The DIS Dad's Club XII: Oh... There You Are Perry!

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ok, i got all my adrs done taday. had to add a few. see what you think:
wednesday = rose & crown dinner
thursday = crystal palace breakfast
friday = teppan edo dinner
sunday = cinderellas royal table breakfast
= le cellier dinner
monday = tutto italia dinner
tuesday = liberty tree dinner
wednesday = biergarten dinner
thursday = crystal palace breakfast
= nine dragons rest. dinner

i maybe working on one more yet, ill let you know.:thumbsup2

double-dipping at the palace... nice! :thumbsup2 personally, i'd make one of those Ohana if it was available... but the palace is nice, even twice!

WHAT AR YE DOIN? Don't ye survy dogs know it's "Talk Like A Pirate Day!"

aye aye cap'n.

Well, I finally made it to Bremerton Washington, after 16 hrs of pure bliss on Southwest. Got to see the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and Mount St. Helens on the way. :thumbsup2

Hello, DisDads! Again it's been a while. Just checking in to get my Disney fix. I've needed it recently. The tank's been a bit empty. Work's been a drain and has put some strain on the home life. Hopefully everything turns around shortly, but we'll see.

On a positive note, Tusker House Blues is a force to be reckoned with in the Goofy Division of the DisDads FFB league. Just sayin'.

I hope all is well with all the Dads out there. Keep up the good work on the Podcast, and I'm looking forward to going back and catching up on the thread a little bit.

double-dipping at the palace... nice! :thumbsup2 personally, i'd make one of those Ohana if it was available... but the palace is nice, even twice!
the double dip at cp is a tradition that started about 12 years ago. we are a little ohanas out but they are on the rotation and is on the list for the may 2012 trip.:thumbsup2
Welcome back...I think. By the way, we got your text message...just couldn't respond! :lmao:

Man, my phone was acting up all week--but that was nice because work had a hard time getting me too:thumbsup2

How many "broken" guns did you come back to?

Did the implement flip flop Friday while you were gone?

No broken guns, but I broke my ankle in a soccer match on Sunday, so I'm laid up and got some good drugs:goodvibes

First Full Weekend at the Corn from now to the end of may refer to me as Officer Corn Fuzz!!!


Welcome back to the Fraternity Cornfuzz:lmao:

Well, I finally made it to Bremerton Washington, after 16 hrs of pure bliss on Southwest. Got to see the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and Mount St. Helens on the way. :thumbsup2


When are you coming to Kings Bay?

Well, as some of you know from Facebook, Ole DF went and broke his ankle on Sunday in a soccer, I'm HURTING!! I've forgotten how bad these kind of things hurt:lmao:

OH well, at least it happened AFTER my WDW trip and not BEFORE!
Hello, DisDads! Again it's been a while. Just checking in to get my Disney fix. I've needed it recently. The tank's been a bit empty. Work's been a drain and has put some strain on the home life. Hopefully everything turns around shortly, but we'll see.

On a positive note, Tusker House Blues is a force to be reckoned with in the Goofy Division of the DisDads FFB league. Just sayin'.

I hope all is well with all the Dads out there. Keep up the good work on the Podcast, and I'm looking forward to going back and catching up on the thread a little bit.


how did you make out with all the rain???? hopefully you were to far west.
Man, my phone was acting up all week--but that was nice because work had a hard time getting me too:thumbsup2

No broken guns, but I broke my ankle in a soccer match on Sunday, so I'm laid up and got some good drugs:goodvibes

Welcome back to the Fraternity Cornfuzz:lmao:

When are you coming to Kings Bay?

Well, as some of you know from Facebook, Ole DF went and broke his ankle on Sunday in a soccer, I'm HURTING!! I've forgotten how bad these kind of things hurt:lmao:

OH well, at least it happened AFTER my WDW trip and not BEFORE!

fed!!! when did you sneak back???? broken ankle in a soccer game???? we are going to have to investigate this. this isnt a cover story for a boating mishap is it??
Crappy Monday ownage.

Monday's almost over.

Another great soccer weekend. 13-0 at the third quarter and it was called for "lightning". We won't plan a make-up. And, I sat my star players for 10 minutes. Won 2 fantasy match-ups.

Then, Monday arrived. No Powerball jackpot - not even one stinking number. Pick Em league in the toilet. 9 points behind Harbeson and I need Bradshaw to think he's Emmitt Smith for the night. Came home from work and had a double cognac and beer chaser. That did the trick.
Well, as some of you know from Facebook, Ole DF went and broke his ankle on Sunday in a soccer, I'm HURTING!! I've forgotten how bad these kind of things hurt:lmao:

OH well, at least it happened AFTER my WDW trip and not BEFORE!

Man I hate it for ya’.
Been there… went back for seconds. :headache:

At least your timing was good. Take care.
OK - you Dads that have done the Bibbidity Bobbidity Boutique for your DD....

Do you reserve this at the 180 day mark just like an ADR?

Does the hair/makeup/nails package include the sash as well?

Is it really worth it to do the $190 package?!?! (I can't believe I'm even considering this!!)


I did the BBB for both my dds last year, then 8 & 6. I think I have a pic on the Princess thread or my TR, I can't remember. Anyway, I did the total package for both. You pay at the end, when my mouth hit the floor.

But, both my girls really enjoyed it. DW did book it at the 180 day mark or closely after we found the TP hours on the calendar. They each picked out their dresses and hair styles and had a photo shoot. My oldest is really into dress up and she had a great time. I'm glad we did it for them.

Congrats Andy :cool1:

I guess you still won't be pushing a stroller .... yet! Congrats.

Thank you guys... We're still going and I'm still going to have to fight the stroller. It'll be good practice for using a double stroller next time.:thumbsup2

Well, as some of you know from Facebook, Ole DF went and broke his ankle on Sunday in a soccer, I'm HURTING!! I've forgotten how bad these kind of things hurt:lmao:

OH well, at least it happened AFTER my WDW trip and not BEFORE!
Sorry about the ankle, but definitely glad it happened after your trip. Good thing they've been trying to confine you to a desk lately!:lmao::rotfl2:
I have some good news to share over in my PTR. Consider this a shameless plug.:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

Congrats! The running joke amongst our friends is that we will end up with a Disney baby as our souvenir from this upcoming trip.
ok, i got all my adrs done taday. had to add a few. see what you think:
wednesday = rose & crown dinner
thursday = crystal palace breakfast
friday = teppan edo dinner
sunday = cinderellas royal table breakfast
= le cellier dinner
monday = tutto italia dinner
tuesday = liberty tree dinner
wednesday = biergarten dinner
thursday = crystal palace breakfast
= nine dragons rest. dinner

i maybe working on one more yet, ill let you know.:thumbsup2

I'm not a fan of Biergarten so I'll let that one go. You have some great places. I've stayed away from Park Hopping but that's just my preference.
Thank you guys... We're still going and I'm still going to have to fight the stroller. It'll be good practice for using a double stroller next time.:thumbsup2:

We did the double stroller (front/back). It was hard folding/ lugging it on the bus, but great with both kids. The back laid down so my younger one could sleep.

you dont like biergarten? the food?

Yeah, we ate there and the food was just not very good and the beer was warm. I like beer, but prefer it served cold.
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