Mandymouse's Fantastic Fantasy Cruise .. and then another one (Complete)

Tuesday 30th April

I woke around 7.30am and checked the Bridge Report on the TV and it was already saying that it was 84F (29C). Paul started stirring half a hour later so I showered and we got ready for a few hours sunbathing as we didn't dock into Costa Maya till lunch-time

We went up to Cabanas for breakfast, we just had poached eggs on toast snd orange juice, then I grabbed my usual latte from the Cove Cafe

We found some loungers and it was already very warm with not much of a breeze. We lasted out for a couple of hours then we could see Costa Maya in the distance




We got changed to disembark. We were cleared around 1ish, and walked along the long pier to the small port town. Unfortunately it was very much like Nassau where you were constantly hassled to look in their shops, and when I did venture into one hoping to buy a cheap costume jewellery ring and the vendor came out with his calculator (never a good sign) and a $235 price tag for something I may have at a push paid $40, we knew we had to make a hasty exit






We wandered through some of the high end designer jewellery shops (well out of our price range), and passed an area where people were swimming with dolphins (can't say I liked the look of it, the pools looked very small)




We then stopped off at Señor Frogs. We had hoped to have a few Yards and some lunch there, but Paul took one look at the menu and said it was really expensive

We ordered a Big Hurricane Yard and sought out an internet connection and chatted to the girls back home who were immensely jealous that we were in Señor Frogs






After a while we paid our check ($40 inc tip), then wandered back to the ship where we ran into Alisha heading the other way





Once back on board, we were starving, so it was up to Deck 11 for tuna wraps and fruit for me and cheeseburger and fries for Paul. After finishing our lunch, a few cookies and sharing a bag of Lays we went to the Cove Bar for a frozen Rum Runner each, then after trying a bit of a BBC Davide (one of the barmen) had made for one of the regulars there, I had one of those too



We then sat out in the sun for a little while as the ship pulled away from Costa Maya

We really couldn't be bothered with getting ready for dinner tonight, so we changed into something casual and ate cheeseburgers and chicken strips on Deck 11 (perfect)

We decided on a drink in O'Gills tonight, so ordered a lager and a Strongbow, then somehow got caught up in a pub quiz that was going on, at least we didn't come last, and we had a laugh along the way too

We were shattered tonight, and I'm sure we were in bed by 10 (lightweights :rotfl2:)


Tomorrow ~ Cozumel

We didn't browse the port area at all the day we were there (we did the ruins tour) but it doesn't sound like we missed much. :rolleyes1 Still, another day of relaxation for you guys, so you can't beat that! :goodvibes
I think it was a Banana, Baileys & Cream, a weeks calories in a glass :rotfl::rotfl:

Sounds delicious. Another great couple of days. Love the photos especially the sunset one.

A calculator is never a good sign but my parents said this happen when they stopped in Gibralter and they got some real bargains especially on a new camera and watch.
Gary and I are planning to visit the Mayan ruins when in Costa Maya. I think I will tell the kids not to bother getting off the ship. I can just see Sian in Senor Frogs, leaving Daniel waiting outside :rotfl2:
Awesome trip report and great photos, haha I have plenty, but I kind of want to steal some of yours since I didn't get some of the cool ones you got, don't worry I won't steal them:lmao:.

Thank you for finding my trip report. Enjoying yours as well, good to see another back-2-back of Adults. Funny how we did the same ports, but we did western first and eastern second while you guys did eastern first and western second.
Sunday 21st April - Day at Sea

I first woke around 6am and managed to doze till 9.30am. I had a shower as Paul went off to see if it was warm enough to sunbathe. He said if was still cloudy, but a lot warmer so we set off for deck 13. I grabbed a skinny latte from the Cove Cafe on the way, where we met the lovely Billie who worked there this week (she's a lovely girl from Newcastle who's mum was visiting her that week too and we would chat each morning about what they got up to)


(Thank you Lynne for the use of your photo, I can't believe I forgot to get one of her)

Yeah Billie, I met her, she is awesome. Her and Christina were awesome in The Tube(where they worked both weeks when I cruise)
Monday 22nd April

I woke just after 8am, and checked the 'bridge view' on the TV and I could see glorious sunshine, so we got ready and by 9 we were heading up to deck 12, with just a quick stop at the Cove Cafe for a skinny latte for me and a croissant for Paul, and a quick chat with Billie too

It was lovely and sunny, though it was still very windy (which made the sunbathing more comfortable). I caught up on my trip report and read and we lasted out till gone 11

We went back to our room to get changed for our Palo Brunch reservation at 12, and after a brief wait in the Meridian Lounge we were shown to our table by the window. Our server today was Olivera from Bosnia and after introducing herself and taking our order of water and Mimosas, she showed us to the tables of delicious food. First we saw the pizzas, then the breakfast items, seafood, cheeses, mains, egg dishes and finally the most important table, the desserts










We were given a plate and I filled it with all my favourite food, this is probably my absolute favourite meal onboard





Then our egg dishes came out, I had Eggs Florentine and Paul had Eggs Julia, then Olivera brought out a dish of Lasagna to share. It was all very nice, but the Lasagna was delish, in fact so nice, Paul then ordered it as his main dish while I had the Beef Tenderloin which was a perfect size after eating all the other food




After our mains, Paul had a pot of tea, then we went up to get our desserts, and as ever the Tiramisu was divine


We enjoyed a leisurely hour and a half there, the food was delicious and our server was lovely too, we never once felt rushed

Cont'd ...

the Lasagna at Palo Brunch was amazing, loved it

We returned to our room to get changed and chilled for a while till our Mixology class at 3pm

Our Mixology class had been arranged by Emily from our Facebook group and when it was announced, it filled up very quickly. It was held in the Skyline Lounge, and after a couple of laps around deck 4 to try and walk off some of our Brunch, we headed to our class

The Mixology Class had been very popular (thank you Emily for organising it), and when we got there we sat with Emily and her hubby Scott

Damion was hosting this class, and I knew it was going to be fun once I saw all the glasses lined up and looking inviting




Groups of 4 or 5 of us took turns making different cocktails. First up was a Raspberry Mojito, I wasn't looking forward to this one as I find the mint very off putting, but it turned out to be very refreshing.



Next up was a Sea Breeze which was a Malibu based cocktail, it was very nice



Next, I volunteered to be in the group to make the Champagne cocktail, well it was Prosecco actually, but it made a good Kir Royale





The next group made a Martini cocktail, this one was a good one too, and looked cool with all its layers





Then we finished off with Paul joining the group to make a shot cocktail




As we had already had a couple of Mimosa's that lunch time, these cocktails really went to my head :rotfl: it was a great way to spend an hour or so on a sea day, and afterwards we sat with a few of our group just chatting. I would definitely do this again, and it was fun to do it with people we had been chatting to over the last few months

We returned to our room to change back into our swimwear, and we sat out in the sun for a little while, though it was still very windy

We returned to our room to chill, get showered and get ready for dinner which tonight was in Animator's Palette. Tonight was the Crush Show. It was lots of fun as Crush interacted with the kids in the dining room




For starter I had the sweet potato soup and Paul had the baked potato soup, for our mains I had the lemon thyme chicken and Paul had beef, to finish off I had cookies & cream sundae and Paul had apple pie with ice cream from the kids menu, (lol), it was all very nice and washed down with a couple of Bahama Mama's

We were shattered tonight, so once dinner was over we headed back to our room and bed


Tomorrow ~ St. Thomas

I loved the Damion at the Mixology on our cruise. Our cruise group actually did a private one the first week, though the day they did it we had Remy Brunch so we did regular one earlier in the week and on the same day as martini so after both, I was a little headache and hung over ish :rotfl2:, but it was a awesome day from what I can remember
Wednesday 24th April

I had a very restless night, and when I woke up I felt a lot better, but still not right

Sadly my plans of getting a ferry/taxi to the Bacardi Factory had gone out of the window, I was gutted, it was something I had really looked forward to, but I didn't want to wander too far away from the ship and was worried if the ferry would make me feel worse

Paul got up to see the ship dock at San Juan and promptly went back to bed. A little while later I showered and got ready, then we went up to get some breakfast. I was starving, but just stuck to toast and coffee, Paul had a yummy looking plateful in Cabanas



We disembarked and it was a lovely warm day, as we exited the dock we saw a Señor Frogs (yay! though that excitement was short lived)

Although I was feeling a lot better, it was Paul who was feeling under the weather as he had a bad cough and was full of cold

We wandered around the old town and up to the fort, where we took a few pics, we then walked back into town and popped into a CVS to pick up some cough medicine and tissues for Paul












At first we thought of popping into Señor Frogs, but like yesterday, alcohol was the last thing we needed, yes we truly weren't well. I did call into the shop though as I'd promised Kerry a shot glass, I hope next week we'll be back to our usual alchofrolic selves :rotfl:

We then decided to get a taxi to Plaza Las Américas, a shopping mall. It only cost $17 for the two of us, and it was huge. We had a good look around and even caught up with the girls on some wifi

A couple of hours later we shared a taxi with two others for the trip back to the port ($5 each)


We went to get some food from Flo's Cafe, I had a cheeseburger and Paul had wraps, then spent the next few hours chilling on top deck








We both didn't feel up to going to dinner tonight as I was still getting tummy aches and Paul didn't want to cough or sneeze over everyone, so we gave it a miss again. We left the room at the time we'd normally leave for dinner so our stateroom host could sort the room out and headed to deck 11 for something to eat. I just had a plate of fries and Paul had a cheeseburger and fries. After dinner we went to the Cove Cafe for a nice cup of tea (goodness, we're so rock n roll aren't we? :rotfl2:). After our tea and a chat with Giovanni, we grabbed some cookies and ice cream and headed back to our room for an early night


Tomorrow ~ Day at Sea

how did you guys like San Juan. It was my favorite port out of them all. My San Juan day is coming up tonight or tomorrow sometime so you can see how I enjoyed it. pretty much did what you did:

sorry for all the commenting, but love your trip report
Thanks for all your comments everyone :)

Gary and I are planning to visit the Mayan ruins when in Costa Maya. I think I will tell the kids not to bother getting off the ship. I can just see Sian in Senor Frogs, leaving Daniel waiting outside :rotfl2:

LOL Joh :rotfl2:

We weren't impressed, but if we went back we would probably still get off just to stretch our legs ::yes::

Interesting. So was it good enough you ordered more of them, or just a "one and done" type drink? :goodvibes

I'm sure I tried one or two the next day too :rolleyes1

Awesome trip report and great photos, haha I have plenty, but I kind of want to steal some of yours since I didn't get some of the cool ones you got, don't worry I won't steal them:lmao:.

Thank you for finding my trip report. Enjoying yours as well, good to see another back-2-back of Adults. Funny how we did the same ports, but we did western first and eastern second while you guys did eastern first and western second.

Thanks for taking the time to read my trip report, you're more than welcome to use some of our pics if you want :)

Would you do a back to back again ? Which itinerary did you prefer ? We preferred the Eastern, though next year would probably have to go to St. Maarten which I don't mind as we could spend a lot of the day at Maho Beach

the Lasagna at Palo Brunch was amazing, loved it


I loved the Damion at the Mixology on our cruise. Our cruise group actually did a private one the first week, though the day they did it we had Remy Brunch so we did regular one earlier in the week and on the same day as martini so after both, I was a little headache and hung over ish :rotfl2:, but it was a awesome day from what I can remember


how did you guys like San Juan. It was my favorite port out of them all. My San Juan day is coming up tonight or tomorrow sometime so you can see how I enjoyed it. pretty much did what you did:

sorry for all the commenting, but love your trip report

I think if we hadn't been poorly and had been able to get over to the Bacardi Factory, it would've been one of our favourite days. I look forward to reading your day at San Juan :)
Wednesday 1st May

I was awake around 6ish and checked out the Bridge Report and it was already 82F. I showered and we were ready for a coffee and pastries by 8. Paul grabbed some orange juice from Cabanas and we went back to the room and finally opened last weeks bottle of Prosecco and enjoyed a couple of Mimosa's for brekkie



We had to meet in the Buena Vista Theatre at 8.45am for our Beach Excursion in Cozumel. We were given a wristband and asked to wear a Minnie Mouse sticker so they knew which group we belonged to. At 10 past 9 we were led down the mid ship stairs down to Deck 1 where we disembarked. We were led down the pier and over the main road where several coaches were waiting for us, by 9.30 we were on our way and reached Playa Mia 20 minutes later

The cost of this excursion was $79 each, and we were allowed the use of the loungers, umbrellas, unlimited drinks, pools, play areas, wifi and lunch. It was a lovely day, just a little bit cloudy and a bit muggy, but not too uncomfortable







We found some loungers and the rum punches began to flow, and they were pretty good too. We chilled in the sun, chatted on-line to Kerry & Becky, had lunch and generally had a good day, and later in the day found the frozen Bahama Mamas to be particularly worth trying once or twice too





At 2pm we were all back onboard the coach and heading back to the Fantasy. We dropped our beach stuff back at the room then disembarked once again into Cozumel





Like Costa Maya you are constantly hassled to go into the shops, but we just smile and quickly walk on, it's annoying but what can you do? We went to Señor Frogs to get Kerry another shot glass (yeah like that's the reason we go in there :rotfl:) and just had to have a Yard. The party was in full swing, but we just stayed for one drink. We went back to the shop for a couple of tops and souvenirs then continued walking around




Time was getting on and we had to be back on board by 5.30, so we had a quick Hurricane in the Hard Rock then headed back to the ship

Cont'd ...


Tonight was Pirate Night (which I had missed last week due to feeling unwell). We sat at the Cove Bar chatting to Davide enjoying a drink or two, then one of us would quickly nip back to the room to get changed as the early party was about to start. It looked like loads of fun, more like the main Pirate Party on the classic ships


Ahh, Pirates Jerry (from Ireland) & Davide (from Portugal)

Next it was time for dinner, which tonight was in Animator's Palette. Our tablemates had given dinner a miss tonight, so we were served very quickly. We both had the Potstickers to start, the rib eye beef for our mains and the fruit cobbler with ice-cream for dessert. It was all very nice


Ahh, Pirates Stefan & Karen



Ahh, Pirate Karen cutting up my steak :rotfl2:

We went up to Deck 13, by Currents Bar to watch the fireworks. There was the sound of thunder closeby and then the lightning started (though no rain). The fireworks were good, but I'm sorry Disney, tonight you were outdone by Mother Nature who got the biggest oohs and ahhs




Love this pic





Paul dropped his camera back at the room and we went down to Deck 11 for the party. We were having a good boogie, then it started to spit with rain, within minutes we were all dancing as the rain poured down. It was fun and no one seemed bothered about getting wet





After a while we'd had enough and headed to bed, it had been a fun day


Tomorrow ~ Day at Sea

Thanks for taking the time to read my trip report, you're more than welcome to use some of our pics if you want :)

Would you do a back to back again ? Which itinerary did you prefer ? We preferred the Eastern, though next year would probably have to go to St. Maarten which I don't mind as we could spend a lot of the day at Maho Beach



I think if we hadn't been poorly and had been able to get over to the Bacardi Factory, it would've been one of our favourite days. I look forward to reading your day at San Juan :)

We would do a back-2-back again for sure. This was actually our third back-2-back. We did a Western and Eastern back-2-back on the Magic in 2009, different ports. We did a back-2-back on the Dream in 2011 since it was new and we enjoy longer cruises. We like Eastern more for the sea days and been to the western ports so many more times it get kind old.
Just caught up ..... those green drinks in Senor Frogs look very interesting but I think I'd be crawling on my hands and knees back to the ship after one of them! :rotfl:

Love the photo of the 'backside' chairs! :thumbsup2


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