This is how Inkedupmomma rolls... Oh-HI-O! A mini TR from our stay at our fav Disser

Those little piggies were adorable. :goodvibes My God, they smelled bad though. :eek:

I still cannot believe that I brought our camera with NO battery! Ugh, I was so dang mad. :mad:
I'm lovin' reading about your visit with Jophia, and I can totally relate about feeling so good to be cooked for! :thumbsup2 I, too, fell in love with pigs at our county fair. I was 19 and just remember how adorable those little baby piglets were! :love: It started my obsession with pigs and my way-too-big collection of piglet figurines. :rolleyes1


Mmmmm, is that the Snickers?
Those piggies are adorable. My niece loves pigs. Have to forward her a pic of them if that is okay :goodvibes

Love that pic of Jack on the ride. He is so cute :goodvibes
Love the mini-trip report. I'm so glad you had a good time with Sophia and Joe. And you've not lost me as a reader...I'm still here (I've been off for two days and trying to catch up on all of my subscribed threads as well as answering posts on my PTR). But I'm here for the long haul. :)

:banana:Glad to hear it. After I left for so long, I lost touch with almost EVERYONE! I've tried getting back on track, but I swear after the whole ordeal, my brain is still in a huge fog.. actually, I'm seeing a dr about it now. I am SO glad that you and your hubs get to meet Jophia, they are so super awesome! Also, you are doing a split stray this visit..yes? you'll have to let me know what yo think of AKL!

That was so nice to have their beds ready when u got there so late at night :goodvibes

Sounds like fair was fun

That white bunny was freaky looking with those huge eyes :lmao:
That bunny was my shiz! so tim burton like lololol! and yes, it was nice to have a spot for the kids to fall right asleep... not that they slept in or anything :rolleyes: The whole thing was just fun, and relaxing, and I felt like my old self again!

I want a pig now, & the pic of Jack on the ride is adorable! :cutie:
that is how I felt. wanted one on the spot. and thanks you!

Those little piggies were adorable. :goodvibes My God, they smelled bad though. :eek:

I still cannot believe that I brought our camera with NO battery! Ugh, I was so dang mad. :mad:
Oh, they smelled wretched!! but man were they cute! and i can't believe I only took pics of pigs and jack mostly LOL

I'm lovin' reading about your visit with Jophia, and I can totally relate about feeling so good to be cooked for! :thumbsup2 I, too, fell in love with pigs at our county fair. I was 19 and just remember how adorable those little baby piglets were! :love: It started my obsession with pigs and my way-too-big collection of piglet figurines. :rolleyes1

Pigs are cute little things. smelly but cute! I only have room for one obsession though..and that is disney..mostly NMBC stuff though. Until I ge a bigger house that is:cutie:

Mmmmm, is that the Snickers?
YES! and Joe ordered the fried hoho's.. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, those were delightful as well! But really, all you need to do is try them once in your life, and you will be good. My heart yelled with each bite lol

Those piggies are adorable. My niece loves pigs. Have to forward her a pic of them if that is okay :goodvibes

Love that pic of Jack on the ride. He is so cute :goodvibes

Send her all of them! They were so so sooo cute. The best was when they all started running around like maniacs! Cutest thing I have ever seen! and Jack LOVED that tide. He could care less that he was alone too, he just wanted on!!

and i'll have an update soon! and then this PTR will be closed. and yall can come to my newer, even happier, mushier one!!:wizard::woohoo::dance3::banana::lovestruc:love:
so as promised, I am finishing this thing up! Last night while I was mid report, my friend called, and well, we were on the phone much longer than anticipated, and I had a headache. So I couldn't finish the very little report I had left lol!

So I left off at us heading back to Sophias. Jack was kinda beside himself with exhaustion, and his behavior was shining through all day, so I insisted he took a nap... man was he pissed! BUT, after about 45 mins of ups, downs, crys, screams, he passed out! But a terrible thing was unfolding, Sophia was getting a killer migraine :( SO we all just hung out on the couch watching..idk, Kayla was up, so something Kayla appropriate! I passed out for about 20-30 mins on Bob too [told you I was relaxed!]. Finally I woke up and it was about 7. Dangit. Tonight we were planning on going to Dave and Busters. Believe it or not, I had never been to one! So finally around 7:30 I tried waking Jack up.. took forever, he probably could have slept through the night! Sophia sadly, decided to stay behind, because she could barely even open her eyes :( I hated leaving her behind, BUT, having two loud kids in her house would have been a worse idea! So off we went.

Dinner was, meh.. I expected better food..then again, I don't think I was in the mood for what I ordered. Everyone else ate up great! and then we were off to play some video games! I am a HUGE nerd, so this was my dream dinner place lol! and Bob and I decided at that exact moment, that Disney Quest is on our must do list for next year!

During d and b, jack was a nightmare, so we left :( We got home and put those babies to bed! Did I mentin the ridiculous allergies Jack had to Sophias funny! Benadryl helped that out though!

When we got home Sophia was up (sort of anyway lol) watching TV. So we all watched TV for a bit, and then it was time fore sleeps.

The next morning we woke up, and kinda putzed around..drank coffee, and packed up :(

Then it was time to go :sad1: besides Disney I have never wanted to leave a place like I didn't wanna leave Sophias. I could have easily used another 4 days there!

We got on the road later than expected, and were doing just fine.. then, out of nowhere we see smoke:headache: not from my van thank god! but apparently up a little ways there had been a terrible accident! Choppers galore, police, ambulances, etc. Do you know, we got stuck in stand still traffic for TWO hours:scared1: It was horrendous! After that though, the drive home was smooth sailing! We winded up getting to Bobs parents house [to pick up riley]and just staying the night! That was actually nice! I really enjoy hanging with his parents!





The next morning we were up early and headed home. and my home was clean :) I had cleaned like a loon before we left, and I was never more grateful to have done so!!

That my friends is our PTR! We had so so soooo much fun! I am beyond sad that i will not be gong to Disney with them this year, but excited that I got to spend time with them before they went!

Thanks for tagging along, and I hope to see you at my new PTR! Link is in my siggy!!
:banana:Glad to hear it. After I left for so long, I lost touch with almost EVERYONE! I've tried getting back on track, but I swear after the whole ordeal, my brain is still in a huge fog.. actually, I'm seeing a dr about it now. I am SO glad that you and your hubs get to meet Jophia, they are so super awesome! Also, you are doing a split stray this visit..yes? you'll have to let me know what yo think of AKL!

No, we're not doing a split stay. We wanted Savannah View only and it was too pricey. We're also only going to be at Disney for four nights/four days and then going to Marco Island again to hang with the food queen here from the DIS, MickeyNicki. Nicki and I have become very good friends and Mark got to meet her husband when he went for business in Florida. So eight days on Marco Island and we're doing dinner with them twice, coffee with Nicki before she goes to work and Nic and I are doing a "girls only" day. I know you have a lot to catch up on, but pop over to my PTR when you get a minute. We leave in less than four weeks and we'll be home -- CSR here we come.
No, we're not doing a split stay. We wanted Savannah View only and it was too pricey. We're also only going to be at Disney for four nights/four days and then going to Marco Island again to hang with the food queen here from the DIS, MickeyNicki. Nicki and I have become very good friends and Mark got to meet her husband when he went for business in Florida. So eight days on Marco Island and we're doing dinner with them twice, coffee with Nicki before she goes to work and Nic and I are doing a "girls only" day. I know you have a lot to catch up on, but pop over to my PTR when you get a minute. We leave in less than four weeks and we'll be home -- CSR here we come.

Oh, that sounds amazing! and I agree about te Savannah view..but I am hoping for an upgrade... prolly wont happen, but I'm just happy to stay at AKL!! I figure I can stop and stare at the animals in awe as Ihead to breakfast. di I mention BOMA is there!!:woohoo: This more than anything thrills me lol

I hope you have fun on your trip!! I'll pop over to your PTR soon!
Love the mini TR. So glad you had fun with Jophia when you came. They are truly amazing people.
Poor little Jack, he was so tuckered out! :lovestruc That one car was really messed up--did you ever find out if there were fatalities?
Have not been to D&B since before Trent.

Glad you had fun minus how tired Jack was

Sounds like a great visit :goodvibes
I'm still reading along. Things have been busy here but are starting to calm down a little now that school has started back up. Going to your new TR now.
Love the mini TR. So glad you had fun with Jophia when you came. They are truly amazing people.
yes, yes they are! Sophia will be a life long friend!

Poor little Jack, he was so tuckered out! :lovestruc That one car was really messed up--did you ever find out if there were fatalities?
there were :( I cant recall if it was more thn one though! made my heart sad!

Have not been to D&B since before Trent.

Glad you had fun minus how tired Jack was

Sounds like a great visit :goodvibes
Visit was awesome, and D and B is pretty awesome! then again I'm a nerdy gamer at heart! Pricey as all get out though! Was definably worth it though!

I'm still reading along. Things have been busy here but are starting to calm down a little now that school has started back up. Going to your new TR now.

Theenks :) and I totally understand the busy summer thing! I blinked and it's back to school! Life just escapes me sometimes!


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