Favorite Tip?

Plan your fast passes. Some rides are worth going and getting a fast pass right away, others not so much. But one good thing about the fast passes is that even if it says it is good for 11-1, it is actually good any time AFTER 11. We have used fast passes that were good for 10am at 9pm.

I thought that the fast pass had to be used during the return time stated, Usually 1 hour window. Is this no longer the case :confused:
9 times out of 10, at least 1 person in your party wil get blisters. Pack multiple sized band-aids and Advil. I thought I was ready for Disney World when I was running 2-3 miles a day. BOY!!! Was I wrong.

Some IcyHot and Tums wouldn't be a bad idea either. If going in the warm weather, aloe lotion for the inevitable sun burn.
If you go to the Flight of Wonder bird show in Animal Kingdom, have a $1 handy so when the trainer asks for a volunteer with a dollar, you can wave it in the air right away and be part of the show. ::yes::A bird will fly to you, take your dollar and fly it back to the trainer on stage. Then after some gags, the bird will land on your outstreached arm and return your dollar.:cool1: So cool! And the entire show is very good. Be sure to have a camera handy...my DH didn't get a single photo of me with the bird b/c he was too close. :sad2:

Also, a lot of people (newbies to wdw) don't know there is a barber shop in MK where you can actually make an appointment and get a hair cut for DH or DS. It's tucked away at right angles to the fire station, so many folks miss it.:flower3:

Awesome! Thanx for that tip! I will have a dollar ready for sure! Also, do you know what the name of the barber shop is?
I thought that the fast pass had to be used during the return time stated, Usually 1 hour window. Is this no longer the case :confused:

As long as I have been using fastpasses (5 years now?), they never had to be used during the window. They don't tell people that so that think they have to return during that time frame.
The only breaking in period they need is for you to adjust to the "wobble walk" :) When I am standing in line I find myself rocking on my heels and toes a lot. Helps build up the calves while you're standing there. These are the only shoe to come with a how to wear DVD.

Hi Chuckers! I just wanted to ask you about those shoes. I've avoided them like I initially avoided Crocs b/c I think they are ugly. However, my doctor forced me into Crocs, and now I love them, so I figure...Why not give the Sketchers a chance too? I have injuries to my feet that nearly disabled me. I've been through therapy, shots, everything, and can now live almost normally. I've had to face the fact that I do have a disability though, even though it's not always obvious to other people. You know what made me come to that realization? Walking at Disney! I was a hot mess. I will be bringing several pairs of Crocs for sure b/c I need to change shoes a lot. What I want to know is, do those shoes take a lot of pressure off the heels? My injuries were mostly concentrated in my heels, and though I have to watch my achilles and arches also, the main point of pain is the heels. I often have issues taking the pressure off my heels and wondered if the rocking would help me to do this?
I could go on probably for hours on certain tips i have picked up. Here are a couple to name a few.

1. If going to a Counter Service meal for lunch or dinner. Go earlier or later then meal time to avoid lines and crowds. Usually for lunch we go at 11 and find barely no one there.

2. A packing tip. If you have cell phones, Laptop, camera, video camera, battery charger you should definatly bring a power strip so you have plenty of places to plug these in.

3. And my final good tip is, if you go see one of the night time shows and its at park closing. After the show is done take your time and walk thru some shops and browse. Gift shops are open for at least a hour after the park closing time. This will give the park time to clear out more and the bus lines to be shorter. Bus lines are a mad house at park closing. You could easily be waiting for a bus for a hour. Why not take the time to browse.
3. And my final good tip is, if you go see one of the night time shows and its at park closing. After the show is done take your time and walk thru some shops and browse. Gift shops are open for at least a hour after the park closing time. This will give the park time to clear out more and the bus lines to be shorter. Bus lines are a mad house at park closing. You could easily be waiting for a bus for a hour. Why not take the time to browse.

My tip for this is counter to what most people do. We stay on site and rent a car. It costs us about 250 dollars for the trip but makes it easier to escape the parks in situations like this.

Since we normally show up before rope drop, our car is usually within walking distance and it is so nice to sit down. It is also easier with kids (if they are tired and cranky, they can have a melt down in the privacy of your own car or if it is in the middle of the day, one parent can take the melty kid away from the parks without having to deal with a bus and the second parent can stay with the rest of the kids and enjoy their day and then take the bus back).

I also means we can do our own groceries (I like to pick out my produce so ordering is a no-go for me) or deal with emergencies (like the time I didn't pack any bras and had to head to Walmart to get some).
The absolute favorite and most helpful tip I ever received (from these boards of course), was to use Body Glide on my feet every morning before putting on my shoes and hitting the parks to avoid blisters. My skin is sensitive and before that tip, I had never made it through a WDW trip without at least one blister, and usually more than one. Now I have made it through 4 WDW trips and one DL trip, without even one blister!!!! I also now use it when I get a pair of new shoes, which ALWAYS gave me blisters before, and it is great for that too. Probably not the kind of tip you are looking for, but it is the one that has saved me pain and helped me the most!

I have found that underarm deodorant/anti-perspirant works well ,too !!! I us "Sure" on all the body parts that would rub together and blister.:thumbsup2
I have found that underarm deodorant/anti-perspirant works well ,too !!! I us "Sure" on all the body parts that would rub together and blister.:thumbsup2

Please becareful with that idea.. the body needs to sweat and blocking the pores can cause you to overheat.
Go prepared with a funny joke. You can text it in while you are waiting for the show on the "Monster's Laugh Floor". Then, might feature your joke in the show. :thumbsup2
Ive got a lot of tips that I will pass on.

Tip 1.) It is possible to have as many fast passes as you want. There are two ways. One thing you can do is put your ticket in backwards, then when it doesnt print, call in a cast member. They will see you trying and immediately print out as many fast passes as you need without even looking at how you put in your ticket. Ive done it, Works all the time.
The second thing you can do, only works for people who stayed at Disney the year before. Bring in your old tickets, and use them for fast passes. It will come back "not registering" on it and again the cast memebr will print as many tickets that your party has.

Tip 2.) Dont ever pay for parking. Park in the guest lots of the Floridian or any other hotel, walk to the bus stop/monorail or boat and let them take you. Again, ive done this every time and its a lot cheaper when your staying off resort and parking cost 15 bucks a day for a 10 day trip. For most hotels, parking and the walk to the bustop is just minutes away.

Tip 3.) It probably has been discussed before, but DO NOT watch the parades. On a scale from 1-10, 1, being the most boringest, the parades rank about a 3. Instead of watching these parades, go on rides. I watched one parade in my 12 trips, and they are all the same. On my most recent trip, I went on 3 normally busy rides, in less than 1/2 hour.

Tip 4.) Even if it is not your birthday or aniversery, get a pin and Wear it. My two kids wear the aniversery pins, son and daughter of course, and the cast members think its addorable how they wear them for us. My kids have been treated by the venders for free icecream, free popcorn and twice free fast passes. When we are treated, were usually no where near them, meening someone sees us, tells the venders, and they come looking for us.

Tip 5.) In the beginning of the day, before Tom Sawyer Island opens, go to splash mountain/thunder Mountain and get a fast pass for one of them. Then go wait in line for Tom Sawyer Island and when u get there, get the paint brush. If you go into the mining cave, its always in the window ledge as you walk in. Like I said, many many trips to disney and the Brush is always in the same place. Bring the brush to the cast member and then he will give your family a free fast pass, Whichever one you want between thunder mountain and Splash Mnt.

I have about 100 more tips. I should be charging lol. try this and comment to let me know if all worked out.

With each park, we ask all of our family members what their non-negotiable thing would be and we get those done first, then everything else is icing on the cake!

We always park hop, just because we have preferences due to weather, crowd activity, transportation...

We love to boat between DHS and the Epcot, it gives us rest time and it is relaxing.

We also enjoy boating out to the boardwalk and renting a surrey in the evening, it's very charming and the kids love it. It's also fun to do this during illuminations.
Tip 2.) Tip 5.) In the beginning of the day, before Tom Sawyer Island opens, go to splash mountain/thunder Mountain and get a fast pass for one of them. Then go wait in line for Tom Sawyer Island and when u get there, get the paint brush. If you go into the mining cave, its always in the window ledge as you walk in. Like I said, many many trips to disney and the Brush is always in the same place. Bring the brush to the cast member and then he will give your family a free fast pass, Whichever one you want between thunder mountain and Splash Mnt.

Why the paintbrush thing? Never heard of that before. Is it some kind of story everyone knows about?
Why the paintbrush thing? Never heard of that before. Is it some kind of story everyone knows about?

I read about this on another site (touring plans, I believe). If you remember, Tom got all his friends to paint the fence for him. The cast supposedly hides 5paint brushes on Tom Sawyer Island before the Island opens. If you find one, bring it to a cast member and you will get a something free. A fast pass, an ice cream cone.. etc.

I was going to try this when I went out in May. If I get to the park for a rope drop.
Last time we went for one of them, there were tons of people looking for them and it was during the off-season. We've seen one once (before we knew the significance). You're supposed to take it to one of the boat crew and tell them someone left their paintbrush and they may give you a fastpass for splash for your family.
My favorite tip is the shortcut into Disney off 192 on Sherberth Road. Avoid the traffic going down 192 and everyone going into the main entrance. I also take it as a shortcut to get to I-4.


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