Who's scrapping this last week-end in April??

I reread the HP series again with my DDs before we went to Universal. Love that series. Love the Hunger Games series tooand I have started reading the Fifty Shades of Grey series too :bitelip:

I actually had to force myself to stop re-reading (and re-re-re-re-reading) The Hunger Games trilogy. I could just sit and read them every day. I read the Fifty Shades books. Oh, my. popcorn:: I've read every HP book at least 3 times, but it's been a while, so it's time again ;)
I actually had to force myself to stop re-reading (and re-re-re-re-reading) The Hunger Games trilogy. I could just sit and read them every day. I read the Fifty Shades books. Oh, my. popcorn:: I've read every HP book at least 3 times, but it's been a while, so it's time again ;)

I have read the HP series at least 3 times. The kids love them!

Time to pic sketches for disney event swap.
We all love the HP books (even DH) I know we have read the entire series at least 3 times each! The girls got me hooked on the Hunger games trilogy. I'm ready to re-read that one.

I'm working on my partner swap titles then on Rachel's recipe book today.
I have read the HP books several times about time to re-read them again - I love books that you can read several times & still enjoy them

OK today's project is get the laundry put up (it usually sits in the sewing room)
then get AK gr D 8 done - got the animals cut out for the inches, then I"m making the tree of life frame (up & down picture - can't think how to spell it)

need to clean kitchen up before DH gets home
otherwise I"m playing with paper
Mornin' all.. doing a quick stop in while doing laundry and kitting pages before games today.

Michelle, love the LO... thanks for reminding me that I have Alice on a cart I haven't even used yet!! The storms dove south of us, so we only saw a small shower last night. Since they went south, I need to call and check in on my parents.

Ok, I will be back after games, I MUST get 10 pages done today..

Michelle I :love: this layout!!!!!!
Good Morning ladies!

I read the first hunger games on my kindle and Megan decided to spend her bday $$ and bought all three of them hardback covers....I read the other two back to back a couple weekends ago, couldn't put them down! Megan is through the first one and about half way through the second! I love them and will re-read them too!

today need to work on laundry and some cleaning...wrap a bday gift to mail tomorrow...start on my spring/summer swap, only 4 groups so might finish it today!
Good morning/afternoon! A little bit of a later start then I would have liked! I have spring/summer and partner swaps to complete today! Only a few groups in the spring/summer swap, but 5 titles (my least fav) in the partner swap! Better get started...
Well I guess I will leave the tea cups as is, since everyone seems to like it. I am now going upstairs to purchase book three of the Fifty Shades of Grey triology. A kindle makes it too easy to buy books! I should be patient and wait for the library, but I would be like #350 on the waiting list. I am not that patient. I should be scrapping but it is a dreary and rainy day here, and it is perfect for reading. DD2 had softball cancelled because of weather. So far our 4:00 soccer game is on, but we will see because it is currently raining plus we got a lot of rain yesterday.
it is cloudy here too but I'm making myself at least get things cut out
did get the "inches" done (are they still called inches if they are 2.5??)
I seem to be picking stuff that takes forever to cut out still - got mad at the mats so now I"m taping the paper down so they don't move
I don't like titles because i don't have any way to weld letters and make those titles with all the words and letters welded. Also I have very few cricut cartridges. Cutting and assembling all those letters can be tedious! Also I have trouble coming up with cute shapes and designs.
I thought the PC craftroom let you weld things together (really not sure since I haven't been in it yet)
I don't know what the PC craft room is? Is it a paid membership type thing? I'll have to look into it. I hope to get a gypsy soon so that will help! Just gotta find a good deal on one!
I know it is free membership - if you make something really great & save it there it becomes their's
we have a cloudy grey day here too...

last load of laundry in washer....almost done with one group...

titles - for me its coming up with something ...if its just a basic like "swimming" its okay, if something more I have troubles....I do have the gypsy so that helps if I want to weld, but I also like them seperate or on a mat!

so those of you reading shades of grey, do you like it...been thinking about loading it on my kindle too..
Okay back from phone shopping, I now have a slide phone that will enable me to text faster. The kid from best buy laughed when he saw my old phone. It was a Cingular phone, couldn't find a plug to transfer my contacts.:rotfl2: At least they saved them to the card and I didn't have to add them all.

I have one page almost finished. Everyone is eating lunch so I can't use my work space yet.

Okay back from phone shopping, I now have a slide phone that will enable me to text faster. The kid from best buy laughed when he saw my old phone. It was a Cingular phone, couldn't find a plug to transfer my contacts.:rotfl2: At least they saved them to the card and I didn't have to add them all.

I have one page almost finished. Everyone is eating lunch so I can't use my work space yet.


yay for the new phone! can't wait to see your page!
Here is my page, I think this is going to be general disney christmas


I think I need more "disney" any suggestions?



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