It's August! It's HOT! It Rains! Wait, Where's Mikey?

Day 5 the end

After we were done Buzz Lightyear we had a choice on where to go. Jennifer and Jay ran over to Space Mountain to get FP's. This is one ride I have never been on. Our first trip many years ago when my youngest was a baby I almost rode it. I got in line with my mom, little brother, DH and son. We left Jennifer and her sister with my dad. I went all through the queue. As we were getting to load I went into sheer panic mode and ran down the chicken exit. My dad and I waited over an hour for the others to join us. They were in the car when there was a malfunction and the ride broke down. I have taken that as a sign that I am never to ride Space Mountain. :lmao:

OK back to the present. FP's in hand I suggested we take the little ones over to Main Street and get in line for the princesses. We all agreed, OK Jay moaned "Do we have to?" We saw Chip and Dale by the Emporium so that was the first stop.

I really liked the photopass photographer here. She was taking pics of all of us not just the posed one of the kids. After the chipmunks we were off to see some princesses. There was about a 10 minute wait here.

Finally we saw Cinderella

Now there was a really funny moment here. While we waited to see Cinderella there was a young "couple" getting their pics taken. They just didn't seem like they were really a couple to me as I thought the young man was gay. I asked Jen if he was a friend of *****? Don't want to name names but he's a friend of hers and I knew she would get my meaning. That was when Jay turned red and Jen was hysterical laughing. Evidently I was right and he made a pass at Jay. Of course to an almost 14 year old boy it wasn't as funny. I just told him that was because he's so cute every one likes him. As the young man left the area he waved to Jay one more time. At this point we were all laughing, even Jay.

We saw Belle next. Ella had decided that it was fun to spin and make her dress flare out. Belle joined her.

Seriously the character interactions were fantastic that day.

Then Rapunzel. Ella tried to get her to spin but she was great. She said her dress didn't go out like that and besides her hair was too long and they would trip. Ella was happy with that.

Rapunzel then got Jay and Mike to join them. I don't think either was happy but did it

Then she made Jen join in. I'm thinking she thought Jay was their son also.

The princesses done we had Mickey and Minnie to see. It was getting late at this point. The FP window for Space Mountain had opened up. Jim and I took the little ones to see some mice while Jen, Jay and Mike went to ride a mountain. This was a long wait about 25 minutes. Ella was beyond excited as her number one favorite is Minnie Mouse. The waiting was starting to be too much for Mikey. He has trouble with lines and until now had been doing good. I knew that I need to get him distracted and occupied. Jim wanted to just take him out of line and punish him. I won this one. Jim doesn't spend much time with the kids and forgets what our son was like, he was ADD. This was when I regretted not getting a GAC for Mikey. Soon enough we were close to entering the greeting area. Ella peeked around the curtain and I loved her reaction and was thrilled that I had the camera ready and was able to get a picture of it

The photopass photographer here really needs to get a new assignment. He was in a hurry to get a pic and get you out. After some of the great experiences earlier in the day he was different. He did get Ella hugging her Minnie


Jen was waiting for us and needed the photopass plus lanyard for the ride pic. We forgot about that so she ran back to add the pic

It was now 8:30 so we had a decision to make. Did we want to find a place to watch Wishes or beat the crowds and head back to the resort. The resort won. When we got to the bus stop there was a bus already there. I figured we would have a wait so I told the kids to go back and I would get on the next bus. But Wait! The driver was opening the back so I could load. pixiedust: Going back early was a good choice as Ella promptly fell asleep on the ride back to ASMo.

When we got back to the room Mousekeeping was at it again




They decorated all 4 beds in both rooms. Again a silly little thing that meant so much to the kids.

Summary of Magic Kingdom over 2 days
BTMRR - no
Buzz Lightyear Ranger Spin - yes
The carousel - no
Country Bears - no, really upset by that as it will be closed when I am there in October
Parade - No
Dumbo - no, we didn't even make it to that area
IASW - yes, thankfully Jay was a no
Jungle Cruise - Yes
Philharmagic - no
Monster Laugh Floor - no
Peter Pan - yes, but only once and Crystal really wanted to ride it again
POC - yes, several times
Space Mountain - yes
Splash Mountain - yes and no, I didn't get on it
Barnstormer - no and I really wanted to get there for Ella so she could ride a coaster
Tiki Room - no
Hall of Presidents - yes because of the rain
Haunted Mansion - yes, several times
Magic Carpets - yes
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - sadly no
People Mover (sorry what I think of it as) - no
Carousel of Progress - yes, again because of rain
Railroad - no and this one waas on my must do list for Mikey. He loves trains.
MSEP - no because it didn't run the days we had planned
Characters - most of them

We missed a lot over the two days, but the kids were happy and that was all that mattered to me. They don't know what they missed. I do think that Disney needs to rethink the MSEP however. We did not do PH's and due to ADR's could not change our days. The parade only ran a couple of days while we were there and not the ones we had planned for MK. We really had a choice to make all of the rides and attractions or what we could and as many characters as possible. The characters won out because of the little ones. And Jay, as much as he tried to complain, really had a great time.
Again great character photos, Emily and Frank dragged me onto Space Mountain a couple of years ago, I cried and screamed the entire ride and was shaking so bad I couldn't walk when we got off. Emily thought this was hilarious.

As long as the kids have a great time that is all that mattered, you just have to take them back again.:rotfl:
Again great character photos, Emily and Frank dragged me onto Space Mountain a couple of years ago, I cried and screamed the entire ride and was shaking so bad I couldn't walk when we got off. Emily thought this was hilarious.

As long as the kids have a great time that is all that mattered, you just have to take them back again.:rotfl:

I am like that on Tea Cups and spinning rides. I have horrible motion sickness. My son and youngest daughter conned me into riding it once and I was a lovely shade of green for quite awhile. They couldn't stop laughing at me.

The kids had a great time. I learned that the commando style, having to see everything or the trip is ruined style is such a waste of energy. I am so sorry I put my kids through that when they were younger. I now have a much more relaxed attitude. Yes I hope for everything but if we miss things there's always another trip to plan. It also causes so much less friction between Jim and I, and the kids. Now to see how well this laid back attitude works next week with this ankle holding me back. :rotfl2:
9I will be in my happy place in 9 days. :banana: so I am going to try and get this TR report done in the next couple of days to get ready for that.

DAY 6 begins

It was in one word HOT!!!!! and no rain for the first day.

I had hoped to be at the park by 9 but I stopped worrying about that. We had no ADR's planned and getting 8 people up and out is a daunting task. We were at the bus stop by 9:15 anyway. Mikey was patiently waiting

We got to the park by about 10 AM. Where you ask?

We wandered the Discovery Trails up to Oasis

My one camera was working a little bit so Crystal took some pics. One of hers

When we got to Oasis Jim decided to buy a frozen Coke. He was collecting the park cups for Jennifer. Of course did they share the coke? No!!! Crystal got a shot of the sky

I checked the wait times listed and we headed over to Dinoland. Jen and Mike took Mikey and Ella over to the Boneyard Dig and Jim, Jay, Crystal and I headed over to Dinosaur. The two little ones were too small and I knew that Mikey with his noise issues would hate the ride. Crystal posed on the way

Dinosaur had a 10 minute wait time listed. It should have said zero. We walked right on.



on the elevator after the ride. Crystal was not real happy. The ride was actually a little scary for her.


The ride photo. Crystal was a little scared, I actually didn't try and take a pic. Jay looked disgusted. That boy really makes me laugh. Lat pic of Jim with his hat. He lost it at lunch and made us miserable. I told him to buy another one I would pay for it but he wanted to mope like a child for awhile. He actually went to lost and found at the end of the day to look for it. Seriously. Buy a new hat!

When we left Dinosaur we headed over to Chester and Hesters. I asked Jay if he wanted to do on Primeval Whirl with Jim. That was a no. Crystal saw Triceratop so guess who got to ride that? Yep me. They love to put me on spinning rides and watch me turn green.

you can see how gorgeous the sky was that day

Jim called Jen while Crystal and I rode and they headed over to meet us. Now one thing about Jim - he is a sucker for the kids. He got tokens so they could play the games. Never mind that we go down the Jersey shore and I tell them no all of the time. I hate wasting money and know how the games are rigged. Worked for a games concession in college. Jim actually worked for the same place a couple of years later so he knows they are rigged. He just can't help himself. The kids played the dinosaur version of Whack-A-Mole.

Ella won. Of course Mikey and Crystal have no coordination and Mommy played for Ella. :rotfl2: Jen actually felt that Ella getting the prize was fair because Ella was having a rough trip not being able to ride most things so it was her consolation prize. It was after 11 at this point and we were all hungry. In AK I have to eat at one place - Flame Tree BBQ so off we headed.

Ella with her tie-dyed chameleon

I actually headed down to the tables by the water. I was hoping to spot an alligator. I know I'm crazy but I really want to see one down there. No alligators but plenty of fish.


Jay was excited because he swears that is a big mouth bass. I believe him because I know nothing about fish. He goes fishing almost every weekend with his dad. When I told him I was pretty sure that you can rent a boat and fish in Disney but that it's catch and release he had to call his dad. That is how they fish anyway. They are now planning a fishing expedition when they come down in a couple of years.

We also had some turtles stop by


We all had the pulled pork sandwiches with cole slaw and we ordered a side of fries to share. Quite a few were "dropped" to feed to the fish.

The kids had hot dogs. Their favorite meal. Mike actually works for a major lunch meat/hot dog making place and gets them at cost so the kids love their hot dogs. Except here. They ate about 1/2 the hot dog and 1/2 the yogurt. They were hot and too excited to eat. They wanted to keep feeding the fish.

We all had the chocolate mousse for dessert. Jay didn't like it. He said it didn't taste enough like pudding

We spent 90 minutes here. I swear I should have gone with TS meals because we spent enough time eating. Up next where did we go and was it a wise choice?
AK the hottest place in Disney World :rotfl2:. I always scream on Dinosaur but I still love it.

Flame tree is by far the best counter service place in all of Disney World.
AK the hottest place in Disney World :rotfl2:. I always scream on Dinosaur but I still love it.

Flame tree is by far the best counter service place in all of Disney World.

I've never felt it to be overly hot but it sure was this day.

Absolutely agree. I have to have at least one meal there a trip.
All caught up. Glad you had some Disney magic after the Captain Jack show. And that you got to see all those characters.

Fantastic that not only did you try CHH, but you found your way upstairs. That is our favorite place to eat at MK.

Love your pics of HM. People using their flash makes me mad. I'm sure in the one scene it ruined the effect and also gave a reflection off of the glass there.

My Jacob doesn't like loud noises, the first time he rode Dinosaur and a couple times after, all that is in the picture of him is his fingertips. :rotfl2: Finally, two years ago, I finally got a pic of his face on Dinosaur.

I've probably asked this before, but what are your dates for the next trip?
Great character pics with the kids!!!!

I agree......AK is the hottest park at Disney!! Not good on a hot day!

I never noticed that AK was that hot. I guess because hot weather doesn't really bother me. I noticed that day but it could be because the kids got whiny.

All caught up. Glad you had some Disney magic after the Captain Jack show. And that you got to see all those characters.

Fantastic that not only did you try CHH, but you found your way upstairs. That is our favorite place to eat at MK.

Love your pics of HM. People using their flash makes me mad. I'm sure in the one scene it ruined the effect and also gave a reflection off of the glass there.

My Jacob doesn't like loud noises, the first time he rode Dinosaur and a couple times after, all that is in the picture of him is his fingertips. :rotfl2: Finally, two years ago, I finally got a pic of his face on Dinosaur.

I've probably asked this before, but what are your dates for the next trip?

We did have some magic later on in the day so it evened out. And I didn't realize how many characters we saw til I added it up.

CHH was really good and I think it will replace Pinocchio Village Haus. The shrimp was amazingly good.

I don't get the flash on certain rides at all, HM being one of them. You are not going to get the effects and the flash bounceback is horrible off of the glass. If I am alone on POC I will cheat once in awhile but I really like the challenge of a good pic without the flash.

I am hoping to get Mikey on Dinosaur one day. I knew that this year would have been a major freak out.

My dates are Oct 7th to the 13th. I leave in 6 days. :yay:
When I left you all hanging we had just finished lunch, a very loooong lunch.
Of course this meant we now had to visit the bathrooms. I seriously think half of the bathroom stops were just to check out the bathrooms. Next time I'm taking pics. There are some very nice bathrooms in Disney. As we are getting to move on Jim realized he lost his hat. He had to go looking for it. Seriously, he bought it and one of the shops, I'll pay just buy a new one. NO!!! He has to have THAT hat. I was getting cranky and told him to forget the hat it's time to move on.

Now the question was where do we go? We were hot so of course, an indoor attraction. The entrance for It's Tough To Be a Bug was right there. The show was starting in 5 minutes. Perfect so down we went. The kids looked cute in their 3-D glasses

Jay decided to add to Crystal's pic


I made a HUGE mistake here. I think the show is cute. I forgot that Mikey is TERRIFIED of bugs. I mean seriously terrified. He tried to run off of a moving school bus because an ant was on it. If a fly gets in my car he screams in sheer panic. He has run into the street to get away from a butterfly. I knew that the seats made you a part of the show so I had him sit on my lap. I thought that would be enough. I told him that the bugs weren't real. He was OK for a minute or two. Bad grandmom that I am I took some pics


It was then I knew we had a problem. He was shaking uncontrollably. I felt his chest and his heart was pounding so hard I thought it would explode through his chest. I looked at Jen and told her we were leaving and would be outside. Thankfully a CM was right there and got the door open for me. I spend so much time with Mikey I should have known that he couldn't handle the show. It was too realistic for him. When I got him outside he was sobbing. Not the Disney experience I wanted for him. Thankfully I did get him calmed down and we were off to something I knew he would like.

He loves animals so I knew that Kilimanjaro Safari would be perfect. This was the worst safari I have ever been on. The driver was in a hurry and never stopped and there weren't many animals. The lions were nowhere to be found. We did see a few though

Not sure what this was but Crystal took it







Another of Crystals pics

We then went on The Panganini Exploration Trail, I saw birds. I don't like birds. I like taking pictures of them though and forget that I don't like birds.


Crystal liked the skull.

That was the extent of what I saw. I was forced to the side as if though I was invisible. When I tried to catch up with my family I just got No Habla. Yes you do enough to understand "excuse me, family". There are rules about the kinds of carriers and backpacks you can bring into the parks. I had read on another TR that people had wheeled backpacks. I thought maybe it was a one time thing. Nope I found them too

Those things are dangerous in a crowded park. What really had me absolutely dumb-founded was something else I witnessed. I watched a man take out a key and scrape into the bark of a tree. Seriously! Have people become so self-centered and indifferent to their surroundings and the damage they can cause? I think I may need to go back to commando style so I miss these details. I did want to tell a CM about this but I knew that he would be long gone before I could find one and bring them back.

At this point we decided to separate for a bit. Jim and I took the kids to Rafikis Planet Watch or Conservation Station. Whatever it is called. Jen, Jay and Mike went to Kali River Rapids. So up next we take a train ride.
As I left off we were discussing what to do

We split up and took the kids over to the train ride. Mikey liked that

When we got there the kids went exploring. Now my grandkids aren't fond of bugs. Crystal had the one camera that was still working off and on. What did she take pics of? Yep bugs!



Not sure what this was

She liked this too

Rafiki came out so we got a picture with him

Then we went out to the petting zoo. Mikey hates bugs but he has never met an animal he doesn't love.


The girls had fun brushing the animals


Hidden Mickey?


This goat was licking the air

Tried to get a lizard but he was smart and ran

At this point I had to take Ella to the rest rooms and scrub her face. Mikey decided to use the sheep brush on her. Those things are in the dirt as well as all over the animals. Yuck! I loved the tiles in the bathroom


A freshly scrubbed Ella

When I got back to the petting area I looked at Jim and said, "Where's Mikey?" Yep he disappeared again. Thankfully he was behind some animals and found quickly. At this point the other 3 caught up to us and we headed back.

Rhino in a pen



As I have no picture room left I will finish this day in one more post.
As we were getting ready to leave the Rafiki area I began to notice that the ECV was starting to run low on power. It read a half charge. That's unusual but I figured I would be OK. No I wasn't. By time we got off of the train I was having a real issue with the charge. It was getting late so we wanted to take the kids to see the characters at Camp Minnie-Mickey. As we headed that way I had the speed set to rabbit and was barely moving. Jay had to push me up the hills. Going downhill was easy as the scooter was fine. When we got to the characters I was dead. That scooter was not moving! Jennifer took the kids and my camera and went off in search of characters.

I called Walker Mobility. That company is fantastic. They have a van with extra scooters in the area of the parks. The driver was at EPCOT but would be able to help me within a half hour. They got my location and cell phone number and I was set. The kids saw
Donald Duck



Ella saw Minnie again

King Louie and Baloo

While sitting I got enough power to head towards the entrance as long as Jay helped on any incline. The kids posed again


And I was out of power again. I told Jen to take the kids back to the resort and I would wait for the scooter people to get there. The driver had called and was parking the van at this point. Jim went out to find him and I kept inching out. We actually passed each other as Jim and the driver went to the right to enter but I was on the right to exit. One phone call and I had a new scooter. The driver was really great and said that sometimes the batteries just go. We were soon on our way back.

Mousekeeping made the kids day again


I had wanted to go to DTD that night. I had a coupon for a free sandwich at Earl of Sandwich for my birthday. We were all tired and it was around 7 PM by time Jim and I got back to ASMo. We just decided to get dinner there and relax for the night. The menu seemed to be the same but the food had changed slightly. The kids grilled cheese was now on a whole grain type bread and they didn't like it. Jim had a cheesesteak again. I had the London Broil and Jay had Chicken strips again. Pretty much the same food we have had all week. It was good though.

Goals for AK -
Dinosaur - Yes
Expedition Everest - no, Jay still has never been on this
Nemo or Lion King show - no
Pangani Exploration Trail - yes
Flights of Wonder - no. :yay: Jim likes this not me
Tough To Be A Bug - yes unfortunately it was a bad choice
Devine - No and I really wanted the kids to see her
Characters - yes
Maharajah Jungle Trek - no
Parade - no
Rafiki's - yes
Kali River Rapids - yes
Triceratop Spin - not planned but yes

Over all we had a great day. Yes it was hot but we had the mister fans and they helped. There was no rain for once. We did a lot, not as much as I had hoped for but the kids were happy and had a great time. On a side note we saw Jay's admirer from the day before several times and he definitely saw Jay who was not happy now. He felt like he was being stalked. It took a little time to convince him that it was a coincidence and to lighten up. He did calm down.

Up next our last day in the parks and Jay's 14th birthday.
We never made it over to the Conservation Station because the day we were at AK it was raining on and off and wet animals don't smell so nice :lmao:.

Too bad about the scooter, I have used Walker Mobility for our friend when he needed one and they were great.

Too bad about Mikey and the bugs, I hate sitting on the seat when the wasps strike too.
We never made it over to the Conservation Station because the day we were at AK it was raining on and off and wet animals don't smell so nice :lmao:.

Too bad about the scooter, I have used Walker Mobility for our friend when he needed one and they were great.

Too bad about Mikey and the bugs, I hate sitting on the seat when the wasps strike too.

Neither do hot anmals. :rotfl2:

I thought about going cheaper but they really are great to work with.

Bad granmom. I really thought he would be OK. He was terrified. No more ug shows for Mikey. I won't sit on the seat. I got poked so hard one time that my back went into spasms.
all caught up.

The MK days sounded like fun. COP is so fun to do.

I loved the princess and mickey meet and greet area.

Does Jay get forced on these trips or does he volunteer?

That is funny about the guy who waved to him.

AK is my favorite park for photos. Bummer about the safari. It really is take what you get. LOL

Yum to Flame Tree.

Too bad about Mikey in ITTBAB. Such a fun show but glad to hear you were able to get him out.

The chair is not good but good thing they were so good and came right away.
I don't get the flash on certain rides at all, HM being one of them. You are not going to get the effects and the flash bounceback is horrible off of the glass. If I am alone on POC I will cheat once in awhile but I really like the challenge of a good pic without the flash.

My dates are Oct 7th to the 13th. I leave in 6 days. :yay:

I'm the same way, the challenge to get those dark ride pics. That's why I want a new camera, for a higher ISO.

Keep an eye out for us and I will do the same with you. I'm guessing you will again be in a scooter, so that should help me.:goodvibes

Great updates! Sorry about the safari ride, guess the animals were feeling the heat too.

So sorry about Mikey and the bugs. That must really be scary that he will endanger his life running from something like that. I know he doesn't realize at the time.

My MIL doesn't like anything that flutters, so she will not go in any of the bird areas.

Love the pic of the Mickeyhead.

Wow, you got more character pics than I have had my entire life. My family isn't into the characters.:sad1:
all caught up.

The MK days sounded like fun. COP is so fun to do.
We did have fun and I love COP.
I loved the princess and mickey meet and greet area.
That was one of the best areas this trip.
Does Jay get forced on these trips or does he volunteer?
He volunteers for the trips. I would never make him go on something he didn't want to do. He's mad that I don't bring him to IpDip. :rotfl2:
That is funny about the guy who waved to him.
We still tease him about that. When you are 14 that can be unsettling.
AK is my favorite park for photos. Bummer about the safari. It really is take what you get. LOL
I really hope Kristel doesn't mind spending some time wandering around so I can get pics. There are so many areas I have to see yet.
Yum to Flame Tree.

Too bad about Mikey in ITTBAB. Such a fun show but glad to hear you were able to get him out.
It is a fun show but he is really bug phobic. We should have known better. I would have taken him exploring.
The chair is not good but good thing they were so good and came right away.That's why even though there are cheaper companies I will stick to this one.

I'm the same way, the challenge to get those dark ride pics. That's why I want a new camera, for a higher ISO.
My DH teases me because right now I own 2 DSLR's and 3 lenses, 3 advanced P&S bridge cameras, 2 waterproof, and 2 P&S cameras. They all have different functions.
Keep an eye out for us and I will do the same with you. I'm guessing you will again be in a scooter, so that should help me.:goodvibes
I will definitely be in the scooter and it will be decorated for Halloween. We will be hopping so I don't know where I'll be from day to day. It would be nice to meet though.
Great updates! Sorry about the safari ride, guess the animals were feeling the heat too.
Thanks I think they may have been. We belong to the local zoo so the kids get to see animals quite often.
So sorry about Mikey and the bugs. That must really be scary that he will endanger his life running from something like that. I know he doesn't realize at the time.
It really is scary. We have to warn his teachers every year because they need to know to what extremes he will go to when a bug is near him. He doesn't understand that a bug won't hurt him nearly as much as a car will. I am hoping he outgrows this one day.
My MIL doesn't like anything that flutters, so she will not go in any of the bird areas.
I went in a store one time that had birds flying loose. I stopped breathing out of sheer panic. Sort of understand Mikeys fear. My mom had to literally force me to walk out of the store. I have gotten a little better but I blame Alfred Hitchcock for my fear.
Love the pic of the Mickeyhead.

Wow, you got more character pics than I have had my entire life. My family isn't into the characters.:sad1:
I didn't think we had many til I started adding them up. Jay used to like the characters when we took him down. Now he's afraid his friends will see them on FB and tease him. 14 is such a tough age. He's a man-child now.

Responses are in blue, easier that way.
All caught up! I haven't been getting e-mails for thread updates :confused3
Must get ready for work now, you are really doing a great job on this report.

I noticed Jay is really tall!
All caught up! I haven't been getting e-mails for thread updates :confused3
Must get ready for work now, you are really doing a great job on this report.

I noticed Jay is really tall!

Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying it. It's always nice to hear that people enjoy the effort you put into the TR's.

He is very tall. I think he's 5'10" now and he just turned 14. He takes a size 13 1/2 shoe. :eek: We're taking odds on how tall he will be when he's done growing. He want's to hit 6'5. Not sure he will get that tall but who knows. He still has to go through another growth spurt at 16.


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