From WDW to DL With Love - January 06, 2011 part 4

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Happy anniversary to everyone who is celebrating today! Very happy, just bought a bunch of Disney gift cards at Sam's club. $100 cards cost $98.97 and you get a $10 card to the Disney store.:)
WOW! I have such a busy week, I haven't been able to watch the board! Now I have a lot of reading to do!

My Mom and her DH are joining us on the cruise.

I hope everyone had a good week.

I arrived home to a padded envelope in my mailbox - they are so awesome Des. Thanks so much for taking care of this for us.

OK, NCIS is calling my name.
Still in one of these

We got our lanyards as well!! They turned out great!

Can't say what day it came because we forgot to get the mail yesterday.
Des, the lanyards arrived and they are GREAT !!!!! Thanks so much for all your efforts.


WOW! I have such a busy week, I haven't been able to watch the board! Now I have a lot of reading to do!

My Mom and her DH are joining us on the cruise.

I hope everyone had a good week.


I sent a PM to your hubby because your box was full..let me know..thanks!

I arrived home to a padded envelope in my mailbox - they are so awesome Des. Thanks so much for taking care of this for us.

OK, NCIS is calling my name.


Still in one of these


Love it!

We got our lanyards as well!! They turned out great!

Can't say what day it came because we forgot to get the mail yesterday.

Glad they made it!
Lori, I hope you and your DH have a wonderful Silver Anniversary!

Tahara, A very happy 19th Weddining Anniversary wish to you and your DH!

Congratulations to both couples at this special and happy time.

DH and I are celebrating 22 years of marriage on 26th November.

Have a happy time celebrating!


Getting over the shock of getting the Oprah tickets. Now to find something to wear!! Oprah said wear BRIGHT colors:cool1:

Myself, DH and DS (Amanda , Toby and Max (9)) will be in Orlando for a week before the cruise.

It is will be our first cruise with Disney.

I'm really excited about going to see Oprah, and I do want to look nice for her, however, choosing a "Bright" outfit to wear outdoors to the taping, in this current unpredictable, hot/stormy weather is not so easy. :confused3

Good luck choosing something to wear! :wizard:
WOW! I have such a busy week, I haven't been able to watch the board! Now I have a lot of reading to do!

My Mom and her DH are joining us on the cruise.

I hope everyone had a good week.


Thats brill news, please empty your box,so I can pm you:goodvibes
Sorry if I'm a bit late but...Happy Anniversary to Lori, Tahara, Catherine and husbands!

Sally, thanks for asking about the house plans. It is rather stressful. We are leaving in 29 days so we have til then to finalise things and submit to council.

I'm trying to focus on other more important subjects like what I want to buy in the states to take my mind off things!

Corinna, that is good news about the Dubai posting. I wish you all the best with the assessments.
Good Morning, Happy Cruisers!

Shushh - I think I'd be more concerned with how I was going to get all the stuff I bought HOME! In fact, that IS a concern for me because shipping is pretty pricey even back to the East Coast.

Now, time to head out to the gym and pool.

Happy day, all!
Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Belated Anniversary to those I missed yesterday and congrats on the Dubai job possibilities a(Dh has been there but I haven't).
Wouldn't you know it- just because I packed my "summery" clothes over the weekend- now we get weather back in the upper 60's and 70's weird weather for Indiana in November! But I"m not complaining!
Shushh - I think I'd be more concerned with how I was going to get all the stuff I bought HOME! In fact, that IS a concern for me because shipping is pretty pricey even back to the East Coast.

Linda, the advantage of having 3 children is that we get an extra 6 pieces of luggage to cart our shopping home with! We usually only travel with 2 or 3 so I'm hoping that we'll be ok.
Good grief - you lot have been sooo chatty ! I manage a very quick scan of posts before I leave for work each morning, but by the time I get back online at night, there's a mountain of new posts. So, without further ado, here's asome quick replies from the last 8 or so pages...

Catherine - welcome to the board :) We are quite the merry bunch :woohoo: Oh, my youngest DD turns 6 the day before your Kate's birthday. My eldest DD will be 13.5yo on the cruise. We hail from the Northern Beaches. Oh, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY for the 26th !

Brooklyn - your graphic talents are amazing !

LimoFam5 - thanks for posting those temps - they sound perfect to me :) I'm now checking the 2 weeks forecasts for LA every day in anticipation of the first part of our trip (I guess I'm a little weather-obsessed :confused3 LOL !)

John - you forgot Day of the Triffids (the original) !

Des - DD1 and I were watching the Glee episode recently which featured Rocky Horror, and she insisted that I try to explain the story line to her - to which I said I couldn't - she'd need to see it in person ;)

Corinna - all the very best for Dubai ! Sounds thoroughly exciting !

Amanda - welcome ! Our DS Christopher turns 10 on the 28th December while we're at DL - I'm sure he'll get to know Max on the cruise :)

Carmie - welcome home. Great finds at the Disney outlet !

Alan - enjoy Denver bbbrrrrr

Tahara - well done on the SWA flights ! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you, too (we're 19 years this coming April) ! And what a relief that DH's foot is really on the mend.


Mavis - Great news about your mum and her DH !

Belinda - I'm in complete panic mode already, so I can only imagine how tight things are for you at the moment. My problem is I keep buying stuff from the US before we leave ! Very sad, but with the $ the way it is, the temptation is too great (plus I seem to be able to come up with plenty of other justifications for purchasing :thumbsup2 ). Good luck with everything.

From usI'm not a runner like so many of you are. I'd wobble too much :rotfl: I'm a half-way decent swimmer, though - pity there's not a swim around CC ! :eek:

As for Sci-fi - as a uni student, DH and I were very much into things like Star Trek. I grew up with Dr Who, and we visited the Dr Who museum in Llangollen when we backpacked around Europe in '96 - that was a hoot. TDCNala - we are huge Monty Python fans (or anything that has some / all of the cast of Monty Python - anything from A Fish Called Wanda right through to Michael Palin's series of travel shows)

I think that's about it - I have two days off from work now, so need to start getting more practical in the house and write some (more) lists LOL. Then I have a 2.5 day residential training camp for Cub Scouts, then straight back to work.

At least the kids only have 3 weeks of school left, so once that's finished up, it's a big chunk lifted off the shoulders in terms of things that need to be attended to.

TRY not to chat so mcuh while us Aussies are asleep, OK ! :scared:

Sally :)
Sorry if I'm a bit late but...Happy Anniversary to Lori, Tahara, Catherine and husbands!

Sally, thanks for asking about the house plans. It is rather stressful. We are leaving in 29 days so we have til then to finalise things and submit to council.

I'm trying to focus on other more important subjects like what I want to buy in the states to take my mind off things!

Corinna, that is good news about the Dubai posting. I wish you all the best with the assessments.
Sorr, I missed Cathrine.
Good Morning, Happy Cruisers!

Shushh - I think I'd be more concerned with how I was going to get all the stuff I bought HOME! In fact, that IS a concern for me because shipping is pretty pricey even back to the East Coast.

Now, time to head out to the gym and pool.

Happy day, all!
Have a good day, Im just back,swimming was rubbish, aqua aerobics were on and had to swim side to side, three strokes and I was at the other side so I gave up after 15 mins!

From usI'm not a runner like so many of you are. I'd wobble too much :rotfl: I'm a half-way decent swimmer, though - pity there's not a swim around CC ! :eek:
Who says I dont wobble;) actually last half marathon, I could barely keep up with an older lady than me, I was determined she wasnt getting away from me, when we crossed the finish line we congratulated each other, we both done pbs, she didnt want me to get past, I didnt want her to get away, I complemented her on her butt and joked that just as well it was a good looking one as I had looked at it for over 13mile:lmao: the lady that came in after me me, said" yours has a nice wobble to it":scared1::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
I wasnt sure if that was good or bad but she kept up and didnt pass so I guess she must have like the view:rotfl2:
Im so glad I thought of this, it was so funny,.we were all laughing our heads off, It will make me smile all day, gorgeous day in scotland, away to walk my 4 legged babes!
Linda, the advantage of having 3 children is that we get an extra 6 pieces of luggage to cart our shopping home with! We usually only travel with 2 or 3 so I'm hoping that we'll be ok.

So *THAT'S* why you had 3 kids.... I see your plan now.

Soooooooo excited I got my DSLR......My Canon Rebel T2i. I am very excited......santa even brought me two lenses to go with my new camera. I must have been a good girl this year!!!
I am soooooooo ready for this vacation.:cheer2::cheer2:
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