whats going on

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Why, so you can "tattle" on me and get my real account banned? You all know right now you are clicking like crazy on that little exclamation point to report me. You all complain around here so much about getting "tattled" on, well guess what: if people are tattling on you so much, you are pretty fricking rude. You just refuse to realize it. Its all in good fun, right!!!

Last I checked, the fiends I know and love are adults. Only childish people keep clicking the little red triangles. So, which group does that put you in? It's certainly not the adult group.
Don't you get it??? They are cleaning house. They're taking out the trash. They're making the place a nice place again. Or at least they're trying. They're willing to get rid of 10 or 20 nobodies who post one or two line worthless messages about cupcakes and farts if it means they can sign up 1000 in your place.

If you don't like the posts in the Community board, why do you read them?
BigWigFatCat, that is your opinion and thank you for sharing it, but it seems that you are in the minority(which is okay).
I'll never understand why people stick around if they hate the place so much? If the board isn't to your liking, wouldn't it just be better to go someplace you are happier? This is an honest question, not trying to be snarky...
I am not talking about all the fort fiends Christy. I'm talking about the 10 or 12 rude bullies here who make this place their own little sandbox and ruin it for the people who aren't and don't want to be "in the fold."

Now go count your cupcakes!!!

You know, if this was such a "problem", why were these so called troublemakers taken care of 5 years ago when this board became as popular as it is now? No one got stomped on like they are now until one thing happened behind the scenes. Now because of this behind the scenes event, administrators are coming out of the woodwork, people are posting with all sorts of names out of no where with the stupidest of questions to bait the most mundane of poster. It is all too much of a coincidence to me. Much too much has been tolerated for 5 years. All of a sudden a select group of people are bullies? What's the plan cat? Just spill the beans.
I sure hope a certain someone doesn't own a gun. Sounds like someone has issues. Wouldn't want to be reading about it in the paper.
Don't you get it??? They are cleaning house. They're taking out the trash. They're making the place a nice place again. Or at least they're trying. They're willing to get rid of 10 or 20 nobodies who post one or two line worthless messages about cupcakes and farts if it means they can sign up 1000 in your place.

Hmmmm. It seems to me that with each subsequent post you are only confirming that fact that 1) you are not a regular on this board and/or 2) you are in fact blind to the fact that the "10 or 20 nobodies" provide an overwhelming majority of legitimate answers to the newbie posters who come here looking for help.
No one got stomped on like they are now until one thing happened behind the scenes.

You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about. This little clique with all your history and insider drama. You think new people want to hear your silly drama? New people come on here, read all that garbage and think "What's wrong with these people? I don't care about their petty drama" and go somewhere else. I just want to know what time the Pioneer Hall bar opens up....just answer the fricking question!

Now because of this behind the scenes event, administrators are coming out of the woodwork, people are posting with all sorts of names out of no where with the stupidest of questions to bait the most mundane of poster.

Then they're stupid for taking the bait.

Much too much has been tolerated for 5 years.

My point exactly. The moderators of this board should have taken action a long time ago.
Hmmmm. It seems to me that with each subsequent post you are only confirming that fact that 1) you are not a regular on this board and/or 2) you are in fact blind to the fact that the "10 or 20 nobodies" provide an overwhelming majority of legitimate answers to the newbie posters who come here looking for help.

don't you get it? the new 10,000 posters (1000 for every rude person they get rid of) are going to be here and everything is going to be as peachy as rv.net

you wait and see....:worship:

My point exactly. The moderators of this board should have taken action a long time ago.

They did take action 5 years ago. They created the Camping Community Board to keep the fiends around. I still don't understand why you even go to this board if you don't like what you read.
You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about. This little clique with all your history and insider drama. You think new people want to hear your silly drama? New people come on here, read all that garbage and think "What's wrong with these people? I don't care about their petty drama" and go somewhere else. I just want to know what time the Pioneer Hall bar opens up....just answer the fricking question!

The answers are given. And the drama was only caused by the owners of this board. I had no drama until people like you come over here with your holier than thou attitude. You have no real clue where Pioneer Hall is.

Then they're stupid for taking the bait.

So what does that say about you coming over here and taking the bait?

My point exactly. The moderators of this board should have taken action a long time ago.
Yes, and their revenue went way up because of our bantering and cutting up. If they really did not like it, they would have done away with it, not given us an additional board to talk on.
don't you get it? the new 10,000 posters (1000 for every rude person they get rid of) are going to be here and everything is going to be as peachy as rv.net

you wait and see....:worship:

You really think you're that important??? Really? You're just a number. You should write a letter to your Congressman to get your fellow fort fiends reinstated. Call the president!!! Take it to the Supreme Court!!!

No one cares. It's over. Goodbye. No one will miss you. Not really. You leave, someone else replaces you.
I find it funny how someone would go back to an older post to start all this in the 1st place. Instead of scolding a complete forum who most likely had no idea what the warning was for in the 1st place.

If there is a problem settle it with the poster you've got that problem with not the whole group. All I see is Webmaster Kathy remove posts and delete threads instead of discussing the issue at hand. I know there's plenty of boards on here with way more snarkiness than here.

What is this over? Is it because Larry has compiled a bunch of stuff? Is it because Rhonda started her own travel agency and is friends with people on here and they've moved their ressies for the cruise to her?

It's gotta be over a whole lot more than cupcakes. Disboards is owned by DU and that's obvious. If there's rules about mentioning names of competitors or other things.

If this ownership has a problem at least discuss it like an adult. I'm sure treating folks like adults will garner better results.

Respectfully Submitted,
You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about. This little clique with all your history and insider drama. You think new people want to hear your silly drama? New people come on here, read all that garbage and think "What's wrong with these people? I don't care about their petty drama" and go somewhere else. I just want to know what time the Pioneer Hall bar opens up....just answer the fricking question!

Then they're stupid for taking the bait.

My point exactly. The moderators of this board should have taken action a long time ago.

"Insider drama" :confused3 :rolleyes:
You really think you're that important??? Really? You're just a number. You should write a letter to your Congressman to get your fellow fort fiends reinstated. Call the president!!! Take it to the Supreme Court!!!

No one cares. It's over. Goodbye. No one will miss you. Not really. You leave, someone else replaces you.

No, I really don't think I am important at all. However, I am not a coward, as you certainly are.

Don't preach to me under an assumed name. It only insults what little intelligence you seem to have.
They did take action 5 years ago. They created the Camping Community Board to keep the fiends around. I still don't understand why you even go to this board if you don't like what you read.

Yeap. The Community Camping Board is supposed to be a campfire style discussion board. Every campfire discussion I have been involved in is a free for all anything goes type discussion full of Tom Foolery, Shenanigans and basic carrying on often filled with witty sarcasm and yes...snarky humor.

Seems to me there is a lot of thin skin around these parts.

I never asked to be included...I just was. Everyone welcomed me with open arms. When I didn't get the "inside" joke..someone was always glad to fill me in. Usually that joke originated on the Dis and I could have found it if I'd used the search feature. Cliques? I think not. Just a bunch of great folks meeting one another and forming great and lasting friendships on and off the net. Thanks all you great FrIENDS. Love ya'll on and off the Dis. :goodvibes

There you go, my 2 cents. ;)
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