Lowes Hotel Sale .. 3/11/

Yeah that was pretty crappy :( They still have nothing posted for my dates late June except for rack rate, can't get any other discount to show up.

Well maybe no Universal this trip if they don't at least put out a APH rate
So, that's the fix, eh? I rolled my dates in June back on week and the Cyper Spring Forward rate now shows. And, as mentioned - it's the same as the SMSM rate, but includes the wifi.

But, using my planned dates - 6/19 to 6/23, back to rack rates, even though it's well within the June 30th end date, which is why I waited for this in the first place. I've never gotten a hit for the APH rate on these dates, so I've been holding off.

You know, you could use this in a Marketing class as an example of a terrible marketing decision, especially in the internet age. If Loews had just said "Does not apply to Universal hotels", there'd have been some minor grumbling, with a "What you gonna do?" conclusion. But essentially misleading people - relabeling already available rates - has just led to pissed off consumers posting on facebook and message boards, and most likely got them little or no new business.
Just got off phone. I kept my APH rate of 189 for my dates in May. The Lowes offer was for 251.10 for my dates, May 27th. for 3 nights. 35 min wasted on hold.. :lmao: but BRING ON MAY.. :cool1:
Well, that's interesting - I was composing an email the pstevens from the Facebook thread regarding the issue with my dates.

Just to verify, I tried my 6/19-6/23 dates again - and the Spring Forward rate came up!

Again, same price as the SMSM promotion, so I'm not any worse off. And, I probably would have paid for the wifi in the room, so I'll take that bit of a bonus.

It's can still be cancelled, so I can still rebook if an APH rate actually applies to those days and makes getting one AP worthwhile.

Never did get the reminder email to tell me the promotion had gone live.

Now that that's done, it just back to crossing fingers that Transformers is open in time for our visit, though that would just be a bonus as it wasn't even announced when we made plans to visit at that time.
Ok..I got free wifi!

The rate for my dates did not change, except for free wifi with the new deal.

The rep was able to just change the rate code on my existing reservation to include the new cyber spring deal so we get the wifi.

Better than nothing, I guess!
I sent my email over an hour ago, as I was one of the people they specifically asked to do this on the facebook feed. I have heard nothing yet.

Fingers crossed for you. You were very smart using the facebook page. Social media can get results!
Claiming my dates were already sold out (by 7:00am est) for the promotion is what REALLY has me annoyed. I would rather they just be honest and say my dates didn't apply (even though the promo states "Book today for ANY reservations through June 30, 2013"). I certainly didn't expect a 40% discount, but I did expect something.

When I asked what the promo rate WAS, I was told there's no way they can to look that up. How convenient.

A supervisor took my info and said someone from Loews will be calling me. I have no idea why, but I'm interested in what they will have to say.
Admit to be disappointed, both in not being able to add a Universal day onto our june trip and in Lowes dropping the ball big-time on this heavily advertised promo.

I was surprised to see the onsite hotels included in the sale, although they were initially listed in an email promo that covered last October but mysteriously disappeared by the time to book. I had assummed that they were posted erronously then and gave them 'a bye' on it that time...this time is totally different.
I also sent an email. I'm not delusional, I saw the "up to 40% off" and knew the deal probably wouldn't be THAT good, but in this case it looks like they used the "Includes our Universal Orlando Hotels" as bait. I spoke w/a lovely woman at Universal who told me the sale only applies to 3 or more night stays, & only applies to the Orlando hotel w/stays through 6/20. Neither of these points were mentioned in the print ads. An LA times online article reviewing the sale actually said "NO minimum stay required". It's just disappointing.
I see they are trying to say on FB that this promo is just like the smsm rate... the longer you stay, the more you save. LOL, EPIC FAIL. Keep your AP rate if you have one and don't waste your time with this one.
I encourage people who aren't happy to contact the names listed on the facebook site. They sound like they are trying to do some damage control and it might be wise to take advantage of that. It says to contact pstevens@loewshotels.com


What a mess. Someone is going to lose their job over this one.

Just sent my letter. Wasn't going to but after your post, thought I should. The level of customer service by Loews for this mess is below the standard that they like to promote they have. They should have at least posted their minimum requirements in the terms and conditions for the length of stay. I looked there specifically for that plus if full payment was required. Huge waste of my time last night and again this morning. I had much better things to do -- like sleep since we were losing the hour.
That's just it. I played by the rules, I always read the fine print, & I was willing to stay up late or get up early (or both as it turns out), but turns out the Orlando Universal portion of this deal was nonexistent. If I knew that it was a 3 night stay or more, or that Orlando was only covered thru 6/20, case closed, I would not have even given the deal a second thought. I dislike being mislead, & unfortunately that is exactly what was done. They have since changed their wordage and added "Black out dates apply", but that doesn't buy back my time spent planning a few days at Universal, that now don't exist.
Staying 3 nights before 6/20 still did nothing for me (6/7-10).

No APH rate yet either. :(
I put in the dated of my stay June 16 -21 and its still $50.00 higher than what I paid for RPR on orbitz.com
For those looking for the end of June, you may want to try again. As I say, when I tried this morning, my 6/19 through 6/23 stay gave only the rack rate, while rolling my dates back one week to put everything before 6/20 gave the spring forward.

Later, I was able to get the spring forward rate for my stay. Programmers were apparently still flipping switches along the way.

Definitely a cluster the whole way around. Still looking forward to this first trip to Universal, but this is a bit of a sour start.


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