Spirit Airlines and seat assignment

The more people agree to pay the fees, the more fees there will be! Spirit has already posted an increase in bag fees. I bet prices to pick your seats (in addition to purchasing your seats) will also go up. Next, you will be charged to use the bathroom on the plane! :eek:
I have flown to Orlando many times in the past 2 years. I have always compared fares (and all extra fees) on Southwest, Spirit, AirTran and Jet Blue. This is only the first time Spirit has had the lowest fare! Southwest has a paid priority boarding who boards first, followed by family boarding so parents could be seated with small children, then remainder of passengers board. Last flight I was on, a family with 4 small children arrived after boarding was completed and Southwest offered free adult drinks to others willing to help accomodate this family. We were advised that the plane would not take off until these children could be seated with their parents. I have no issue with airlines charging extra for bigger seats, more leg room, up front locations, as these are all luxuries. Install massage chairs and charge for that if you wish! Charging for people to sit next to adult "traveling partners" is starting to get a bit out of hand. I am not willing to pay for it, but perhaps some people are. My gripe is that a lot of people are used to courtesy family boarding for the safety of very small children. Those traveling with small children should be informed upfront they will need to or should purchase seating assignments. Instead, Spirit uses the following marketing statement:

Pre-select your seating in order to ensure that you get the seat that is best for you. Want a window seat? No problem! Sit next to your traveling partner? You bet! More legroom? Sure thing! - You are an individual. Go ahead, treat yourself as one!

Where in this statement does it state that for the safety of children and consideration of other passengers, it is suggested that parents need to spend extra money and pay for seat assignment for toddlers?? A "traveling partner" to most is an adult, not a child! Obviously I am not the only parent who thinks this is not clear! After I had purchased my tickets, I discussed my travel plans with someone at work who suggested I look into Spirit's family boarding policy, otherwise, I guess I would have had a BIG surprise when I arrived to the airport, expecting my children would be seated near a parent.

All fees, mandatory or not, should be disclosed prior to purchasing tickets. If Spirit wants to take no responsiblity for the safety of children they should clearly state that, not use some stupid, useless marketing phrase "treat yourself!" Southwest is coming soon to my local airport and will now go head to head with Spirit. Bring it on!!! This may be my first and last trip on Spirit :cheer2:

I am not condeming those of you who like or agree with Spirit Airlines, so please don't flame me for asking for advice. This board is here to help inform people and help them make traveling plans to and from Disney World, not to fight about coorporate policies! PEACE!!
A "traveling partner" to most is an adult, not a child!
It's obvious to me that it's anyone travelling with you.

All fees, mandatory or not, should be disclosed prior to purchasing tickets.


Why not just pay the fee?
I just went through a test booking to see what happens. The "select your seat" page is a mandatory part of the booking process, and crystal clear. The entire plane's seatmap is shown, with every seat colored to indicate if it is available, and if so, what its price is. You can't possibly claim with a straight face that the fees weren't disclosed. Naturally, if you don't choose the seats, you're letting the airline choose them for you. No where does it say that you will be seated together if you don't select them, and indeed if you look at the seating policies, it says:

Purchasing seat assignments in advance on www.spiritair.com is recommended to secure a preferred location onboard the aircraft, and ensure that traveling companions are seated together.

Again, I don't see how you could claim with a straight face that Spirit isn't right up front about all of this. Suggesting that children are not also "traveling companions" stretches credibility to the breaking point.

The more people agree to pay the fees, the more fees there will be! Spirit has already posted an increase in bag fees. I bet prices to pick your seats (in addition to purchasing your seats) will also go up.
That ship has sailed. As I posted upthread, the market has clearly spoken on this issue---airlines that have unbundled costs have found success with the approach. Even mighty Southwest has "broken the seal" with ECBI. Such unbundling has become ordinary and expected. Wishing it would go back to the "olden days" is like wishing gravity would take a holiday. It's not going to happen.

I have always compared fares (and all extra fees) on Southwest, Spirit, AirTran and Jet Blue. This is only the first time Spirit has had the lowest fare! ... Southwest is coming soon to my local airport and will now go head to head with Spirit. Bring it on!!! This may be my first and last trip on Spirit
I'm confused. Southwest isn't at your airport, but you compare them? I'm guessing across airports, perhaps? If so, don't expect the same fares at the new airport---fares are much more heavily influenced by immediate competition. In any event, it has become increasingly common that Southwest is *not* the lowest fare option in many cases. Out of DTW specifically, Southwest is usually no better than third, with AirTran, Spirit, and Delta competing on the route with nonstop flights. And, that's even after accounting for baggage/seating fees vs. ECBI, etc., *and* the fact that Southwest no longer flies nonstop on that route.

I am not condeming those of you who like or agree with Spirit Airlines, so please don't flame me for asking for advice.
As it happens, I don't like Spirit, and almost never fly them, but for other reasons---primarily because my other three options (Southwest, Delta, and even AirTran) all provide a more pleasant experience, and usually for not any more money.
It's obvious to me that it's anyone travelling with you.


Why not just pay the fee?

If you had read my post way further back and stop flaming me, you would note that I did already pay the fares!

I called Spirit Airlines, and spoke to a gentleman at a call center in India. I asked him regarding the coorporate policy on what age Spirit Airlines considers minors able to sit on the plane unaccompanied. He has no idea what the coorporate policy is, so I have no idea why you think this is so clear! I called the airport and spoke to a Spirit employee and she stated that they will not allow a 2 year old child to sit on the plane without a parent next to him/her and that purchasing an assigned seat is unnecessary. Clear as mud.

I hope this post has somehow helped other parents become more informed. At this point, it is becoming a total waste of my time dealing with nonesense!
If you had read my post way further back and stop flaming me, you would note that I did already pay the fares!

I called Spirit Airlines, and spoke to a gentleman at a call center in India. I asked him regarding the coorporate policy on what age Spirit Airlines considers minors able to sit on the plane unaccompanied. He has no idea what the coorporate policy is, so I have no idea why you think this is so clear! I called the airport and spoke to a Spirit employee and she stated that they will not allow a 2 year old child to sit on the plane without a parent next to him/her and that purchasing an assigned seat is unnecessary. Clear as mud.

I hope this post has somehow helped other parents become more informed. At this point, it is becoming a total waste of my time dealing with nonesense!


So it's OK for you to call out someone, but not for you to be called out? Or did I miss something!

And you still seem to think that the AIRLINE is responsible for your children? WHY? Did they bring them into this world? I don't think so... that was your decision and being "responsible" is your job. Not Delta's, not Spirit's, not SW etc..

I wouldn't fly Spirit if they PAID me, but.... I don't think the airline is responsible for my kids either!

You went with "cheap" without doing research... I see it daily on tripadvisor.com The whine about "Spirit" done AFTER the booking! Buyer beware!

As to the employee you spoke too... SHE/HE LIED! (A common Spirit practice. Remember that during the strike (A) they were flying anyway and (B) they had made arrangements to fly people on other airlines... Neither of which were true LOL!) I read a lot of travel message boards. Spirit's employees will NOT assist in 90% of these cases. Heck you are doing good if they bother to acknowledge you exist. Thier boss has figured the game out... The folks that fly them only looked at ONE thing.. PRICE!
I am not condeming those of you who like or agree with Spirit Airlines, so please don't flame me for asking for advice. This board is here to help inform people and help them make traveling plans to and from Disney World, not to fight about coorporate policies! PEACE!!

You're not just asking for advice. You don't like the answers. Everyone suggested you pay the fee yet you keep posting. Everyone told you Spirit is clear. Everyone but you think its clear the term traveling companion means anyone you're traveling with,regardless of age.

You're the only person who thinks there is an implied exception for parents with young kids.

Do I agree with Spirit? Irrelevant. Spirit customers don't seem to mind paying fees. Spirit is the only airline that charges for the use of the overhead bins.

Don't like Spirit's "a la carte" approach. Don't fly them. They're not my first choice. I'm not sure Spirit is even on the list of carriers I'd consider.

My guess is Spirit would make an attempt so a parent could sit next to a 2 year old, but probably not much older.

I don't think a child is considered unaccompanied if a parent is in the same cabin (coach or first class) as their child.

I don't think parents with kids should get free seats if the airline is going to be charging couples who want to sit together.

Sounds like you thought you wouldn't have to pay the seat fee when you booked.
If you are not willing to fly an airline that charges for seat assignments, that is your right. But know ahead of time that you will probably be paying more anyway. An airline that includes everything in its base ticket price is probably not the cheapest option.

And there are fewer and fewer of those airlines around anyway.

I'm sorry that for some reason you assumed there was some kind of exclusion of fees for parents flying with children. But you thought that up on your own. You know what they say about people that assume, and unfortunately for you, it came back on you. Don't blame the airline because you chose for some reason to disregard what they told you about paying for seats.
mieuxmew said:
The more people agree to pay the fees, the more fees there will be! Spirit has already posted an increase in bag fees. I bet prices to pick your seats (in addition to purchasing your seats) will also go up. Next, you will be charged to use the bathroom on the plane!
Hyperbole will get you nowhere. Even RyanAir - the ultra-low-cost, completely a la carte, European airline that charges for everything - the only airline that has even floated (pun intended) the idea of pay toilets has been banned from doing that.

May I ask why you begrudge or resent any business attempting to operate - some day in the future - at a profit? If you don't like how airlines operate, don't fly.

Pre-select your seating in order to ensure that you get the seat that is best for you. Want a window seat? No problem! Sit next to your traveling partner? You bet! More legroom? Sure thing! - You are an individual. Go ahead, treat yourself as one!

Where in this statement does it state that for the safety of children and consideration of other passengers, it is suggested that parents need to spend extra money and pay for seat assignment for toddlers?? A "traveling partner" to most is an adult, not a child!
Only to an adult who refuses to consider all aspects of travel, or all definitions of a word. A person of any age with you is most assuredly your companion.

All fees, mandatory or not, should be disclosed prior to purchasing tickets. If Spirit wants to take no responsiblity for the safety of children
Spirit ISN'T responsible specifically for the safety of your children. You are. If that means understanding all the airline's pricing and policies - whether by asking them, or by researching online before you purchase your tickets, so be it.

I am not condeming those of you who like or agree with Spirit Airlines, so please don't flame me for asking for advice.
Asking for advice? Not at all. Continuing to complain and argue when policies are explained to you? Well, nobody's flaming you, but no matter how clearly people try to explain Spirit's pricing and fees to you, you continue to complain.
A "traveling partner" to most is an adult, not a child! Obviously I am not the only parent who thinks this is not clear!
This board is here to help inform people and help them make traveling plans to and from Disney World, not to fight about coorporate policies! PEACE!!

So you don't consider your children your 'traveling partner(s)'??? What are they then? You are traveling with them correct? In all honesty you are probably one of few who do think it is unclear. To most it is obvious TRAVEL PARTNER IS ANYONE IN YOUR TRAVEL PARTY REGARDLESS OF AGE!

Fees go up based on the economy not just because people pay them. Most of us pay them so we can sit with our children and families (TRAVEL PARTNERS) because we want to sit by them.

Yes, this board is here to inform people. We have all informed you and you don't want to hear what we have to say. Everyone said you should purchase seats if you want to sit with your family. You will not get nor should you expect preferential treatment from the airlines or people on board the plane.

Please inform us of the airlines where it is policy that children of a certain age sit with their parents and that kids can't sit on their own. You still haven't answered what seats you purchased---were the all middle? If they are you do need to realize no one will give up their aisle or window seat for the unwanted middle seats. I certainly hope you purchased a row and the aisle across or 2 and 2.

It is so sad when some people expect others to cater to them. It is so sad when someone asks for information and then gets defensive because they don't like to hear what is common in the travel industry from those who fly more often and know the rules and what to expect. IF AN EMPLOYEE TOLD YOU THAT YOU CAN'T BE SEPARATED FROM YOUR KIDS I CERTAINLY HOPE YOU GOT THEIR NAME OR GOT IT IN WRITING VIA EMAIL!!

Knock it off, the whole bunch of you.
I just went to Spirit and booked using bogus info. It is very clear as to what seating is going to cost. It is not hidden. Hidden would be that you found out after you paid for the seats...this is not the case.

It is never a 100% sure thing that you will be seated with your traveling partner...no matter what the age. Airlines only promise to get you from point A to point B on a certain day. They can, and do, change your flights as well as the seats you already chose. They don't really worry about ages of children.

That is the bottom line. it is up to us to become informed as to what policies are. Then, plan accordingly. Airlines seldom split up young children from their parents, but it's nothing that is a sure fire thing.
Spirit uses fees to offset lower base fares. An airline doesn't' get revenue if passenger's are able to avoid fee's. SW allows passenger's to check 2 bags for free. Lowering that to 1 would reduce the total weight. It would generate very little revenue. Passengers would just check one bag.

Spirit looks for ways to keep their fee revenue up. Too many passengers avoid checked bag fees by bringing carryon bags. Spirit now charges for the use of overhead bin. Spirit wants passengers paying for seat assignments. Maybe they should say something like--Don't mind sitting in middle seat?. Don't mind being split from the rest of your group? Save a few dollars.

It's kind of two faced booking Spirit because they offer the lowest base fare but complaining about the fees which allow them to offer lower base fares.

I'd rather a ticket price that includes basic stuff. Spirit has found their customers prefer fees.

The difference is some of the fees are now all but impossible to avoid. Most of us need to either check a bag or use the overhead bin. Families with young children need to pay for a seat.

The OP missed a fee that can't be avoided when she priced airfare.

I'll agree a 2 year old should sit next to a parent. I'll agree Spirit might try to work to accomplish that. Full flight. No empty seats. Get to the gate after all seats held back for gate assignment are gone. You get what you asked for.
Spirit uses fees to offset lower base fares. An airline doesn't' get revenue if passenger's are able to avoid fee's. SW allows passenger's to check 2 bags for free. Lowering that to 1 would reduce the total weight. It would generate very little revenue. Passengers would just check one bag.

Spirit looks for ways to keep their fee revenue up. Too many passengers avoid checked bag fees by bringing carryon bags. Spirit now charges for the use of overhead bin. Spirit wants passengers paying for seat assignments. Maybe they should say something like--Don't mind sitting in middle seat?. Don't mind being split from the rest of your group? Save a few dollars.

It's kind of two faced booking Spirit because they offer the lowest base fare but complaining about the fees which allow them to offer lower base fares.

I'd rather a ticket price that includes basic stuff. Spirit has found their customers prefer fees.

The difference is some of the fees are now all but impossible to avoid. Most of us need to either check a bag or use the overhead bin. Families with young children need to pay for a seat.

The OP missed a fee that can't be avoided when she priced airfare.

I'll agree a 2 year old should sit next to a parent. I'll agree Spirit might try to work to accomplish that. Full flight. No empty seats. Get to the gate after all seats held back for gate assignment are gone. You get what you asked for.

And this is nothing short of extortion. I don't care if my wife and I are separated to save a few bucks, but families? There needs to be EXPLICIT ages listed for when they separate. I for one would be extremely annoyed if I were sitting next a 4 year old WITHOUT their parent when I paid for my seat. Are you kidding me? Who wants that? A FOUR YEAR old on their own with their parent 5 rows back? Are you going to sue the parents or the airlines when they scream for two straight hours, knock over your ipad, or poke you in the eye? It is a Parent's responsibility to take care of their children, but to be extorted to pay an extra fee to properly care for them.

I get the whole IT IS EXPRESSED ON their website. I am actually questioning the legality of separating a parent from their child for NOT paying an extra fee.
And this is nothing short of extortion. I don't care if my wife and I are separated to save a few bucks, but families? There needs to be EXPLICIT ages listed for when they separate. I for one would be extremely annoyed if I were sitting next a 4 year old WITHOUT their parent when I paid for my seat. Are you kidding me? Who wants that? A FOUR YEAR old on their own with their parent 5 rows back? Are you going to sue the parents or the airlines when they scream for two straight hours, knock over your ipad, or poke you in the eye? It is a Parent's responsibility to take care of their children, but to be extorted to pay an extra fee to properly care for them.

I get the whole IT IS EXPRESSED ON their website. I am actually questioning the legality of separating a parent from their child for NOT paying an extra fee.

And you bumped a thread that was over two years old to add...nothing?
And you bumped a thread that was over two years old to add...nothing?


Just what we needed, another rant about separating children and parents on planes to join the hundreds already on the DIS forums and hundreds of thousands on other travel discussion boards. Nothing new to say, so why bother?
And this is nothing short of extortion. I don't care if my wife and I are separated to save a few bucks, but families? There needs to be EXPLICIT ages listed for when they separate. I for one would be extremely annoyed if I were sitting next a 4 year old WITHOUT their parent when I paid for my seat. Are you kidding me? Who wants that? A FOUR YEAR old on their own with their parent 5 rows back? Are you going to sue the parents or the airlines when they scream for two straight hours, knock over your ipad, or poke you in the eye? It is a Parent's responsibility to take care of their children, but to be extorted to pay an extra fee to properly care for them.

I get the whole IT IS EXPRESSED ON their website. I am actually questioning the legality of separating a parent from their child for NOT paying an extra fee.

Based on this fit, I am not sure who is the 4 year old, but I KNOW I will take my chances and sit next to the kid. Parents who imitate their children are much more irritating. Hopefully your childish behavior of expecting the world to revolve around your needs and the airline to care about your child has not yet had time to turn your child into an unreasonable human who SCREAMS and makes up new"legal issues" to get his way. I am taking my chances with the kid

It is not in any way illegal to separate you from your child.

However, if you show up at the airport and act like this you may discover some other strange things. It is always fun to watch security remove the hysterical....:rolleyes1
Based on this fit, I am not sure who is the 4 year old, but I KNOW I will take my chances and sit next to the kid. Parents who imitate their children are much more irritating. Hopefully your childish behavior of expecting the world to revolve around your needs and the airline to care about your child has not yet had time to turn your child into an unreasonable human who SCREAMS and makes up new"legal issues" to get his way. I am taking my chances with the kid

It is not in any way illegal to separate you from your child.

However, if you show up at the airport and act like this you may discover some other strange things. It is always fun to watch security remove the hysterical....:rolleyes1

I fail to see how anyone thinks this is ok? I'm not talking about an 8 year old here, but for anyone to say its ok for an airline to make people pay a fee to guarantee their toddler sits with them is ludicrous. Obviously as a parent I would pay the fee than take that chance, and the OP DID pay the fee as she stated. But some morals have to kick in here somewhere. I am not acting like a child by pointing out a seriously flawed policy. To charge for more legroom, a closer seat to the exit, that's fine. Clearly many of the responders here do not have children. A toddler cannot be expected to follow the rules and procedures of safety during flight. I'm not "looking" for a lawsuit, but society is. I'm willing to bet any of you would give up your seat after 2 minutes next to my nephew no matter how much extra you paid.

There was no "fit" in my post. I'm more shocked that people are ok with an extremely young child sitting alone unless an extra fee is paid. I don't see how it's legal. I'm not "teaching" my child to scream, but I know many small children that would being separated from there parents for 2+ hours. Expecting the world to change for my needs? Because I wouldn't want A toddler separated from their parent? That makes me self centered?

I have never paid a fee for a seat. Ever. I don't believe in it. Ill take the back row, the engine, next to bathroom, whatever. My ticket pays for the ride. Ill take wherever the airline chooses to place me, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect they place my young child with me. And for anyone to feel otherwise has serious moral issues.
I have never paid a fee for a seat. Ever. I don't believe in it. Ill take the back row, the engine, next to bathroom, whatever. My ticket pays for the ride. Ill take wherever the airline chooses to place me, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect they place my young child with me. And for anyone to feel otherwise has serious moral issues.

No moral issues. Just the knowledge that we don't have to buy what someone is trying to sell us. And if you don't like that an airline charges a seat fee, don't buy your ticket on them! Easy.
I fail to see how anyone thinks this is ok? I'm not talking about an 8 year old here, but for anyone to say its ok for an airline to make people pay a fee to guarantee their toddler sits with them is ludicrous. Obviously as a parent I would pay the fee than take that chance, and the OP DID pay the fee as she stated. But some morals have to kick in here somewhere. I am not acting like a child by pointing out a seriously flawed policy. To charge for more legroom, a closer seat to the exit, that's fine. Clearly many of the responders here do not have children. A toddler cannot be expected to follow the rules and procedures of safety during flight. I'm not "looking" for a lawsuit, but society is. I'm willing to bet any of you would give up your seat after 2 minutes next to my nephew no matter how much extra you paid.

There was no "fit" in my post. I'm more shocked that people are ok with an extremely young child sitting alone unless an extra fee is paid. I don't see how it's legal. I'm not "teaching" my child to scream, but I know many small children that would being separated from there parents for 2+ hours. Expecting the world to change for my needs? Because I wouldn't want A toddler separated from their parent? That makes me self centered?

I have never paid a fee for a seat. Ever. I don't believe in it. Ill take the back row, the engine, next to bathroom, whatever. My ticket pays for the ride. Ill take wherever the airline chooses to place me, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect they place my young child with me. And for anyone to feel otherwise has serious moral issues.

It's legal. Contact your congressman if you think rules should change. You want to sit next to your child and you don't want to pay for an assigned seat. Easy. Don't fly Spirit. Immoral? That would be the parent who doesn't pay the proper fare (seat fee) for the level of service they need. The passenger who wants to pay the low posted fare Spirit charges but not be willing to pay for the "extras" which allow Spirit to post a fare less then what passengers actually pay. I get it. There isn't any way a normal passenger can fly with Spirit without paying extra. A normal passenger doesn't normally fly with just the stuff that can fit in an underseat bag.

Change the subject, a little.

The average Spirit passenger now pays over $100 in fees. 40lb limit on checked bags decreases the possibility of passengers being able to share one bag. Creates revenue from passengers who don't know about Spirit's lower weight limits. Fee for a bin bag makes it harder for passengers to use carryon bags to avoid pay for bags. Huge fee for paying at the gate is designed to take advantage of people who don't understand the charge or can't wait on the line to pay at the counter.

Is it moral to post a fare that is absolutely unprofitable? Fees which are all but impossible to avoid? Spirit is sort of like bait and switch.


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