"Are you done with that?!" A photo heavy, gluttonous, Jan 2012 Trip Report! NEW PG32

Loved the trip report Karen! Great photos and great story as well. I love the mickey lantern you picked up! So cute. Can't wait to go in December and get my 2012 photo album too. I bought one in 2010 and I bought the smaller one. This time I am going for the larger one :goodvibes
;) Sad it's over but can't wait for the PTR!

Hope & I have a way of making EVERY DAY a DISNEY DAY when we are planning, I think we've already concocted a Disney Day in the next couple weeks, so sub so you can see pics of how we keep Disney alive when we are waiting for a trip!! :thumbsup2

I sound like a used car salesman, don't I? :p Hope does say that I'm the leader of the Mouse-mafia! :lmao:
Loved the trip report Karen! Great photos and great story as well. I love the mickey lantern you picked up! So cute. Can't wait to go in December and get my 2012 photo album too. I bought one in 2010 and I bought the smaller one. This time I am going for the larger one :goodvibes

Thanks Mindy! I have no idea why I didn't just spend the extra 4$ for the larger one, but I think I was wanting it to be different from the other album I have or something? It could have just been the crowds in WOD making me not think straight! ;)
Thank you for such a great TR! I am sad it's over though. I will be popping over to your PTR for sure. :) What a drive home you guys had!! I bet you won't try that again. :laughing: I love your souvenirs! I had a hard time finding a mug that wasn't huge, I just wanted a normal sized one. I ended up getting one that was for the 40th anniversary with pictures from the past 40 years in WDW. I am in love with that lantern too! I only saw the white one with the colored panes, but I like yours much better.
Thank you for such a great TR! I am sad it's over though. I will be popping over to your PTR for sure. :) What a drive home you guys had!! I bet you won't try that again. :laughing: I love your souvenirs! I had a hard time finding a mug that wasn't huge, I just wanted a normal sized one. I ended up getting one that was for the 40th anniversary with pictures from the past 40 years in WDW. I am in love with that lantern too! I only saw the white one with the colored panes, but I like yours much better.

Rachel, I am the total opposite! I have the hardest time finding mugs that are LARGE enough! :laughing: I drink crazybig mugs of coffee every morning, so the bigger the better!

I never did see a white lantern, the black is perfect b/c I'm going to be doing a project in my back yard/deck this spring that involves lanterns, and I'm looking forward to including this one! :thumbsup2
What a great TR I am sad it's over....I have enjoyed reading every minute of it. :sad2: I will pop over now to read the PTR. I think we will be down around the same time as you in Febuary. :cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1:
Okay, I just finished your first day. And I want to be "involved" even though I'm SUPER late, so I'm going to comment anyway! ;)

We drove from Buffalo on our last trip, so I know how it is. I think it took us 21 hours to get down there and 23 to get back, with toddlers in the back. Driving all night is horrible, but we figured it would be worse having awake toddlers for 21 hours. I am so nervous about your car! That is why we rented one, but our car is old and likely to fall apart at any minute (the brakes went last week) so driving it would have been unwise. I'm glad that your car liked you, even though it meant that you had to be the one driving. It is WONDERFUL that your son stayed up with you! Driving alone was the worst part. I just cranked up the music and danced and sang at the top of my lungs to stay awake. :rolleyes1

Oh, Pop! I LOVE that hotel! They ALWAYS try and stick us in the 90s...I've never even walked through the 50s. It looks great! Maybe I will request it next time!

I hate cheesecake. Except the cheesecake at Pop. When we were there on free dining. I literally ate an entire cheesecake, piece by piece. That was a good trip.

I can't believe it was crowded in late January. We were there in late January last year, and it was empty! I would have been really upset! I'm glad you kept your head about you and didn't freak out. I would not have exhibited such self-control.

That is one expensive dinner. It sounds delicious, if that helped! We have a RFC near us, so we've never been to the one at disney (or the one here, now that I think of it. Apparently we're not interested.) but we did go to the dinosaur one (I am drawing a blank on it's name) and that was pretty fun.

Pop is so pretty at night! Thanks for the pictures!

Sounds like you survived the first day on such little sleep, which is the goal when you drive!

Thanks for the little vacation from "real life" over here, I enjoyed the read. Now, I have to see what I have to clean up as a punishment for leaving my kids to fend for themselves while I read this. I am sure it was worth it! :flower3:
Yay! What an awesome trip report...thanks for letting me join in on the fun. I'm glad you all made it home safe. My husband and I drove down from Maryland in January..about 15 hours and I totally agree with you about never driving again. Just too much anxiety. Oh, and I feel your pain with the GPS giving stupid directions. I went to visit my best friend in Illinois, and on the way home, my GPS had me going through the rolling hills of West Virginia...on back roads!!! Let's just say the people out there are not used to seeing "outsiders". You're souvenirs are really cute. Shows you don't have to spend a bunch of money for some good memories.So stopping for gas and such was quite an experience.;) Well, I'm going to read your new PTR now. I wish I could start planning a new trip too...but I'll just live vicariously through your for now.:cool1: -Amanda
What a great TR I am sad it's over....I have enjoyed reading every minute of it. :sad2: I will pop over now to read the PTR. I think we will be down around the same time as you in Febuary. :cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1:

How cool would THAT be?!?!? You should start a PTR as well and we can chat for the next year! ;)

Okay, I just finished your first day. And I want to be "involved" even though I'm SUPER late, so I'm going to comment anyway! ;)

Yay!!! Never too late, and I can talk about it until I'm blue in the face, so no worries! :laughing:
We drove from Buffalo on our last trip, so I know how it is. I think it took us 21 hours to get down there and 23 to get back, with toddlers in the back. Driving all night is horrible, but we figured it would be worse having awake toddlers for 21 hours. I am so nervous about your car! That is why we rented one, but our car is old and likely to fall apart at any minute (the brakes went last week) so driving it would have been unwise. I'm glad that your car liked you, even though it meant that you had to be the one driving. It is WONDERFUL that your son stayed up with you! Driving alone was the worst part. I just cranked up the music and danced and sang at the top of my lungs to stay awake. :rolleyes1

I tried, but my eyes kept crossing, it was insane! I cannot imagine driving with little ones! :eek:

Oh, Pop! I LOVE that hotel! They ALWAYS try and stick us in the 90s...I've never even walked through the 50s. It looks great! Maybe I will request it next time!

I hate cheesecake. Except the cheesecake at Pop. When we were there on free dining. I literally ate an entire cheesecake, piece by piece. That was a good trip.

:lmao: I loved the cheesecake too...but clearly you loved it more!

I can't believe it was crowded in late January. We were there in late January last year, and it was empty! I would have been really upset! I'm glad you kept your head about you and didn't freak out. I would not have exhibited such self-control.

I guess I handled it so well b/c I didn't really have a choice...and I did keep thinking that maybe I just had the wrong perspective and that what most people thought was slow just wasn't MY idea of slow?!?! :confused3

That is one expensive dinner. It sounds delicious, if that helped! We have a RFC near us, so we've never been to the one at disney (or the one here, now that I think of it. Apparently we're not interested.) but we did go to the dinosaur one (I am drawing a blank on it's name) and that was pretty fun.

T-Rex! Yes, I wish they had been around when my boys were younger, they would have loved it!

Pop is so pretty at night! Thanks for the pictures!

Sounds like you survived the first day on such little sleep, which is the goal when you drive!

Thanks for the little vacation from "real life" over here, I enjoyed the read. Now, I have to see what I have to clean up as a punishment for leaving my kids to fend for themselves while I read this. I am sure it was worth it! :flower3:

Thanks for reading! I cannot wait until you get to the rest of the days...you'll have to ignore my comments to others though so things don't get spoiled! :thumbsup2

Yay! What an awesome trip report...thanks for letting me join in on the fun. I'm glad you all made it home safe. My husband and I drove down from Maryland in January..about 15 hours and I totally agree with you about never driving again. Just too much anxiety. Oh, and I feel your pain with the GPS giving stupid directions. I went to visit my best friend in Illinois, and on the way home, my GPS had me going through the rolling hills of West Virginia...on back roads!!! Let's just say the people out there are not used to seeing "outsiders". You're souvenirs are really cute. Shows you don't have to spend a bunch of money for some good memories.So stopping for gas and such was quite an experience.;) Well, I'm going to read your new PTR now. I wish I could start planning a new trip too...but I'll just live vicariously through your for now.:cool1: -Amanda

I was laughing when we got back into our town and stopped at the gas station...I realized that the bathrooms were SO CLEAN compared to where we had been stopping! :laughing: I'm glad you are going to hop over to the PTR!!
I love ALL of your souvenirs! Especially the martini glass:cutie:

I got an ornament last time I went. What I reallllly like though is all of the kitchenware. That will be what gets me in trouble on the next trip :rotfl:
I love ALL of your souvenirs! Especially the martini glass:cutie:

I got an ornament last time I went. What I reallllly like though is all of the kitchenware. That will be what gets me in trouble on the next trip :rotfl:

Yep, I even purposely avoided the kitchen store at DTD this time b/c I go nuts over kitchenware!!! In fact, I'm determined to buy the 50$ utensil set next time I go, I didn't have enough to get it but even Rey wanted it...and WHO wouldn't want spoons, forks, and knives with mickey heads?!?! :laughing:
I love the design on that mug. I want to get it on something next time I go!

They had it on a whole bunch of merchandise too! I don't know if it's just a 2012 thing or not, but I really loved how it had so many characters on it!
yeah, on easywdw, he takes merchandise pictures and showed all the cool stuff it's on. I might want to get it as a puzzle! I love all the characters on it too.
Alright, back for more. ;) I may actually go through this faster than you wrote it!

Empty Main Street. :love: I've never actually seen it myself, but it looks BEAUTIFUL. Honestly, I love what they do for construction. I didn't even NOTICE it until it was pointed out to me...and that wasn't until after I finished one trip and was going on another. So I didn't see it at all my first trip. Fooled me, apparently. Beats seeing construction.

Your family is so beautiful! Although, yikes, is that what 11 looks like? They're so grown-up! Tell me that it just looks that way because they're just really pretty and that they're definitely still little kids. Right? RIGHT? :scared: I'm only freaking out because I don't know how my kids got to be as old as they are. It's like I took a long blink or something, and there they were, little people. My kids need to stay babies! (Okay, one of them is over five. Which is not a baby. But it is to me! And my "baby" will be 3 this year. I swear she JUST turned two. It doesn't bother me that she's turning 3, it bothers me that I know that if 2 to 3 is so fast, 3 to 13 is going to go by just as quickly! I joke that when they're sullen teenagers I'm going to have another baby so someone still loves me. It may be true...when DD turns 13 I'll be 36, so you never know!) Oh, and I'm rambling again. Sorry... :rolleyes1

My son tells me that when we go to Disney he wants me to order one of those chocolate mickey waffles for him whenever he gets hungry. Think we can send him into Crystal Palace alone if we watch him through the window? "Whenever he gets hungry" is going to add up...

Peter Pan is so great. It got better once I was no longer holding an infant that I was afraid would jump off my lap into the abyss. I worried about that with both kids. They've both been adventurous, to say the least.

I've actually never been at rope drop at MK. DHS, yes. And I've seen it from inside at AK when I was there for EMH. The wall of people scares me.

Philharmagic is amazing. How could you have missed it the other times? My son tells people he doesn't need a wand for magic, he can just use Mickey's magic. And then he gets really serious and tries to conduct. And the other kids all think he's crazy, because most of the homeschool kids around here haven't been to Disney. Nor do they play video games. He's really odd man out on the things that he loves! Poor kid.

I like space mountain, but I always think I'm going to hit my head. Which is crazy, because I'm 5'2".

You had a great place to photograph the parade with the castle in the background like that! Beautiful!

I LOVE the shirts, by the way. We love tie-dye. I'm wearing a tie-dye sweatshirt as I sit here typing this!

Aww, trekking around for fastpasses that don't exist is no fun. Stitch is just horrible. The FX alien encounter that was there before was great. And then they ruined it. When are they taking that down and replacing it with something...anything...that's better?

I really just can't believe that it was so crowded! I haven't eaten at CHH in awhile, but maybe I'm going to have to on my next trip. It all looks so good!

That camel is the bane of my existence. I'm like a cat, I really hate getting wet.

My son cries every time we go on Jungle Cruise. He wants to drive that boat SO BADLY and they either don't ask, or don't pick him. Every time. Same thing with Turtle Talk with Crush. He gets SO upset that eventually he just doesn't want to do it anymore. It's really sad, actually.

I like your window, it's beautiful!

Oh, Boma. I always swear that I would never pay so much money for a meal, but I do every time. EVERY time. There is nothing I don't like about the experience of that meal. The hotel, the food, the atmosphere. It's all perfect. That flatbread has dairy in it, by the way. I only know because when DS was 21 months we took him and talked to the chef, and she went through everything that he could eat (he has a bunch of allergies) and then 10 minutes later she came out to tell us that she was mistaken and he couldn't eat the flatbread. My son had an entire PLATE piled high with nothing but flatbread sitting in front of him, and he had a piece in each hand. She was so flustered, and she took the plate, and then took the pieces from his hands...apologizing the whole time. Then she kept coming back to apologize and bring us other food to make up for it, and every time she came to the table he would shrug his little shoulders like this :confused3 and say, "...cracker?" Oh he could not have made her feel worse!

I love the idea of battery operated lights in your window! So cute!

What a great way to end the evening! Swimming and fireworks! We could see fireworks from our room in October as well...it was magical!

Umm...so you said this was all fine and you like to talk about your trips, right? Because I'm talking quite a bit here! I'm enjoying reading, obviously! :goodvibes Can't wait to read day 3!
Aw! So sad it's over!! What a great last night at Magic Kingdom! I know what you mean about getting souvineers that are practical, that I'll use. I buy mugs/cups practically everywhere I go now a days!!

I loved reading along with your trip, and will keep an eye out for your next one!! Hope you have fun planning!! And even more fun on the next trip!!
Thanks so much for the wonderfully entertaining report and the incredible photos (and thanks to LisaViolet for posting the link on the dvc forum).
I'm hoping this time at Disney to master my DSLR enough to get decent fireworks pictures. You're "test" shots were inspiring.
Not as inspiring was your account of the drive. Thanks to sky high airfare we are driving to Orlando for the first time this spring break. I am hoping not to follow in your footsteps.
Alright, back for more. ;) I may actually go through this faster than you wrote it!

You may WRITE more than me as well! :lmao: But see, you are giving me something to do each morning instead of an update! ;)

Empty Main Street. :love: I've never actually seen it myself, but it looks BEAUTIFUL. Honestly, I love what they do for construction. I didn't even NOTICE it until it was pointed out to me...and that wasn't until after I finished one trip and was going on another. So I didn't see it at all my first trip. Fooled me, apparently. Beats seeing construction.

I think the scrims are brilliant. We all the know the work has to be done and I think the detail that goes into covering that up is just amazing!

Your family is so beautiful! Although, yikes, is that what 11 looks like? They're so grown-up! Tell me that it just looks that way because they're just really pretty and that they're definitely still little kids. Right? RIGHT? :scared: I'm only freaking out because I don't know how my kids got to be as old as they are. It's like I took a long blink or something, and there they were, little people. My kids need to stay babies! (Okay, one of them is over five. Which is not a baby. But it is to me! And my "baby" will be 3 this year. I swear she JUST turned two. It doesn't bother me that she's turning 3, it bothers me that I know that if 2 to 3 is so fast, 3 to 13 is going to go by just as quickly! I joke that when they're sullen teenagers I'm going to have another baby so someone still loves me. It may be true...when DD turns 13 I'll be 36, so you never know!) Oh, and I'm rambling again. Sorry... :rolleyes1

Uhm yes, that is what 11 looks like, although I'm told Savannah looks a little more mature. Leslee is actually 12, 13 in May, so...

it flies by. Seriously, just hang on b/c I'm in SHOCK that my first baby is turning 18 this summer and we are talking college. It went WAY too fast! I miss when they were little, but we really are very close and I've enjoyed all the stages they have grown through, it's fun to have a political debate with my boys or snuggle up and talk girlie stuff with Savannah. :lovestruc

My son tells me that when we go to Disney he wants me to order one of those chocolate mickey waffles for him whenever he gets hungry. Think we can send him into Crystal Palace alone if we watch him through the window? "Whenever he gets hungry" is going to add up...

I should have put syrup on mine. I liked it, but it was my first morning, I think I was trying to be "good" and didn't use syrup...when I had syrup on the regular ones at Ohana the last day, I could not get enough they were so good!!!

Peter Pan is so great. It got better once I was no longer holding an infant that I was afraid would jump off my lap into the abyss. I worried about that with both kids. They've both been adventurous, to say the least.

I've actually never been at rope drop at MK. DHS, yes. And I've seen it from inside at AK when I was there for EMH. The wall of people scares me.

It's not super pleasant, so I'm glad they have discontinued it at DHS, I think it was the worst there with the stampede to TSM.

Philharmagic is amazing. How could you have missed it the other times? My son tells people he doesn't need a wand for magic, he can just use Mickey's magic. And then he gets really serious and tries to conduct. And the other kids all think he's crazy, because most of the homeschool kids around here haven't been to Disney. Nor do they play video games. He's really odd man out on the things that he loves! Poor kid.

I have no idea how we missed it on the other two trips! I'm so glad we finally did it! Oh we have homeschoolers in our homeschool group that are like that, no tv, no video games...we do what we like and enjoy what we enjoy, I'm not big on restricting enjoyable activities! I don't see how in our technological world, how it's beneficial to withhold something that is going to give them experience with technology in the future. My boys played games (still do) TONS and they are both very proficient in computers and technology! My oldest is talking about a computer science or engineering degree, I can't figure how restricting him would have been a good thing! Oh look, we're even, I'm rambling now! :laughing:

I like space mountain, but I always think I'm going to hit my head. Which is crazy, because I'm 5'2".

I didn't worry about my head and I'm 5'10"! ;)

You had a great place to photograph the parade with the castle in the background like that! Beautiful!


I LOVE the shirts, by the way. We love tie-dye. I'm wearing a tie-dye sweatshirt as I sit here typing this!

They are one of my favorite things to wear at Disney! We had so much fun making them!

Aww, trekking around for fastpasses that don't exist is no fun. Stitch is just horrible. The FX alien encounter that was there before was great. And then they ruined it. When are they taking that down and replacing it with something...anything...that's better?

I really just can't believe that it was so crowded! I haven't eaten at CHH in awhile, but maybe I'm going to have to on my next trip. It all looks so good!

We really enjoyed it! Yummy food!

That camel is the bane of my existence. I'm like a cat, I really hate getting wet.
but see, this sounds like a GREAT photo opportunity! ;)

My son cries every time we go on Jungle Cruise. He wants to drive that boat SO BADLY and they either don't ask, or don't pick him. Every time. Same thing with Turtle Talk with Crush. He gets SO upset that eventually he just doesn't want to do it anymore. It's really sad, actually.

Aww, poor guy! He'll grow out of that before you know it!
I like your window, it's beautiful!
Thank you! We had a lot of fun with it!

Oh, Boma. I always swear that I would never pay so much money for a meal, but I do every time. EVERY time. There is nothing I don't like about the experience of that meal. The hotel, the food, the atmosphere. It's all perfect. That flatbread has dairy in it, by the way. I only know because when DS was 21 months we took him and talked to the chef, and she went through everything that he could eat (he has a bunch of allergies) and then 10 minutes later she came out to tell us that she was mistaken and he couldn't eat the flatbread. My son had an entire PLATE piled high with nothing but flatbread sitting in front of him, and he had a piece in each hand. She was so flustered, and she took the plate, and then took the pieces from his hands...apologizing the whole time. Then she kept coming back to apologize and bring us other food to make up for it, and every time she came to the table he would shrug his little shoulders like this :confused3 and say, "...cracker?" Oh he could not have made her feel worse!

Yep, I knew it had dairy, but after he brought me a bowl of potato chips and that's it, I decided that it was worth the itchy ears and headache to just enjoy. I was actually pretty surprised they didn't bring me something else, but I think it just depends on the night and the chef...how busy they are, things like that. LOVE Boma too! Yum.

I love the idea of battery operated lights in your window! So cute!

Thanks! I had read on the DIS where people were bringing extension cords b/c the lights won't reach the outlet and I had these battery ones that I realized would solve that problem!

What a great way to end the evening! Swimming and fireworks! We could see fireworks from our room in October as well...it was magical!

Umm...so you said this was all fine and you like to talk about your trips, right? Because I'm talking quite a bit here! I'm enjoying reading, obviously! :goodvibes Can't wait to read day 3!

Absolutely! I'm loving all your comments! :thumbsup2

Aw! So sad it's over!! What a great last night at Magic Kingdom! I know what you mean about getting souvineers that are practical, that I'll use. I buy mugs/cups practically everywhere I go now a days!!

I loved reading along with your trip, and will keep an eye out for your next one!! Hope you have fun planning!! And even more fun on the next trip!!

Thanks so much for reading! :goodvibes

Thanks so much for the wonderfully entertaining report and the incredible photos (and thanks to LisaViolet for posting the link on the dvc forum).
I'm hoping this time at Disney to master my DSLR enough to get decent fireworks pictures. You're "test" shots were inspiring.
Not as inspiring was your account of the drive. Thanks to sky high airfare we are driving to Orlando for the first time this spring break. I am hoping not to follow in your footsteps.

Thank you...and Lisa for pointing you in this direction! It takes time with the DSLRs, I think lots of people think you just buy them like a regular camera and take great shots! Enjoy and I hope you post some of YOUR shots after your trip! Good luck with the driving, I'm sending you all the good driving mojo I can muster!!! :goodvibes
I just read every last word and looked at every picture on your trip report. I loved it! I can't wait to read your next trip report! Great pictures by the way! I love the balloon shots. I never thought to do that before.
How cool would THAT be?!?!? You should start a PTR as well and we can chat for the next year!

I would LOVE to do a PTR but, I don't know that I would be any good with it.:confused3 We are supposed to be going with another family and I would love to be able to do a PTR just to see how things really work out in the end with all of us and the planning. I don't really know how to even get started doing a PTR though, I have only ever posted messages. Maybe, I could get some pointers from a pro like yourself?? :flower3:


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