The NEW Official November 2010 Countdown & Planning Thread ~ Come join us! (Part 1)

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Glad to help! I teach high school. I don't think billing Disney as an "educational trip" is really legit in middle and high school, but I certianly don't have a problem with kids being out for what it actually is, A family vacation. Or district policy is very strict about it however, and the students only get 4 "parent note" days without us having sdocumentation from a doctor so for weeklong trips the last day is often unexcused, and that means zeros. Most parents know this and take trips where at least one day would be a holiday anyway to avoid the problem. I do my best to help the kid catch up, but for my AP/IB level classes it means several after school sessions per subject to get caught up. Very few of our students take a whole week off once they get to high school becuase it is just too much to make up. They go at Christmas, Spring Break, Thanksgiving, or over the summer.

Our district actually allows for up to 10 excused days for trips/hunting/etc. I have learned here on the DIS that the schools in the north are much more lenient on the missed school days than those in the south. They will approve just about any request here. But I think that a lot of parents do tend to lean against taking them out for very many days once they are in high school because of the make up work.

I can't imagine taking them out for more than 5 days ever. Even in elementary. I wouldn't even consider taking them out at all if they ever got below a B on their report card. I'd like to try for only 3 days in middle school, but that's hard with our schools limited breaks. We have 3 full months off for summer break, making for short & few breaks in the school year.

So who knows what 2011 will bring. . . Decisions, decisions. . . :confused3:upsidedow
Our district actually allows for up to 10 excused days for trips/hunting/etc. I have learned here on the DIS that the schools in the north are much more lenient on the missed school days than those in the south. They will approve just about any request here. But I think that a lot of parents do tend to lean against taking them out for very many days once they are in high school because of the make up work.

I can't imagine taking them out for more than 5 days ever. Even in elementary. I wouldn't even consider taking them out at all if they ever got below a B on their report card. I'd like to try for only 3 days in middle school, but that's hard with our schools limited breaks. We have 3 full months off for summer break, making for short & few breaks in the school year.

So who know what 2011 will bring. . . Decisions, decisions. . . :confused3:upsidedow
It is great that they are so flexable abotu missed days. If that is the case I really don't think you are going to have an issue. I would never even consider takng DD out for more than 5 days, and she is only in 1st. We are both only missing 2 days of school to go this year. That is all that I can miss for the entire year without documentation of being sick. WE get 2 personal days a year where we do not have to give a reason for being out. Other than that, we had better be sick, have a sick kid, or be in court as a witness or for jury duty.
If your boys will have to make up the testing the week after you return, while the rest of their classmates are working on other work, would it be possible to get some of those assignments ahead of time? They could do them on the plane there & back maybe?

We homeschool so I have to report to no one but myself when we go on vacation. However, in 2006 (our first trip) our oldest two were in a Christian school, we gave notice in August ( a few weeks before school started) when we'd be gone (in Sept) then the teachers gave me their assignments to take with us. Since we drive they had 13 hours in the car (they didn't work the whole time)to work both ways, and they worked one evening for an hour or so one evening after we'd spent the day at Animal Kingdom & a few hours at Downtown Dinsey.

88 days here!!
We chose to go over Thanksgiving so that we would have a long trip and only miss 3 days of school. My DS started Middle school this year, which is the only reason I really cared (I have always taken them out for a week). In all past years I haven't let anyone besides thier homeroom teachers until after we get back, but I think I'm going to do all the paperwork beforehand this time. I am trying to figure out what to do next year (Shelly- you and I could get together for Columbus Day!)
So for my families birthdays one of the traditions is you get to pick what you want for dinner. My DS12 has expensive taste! When his dad asked what he wanted he said lobster and fettucini. My DH has been cooking all day! He made an alfredo pasta with lobster, scallops and shrimp and meatballs, ceasar salad and a chocolate cake! I know you're all jealous, but if you saw the mess I had to clean up in the kitchen, you'd think twice!!
We chose to go over Thanksgiving so that we would have a long trip and only miss 3 days of school. My DS started Middle school this year, which is the only reason I really cared (I have always taken them out for a week). In all past years I haven't let anyone besides thier homeroom teachers until after we get back, but I think I'm going to do all the paperwork beforehand this time. I am trying to figure out what to do next year (Shelly- you and I could get together for Columbus Day!)
So for my families birthdays one of the traditions is you get to pick what you want for dinner. My DS12 has expensive taste! When his dad asked what he wanted he said lobster and fettucini. My DH has been cooking all day! He made an alfredo pasta with lobster, scallops and shrimp and meatballs, ceasar salad and a chocolate cake! I know you're all jealous, but if you saw the mess I had to clean up in the kitchen, you'd think twice!!

Sounds de-lish but you can keep the mess :rotfl2:
ooh.. your lucky.. our school districts policy is that if you miss school during state mandated testing for an approved education trip if will be counted as an unexcused absense.. even if they approve it.

Our state doesn't allow 'educational trips'. In fact, they don't allow vacations during school at all. We used to have to call and say we had to go out of town or say they were sick. Their teachers always knew what was going on and would tell us what we should say each year. I don't like to fib, but a girls gotta do what she's gotta do for her WDW trip. :confused3 I figured as long as the teachers were ok with it, that is what really mattered. It always counted as an unexcused absence. That is why we don't do it now that they are in High School.
Hi everyone,

Just booked this short trip for DS & I. We were originally booked for DCL + CBR last week but there was a medical situation with a family member. Had to cancel .... :sad2:

Arrive Nov 28 for 5 days - SSR. We've never seen the Christmas decorations - sounds like a very nice time to visit.
Do you recommend tickets to the MVMCP? Or can we see most of the holiday stuff visiting the parks? The tickets are $59. ?? :eek:
Hi everyone,

Just booked this short trip for DS & I. We were originally booked for DCL + CBR last week but there was a medical situation with a family member. Had to cancel .... :sad2:

Arrive Nov 28 for 5 days - SSR. We've never seen the Christmas decorations - sounds like a very nice time to visit.
Do you recommend tickets to the MVMCP? Or can we see most of the holiday stuff visiting the parks? The tickets are $59. ?? :eek:

Oh No.... you will miss way too much if you ONLY visit the parks!! The Grand Floridian has a life sized gingerbread house:

the Beach Club has a chocolate carousel, Ft. Wilderness guests go all out with decorations at their campsites, Wilderness Lodge does a huge tree!

Minnie and Mickey will be in their holiday outfits during regular hours in the parks. We got lots of pics of the characters dressed for the holidays at Camp Minnie Mickey in Animal Kingdom. But none of this you need to buy tickets for.
man I wish I would have found this thread a while ago! Too many pages I'll never catch up! Going to do my best!

I'm a SAHM to DS 19 month old, who is the best thing ever (DH is pretty good too lol). Can not wait to see DS' reactions to everything and share my love of Disney with him! We are staying at Pop with free dining but I'm going to upgrade it. DS has some food allergies (his testing is in 2 weeks to confirm peanut/eggs and see if there's anything else) and I think TS meals will be easier to do with his allergies. looking forward to chatting with you all!

I can't speak to all QS restaurants, BUT the restaurant in EPCOT's America pavilion has a binder at the podium. The binder if filled with sections on specialty meals that you can order. The CM showed me the binder when I asked about Kosher meals, and as he was flipping to the kosher section, I noticed the guten free section, the vegetarian section and there were multiple other sections. I think there is a thread somewhere on the DIS for special food needs. It would be worth it to look for it. Also, the manager Kevin at Pop's food court told me that they have all sorts of specialty dietary items kept in the back at Pop's food court. You just have to ask for them. He even brought the chef out to talk to me about what my options were and what he could do for me. And the food court is QS. If you can make it with QS you won't have to worry about being able to secure TS reservations when things are booked so far in advance. Plus, free is free!!:banana:
Shelly, I would ask if your child could take the placement tests the week before you leave. If you have worked in the school, they may allow you to administer the test while the teacher is teaching. She will be able to see that you are not helping him but it allows her to keep teaching. It wouldn't be an optimal testing environment but would get it done.

Also, since they administer these tests 3 times a year, they may just use his last scores.

My DD14 had an assembly this week and they told them that magnet students may be asked to leave the program if they miss 5 days. She was absent Monday due to a stomach virus and will miss 4 days with our trip. She was afraid she would be kicked out of Spanish Immersion.

I just laughed at her. I told her not to worry because they need her tests scores too much to ever ask her to leave. It would never happen.

Schools are sticklers about absences because of NCLB. Attendance is added in to their statistics.
DS has some food allergies (his testing is in 2 weeks to confirm peanut/eggs and see if there's anything else) and I think TS meals will be easier to do with his allergies. looking forward to chatting with you all!

I have had great experiences at WDW with my own food allergies. I am severely allergic to pork (yeah, I know...weird) & other things not as much. You can actually contact WDW ahead of your visit to discuss any food allergy issues. Like someone said, there is a thread on the Dis somewhere about this. Chefs will come out to talk & will make special arrangements - for instance, I wanted a certain dish but it had bacon in it, so they made mine without bacon. Allears has most menus available on their website.

Happy Labor Day!!! :cool2:
Good morning everyone. I cant believe September is here already, a little over 2 months and we will be in the world....:banana: Heading out in a little bit to pick up groceries for our last minute camping trip to the adirondacks. Anyone else have plans for the long weekend??
I have had great experiences at WDW with my own food allergies. I am severely allergic to pork (yeah, I know...weird) & other things not as much. You can actually contact WDW ahead of your visit to discuss any food allergy issues. Like someone said, there is a thread on the Dis somewhere about this. Chefs will come out to talk & will make special arrangements - for instance, I wanted a certain dish but it had bacon in it, so they made mine without bacon. Allears has most menus available on their website.

Happy Labor Day!!! :cool2:

Glad it's not just me!! If I eat bacon or a ham...look out...MIGRAINE CITY!!! I have crazy food stuff like that..and if I eat stuff that has been wrapped in or cooked with bacon I still get sick. MSG is another killer...chips/frozen foods/anything with a lot will kill me! One of the absolute worst migraines I ever had was from fish sticks. Whoulda thought?:confused3
PirateoftheCarolinas - Just noticed your location. Hope you are safe & far from Hurricane Earl.
Hi neighbor.... no plans this weekend for me but to work... my boys are playing in a member-member golf tournamanet at our club.... Did you go to the Fair? We have avoided it this year... been to hot... have fun camping..
Any of my other Novmeber travelers Military or retired Military? I am trying to find out if the Childrens Miracle Network allows military and retirees in for free like they do at all other PGA events..... anyone had previous experience with this?
Glad it's not just me!! If I eat bacon or a ham...look out...MIGRAINE CITY!!! I have crazy food stuff like that..and if I eat stuff that has been wrapped in or cooked with bacon I still get sick. Whoulda thought?:confused3

Yep, even sausage or hot dogs that are chicken or beef often still have a pork casing. Don't even think about cooking my breakfast on a griddle that had bacon sizzling away! Although, I think I'll take my running for the nearest bucket over your migraine :sick:
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