Zachary's Dream Factory Dream Trip 9/22-9/29/2011

How WONDERFUL!!!! Zachary is a cutie and he looks so happy and excited! The trip is almost here! :woohoo::woohoo:
How WONDERFUL!!!! Zachary is a cutie and he looks so happy and excited! The trip is almost here! :woohoo::woohoo:

Thanks so much. He is a pleasure to have around and I am very lucky I was given this little boy. I couldn't imagine life without him. I believe the trip is 13 days away but who is counting? Oh yeah Zachary is mom has to much to do between now and then. LOL
Jodi~ Woo Hoo....I found your trip report. I love the pictures of Zachary learning about the upcoming trip! How exciting that you're under a week from leaving. I hope this trip is everything you dreamed it would be & more. Can't wait to meet all of you in 8 more days!!!
Sorry this is so late in being done, but when we got back from Disney things were kinda crazy. Zachary had to go for some blood work ASAP because something wasn't right and they had tried contacting us while on vacation but with having our cells off on the cruise we didn't know till we got home. Anyway, his blood work was done and they said everything is ok now. Not sure what that was all about, but I am looking into it once I get a copy of the lab work to review it and ask our own pediatrician what it all means.

So on to our Disney report. Please bare with me I am sure it will be long and lots of pictures but so worthwhile to read.

On the morning of 9/22 a large black limo pulled up in front of our house and at that point I knew our vacation had officially started. Zachary came out the front door and was surprised with what he saw. He got very excited and couldn't wait to jump inside. This was his first limo ride and he checked out every inch of the inside from our house to the Rochester Airport. We got to the airport with plenty of time to check in and had no issues doing so. Our flight was on time and seemed to go by pretty fast. Once in Orlando we had to wait on the tarmac for about 15 minutes because there had been some lightning and we couldn't pull up to the gate to get off d/t the gates being made of metal. I was kinda anxious to get off the plane because I don't like to be confined any longer than I have to be in a small area. Once we got off the plane we went directly to the Magical Express and got on our bus to go to the Allstar Movie Resort. It took a little longer to get to the resort because our bus driver was taking his sweet time driving and going really slow. Doesn't he know we all have someplace to go? DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once at the resort it took a little while to check in seeing they had 1 person working the desk and about 10 people in line. I was a little disappointed to learn there is only 1 bus stop at the resort and its at the front and our building was 1 of the farthest buildings on the property. To an adult it doesn't seem like a long walk (maybe 5-7 min) but to a child that can't handle alot of walking thats forever. They moved us up 2 buildings after explaining his issues but that was really only about 1 minute shaved off the time. Oh well we set off to our room and relaxed for about 30-45 minutes. It was sprinkling so our plans of going to Epcot were cancelled. Instead we went to Downtown Disney. I figured at DD we could go from building to building without having to go out in the rain and still get to see a few things. Once at DD it was sporadic sprinkles so it wasn't to bad at all. We walked through 1/2 of DD stores and enjoyed a nice fudge sundae from Ghiradelli's. What a way to end the evening.



Friday morning we got up bright and early (630am) and all got ready for our fun filled day. We were heading to Hollywood studios for our 830am breakfast reservation at Hollywood Vine & Dine. We got to the park and I immediately went to guest services got our pass for Zachary to use his wheelchair/push chair as a stroller in the lines and that he can't wait in line due to his ADD/ADHD and being in the sun bothers him for any length of time. We got right into Hollywood Studios before rope drop and I just love that feeling. The park is so empty and a great photo opportunity.



We get to HVD and get our table right away. Character there that day were Special Agent Oso (we never got to meet him though), Handy Manny, and a character from the Little Einsteins. I forgot her name already but the kids know. LOL B'fast was pretty good and Zach was more interested in the characters, so we told him they won't come over to the table until you eat and they can see that. Well needless to say he ate almost 2 plates of food and was set for the day he said.

After some quick visiting with the characters he was ready to go on his way.

After all he only wanted to be at that park was to meet Phineas & Ferb. Well mom had other thoughts, I wanted to get to Toy Story Mania first before lines got to long. So needless to say mom won the battle and on our way to TSM we saw a couple get engaged. It was such a happy & magical moment. How cool would it be to get engaged at Disney especially if you love it as much as this momma does? Anyway, we got to TSM and the wait was about 20 minutes. We didn't use our pass this time because it wasn't to hot, the line wasn't bad, and he had a full belly so he was content. The ride was alot of fun and I think daddy took it a bit to serious. He had never rode it before, and really liked it. I think I am starting to convert him into liking Disney:)

After riding TSM we headed over to the Phineas & Ferb meet and greet. There we had to wait probably 30-40 minutes to see them. Once we got to the front of the line they put the rope up and said P&F had to go check on Candice. So Zach says, thats not true she always checks on them. LOL During that time frame they did a little interactive show with the kids and then P&F came back out. We were first to see them this time around and with that Zach got to spend a few extra minutes with them.



That was absolutely perfect because after all this was his Dream Factory trip and his dream was to meet P&F and go on the Disney Cruise. We got lots of pictures and he had lots of smiles. I will say once we got home I checked out photopass and our pics weren't on there. I was crushed to say the least. I called the photopass number and they asked if I knew what day, what time, what park and they would see what they could do. Well after about 10 minutes on the phone the lady found our pictures on someone elses card. I was jumping for joy and she transferred them to our card and sure enough it was our boy all smiles and happy to see his pals!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another reason I love Disney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



After seeing P&F we headed around the park to catch some other characters and to ride Tower of Terror & AeroSmiths Rockin Roller Coaster. Both rides were maybe 5 minute waits so again we didn't have to use his pass. (Which is ok with me, I feel funny using it sometimes. We rode TT 2x in a row and then headed over to ASRRC. That we only rode 1x because he said it was kinda strong for him but he did it for his first time. Last time he was to small for it. I will say I was scared for him while on it. I guess I didn't realize it was that forceful or maybe I am a whimp. LOL After those 1 rides we did some more walking around, shopping, and seeing different parts of the park.




We went to 50's Prime Time for dinner. Our reservations were for 545 but at 3 we were hungry. Remember we had b'fast at 830 and no lunch so we got in early had a great dinner and man that restaurant is so much fun. They are the funniest people in there. After eating we heading to Epcot. We knew we could do Epcot that night because the kids don't care for the countries quite yet (or I should say Zach doesn't have the attention span for them yet). So we headed there and enjoyed a evening at Epcot. The kids got to do all the rides they wanted and checked out a few of the other things around the park. We wanted to stay for the firework show but it was starting to sprinkle and I heard Cast members saying if it rains it won't go on. So we headed back to the resort and thought the kids could go to bed since we were up early and start over the next morning. Well wrong thinking mom, the kids went in the pool. It was pretty cool to be swimming at about 10ish at night and still be pretty warm out. It was 90-95 everyday we were there.
The next morning we got up had b'fast at the resort and then headed to Magic Kingdom. We had a very busy day and caught a ton of characters out.






We got on every ride and had to use our pass alot that day too. We enjoyed a dole whip, which was a first for Rob & Marissa. Ok the kids had rootbeer floats while we had a dole whip. After tasting ours they wished they had gotten the dole whips. I kept telling them to try different things thats what its all about.

At about 330 we took the boat over to Wilderness Lodge for dinner at Whispering Canyon. Zach was so excited to have daddy & sissy experience this place. He couldn't wait for them to ask for Ketchup. Well unfortunately they caught on real quick and refused to ask. It was funny and our waitress was hysterical. She kept harassing Rob and he totally fed into that.


Dinner was great and we walked around the resort to check it out. Someday I want to stay there to see what its really like. Someday when I win the lottery that is. LOL Well we head down to the dock to catch the boat to head back to MK and finish up for the night and they put the rope up right in front of us. Told us the next boat will be here in about 10 minutes. I was like really? I didn't want to wait, I wanted to get back to MK and finish up and get a good spot for the parade & fireworks. Well this is where a great day goes bad!!!!!! The next boat pulls up we all load on (about 30-40 people) and we head across the lagoon/lake and everyone is watching and chatting and all of the sudden the boat hits the rock wall by the contemporary by the waterway. It was the scariest moment of my vacation I must say. The captain tried to get the boat to back up and the engine was funky sounding. Then all the sudden you could smell a terrible smell. He shut the boat off and called in what happened. Thank god everyone just sat there and kept calm. All I could think of was Zach on the front of the boat with Rob & Marissa. I stayed inside with his chair. Well it was a matter of 2-3 minutes when the emergency boats came flying across the lake and Zach came flying to me. Once he saw the red lights he got nerveous and started to panic. He sat on my lap crying and shaking and asking to get out of there. Well they wouldn't let us off the boat but instead had other boats help us back to the dock at the WL. Needless to say a few of us got nerveous because what was really wrong with the boat? I don't want to go out in the middle of the water after it hit a rock wall. We made it to the dock and were ordered to not discuss what happened to onlookers, and we had to stay in a roped off area. We could not leave the dock till the Orange County Sheriffs released us. No one was hurt thank god, but my poor Zach was having an anxiety attack because he doesn't like cops/firefighters/ambulances/lights/sirens. For some reason they make him panic. Disney gave us all a pass to go to the front of the line (No Strings attached), brought beverages down on the dock for people to drink (well hello we are in the sun and its hot out and you are cutting into our time here). We all had to leave a report with our names/phone numbers/ages/address. After 2 1/2 hrs we got released but Zach was still flipping out. They would not let us go to the lobby to sit so he didn't have to witness all these people walking around and checking the boat out and taking reports. Finally a very nice tall bald headed (shaved bald) gentleman in a suit came over to check on him because he saw us trying to console him and asked what was wrong. We told him about Zach and how this affects his anxiety and he immediately gave us permission to leave the dock and go to the lobby. He also gave Zach a $25 gift card to buy anything he wanted to help ease his anxiety. It was very nice of him but it would of been nicer of them to let us do that sooner to help him. We would of waited in the lobby till we were released if they let us, but nope not till he had to suffer for some time. Once everyone was released we got on a bus to the MK, because Zach kept saying he was not getting on another boat. Not even the cruise he said. Well this momma got nerveous because usually when he says something he sticks to it. I just tried to let it go and not think about it because afterall, kids feed off of us parents so I thought if we didn't react he would be ok. So off to MK and have some more fun. We didn't get to finish everything we wanted to but made sure to get in the rides Zach wanted. Marissa drove the car on the racetrack and I can tell you I am so not ready for her to start driving in less than a year. LOL We missed the parade but caught the fireworks show. On our way out we stopped at a few shops and did our shopping. Zach bought a P&F tshirt with his giftcard. Well it didn't last long because we went across the street to the main street bakery and he set it down to look at something and it disappeared. We asked if a worker found it and the girl was not very helpful. She said no if it was found it would be at City Hall across the street. So we went there knowing it wouldn't be there it just happened all in the matter of 10 minutes and I am sure when they find something they don't run it right over and we were on our way out so I didn't want to wait around to see hours later. Well the girl in CH was amazing. I explained what happened, told her how he got the shirt and she was like really? Thats terrible. She went out back and came out about 5 minutes later and said someone will be coming with a bag and his shirt in it. She didn't say they found it specifically so I am thinking she called the store and they were sending another over. I had the receipt to show them it literally just happened and it was his shirt to help make him feel better. Sure enough about 5 minutes later a lady walks in with the exact shirt for him. He was so happy and all smiles. We headed back to the resort and again at 11 pm the kids went swimming while this momma did 3 loads of laundry. Hey the pool was right next to the pool and it gave us fresh clothes for the cruise.
On Sunday we got up put our luggage out for them to deliver to the cruise and we headed to b'fast and wait for the Disney Cruise Line Bus to take us to the port. We met a few people in the lobby that were going to, so we passed time chatting. Once the bus arrived we loaded and were on our way in less than 10 minutes. It was about 1hr 15 min ride. Once Zach saw that ship from afar he looked at me and said I can't wait to get on that big ship. This momma was relieved. I didn't mention to him about the prior days incident and was excited he had changed his mind about getting on a boat. Well I say ship he says boat, which ever he got on and a whole new world of fun started there.


Check in was very easy and fairly quick. We registered Zach for the kids room so he could have fun while we saw shows. If it just worked that easily for him, NOT!!!!!!!!!! He would not leave our side. He was afraid something would happen to the boat he said. Marissa was able to get him to go 1 night but we both got texts on the ship phones they have he wanted to be picked up and was crying. So we left the show to go get him. Once on the ship we checked out our room, then walked around the ship to get our bearings.



We had to be on the outer deck for our safety drill at 4 pm. Once done we had the sail away party. That was pretty cool, they gave the kids streamers and played some really cool music, and did some awesome dancing. Alot of the adults had nice beverages to sail away with.

Shortly after sailaway we headed to dinner. Our first reservation was at Enchanted Garden. Our servers were Sergio & Deniz. Very awesome with both kids.

Zach had his usual of salmon and Marissa had Chicken. Niether kid would try anything new. After dinner Marissa headed to the teen room and we didn't see/hear from her till about 2 am. Rob & I went to the Golden Mickey show. Very cool it was, the girl doing the lead of it is from Buffalo NY. Thought that was pretty cool.
On Monday we were at Nassau Bahamas.


We got off the ship and did a little shopping since we didn't book any excursions. We didn't care for the Bahamas I must say. Very dirty, broken walkways, they drive like crazies, and they don't let you look at anything without mobbing you. So the kids got a couple souveniors and wanted to get back on the ship. So we were ok with that. We immediately changed and went to the pool deck. I think we rode the aquaduck about 10x that day. I have a video of us going down it so I will try to load that in a different post.



We relaxed the rest of the day as a family. Then off to dinner at Royal Palace (I think that was the name LOL). That dinner was ok. I wasn't to keen on it but thank god for the food counters on the pool deck area. As Marissa would say thank god for the banana/strawberry ice cream.


That night was a comedian with his puppets so we took Zach to that show. He died laughing the whole time. It was the funniest show I have seen in a long time. Just like many we caught character meet and greets through out the day too.

When we got back to our room we had a invitation for us to go to a private M&G for the Make-a-wish/Dream Factory & any wish granting organization children. It was alot of fun. They had photographers there, while Mickey & Donald came in. The kids all had a 1 1/2 of fun times dancing on the stage & getting their pictures taken. Disney gave the kids free copies of the pictures in their room the last night of the cruise. before they left 1 of the assistant captains gave them all a stuffed Captain Mickey signed by Mickey. That just lit up many of their faces. There was probably about 15 kids on this trip that were granted trips.





Disney also left extra goodies/snacks in the rooms for these kids too. Free gift cards to play games in the arrrcade and so on. I am sure I am missing some of our daily activities and I am sorry about that but we just tried to have alot of fun together so I didn't take time to write anything down. I know bad mom, but I wanted to enjoy the time too.

Here are the kids with Captain Henry. He was truly the nicest person we could meet I think.


Zachary even tried Sushi for the first time. He wasn't a big fan of it, but ate it. I am so proud of him for trying different things because this momma sure wouldn't try it.

Tuesday we woke up at Castaway Cay. Disney's private island and let me tell you, IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!! Marissa signed up to go with the teens on excursions so we have no pictures of her that day with us or on the island. Zachary decided he wanted to take a shot at snorkeling. (I have pictures of us in the water but they are not scanned in yet since it was with a disposable camera and not my good camera). Well he didn't really like the snorkeling. He hated the salt water in his mouth and hated the sand in his feet. LOL But he gave it a shot and tried. So this momma went out by myself while daddy sat under a umbrella chair and read and Zach played and people watched. After awhile I came in and we walked around the island. Took lots of pictures and just enjoyed the beautiful views.




We tried to get Zach to go into pelican plunge the kids section but he wanted nothing to do with the salt water.


We enjoyed lunch at Cookies BBQ. Its then it dawned on me to give Zach my little camera to take pictures from his point of view. Well he had a blast and of all things he finds is a John Deere Gator. The kid can't go anywhere without finding a farm tractor. LOL After while we headed back to the ship and relaxed by the pool.


Again, rode the aqua duck a million times. Hey after all thats what he told the Dream Factory his Dream meet P&F at Hollywood Studios which was done, and to go on the waterslide on a Disney Cruise. Well he got his enjoyment many times over riding that wonderful waterslide.

Dinner was at Animators Palate and it was Pirate Night. We didn't dress up for it but enjoyed seeing others and went to the pirate party and on the upper deck to watch the fireworks. very cool to be in the middle of the ocean and see a fireworks show. There was another cruise ship off in the distance and they got to see the fireworks too. How cool is that? After a late night we were all off to bed.


Sergio made Marissa a rose out of the menu.

Wednesday was a day at sea and a day of relaxing for all. We did your typical b'fast, relax, lunch, relax, dinner, shows, shop, and just hang out. We made the best of our last day on the beautiful Disney Dream. I possibly can't blog all about everything we did because there was just so much. I will say we can't wait to go back again.


Zachary had such a good time he conked out while the rest of us were getting ready for our last dinner on the DREAM.


This was Sergio (had a different name but since its so hard to say he goes by Sergio) he was really good and knew exactly what we wanted to drink each meal. Sergio kept calling Marissa princess and man did it make her head swell even more. Love you baby girl you know we are just teasing you. You will always be our princess.


Deniz was our waiter. He was really good with the kids too.
Disney then took care of all our luggage and we didn't see it until Rochester. they did our airport check in and everything. All we had to do was walk into the airport and go through security to get to our gate. Talk about convenience. That was worth it in itself. LOL We got to the airport really early, you get there when you disembark so we were there about 1030 and our flight didn't leave till 3pm. So to kill time we walked around the airport and found a Chik-Fil-A, and a Krispy Creme Donuts. Right next to each other.....those that have eaten there and don't have either place around home know you have to get it while you can. We were still so full from all the food on the ship, but couldn't pass it up! So we all got something good. Ate it for lunch and then just relaxed and watched the planes come and go. We boarded the plane and were off to Rochester.
Once we got home it was COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cold meaning 60 degrees. We were just used to it being 90+ everyday. But we didn't let that bother us to much, our limo was waiting for us and on the way home we got to see a beautiful rainbow which put a nice ending to a great vacation. We can't wait to go again and have learned its definitely worth the extra money to go on a Disney Cruise.


BOY IS THIS SIGN CORRECT. In my opinion not soon enough!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you all enjoyed my trip report. I will try my best to respond to anyone leaving comments. I haven't figured out how to do multiple quotes in a post yet so it might take me a little while to respond. If I happen to miss your post please accept my apology ahead of time.
Awesome report!! It brought back so many wonderful memories for me to see your photos and stories of your trip. I'm very happy your family enjoyed the vacation, and as a bonus ~ the weather stayed pretty good for our entire cruise :woohoo:
Now if we could figure out a way to fund a future DCL cruise we'd be set !
Awesome report!! It brought back so many wonderful memories for me to see your photos and stories of your trip. I'm very happy your family enjoyed the vacation, and as a bonus ~ the weather stayed pretty good for our entire cruise :woohoo:
Now if we could figure out a way to fund a future DCL cruise we'd be set !

It was great getting to meet you and your family. I know there was much more that happened, but I am not a writer so I covered the main points.

Zachary is picking up every penny/loose change he finds and saving it for the next DCL. He is even saving his $1 bills from getting 100's on his spelling tests to go too he says. He is so stinking funny sometimes. I told him to save all the bottle returns (we get 5 cents for every bottle not sure if you guys do too) and it will add up quick. He says to me, mom we don't drink soda though so what do I do ask the neighbors. :laughing: I had to tell him no you do not ask the neighbors for their returns and we drink bottled water alot on the go so there you go there are some returns. He just chuckled.

I am sure after I get medical bills paid off soon, and finish school I will be able to save more. Who would of ever thought something like the DCL would have you hooked after 1 short trip.
Wow awesome report so far! I love the photos! I love Phineas and Ferb and the water tube slide looks awesome! I'm glad everything went well!


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