WDW Boardwalk, Disney Dream Cruise, Animal Kingdom Villas an aliens report & photos

NEW PM sent !!! :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
( It looks like you haven't ? got ? ... read ;) also my previous one )

Ciao ! laura
Great photos of Kidani! I had a bit of a look around on my solo trip in March but tbh I didn't want to see too much and spoil it for when we're staying there. agH ad to see you fitted in some relaxation - More than anything, there are times on holiday that I love relaxing at night with some good American TV...perhaps not with cereals, crisps and mango Smirnoff though :rotfl:
I'd love to see a photo of your iPad case - it's my new toy too :rolleyes: I've had to but an "interim" (boring black) case but can't wait to Disney it ip a bit!
Looking forward to reading more:)
Dh and I always go on Dumbo ( yes you read right - Dumbo) but there was a 35 min wait and it was too hot to stand out in the sun, so we skipped over to Tomorrow Land.

Hi Helen - We are thoroughly enjoying your TR! :thumbsup2 We also must do Dumbo every time we go! We either do it first thing or save it for later in the evening though. We love the ride, but can do without the LONG waits in the Florida sun! :laughing:
Wednesday 24th August.

Now I have been a Harry Potter fan ever since the first book was published . I loved the stories , romance, drama and wizardry ! I've read all the books and watched all the films. Being from the North East I live near to Anwick castle & Durham cathedral both film *locations. When I heard there was going to be a 'Harry Potter World' I knew a visit was a must do!*

As I said previously dh and myself don't tend to do roller coaters or other scary rides. I have back problems ( some of my discs have degenerated) and I also get motion sickness. * At HPW there are 3 ride attractions. Two of them, the flight of the hippograff and duelling dragons are roller coasters, so I knew we wouldn't be able to do them . The third ride was the main attraction called 'The Forbidden Journey ' which was a simulation ride. I had done some research of this to try and see what was involved. A lot people warned me that they had done it and were extremely sick afterwards due the motion. Although I kept telling myself it was going to be like Soarin but with wands!

Anyway the alarm was set for 7am and we were soon eating our bagels ! HPW was part of universal studious IOA a theme *park we'd never been too, due to the belief it was primarily full of roller coasters. As we didn't have a car we would be getting a taxi to and from the park. IOA didn't open till 9am but we also didn't want to get caught in any rush hour traffic . *So we left AKV at8.45 and got a taxi straight there. It cost us $40 Inc tips. *I was buzzing with excitement . For over a year I'd studied the park map so I kinda knew the most direct route to HPW.*



It was if we were transported back in time. Hogsmead was very quaint, if somewhat smaller than I imagined. It was also quite bizarre seeing snow in the Florida heat!*



Dh and I headed straight to Hogwarts as that was were the forbidden journey was. However our short cue luck had ran out and the sign said 75 min wait! Still it was what we came for so we walked up the entrance. A cast member was just outside *and she was telling everyone if they had a bag it had to be placed in a locker. No big problem I thought -although I'd forgotten I was not at Disney!!!

The locker rooms were in a state of absolute chaos! There were not very many signs and no cast members to help. It was very disorganised . People were pushing in different directions trying to find a locker that was open and unused. *After about 10 mins of searching for a locker, I saw an employee and asked how they worked. He took me to a desk and you scanned one of your fingers. It then automatically opened a specific locker and you placed your bag into it. Although I had to tell a lady who was standing next to the locker that it was assigned to me, *not to place her bag into it. In order to get your bag out your finger had to be scanned . Oh and you only had your locker for 90 minutes otherwise they started charging you.*

Finally my bag was secure and I was then able to rejoin dh and go to the back of the line. *Now another difference between WDW & US was the cueing system. The majority of the line snaked round the back of Hogwarts , there wasn't much too see and only limited fans, cooling systems. It eventually snaked round professor Sprouts greenhouses , but could I see any mandrakes - NO! *For about 7o minutes we just stood in a line! *
At last we made it through the doors and into the main body of Hogwarts. It then became interesting as you saw the moving paintings and were introduced to the background behind the ride. However we were rushed through this and couldn't enjoy it.*

We came to the platform where you had to get into the chairs, alarmingly they looked a lot *like a roller coaster chair and had the same sort of security fastenings. One difference was that they were side by side, rather than behind each other. *Oh because of the motion sickness worries, before I left our room this morning I took two travel sickness tablets as a precaution . Woosh off we went following Harry. Boy you felt like you were going 100mph ! It was amazing, scary but amazing. If anyone was watching me they would've laughed their socks off! Going round my hand was held out as if holding a wand and dh when we got off said, " I hear you shout , expecto patronum?" well yes I actually did, as I pretended I was immersed in the film, to get me through the ride.*

It was amazing, but equally I was very wobbly when I *got off. I was pleased once I'd retrieved my bag, to have a sit down in the sun and take some deep breaths!*
Going round we saw the Hogwarts express, honeydukes and the three broomsticks. We also saw Olivanders but we didn't go in, we were not after a wand and there was a 45 minute wait! I think the whole of Florida were at HPW. We were thirsty and we had to have some * Butterbeer, yet we cued for 25 minutes just to get some. It was scrummy and the frothy head had a vanilla flavour.*







It was around 1 pm when we left hogsmeade, and headed round the rest of IOA. We spent quite a bit of time going round the Jurassic park , and then we looked at the toons. We had decided to have lunch at The Hard Rock Cafe and by now it was 2 pm and we were getting hungry.*



Although foolishly we decided to do one more ride before lunch. Big Mistake! We went on 'Marges, Barges', a raft ride, it said on the poster you might get wet! WRONG - YOU GET ABSOLUTELY SOAKED! *The ride was fun, however I've never ever been so wet with all my clothes on. I thought back to when I was a school, doing my lifesaving swimming badges , where you had to swim in your pyjamas - I was wetter than that!*

After wringing out our clothes , dh and I sat in the sun for 20 mins to try and dry out. Although it didn't work, we were still soaking. But it was nearly 3pm and we were starving so we headed to Hard Rock. * * *


As we were so hungry we got the mixed appetisers for two, then we followed that with beef and shrimp fajitas! Boy they were good, although with the air conditioning and our wet clothes , sitting down was rather uncomfortable . By the time we finished our meal and of course had a look around the shop, and bought a hooded top, it was nearly 5 so we decided to go and get a taxi back to AKV.

By 6pm I was immersed into a hot bath, as despite the Florida heat, the wet clothes and air conditioning had froze me! As we had, had a late lunch, tea was made up of cereal and snacks again later that night. Another benefit of the one bedroom villas was the large washer and dryer. *As we watched tv , I managed to get all of our washing done, ready to pack tomorrow! Hmm I wish I'd bought a wand after all!*:rolleyes1
Hi Helen - We are thoroughly enjoying your TR! :thumbsup2 We also must do Dumbo every time we go! We either do it first thing or save it for later in the evening though. We love the ride, but can do without the LONG waits in the Florida sun! :laughing:
Harry, glad you are enjoying it, and it's comforting to know dh and I are not the only that enjoy Dumbo!
Great photos of Kidani! I had a bit of a look around on my solo trip in March but tbh I didn't want to see too much and spoil it for when we're staying there. agH ad to see you fitted in some relaxation - More than anything, there are times on holiday that I love relaxing at night with some good American TV...perhaps not with cereals, crisps and mango Smirnoff though :rotfl:
I'd love to see a photo of your iPad case - it's my new toy too :rolleyes: I've had to but an "interim" (boring black) case but can't wait to Disney it ip a bit!
Looking forward to reading more:)

Hi ,my iPad cover is black leather with mickey embossed on one corner. I'll try and get a photo of it.
There were other bright coloured clip on cases.;)
Thanks for the update Helen :), I'm sad your report is coming to an end though.:guilty:
Lovely photos of WWOHP and well done you for going on the Forbidden Journey despite your concerns :goodvibes
iPad cover

Ok so I might be procrastinating slightly as I only have 2 more days to write about and then my wonderful holiday will be over for the second time.*

However, I have had quite a bit of interest regarding what cover I got for my iPad , here are some shots of *it *. I hope you can make out Mickey ok!


A close up of Mickey!


Standing up*


Book style, showing my screen with Caleb , *my youngest dog!


Helen, I love the Mickey Ipad cover! I need to get one of those myself. Do you remember how much it cost? Also, when you stand it up I think it goes the other way and the bottom rests on the grooved part so it looks like a triangle from the side, that makes it a little more stable. At least thats how my cover goes.
Helen, I love the Mickey Ipad cover! I need to get one of those myself. Do you remember how much it cost? Also, when you stand it up I think it goes the other way and the bottom rests on the grooved part so it looks like a triangle from the side, that makes it a little more stable. At least thats how my cover goes.

Terri, I can't remember exactly how much it cost I think it was about $40. oh and you are absolutely right, about how you stand it up:rolleyes1
Thursday 25th Aug

Well it was nearly coming to an end, something that I didn't want. The news on tv in the morning was all talk of the hurricane. We were lucky, *it was going to be passing and hit land in further up, however they were warning of strong winds and rain, late Thursday and Friday. Well we'd got up early as we'd *decided to use some of our water-park tickets . It was blizzard beaches early EMH so we decided to head there.*

We had our trusty bagels and packed one bag. We took some towels from the room, suncream and sunglasses. It was around 8 when we left the room and headed for the bus stop. Now I'm not sure what was up with the busses that morning as when we got to the stop there was quite a crowd. We waited for around 15 minutes and not one bus showed up. So we figured we just jump on the first water park bus that came. At 8.25 the bus for typhoon lagoon came, so we jumped aboard!*


It actually worked out well, as we got to the park just before opening so headed straight through. We purchased a small locker and I think we paid around $12 , some of which was returned when we took the key back. We squeezed our bag in and set off, as we had wore our costumes under our clothes.*


After studying the map we headed too Keelhaul falls grabbed an inner tube and set off. It went so fast, but as you went down you turned round and tried as I might I couldn't turn back so when you finished I went in backwards which I didn't enjoy!*

After that ride we went to gangplank falls , this was a better as we rode together and we *didn't turn round. Lol it was fun. It was nearly the end of the holiday so I figured what the hell and we headed over to humunga kowabunga.*


Now humunga was tall, and I knew it was fast. But as I have got older I have also become a wimp. Partly due to my back problems and partly because I was a wimp! Well dh and I climbed up to the top and it was not a long wait. I was fine until it came to us. He sat on one of the slides and I sat on the other next to it. However I was scared stiff and I couldn't bring myself to push off. The drop looked so big! So as dh pushed off and screamed, I got back up. I stood back and let others behind *me go ahead. I was annoyed with myself and talked to the cm member who was on duty. He was reassuring and said it wasn't as bad as it seems and that it goes over so fast. Well as I was standing at the top talking a family came up next. There was a mum, and two children - a girl round 8 and boy around 6 ish. Well the three of them sat at the three slides and the little lad said he was frightened. He stood back up as his mum and sister went off. I went over and told him that I was scared too. Then for some unknown reason I said to this strange child ok I'm *scared too, but I'll do it if you will. *And I did!

You would have heard me scream all over the world! My word , the guy was right it was over in seconds and I just lay in the water at the end of the ride. Partly because I was shaken and partly because I had the biggest wedgy in history. It took a few seconds for me to pull myself together . I then managed to walk and sat at the seats at the end of the rides. I was still shaking. Dh had begun to walk up to help me down , but he said he had heard me scream, so he knew I was down. He came over to check I was ok. I said I was but needed a bit of time to pull myself together . Dh on the other hand really loved it and whilst I sat he rode it another 3 times. ( there was hardly no wait as you could guess ).

Next we went to the storm slides, after riding humunga I felt I was invincible and the cm had already said if I'd coped with that could do anything! *Well we both loved the storm slides and spent a while trying the three different slides. *I think the one that was dark was my favourite.

Well we'd been very active and thought it was time to chill. The slides were great, but climbing up to them was tiring. So we headed to the lazy river, grabbed a tube and floated. ( well we set off once my dh had held the float so I could get init! )


By the time we left the lazy river it was just after 12. Wed done most if the slides and the weather was changing . So we decided to head back to our resort. Not before returning our key and getting a small bag of freshly made donuts. The disboards all recommend the donuts at the water parks and yum they were right. We shared the bag whilst we waited for the bus. It was a bit of a wait as well and the heavens opened whilst we were waiting.*

We arrived back at AKV around 1.15 and despite munching on the mini donuts we were both hungry. Guess we'd used a lot of energy riding the slides and climbing the stairs. The weather was sunny again and we headed to the pool. We decided to have some lunch there. Now the pool doesn't have food itself, rather there is a menu and a phone. You phone up and 20 -30minutes * Your food is delivered to you. Dh had a tandoori chicken flat bread and I had the tandoori shrimp. It was scrum my. You also got a tapioca desert aswell. *The cost I think was about $16 each I think. It was really nice sitting by the pool, with a couple of cocktails and a lovely lunch. The weather was also holding. What hurricane?*

Around 2.45 we headed back to the room, packing was looming but I went out on the balcony to read for an hour in order to gather my strength . The wind was getting up , but it was still sunny. Round 4 I couldn't put it off any longer and began to pack, dh helped by going to the gym and keeping out of my way lol! *It didn't take as long as before as we had left one packed from the cruise.*

I couldn't believe it was nearly coming to an end. Anyway we had our last ADR tonight at Sanna.*


Our ADR was for7pm but we went early to have pre dinner cocktails.



Now we have eaten at Sanaa before and the last time we spoke to our server and told him we liked 'spice ' he gave us some chilli sauce that we could add To our curries to spice them up. We asked our server this time, and brought it out for us. I had the scallops then a prawn curry & chicken curry. It was a lovely meal and a good end to our animal adventures .*

After dinner we went back and had drinks on our balcony. We had an early start but still nearly one day left as our flight home was not until 7pm.*

Little did we know that we'd be starring in a Disney promo tomorrow ! ( well perhaps not starring)*

CIAOOOOO !! :dance3:
Don't know how - but your report showed up on my PC
:headache: while I was working ...
and it brought back such splendid memories !!!! :yay::goodvibes:)

How are you two ?
Marco and I are fine - and dreaming of our next cruise : Fantasy , August 3-10
2013 !

It looks like you too are planning another Disney trip : when ? a cruise maybe ?:thumbsup2

Off to look at your photos in the previous pages !!! pirate:

:wave2: laura
CIAOOOOO !! :dance3:
Don't know how - but your report showed up on my PC
:headache: while I was working ...
and it brought back such splendid memories !!!! :yay::goodvibes:)

How are you two ?
Marco and I are fine - and dreaming of our next cruise : Fantasy , August 3-10
2013 !

It looks like you too are planning another Disney trip : when ? a cruise maybe ?:thumbsup2

Off to look at your photos in the previous pages !!! pirate:

:wave2: laura

Hi there! We got the email notification here, too!!! Memories indeed! Hope everyone is well.


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