Dreams Really Do Come True! - Our Wedding Trip - Spring 2011

Very pleased you're finishing this TR as I'm really enjoying reading it! :surfweb:

All sounds (and looks - your photos are STUNNING! :thumbsup2) amazing! Can't wait for the final instalments. :)
Beautiful photos Torsie. Can't wait to see and read more. Must tell you again, so glad you decided to continue.

Oo you've left us on tenderhooks - i can't wait for more!!!!

Such a beautiful report so far xxx

Oh wow, such beautiful photos :cloud9:

You look stunning and so happy :)

Beautiful photos, I might just have a little tear in my eye :rolleyes1

Thanks for sharing :hug:

Ali :goodvibes

You look so beautiful and happy! :goodvibes so so so glad you've carried on with the report, can't wait for more!

I want to get married again :goodvibes

Very pleased you're finishing this TR as I'm really enjoying reading it! :surfweb:

All sounds (and looks - your photos are STUNNING! :thumbsup2) amazing! Can't wait for the final instalments. :)

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments everyone :lovestruc

New installment on the way now. :cutie:
Dad and I had a fun journey in the Rolls. (Which there will be photos of later - Nathan and Jensey had gone ahead to the pavillion to get photos of Jack.)

I was worried we'd both set each other off crying - but luckily the driver was very happy to talk about the car, and it turns out it was made the same year my Dad was born, so Dad was happy with that and they had a good chat.

Soon we were pulling up at the Pavilion, when I got out of the car my lovely planner, Meri, was waiting, as was our officiant, Teresa, who mentioned how much better we all looked dry! :rotfl:

I was SO grateful that it was dry today!

Here's Meri - I think I was saying 'Hi' to Teresa at this point:


Mum, Hayley and Katie followed closely behind us in the limo and arrived just after.


Although it's all so much of a blur tht I can't remember if Mum came into the Bride's Vestibule with us....she must have, but I wasn't really with it at that point!

I remembered to have some water though....:confused:


During this time people were getting seated and my handsome groom was getting nervous!!

Before the day I'd been saying to Mum:

"You have to go in there, check Jack's OK and also look at the decor & flowers, then come out and tell me how he is and how it all looks."

Of course on the day that didn't happen, time just ran away with us.

Mum went ahead into the pavillion as she had to light on of our altar candles, here are some pre-ceremony photos:


Teresa making sure Jack was in the right place!


Poor nervous Jack!


Everyone was seated and ready! :scared1:


Then Meri came over to the vestibule and said it was time! :scared1:

Katie and Hayley left Dad and I to it. Dad started calling me "Miss *maiden-name*" loads as it was the last time he could....I think he was beyond nervous!

Then all of a sudden the music I'd been deciding over for Katie and Hayley to walk down the aisle to started playing - they piped it into my room! (The instrumental of So Close from Enchanted)

I almost broke down then....like it was way too real! Dad said "Don't you start!" And I managed to reign it back in.......

(Meanwhile in the pavillion)



Then Meri came back over to us and it was our turn to go!!!!!!
For 2 whole years I'd been imagining standing exactly where I was now.

Right behind the wedding pavillion doors.

I couldn't believe it!

Meri and another ncie lady manned the doors, and they opened them on the perfect note of True Love's Kiss (also intrumental version from Enchanted) that I'd been stressing about for the whole 2 years!

Here's Jack as the doors opened:


Here's Dad and I.....we're not very well composed! :rotfl:


Jack was all smiles.


And I managed to smile too - Dad didn't :lovestruc


We got up to the altar and Dad and Jack remembered everything they'd been told the previous day at the rehearsal - my head had gone completely blank - I didn't remember one thing.

What I'll do is paste the ceremony text in pink, and then continue any comments in black - it'll make more sense than me explaining:

We are gathered here today in the place where Dreams Come True to share one of the happiest moments in the lives of Victoria and Jack, as they are about to become husband and wife.

On behalf of Victoria and Jack, I would like to thank each of you for attending this wedding celebration. Your very presence here as family and honored guest not only heightens the beauty of this moment for them--but it also completes it!

(Congregation is asked to be seated)

We are gathered here today to witness the coming together of two people. Two people whose hearts and spirits are already entwined as one. In fact, those of you who know Victoria and Jack, best, can also attest to their love for one another and to the blended hopes, dreams and goals that they share. When such a bond exists of this magnitude, then it is only appropriate that we have an open public demonstration of their love such as this wedding ceremony. And so it is that Victoria and Jack, now will profess before their family and their friends, of their desire to henceforth walk the road of life together.

(Questions of intent-to groom and bride)

Do you, Jack, knowing of this woman’s love for you and returning it,
Realizing her strengths and learning from them, recognizing her weaknesses and accepting them, Take Victoria, to be your lawfully wedded wife?


Do you, Victoria, knowing of this man’s love for you and returning it,
Realizing his strengths and learning from them, recognizing his weaknesses and accepting them, Take Victoria, to be your lawfully wedded husband?


Through out time and tradition, all over the world it has always been the distinct honor and privilege for someone to present the bride in marriage. As we come together, who presents Victoria in marriage?

Dad just about managed to get out: "Her mother and I" it was really sweet.

Then Teresa said "Well done!" and I said "He's been practicing" As he had! Loads! For his 4 words, bless him.

We all had a laugh about that:



The Dad had to shake Jack's hand, kiss my cheeck and loop around behind me avoiding my dress and sit down. He had also been chanting this over and over, but it all ended up OK!



Then the ceremony carried on:


Victoria and Jack have asked me to publicly express their love and appreciation to you, their parents, for all the love and guidance you have given them. It is through you, they have learned the meaning of the words “respect,” love” and “honor”. These ‘gifts’ that you have bestowed upon them-they will now come to share and exchange with each other. It is a tribute to you that they now stand here before us. For your support that has brought them this far in their lives they say thank you-..and I say thank you.

Jack's Mum did this reading:


When the one whose hand you're holding
Is the one one who holds your heart
When the one whose eyes you gaze into
Gives your hopes and dreams their start,
When the one you think of first and last
Is the one who holds you tight,
And the things you plan together
Make the whole world seem just right,
When the one whom you believe in
puts their faith and trust in you,
You've found the one and only love
You'll share your whole life through.

:lovestruc Jack chose it and I think it's lovely :lovestruc


I'll carry on in a new post later as my lunch is almost over and this post is pretty long. Xxxx
Oh my goodness i'm tearing up at my desk!!! can't wait for the next post!! xxx
trying not to well up at my desk at work :lovestruc The photos are absolutely amazing, bless your poor nervous Dad and Jack! Just so beautiful all of it, thanks so much for sharing :hug:
Next up was a little ceremony that I really wanted to include that was about our hands:

Please face each other and hold hands, so you may feel the gift that they are to one another.


Victoria & Jack, these are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you.

They are being held by yours on this your wedding day as you promise to love each other for the rest of your lives.

These are the hands that will work alongside yours as together you build your future, as you share your innermost secrets and dreams together.

These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through out the years, and with the slightest touch will comfort you like no other.

The hands that you hold are the very hands that will comfort you when you are sick, and they will console you whenever you are grieving.

These are also the hands that will hold you when fear or grief threatens to overwhelm you.

These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it the most.

These too are the hands that will support to pursue your dreams. But together as a couple may everything you wish for be realized.

These are the very hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow and tears of joy.

These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children.

These are the hands that will help you to hold your family together as one.

And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.

Then it was time for our marriage vows.

Jack and Victoria, as you prepare to pledge your vows to each other, let me remind you that no other vows are more sacred, no other words are more tender than those you are about to assume. May these vows only be broken by death, and may you both live a very long and happy life together.

As a symbol of your union, will you now join hands and look into the eyes of the one you love and repeat after me:

I Jack, choose you Victoria, to be my wedded.
To live with you and laugh with you.
To stand by your side and to sleep in your arms.
To always listen to you,
to labor with you,
and to encourage you.
To bring out the best in you always.
And, for you, to be the most that I can.

I Victoria, choose you Jack, to be my wedded husband.
To live with you and laugh with you.
To stand by your side and to sleep in your arms.
To always listen to you,
to labor with you,
and to encourage you.
To bring out the best in you always.
And, for you, to be the most that I can.

Then our friend from Uni, Jess, who was the first person toe ver know we were a couple, did a reading (a very very popular Disney Bride one, but I've never heard it in the UK, and really liked it):


Now you will feel no rain,
For each of you will be shelter to the other.
Now you will feel no cold,
For each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now there is no more loneliness,
For each of you will be companion to the other.
Now you are two bodies,
But there is one life before you.
Go now to your dwelling place,
To enter into the days of your togetherness.
And may your days be good and long upon the earth.

Then we exchanged rings:

These two rings are made of precious metals and gems to represent the precious love between Victoria and Jack, They are also circular to represent the ‘Unbroken circle of love’. For love that is freely given has no beginning or no end. May these rings always remind you that your love is never ending.

I give you this ring as a symbol of my love
And with all that I am and all that I have
I will honor you for all the days of my life

Then we lit our Unity candle. I wanted it as it's a really nice physical object to have from the wedding, and it's got pride of place in our living room. :) And it has little crystal mickey's on it, so that helps. :goodvibes


Victoria and Jack are now going to light their Unity Candle, as a symbol of their marriage relationship. The candles from which they light have already been lit by their mothers to represent their separate lives up to this moment. Victoria and Jack will now light the center candle to symbolize the union of their two lives. As this one candle is undivided, so shall their love be undivided.

“May the brightness of this candle shine throughout your lives, giving you courage and reassurance in the darkness. May its warmth give you shelter from the cold. And may its energy fill your spirits with strength and joy.”

Then it was almost over!! It serisouly felt about 10 seconds long even though it was about 20 minutes.

Jack and Victoria, in this company of friends and family, you have agreed to live together in Matrimony. May the commitment and devotion that you feel for one another, grow stronger every day of your marriage. Love is the single greatest treasure that we have the ability to share with another. Enjoy each other's company and never take each other for granted.

By virtue of the authority vested in me by the State of Florida, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.

You may kiss your beautiful bride.



Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with the greatest of pleasure I present to you for the very first time, as husband and wife Mr and Mrs Baker!

And we walked down the aisle to Ever, Ever After by Carrie Underwood :goodvibes - after that it turned into "Just Like We Dreamed It" frm DLRP. :goodvibes




We were married!!!
Ever ever after is on wedding dvd love it! Brings back so many memories and ours was three years ago now! Now to plan the vow renewal!
Aww Torsie! Reading this is making me want to a) go back to WDW, b) get married and c) get married in WDW! A beautiful wedding with some gorgeous pictures... And you looked amazing! Very jealous! Cant wait to read more :-)
Steffi xx
Thank you for sharing your wedding with us here on the DIS. You all looked beautiful and the ceremony was lovely.
Oh wow every part of that ceremony was perfectly beautiful. I especially loved the whole part about hands :lovestruc

Also the picture of you and Jack lighting your unity candle... wow! The Pavillion is sooo lovely!
Brilliant Roots photos as always.

Your ceremony and mine were nearly identical.

You looked beautiful.
Arghhhh, Torsie! Amazing, I've loved reading that, parts I read twice because you'd written it so well!

I had it perfectly timed (though not planned) that I was on D-Cot listening to IllumiNations when you showed the pictures of you all walking down the isle, it fitted perfect :lmao: And brought me tears! :laughing:

So looking forward to reading more :goodvibes
AMAZING updates Victoria! Thank you so much for sharing your day with us. I just love the photos, they are wonderful. Can't wait to read more. :goodvibes


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