Hogwarts RP!

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♥a heard made fullmetal♥
Apr 21, 2013
Welcome to the HPRP Thread! Please read the rules before roleplaying, and please do not roleplay unless you have a character!! The signup thread is at the bottom of the page.

Rules (we probably wont break them but I feel I should list them anyway!)

No trolling in OOC, and dont be too mean in IC unless its in your characters personality. This means no name calling, insulting, etc. in OOC or you will be asked the leave the thread. Which is bad. No power playing, which means playing anothers character, unless you have their permission. No killing/injuring anothers characters unless youve talked about it with the other player; this means no Avada Kedavra, Crucio, or Imperio. When posting, post your characters name, a colon, then your post.

Ex. Lucinda Jay: Lucinda waved to her friend. "Hey," she called happily.

List of Students:
Lucinda Jay (Cindy), Gryffindor, 3rd Year-Cinderella8
Jackson Finch, Ravenclaw, 3rd Year-BK228
Gabrielle McLee, Ravenclaw, 6th Year-Doodle98
Marciline Merriweather, Hufflepuff, 4th Year-Silvermist20
Brielle Wilkes, Ravenclaw, 5th Year-Orreed
Braxton Wilkes, Slytherin, 6th Year-Orreed
Kami Caldwell, Gryffindor, 4th Year-soccer_mickey
Arya Hale, Slytherin, 4th Year-stitch5ever
Lucas "Luke" Sullivan, Hufflepuff, 5th Year-Fairywings
Veronica "Nic" Spencer, Slytherin, 6th Year-Fairywings
August Lancaster, Hufflepuff, 2nd Year-soccer_mickey
Jane Vlanklyn, Gryffindor, 3rd Year-1elle2
Elizebeth "Ella", 3rd Year, Ravenclaw-1elle2

List of Teachers:
Jezebel Jay, Headmaster-Cinderella8
Mikial Linus, DADA, Slytherin Head-BK228
Juniper North, Care of Magical Creatures, Hufflepuff Head-soccer_mickey
Harriet Marcus, Transfiguration, Ravenclaw Head-Doodle98
Melanie Black, Charms, Gryffindor Head-disneyanney
Evan Smith, History of Magic-Fairywings

(Real quick, since we have no first years, were skipping a Sorting Ceremony, to save time and cut to the chase.)
Okay, begin!

First Period: DADA
2nd: Care of Magical Creatures
3rd: Transfiguration
4th: Charms
5th: History of Magic
6th: Lunch
7th: Potions
8th: Divination

The students filed into the Great Hall, an enormous room with a ceiling that showed a slightly cloudy night sky. The stars and moon seemed to glow as the light clouds laced them. At the head of the hall was a long table, with tall chairs, in them sat the staff. The center chair, the largest, was occupied by a woman, the Headmaster. In front of the staff table were four longer tables, where sat students of the four Houses. The dinner plates and goblets were empty for now. The Headmaster stood and raised her hand for silence.

Professor Jay: Welcome students to another glorious year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She smiled down at the students, loving her job even more. Her dark brown eyes skirted the audience, resting for a heartbeat on her daughter, Lucinda. Oh, she wondered every day if the Sorting Hat made a mistake in putting her in Gryffindor. But she knew the hat never lied. She waved her hand and said loudly, Eat well! Instantly, food appeared on the plates, potatoes and chicken. The goblets filled with various drinks, from water to pumpkin juice. The staff tables plates and goblets also filled. She sat down and began to slowly eat, excitement flooding through her. Another great year. As she began taking bites of chicken, she fingered her wand, a bad habit shed picked up from Lucinda. She sighed, and brushed her blonde hair back, turning to the seats on either side of her. Every year she had nothing to talk about with the other teachers. Her summer was always scolding Lucinda for using her wand or simply doing work in the castle. On her right was Professor Juniper North, on her right, Professor Harriet Marcus.

Lucinda Jay: Lucinda sat at the Gryffindor table. Cindy smiled at her mother as the food appeared. Then she began eating. She felt her wand in her tall black boot. Every time she touched it, she felt its power. She looked at the table, stocked with food, and frowned. She was terribly picky. Chicken, turkey, and most other meats were out of the question. Then, she found a plate of bourbon chicken. Score! That was delicious! She forked some and put it on her plate and began eating, pausing occasionally for a drink of pumpkin juice. Her ruby necklace bumped against her neck, the metal sending a chill throughout her body. She turned to the student next to her. "Hi," she said. "How was your summer?"

(OOC Someone needs to sit by her xD)

Signup Thread:
Lucinda Jay: Lucinda sat at the Gryffindor table. Cindy smiled at her mother as the food appeared. Then she began eating. She felt her wand in her tall black boot. Every time she touched it, she felt its power. She looked at the table, stocked with food, and frowned. She was terribly picky. Chicken, turkey, and most other meats were out of the question. Then, she found a plate of bourbon chicken. Score! That was delicious! She forked some and put it on her plate and began eating, pausing occasionally for a drink of pumpkin juice. Her ruby necklace bumped against her neck, the metal sending a chill throughout her body. She turned to the student next to her. "Hi," she said. "How was your summer?"

(OOC Someone needs to sit by her xD)

Signup Thread:

Kami: Kami smiled at her surroundings, glad to be back at Hogwarts. She dug into her food, pausing only when Cindy asked her a question. "It was fine. I was with my dad this summer. He's a muggle. You would never guess how easy it is to get in trouble with the muggle police. They have all these weird laws... like trespassing and jaywalking! Anyways, how was your summer?"

OOC: Are the houses separated by table like in the books? I think I may go make another student.
Kami: Kami smiled at her surroundings, glad to be back at Hogwarts. She dug into her food, pausing only when Cindy asked her a question. "It was fine. I was with my dad this summer. He's a muggle. You would never guess how easy it is to get in trouble with the muggle police. They have all these weird laws... like trespassing and jaywalking! Anyways, how was your summer?"

OOC: Are the houses separated by table like in the books? I think I may go make another student.

(OOC Yes, the Great Hall will be like the books/movies)

Cindy: Cindy sighed. "Boring. Jaywalking? What's that? I spent the summer either at home trying not to use magic or here my mom is working. She's afraid to leave me home alone too much, I think. Like I'll get in trouble with the Ministry of Magic in seven hours. It is really quiet here during summer."
Professor Smith: Professor Smith loved Hogwarts. It had always felt like a home to him, especially during his later years, when things were rough at home because of his parents fighting and eventually attempting to get a divorce. He knew several of the students felt the same way, Hogwarts had that way of making you feel welcome. He was excited about this year, sure plenty of students did not think History of Magic could be exciting or interesting or anything other than boring, but Professor Smith didn't drone on about the subject. Rather, he tried to make it interesting. As he pondered how best to interest his students this year, he ate his dinner, which was delicious as always. Pausing, he looked around the staff table, he didn't notice anyone new but then again he tended to tune out Professor Jay, even in staff meetings. Even though he was a Prefect and a Head Boy, he still got into trouble when he was at school. He didn't see any new faces, but he smiled in greeting at all of the old coworkers.

Veronica: Veronica sat, quietly eating at her house table. She was somewhat of an enigma. Veronica was a Slytherin, but she very easily could have been in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor; she was a hatstall, meaning that the Sorting Hat had been trying to sort her for over five minutes, usually that was because it was unsure where to put her, and that was the case this time. He'd finally decided on her cleverness and her ambition, and put her in Slytherin. Nic didn't really fit in though. She was a pureblood, but not prejudiced, which kind of made many of the Slytherins not like her. And people from the other houses didn't like Slytherins on principle, so Nic didn't really have many friends. She hoped this year that would change, but it was her sixth year now, so she was having doubts. Her parents had told her not to worry about it, but it wasn't easy, so she focused on this wonderful meal.

Lucas: Lucas sat at the Hufflepuff table with his fellow housemates. He had been looking for his dorm mates, they were good friends, but he couldn't find them, so here he was, sitting among strangers. As he ate, the prefect badge he was wearing caught his eye. His godfather had been proud of him, but Luke wasn't sure he was up to the task, and truth be told he would have much rather gotten the Quidditch Captain's badge, but that had gone to an older team member. He wasn't too upset though, as long as he could play. He had misgivings about the year, but for now he tried to eat his meal.
(OOC Yes, the Great Hall will be like the books/movies)

Cindy: Cindy sighed. "Boring. Jaywalking? What's that? I spent the summer either at home trying not to use magic or here my mom is working. She's afraid to leave me home alone too much, I think. Like I'll get in trouble with the Ministry of Magic in seven hours. It is really quiet here during summer."

Kami: "Jaywalking is only the stupidest muggle law ever. It means you can only cross the street at certain places called crosswalks, even if there are no cars coming." Kami thought about being at the school without people. "It must feel so strange to be here without all of us. I can't even imagine. What's it like?"
Professor North: Professor North examined all the students. She was so glad she had decided to come teach. This was going to be so much more rewarding than the research she had done before. Being head, on the other hand, hadn't been head. She agreed to do it when no one else could, but she was much more worried about this than teaching, especially the discipline part. Good thing Hufflepuffs tend to stay out of trouble, she thought.
Kami: "Jaywalking is only the stupidest muggle law ever. It means you can only cross the street at certain places called crosswalks, even if there are no cars coming." Kami thought about being at the school without people. "It must feel so strange to be here without all of us. I can't even imagine. What's it like?"

Lucinda: Lucinda thought for a moment as she took a bite of chicken. "First of all, that's a dumb law. Second, it's like a ghost town. Well, literally, the castle ghosts are out more often. It's like empty! And everything seems bigger without the students everywhere."
Lucinda: Lucinda thought for a moment as she took a bite of chicken. "First of all, that's a dumb law. Second, it's like a ghost town. Well, literally, the castle ghosts are out more often. It's like empty! And everything seems bigger without the students everywhere."

Kami: "I would hate to have to be at school without students. It would feel so lonely. Actually, it might be pretty neat. Be able to explore everywhere students can't go. Does your mom let you do that?

Lucas: Lucas sat at the Hufflepuff table with his fellow housemates. He had been looking for his dorm mates, they were good friends, but he couldn't find them, so here he was, sitting among strangers. As he ate, the prefect badge he was wearing caught his eye. His godfather had been proud of him, but Luke wasn't sure he was up to the task, and truth be told he would have much rather gotten the Quidditch Captain's badge, but that had gone to an older team member. He wasn't too upset though, as long as he could play. He had misgivings about the year, but for now he tried to eat his meal.

August: August found himself seated across from an older student. He glanced around, looking for some fellow second years. Finding none, he sat in silence. Then, he suddenly recognized the person sitting across from him. "Hey, you're the seeker, aren't you!" August looked at him in awe. "I wish I was good enough to make the team."
Kami: "I would hate to have to be at school without students. It would feel so lonely. Actually, it might be pretty neat. Be able to explore everywhere students can't go. Does your mom let you do that?

Cindy: Cindy looked at Kami, and laughed. "No, I usually just hang in the common room. My mom would flip if I messed something up. I wish I could, though."
Kami: "I would hate to have to be at school without students. It would feel so lonely. Actually, it might be pretty neat. Be able to explore everywhere students can't go. Does your mom let you do that?

August: August found himself seated across from an older student. He glanced around, looking for some fellow second years. Finding none, he sat in silence. Then, he suddenly recognized the person sitting across from him. "Hey, you're the seeker, aren't you!" August looked at him in awe. "I wish I was good enough to make the team."

Lucas: Lucas grinned at the younger boy. Another Qudditch fan! "Yes, I am the seeker. I'm Lucas. What's your name? I'm sure if you work hard enough, you can make the team someday." One thing Hufflepuffs valued was hard work, so he knew that would help more than some things.
Cindy: Cindy looked at Kami, and laughed. "No, I usually just hang in the common room. My mom would flip if I messed something up. I wish I could, though."

Kami: Kami thought about being the headmasters daughter and shuddered. Cindy could probably never get away with anything. "You still could." Kami said with a sly smile and a shrug.

Lucas: Lucas grinned at the younger boy. Another Qudditch fan! "Yes, I am the seeker. I'm Lucas. What's your name? I'm sure if you work hard enough, you can make the team someday." One thing Hufflepuffs valued was hard work, so he knew that would help more than some things.

August: Wow, August thought, this older Qudditch player was actually talking to him! "I'm August. Thanks for the advice. I play keeper. I've been practicing a ton. I even played the position on a muggle football team over the summer to practice. I doubt I can make it this year, but I'll go out. Hopefully next year will be my chance."
Kami: Kami thought about being the headmasters daughter and shuddered. Cindy could probably never get away with anything. "You still could." Kami said with a sly smile and a shrug.

Cindy: Cindy laughed. "I could, and get in totally trouble! Actually, I did try and sneak into Slytherin Common Room," she admitted. "But failed."
Kami: Kami thought about being the headmasters daughter and shuddered. Cindy could probably never get away with anything. "You still could." Kami said with a sly smile and a shrug.

August: Wow, August thought, this older Qudditch player was actually talking to him! "I'm August. Thanks for the advice. I play keeper. I've been practicing a ton. I even played the position on a muggle football team over the summer to practice. I doubt I can make it this year, but I'll go out. Hopefully next year will be my chance."

Lucas: Lucas grinned at the boy. He had put a lot of effort, and in Luke's mind he deserved to be on the team just for that and his love of Quidditch. "Hi August, it's nice to meet you, and you're very welcome. Well, this year our keeper is a seventh year, so we'll need a new one next year. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea if you came and tried out next year."
Gabrielle: she smelled the warm, old, musty air of hogwarts. "Ah, i'm home."
Lucas: Lucas grinned at the boy. He had put a lot of effort, and in Luke's mind he deserved to be on the team just for that and his love of Quidditch. "Hi August, it's nice to meet you, and you're very welcome. Well, this year our keeper is a seventh year, so we'll need a new one next year. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea if you came and tried out next year."

August: "I'm planning on trying out every year, even if I have no change of making it." August wasn't sure why, probably a mixture of practicing, knowing how the tryouts work, getting himself on everyone's radar, and the hope that he may have a wild chance of making it. Even so, his confidence and hope for next year were boosted by Lucas's comment.

Cindy: Cindy laughed. "I could, and get in totally trouble! Actually, I did try and sneak into Slytherin Common Room," she admitted. "But failed."

Kami: Kami laughed. "Slytherin... never tried that one." Kami took a long sip out of her goblet. "Anyways, what new classes did you sign up for this year?"
Kami: Kami laughed. "Slytherin... never tried that one." Kami took a long sip out of her goblet. "Anyways, what new classes did you sign up for this year?"

Cindy: "The main one is Divination. I don't really care for it much, but it sounds cool," she said.

(OOC I'm making a class schedule now)

Brielle was thrilled to be back at Hogwarts. Home was lovely, but Hogwarts was just incredible. She missed Qudditch, this would be her third year on the team. She really had to practice soon, living in a muggle condo it was quite hard to practice. She saw fellow Ravenclaw Gabrielle and went up to her and gave her a hug.

"Hi Gabrielle! It's so nice to see you. How was your summer?"
Gabrielle: "good!" She smiled. "How about you?"
August: "I'm planning on trying out every year, even if I have no change of making it." August wasn't sure why, probably a mixture of practicing, knowing how the tryouts work, getting himself on everyone's radar, and the hope that he may have a wild chance of making it. Even so, his confidence and hope for next year were boosted by Lucas's comment.

Kami: Kami laughed. "Slytherin... never tried that one." Kami took a long sip out of her goblet. "Anyways, what new classes did you sign up for this year?"

Lucas: "That's great. So, what year are you? And did you have a good summer?" August seemed nice, and being that Luke didn't know where his friends were and wasn't sitting near them, he was happy to talk to this boy.

Professor Smith: Professor Evan Smith was bored. Having taken a break from his food for a moment, he had thought to observe the hall, but over all things were very boring. He figured he should be keeping an eye out for troublemakers in his house, but that was the Head of Gryffindor's job, not his. He wished he could play a beginning of the year prank, besides history he had been quite good at charms and transfiguration, but Professor Jay had been very adamant last year about setting a good example for the students, and Evan did not want to get himself on the headmistress' bad side, not to mention a position where Professor Jay could shout at him in front of the entire hall. So, while he was very bored, he showed restraint.
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