thebwit's journal (comments welcome)


Jun 3, 2010
Since I did the unthinkable and signed up today to run in the DW Marathon in January, now is the time for me to start doing more.

A little bit of background. Since February I have been doing brazilian jiu jitsu 1-3 times a week. This week I have started running to get my pace where I want it to be.

About 4 years ago I got into running a lot and I was up to about 10 miles a day (spread across 2 runs). I was in some of the best shape of my life at that point, but that all went away after kids.

So now here I am, ready to run and conquer the world, or at least the scale. To get started here's what I did yesterday and today.

Monday May 30 - Ran 4.37 miles with an average pace of 9'58" (keep in mind I walk the last bit)

Tuesday may 31 - Ran 2.19 miles with an average pace of 9'53" (again walking)

My plan for tomorrow is to run and jiu jitsu class, but we shall see.
Wow so I kinda suck at updating this. I need to be more active here. Here's the update with what is going on mentally/physically for me.

I stopped drinking soda, but I wish I could remember when I stopped. There have been a few days where a nice cold Pepsi sounded really good, but I am almost to the point where I am not even thinking about it anymore. That's a good thing.

I have a vacation (non-disney) coming up at the end of July and of course I want to drop weight for that. Kicking soda was the first step in this process, and now I am focusing on cooking all my meals. The saving money aspect of this will be nice, but it's the calories that I am most floored about.

The other day there was a segment on the Today Show about the Eat this not that. I had seen this segment before, but for whatever reason, this week's opened my eyes. It made me completely turn off from eating out as I was blown away by how BAD that food is.

So with that said my starting weight is 173.8 and my ideal weight (based on lots of different tests) is 158.5.

Jiu jitsu class is going well - trying to ensure that I get to it all three days that I can.

Running is going to be kicking up as I am contemplating running in the Chicago marathon as a test before the Disney Marathon.
Started running. Friday I ran 5.5-5.8 miles depending on the app and then Sunday I ran 3.4-3.6 miles depending on the app.

Today I started crossfit and that kicked my butt big time and that was before jiu jitsu class.

Crossfit's workout today was:
Overhead lunges (14) with varying weights (sets 1&2 had 25lbs, 3 and 5 0lbs and 4 was 10lbs)
20 box jumps into squat then stand and step down gently
10 pushups

repeat 5 times, no break inbetween and was timed. It took me 16 minutes 20 seconds to do this.

Then jiu jitsu class. I am tired to say the least.
Eat This Not That is great. You can try Cook This Not That if you would like some recipes for home
Eat This Not That is great. You can try Cook This Not That if you would like some recipes for home

Hah I totally bought that book. I am so turned off from restaurant food it isn't funny. I've still had carry out at a couple of places, but I knew that the food was prepared well and not with extra fat and calories.

I am sore as all get out today, but I still plan to run a smallish run ~3 miles or so.
No run yesterday as planned due to the fact that i could barely move. I am still sore and tight from Monday's workout only to have today's workout in the books.

Today saw a pyramid for crossfit. There were 5 rounds, in decreasing reps. Reps ere 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 per exercise. In all I did 100 reps of each exercise. And of course it was timed.

WOD was:
abmat situps (it's this little board that contours to your back)
Romanian dead lifts with 45lbs

Time was just under 20 minutes to complete.

Followed up with an hour of brazilian jiu jitsu. I need to run today for sure as I need to get the miles in for the week.
Ok so I am all but giving up on running on my off days from crossfit workouts for the time being. I am so tired and sore from them it isn't funny. I try to get my butt on the treadmill, but just walking has been painful at times. This of course has lead to more stretching.

Once I get used to these crossfit workouts, I will get back into running. September is the start date of the training for the marathon, so I am good to go there. This is all prep work to get my weight down and cardio up anyways.

Today's workout consisted of:
40 wall balls
farmers walk around the parking lot holding 40lb dumbbells in each hand
5 burbees
repeat 3 times

A wall ball sounds easy, but it really isn't. You have two weighted balls that are about the size of a beach ball. They are soft and squishy and really don't feel that much. One is placed on the ground and is used as a measure for how far to squat down. The other you hold at your chest, do the squat down then on the way up explode and throw the ball up against the wall (the higher the better). Then catch the ball and use that momentum to bring you down to the squat and repeat. Simple in concept, but 40 reps sucks and doing it 3 times is even worse.

After that workout we worked on form with deadlifts since we had time to spare and we will be doing deadlifts next week. Total was 15 deadlifts (3 sets of 5) with 115lbs.

Of course after was jiu jitsu class. I am exhausted.

Weight is going down which is a good thing. This mornings weight was 170.6 and I am hoping that by the end of next week I will be in the 168's (read 168.9 is perfectly good)

My diet is fairly normal food, but I am preparing nearly everything now.


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