:

Thank you. Although one half of the team is way better than the other half you know. She has a degree for that type of stuff you know. IF we ever do another TR, she may get assigned more writing duties. :rolleyes1


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