Our little Mouseketeer 2nd trip Trip Report

Great you managed to see Duffy, good timing :thumbsup2

I love your dd's cute little dresses :cloud9:

Look forward to more popcorn::
Woo hooo! Lovely trip report... sorry, I'm another "***??" at Belle, lol! Kids wouldn't think like that though, which is the main thing! Gorgeous family pic, and what a wonderful keepsake, the picture of Elsie on Mickey's lap. Brilliant!

Look forward to reading more! xx

Hello Stranger
Nice to hear/ read from you x

WDW!! Even better!! Im well jell ;)

Belle is ummm.... not so feminine :confused3
We loved the pavillion too though. Its very pretty.

I wish DS still took midday naps, would make the long days more manageable at DLP.... although I get so stuck in I probably wouldnt be coaxed back to the hotel for a nap anyway.

Love Elsies Tangled dress and looking foward to reading more.

We don't normally have naps at home but as we were out later in the evenings I wanted Elsie to get a nap! I didn't want to go back I sit in the room thing Disney is just out there!!!!

Oh yay I love reading your trip reports! :goodvibes You can see how much Elsie has grown up even from the last trip! She is adorable! :cutie:

You are putting me to shame, I still have to finish my TR from January!

I can't wait to read more! popcorn::

And to me, Belle looks scary!

Aw thank you! I know she really has grown up bless her!

Loving your TR so far, can't wait for more! :goodvibes

Update coming up!

Yay! Trip report!


YAY! Not long till your move now!

Aw - fab trip report do far, Elsie is a little love isn't she?

My DD LOVED Duffy, wish we had bought her one, will next time for sure.

And yes - Belle... perhaps not the best likeness!

I think she is :D

Duffy was so cute him and Mickey had a huge hug together when Duffy arrived!

Awww, love Elsies dress. Belle is a bit :eek: though, she (?) doesn't look quite in keeping with the princess range. Looking forward to the rest of the TR.

LOL! The Belle comments are all very similar :D

Great you managed to see Duffy, good timing :thumbsup2

I love your dd's cute little dresses :cloud9:

Look forward to more popcorn::

So glad we saw Duffy I wish we went and saw him again!
Elsie finally woke up at 4.15 Dave and I were both ready so we got Elsie ready in her Red Minnie mouse dress and headed to the park!

We got there just in time for the parade we didn't get a great viewing spot we did have to watch over a family but we have seen it before! So it wasn't too disappointing!

After the parade we flew down the arcade and it was so quiet! Do most people not know they are there? Every one was pushing down Main Street it was so busy!

I really wanted to go on Phantom Manor and I thought Elsie would be ok as she was on Pirates last year! Just to be sure she hadn't become scared of the dark and noise we took her to see the dragon.



She was fine she was pointing and chatting away!

Phantom Manor was showing a 5 minute wait I was shocked as it was so busy every where! We stayed right to the back so Elsie could look at everything we also didnt want to get caught in the crowd! I really enjoyed standing back and looking at all the detail of this place!

Elsie was fine on the ride she sat between us she did hold a hand from each of us though. She seemed to enjoy the graveyard scene she pointed at the singing head looked up and started talking away again! We didn't have a ghost follow us home though just us in the mirror! Which is probably just as scary lol!

After the ride and a look round Frontierland, Adventureland and a few shops we made our way back to the hotel to drop of the pushchair then it was Cafe Mickey time YAY!

Elsie played in the TAXI whilst we waited for Dave to take the pushchair upstairs!

Cafe Mickey! We had such a good time here on both our previous visits We were both really looking forward to it!

We were seated straight away and the restaurant was pretty quiet!

We sat down and as we were waiting for the highchair Minnie Mouse noticed Elsie and came straight over! Upset a few tables (SORRY!)



We ordered a garlic bread for starters a Hawaiian pizza for main to share I had the Woody round up chocolate desert and Dave had the fruit fondue.

Elsie had spaghetti and meat balls for main and chocolate moose for desert Her meal was free which was great!

After ordering Captain Hook entered we were sat in view of the door where the characters come from upstairs or their break and were always the first table so we were lucky we always saw the characters where some complained they were getting missed!


Didn't get much of a picture with him Elsie couldn't stop looking at him may be she recognizes him from Jake and the neverland pirates! Captain hook loved our autograph book and went through the whole thing! We got lots of thumbs up from him!

Almost straight after him Mr Smee appeared!


This where we noticed a change in Cafe Mickey the CM's in blue that are always with the characters was getting moaned at a lot and kept giving in and taking the characters away from people he was with and taking them to certain tables which was then upsetting other tables! Before we have always heard people being told to wait the characters will visit each table!

Garlic bread was good! It was garlic bread not much to write about lol! Elsie's main came out with our starter which was OK with us as she took so long to eat anything as she was too distracted by everything going! But I think a lot of people would prefer to have their children's main come out with theirs.

Jessie was next in and I have never seen her before!


At this point Elsie has Bolognese sauce all over her face and Jessie had lovely white gloves on and rubbed Elsie's face :0 Was expecting to get a cleaning bill from Jessie at the end of the meal!

Minnie was back to see Elsie again and was nealing to the side of her playing peek-a-boo, wiggling her nose drawing hearts in the air for her blowing her kisses Elsie loved the fuss!


Then the big cheese was here. He tapped Elsie on the shoulder she turned round looked at him and turned away and carried on watching Minnie a few tables away! Me and Dave laughed and Mickey just shrugged! The way she looked at him was like "Oh its only you" lol!

Any way she turned back and was excited to see her second favourite mouse


Another thing that upset me about Cafe Mickey there was only ever two characters in the room! When we were eating our main the birthday song came on and Mickey looked and up and didn't even head over and neither did Minnie this family had no characters at their table when their cake was brought over! A little poor to be honest this made me worry we wouldnt have any one either!

We also saw Pluto but the photo we have is awful! :(

We had our desert YUM! I love the woody chocolate cake its so good! Elsie enjoyed her chocolate moose she loves chocolate why wouldnt she lol! Dave said his chocolate fondue was good too!

The server come and asked us if we wanted any special character at the table for Elsie's cake? I was bit surprised I just wanted any one there! So I said any one I don't want to push my luck!

She brought the cake over with Mickey and Minnie holding hands kissing and jumping up and down for Elsie Minnie was holding Elsie's hands swaying them to the music! We have all this on video so sorry no more pictures! Elsie was giggling away and loved all the attention!

We paid and got our stuff together it was 10.20 we had been in there nearly 3 hours and had a good time! As we were leaving the server on the next table dropped two deserts all over the floor every one clapped and sang something didn't under stand it though! lol!

Back in the room and we were all asleep by 11pm!
Yes, great to see Jessie in Cafe Mickey :thumbsup2 Nice to see a different character, it's usually always the same ones when we go.

Love the pics with Elsie an Minnie :love: You're lucky she's not frightened of them - my lo's were all a bit scared when they were that young.

The arcades beside Main St are my favourite shortcuts, especially Liberty Arcade for getting to and from Frontierland quickly :thumbsup2

Great day :goodvibes
Another great update :goodvibes

Elsie is looking mighty cute :cloud9: She seems tickled pink with Minnie - bless them! Wow, can't believe she stayed up until after 10 pm and wasn't bawling!! :lmao: My youngest would have been. Somehow I just don't think we'll manage to get them to have an afternoon nap while away - I hope we do as it will make the evenings easier! :rolleyes1
How lovely :thumbsup2

How cool to see Jessie in Cafe Mickey :)

Jessie was awsome!

Yes, great to see Jessie in Cafe Mickey :thumbsup2 Nice to see a different character, it's usually always the same ones when we go.

Love the pics with Elsie an Minnie :love: You're lucky she's not frightened of them - my lo's were all a bit scared when they were that young.

The arcades beside Main St are my favourite shortcuts, especially Liberty Arcade for getting to and from Frontierland quickly :thumbsup2

Great day :goodvibes

Was great to see her still gutted we didn't see Tigger though!

Elsie doesnt seemed frightened by anything yet except needles she had her jabs this week :(

Another great update :goodvibes

Elsie is looking mighty cute :cloud9: She seems tickled pink with Minnie - bless them! Wow, can't believe she stayed up until after 10 pm and wasn't bawling!! :lmao: My youngest would have been. Somehow I just don't think we'll manage to get them to have an afternoon nap while away - I hope we do as it will make the evenings easier! :rolleyes1

She loves Mickey and Minnie we watch enough of the on TV!

She was so good whilst away! Very lucky! x
March 7th

Bang on 7am Elsie wakes! Every morning with out a doubt lol!

We had decided to give EMH a miss today as we weren't interested in rides and just meeting characters so we had a relaxing start showers, got dressed and went down for breakfast in the diner again!

When we were getting back in the lift Daisy was doing meet and greets a really cute girl had just seen her but kept telling her mum and dad she was a scary Donald lol! We were all laughing kids say the cutest things!

We wanted to do Studios this morning but it was still a little early so we went in Disneyland Hotel to see some characters

Goofy was just wondering around so we saw him first!


There was a short line for Chip and Dale so we saw them as well they made such a fuss of Elsie and her beautiful little laugh had every one smiling!


Dave said he saw Eeyore as well but we waited a while and didn't see him again!


It was so cold this morning! It was a bit hard to keep ourselves going as nothing we were interested in started till 10.30 so we went and waited and had a hot chocolate! It was so good!

Buzz was met first


Then went straight to Sully!



We then had a walk round Toy story playland!


I also poked my nose in to see where they are building the new ride but didn't see anything exciting!

Stitch was showing in 10 minutes in English so we were glad to be in the warm and went inside! It was so good so so so funny! I love how he picks on people and embarrassed them!

As we come out we saw characters every where, Aladdin with Jasmine, The Snow Queen, Bert with Mary Poppins, Minnie with Mickey, Elvis Stitch but they were all leaving :( They were all completely being mobbed though so I doubt we would of seen any one any way! Dave went off to get the pushchair and I made my way in to some warm as it was just so cold! As I was walking over a man (I will leave it as man as what I want to say isn't suitable for a family board) was shouting and throwing his arms around well he almost hit Elsie in the face with a lit cigarette in it! He just carried on I was so angry I just held her really close and got out the way! I was in total shock that any one would do this any where not just in Disney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elsie was getting tired and didn't want to be in her push chair so we made our way back via Earl of course!


I had - Tuna melt and coke light! Was really good! Not as good as yesterday though!
Dave had - BBQ Hawaiian! My favourite!
Elsie didn't eat much it wasn't long and she was fast asleep with her loved Duffy!
How gorgeous is your little girl! :lovestruc

I won't be online for a week or so now as we move tomorrow, so make sure there's enough for me to catch up on when I get reconnected!

After another huge nap from Elsie and a quick hour myself we got ready and mae our way out!

It was pouring down! Literally Dave suggested having a drink at the bar and wait till the rain had eased! Who am I to argue with his great idea so we got settled and ordered a drink!
Dave had a kronenburg how boring
I had a cocktail! I can't for the life of me remember what it was or even what was in it I just remember that it was quiet strong for such a little guy!

After our drinks we braved it and ran to DLH! We still had 40 minutes till our reservation so we decided to have a quick drink! Well it would be rude not too!

Dave was just as boring as before
I had champagne and cherries! Was so good I even took a photo!


I was so proud of Elsie she just sat happily in her puschair taking her shoes off the little monkey!

We checked in at inventions and were seated in a beautiful room to the right it had a beautiful view of the castle and train station!

We were again waiting for our high chair and saw our first character! We didn't get a photo though as my camera was in the bag!

After we were seated Geppetto came straight over to us! If you knew Elsie you know just looking at Geppetto she would love him!


One word "glasses" Elsie loves them!!!!

Dave went to get his first (of many) plates Elsie was sat laughing in her highchair I looked round and Donald was there waving at her!

He stayed with us for ages playing with Elsie posing for lots of photos!

Elsie even gave him a kiss on his beak!


Not much happened for the next hour was a bit lacking to be honest! The characters made up for it luckily!

Goofy come in and played pat-a-cake with Elsie for ages!



Whilst I was getting my deserts (they were so good) I saw Mickey and Tigger but they never came to our table! Another disappointing part of the night!

We were just about to go and Dale come over!


Elsie wouldn't sit still for a photo though!


Leaving a little disappointed and pretty full we went back to our room I think were all asleep just after 11!
I'm new to the board and loving your trip report - Elsie is adorable!

I wondered if you could tell me how long it took you to walk to the park from Hotel New York? That's where we're staying in 2 weeks time! Thanks very much - can't wait to read more of your report!
I'm new to the board and loving your trip report - Elsie is adorable!

I wondered if you could tell me how long it took you to walk to the park from Hotel New York? That's where we're staying in 2 weeks time! Thanks very much - can't wait to read more of your report!


Thank you! It took minutes 5-10 minutes it depends how busy bag check is at the entrance of the village x
Just catching up with your trip report. I'm sorry to hear that the weather wasn't kind to you. Makes me feel a little guilty for boasting about our wonderful weather... just goes to show much it can change in such a short space of time.

Elsie is adorable! I can see why all the characters took a shine to her! :lovestruc
Your daughter is so cute - adorable pictures with her and the characters, especially Minnie!
Just catching up with your trip report. I'm sorry to hear that the weather wasn't kind to you. Makes me feel a little guilty for boasting about our wonderful weather... just goes to show much it can change in such a short space of time.

Elsie is adorable! I can see why all the characters took a shine to her! :lovestruc

Im jealous because we were going to book the 12th-15th but a couple that were coming with us couldn't do that week so we did the week before and then they didnt come any way grr! So annoying it looks like it was a lot quieter as well when you went!

Your daughter is so cute - adorable pictures with her and the characters, especially Minnie!

Aw thank you! She loves Minnie we watch Mickey Mouse clubhouse and she beams when Minnie comes on!
Elsie is so cute I love her Minnie Mouse dress looks like you have had a fab trip so far.
I love the photos of Elsie she looks like she having the best time ever, shame you were disappointed with Inventions though, hope it didn't spoil the rest of the trip xx
Hi Tinks I have really been enjoying your trip report, your little girl is so cute and the photos are great.

I had to laugh at the Belle comments - we saw the same Belle when we went in Feb and she was ever so nice! We also saw Cinderella at the Pavillion, did you see a second princess too?

Love love love the pictures with Minnie and the matching dresses.
Elsie is so cute I love her Minnie Mouse dress looks like you have had a fab trip so far.

Aw thank you! :D

I love the photos of Elsie she looks like she having the best time ever, shame you were disappointed with Inventions though, hope it didn't spoil the rest of the trip xx

Of course we wouldn't let it spoil our trip ;)

Hi Tinks I have really been enjoying your trip report, your little girl is so cute and the photos are great.

I had to laugh at the Belle comments - we saw the same Belle when we went in Feb and she was ever so nice! We also saw Cinderella at the Pavillion, did you see a second princess too?

Love love love the pictures with Minnie and the matching dresses.

Thank you Belle was lovely really friendly and very good in character talked about the beast being back at the castle etc!

We only saw one both times we went through!



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