September 2010 PTR, My hidden agenda, muahahaha


You are a very talented writer!! I'm being very serious here... that was very well written and funny. Enough truth to make it real and almost too close. At least parts of it. I'm not disorganized, but do tend to baby my Disney habits and paraphenalia just like you!

Great! Update!! :thumbsup2

Maybe you could do this trip on the fly- just for the 'told you so' factor????
Just caught up on your Dec TR and have subbed to this... Naptime reading for tomorrow!
Ok that was awesome. You need to write a book. Very well written and humorous.

I think you need to make a plan to get Kent on a plan without him knowing it. :)

I'm not organized enough to write a book:lmao:, and yes, I need to make a plan to have a plan that Kent thinks is not a plan. This will take a lot of brain power, I' talking a few weeks here to save up for that kind of work.

My life is exactly the same...every word of your post!

You know they programs for people like us, the first step is admitting we have a porblem, we are almost there.

You just put me on paper! (well, at least the unorganized side- i need to get organized enough to make a disney area LOL).

as for the planning thing... My coworker always says that the best way to break rules is to follow them. Let Kent learn the hard way with a busy high crowd level park day- then when he says oh i wish i listed to you, you just pull out all the plans you secretly made and wait for the "you are right"

Again, There are groups for people like us, If I were more organized I would figure out where and when they meet.:lmao:

I'm am all for Kent learning the hard way, he'll never admit he was wrong though. Bu tI am thinking I should make a plan just incase. Maybe actually follow the plan but make it sem like I am winging it each morning. "Hmmm, what do you think of DHS today? I could totally go for ToT."


You are a very talented writer!! I'm being very serious here... that was very well written and funny. Enough truth to make it real and almost too close. At least parts of it. I'm not disorganized, but do tend to baby my Disney habits and paraphenalia just like you!

Great! Update!! :thumbsup2

Maybe you could do this trip on the fly- just for the 'told you so' factor????

I will be honest I did embellish a little, I think sometimes you have to rearrange the words when telling a story just to make it a little more interesting. I am disorganized in life, but extremely organized in Disney. I don't however have a command central, it's just a room that houses all my Disney paraphenalia.

I am pondering the idea of doing this trip on the fly, not just for the "I told you so factor" which is my favorite line to tell Kent along with the rolling of the neck and a Z snap. But also it seems adventurous to me, just doing things by the roll of the dice. Kind of makes me want to buy an Indiana Jones hat and carry a whip, well maybe not the whip I could have too much fun with a whip.:rolleyes:

Just caught up on your Dec TR and have subbed to this... Naptime reading for tomorrow!

Well Welcome to my PTR, I'm so happy to have you along for planning (if I can even call it that) another trip.
So I had an MRI on the 25th of March, I got my results back yesterday. I went into the office confidant that the Dr. was going to tell me my pain was all in my head and more then certain once he said that, my pain would go away. The conversation went like this.

Ty: Got good news for me Doc?

yes I called him doc, we have that patient Dr. relationship where we use nicknames, although my nick name is Ty, he called me Trace, short for Traci.

Dr: Let's take a look and see.

he pulls out the MRI results, he starts reading, he inhales deeply and says "Hmmmm" (never a good sign) he starts to tap his fingers on the desk, his head bobs a bit, he tsk's a few times, and then says "You didn't just fall off the ladder right, your right leg got hung up and twisted the knee?"

Ty: yea

Dr: yea.

He nods his head a bit more, then shakes his head, and turns to me slowly.

Dr: You have chronically injured your blobbity blah

He actually used big Dr. words, I heard blobbity blah though.

Dr: This can only be repaired with surgery.

Ty: Ok, if that will take away the pain in my knee.

Dr: I would like a second opinion first, this is a complicated surgery and not very common, I would like to have a colleague look over these findings and make sure this is the route to take.

Ty: so I might not need surgery?

Dr: Well maybe not this kind of surgery, but (big inhale, rubs his eyes, messes up his hair then straightens it and lets all the air out of his longs in a long loud puff) It's really invasive and like I said not too common, but this injury is bad and only getting worse."

Ty: Can I still work?

Dr: I need to get you fitted for a hinged derotational brace, no work until you have it, and once you have it you will be limited in mobility, basically standing work only.

So now I am playing the waiting game, I have to say that I love this Dr. for wanting a second opinion, it seems to me most Ortho Dr's are gungho to cut into you, so him wanting a second opinion only makes him greater in my eyes.

I go for my second opinion April 22nd, and then a follow up with my Dr. on the 28th. Surgery probably won't happen until May, that gives me 4 to 5 months to heal for Disney, if we even go now. As of right now our plans to go are still on, we will know for sure by the end of July if I can make this trip. I don't want to be miserable on the trip and I don't want to go backwards in my healing process. If we do go then we will take it super easy, lots of going back to the room to rest, we will have my car there so if need be we will just drive to the parks and eliminate waiting for buses.

But right now we are saying "no news is good news." And I'm not going to waste time worrying about it. What happens, happens and I will make the best of it. If we have to postpone then that leaves us time to save more money for an even better trip, If I do get to go then that means I won't be blowing all kinds of extra money. See, this time the double edge sword works in my favor. It's all good!
Oh I'm so sorry to hear that your blobbity blah is damaged. That is not good news. But I am hoping that the trip will still happen. What if you did it with an ECV - worst case scenario? Sorry that you can't work for a bit. Also could be a blessing in disguise, ya know? You have such a positive attitude. My thoughts will be with you as you get your second opinion. I'll be watching for updates.
Poor Ty! So sorry to hear about your injury "only getting worse". The Dr. wanting to get a second opinion is a good thing IMO. I hope it works out in your favour.
Oh, I was so hoping this wasnt' going to be THAT kind of appt. !! DRAT!

But, getting it fixed needs to be a priority. You just can't go on with it like this!! Even if it means a slower, or postponed trip, you REALLY NEED to do this! I'll be praying, Ty!
Oh I'm so sorry to hear that your blobbity blah is damaged. That is not good news. But I am hoping that the trip will still happen. What if you did it with an ECV - worst case scenario? Sorry that you can't work for a bit. Also could be a blessing in disguise, ya know? You have such a positive attitude. My thoughts will be with you as you get your second opinion. I'll be watching for updates.

Yea, it's a huge bummer and apparently the blobbity blah is a crucial part in proper knee function.
I'm pretty sure the trip will still happen, I won't use an ECV though, I can't even push a shopping cart without taking out a few can pyramids, I don't trust myself in an ECV, I'm afraid I might hurt someone elses blobbity blah.
Not working for a bit turned out to be a blessing today, I sunbathed for about 3 hours with Reese, I get to have spring break with my kids after all.

Poor Ty! So sorry to hear about your injury "only getting worse". The Dr. wanting to get a second opinion is a good thing IMO. I hope it works out in your favour.

I think the Dr. is awesome for wanting a second opinion, that's very professional IMO. Maybe they will come up with another scenario to fix it.

Oh, I was so hoping this wasnt' going to be THAT kind of appt. !! DRAT!

But, getting it fixed needs to be a priority. You just can't go on with it like this!! Even if it means a slower, or postponed trip, you REALLY NEED to do this! I'll be praying, Ty!

If we go in sept. which I'm sure we will, it's going to be a very easy going trip. I guess the only plan I have to make is to just take it easy.
Wow Ty, I thought I had swore off Hoppers, but you selling Kent may have in turn, sold me!

Love the costume idea! (follow the link in my siggie and join our MNSSHP guest list!)

Oy, this knee is a buggar! I will be thinking good thoughts and hope for good news for you! Hang in there!
Wow Ty, I thought I had swore off Hoppers, but you selling Kent may have in turn, sold me!

Love the costume idea! (follow the link in my siggie and join our MNSSHP guest list!)

Oy, this knee is a buggar! I will be thinking good thoughts and hope for good news for you! Hang in there!
I always say I can do without the hoppers, but then when it comes down to it I swear I need the hoppers, I have only taken advantage of the park hopper a few times, and it made it worth the extra dollars. Plans can change on a dime, it does help to have another option.

I will join your MNSSHP as soon as I know for sure if I am going to Disney in Sept or not.

This whole knee thing couldn't come at a worse time. I am in the middle of planning for summer, graduation, 2 birthdays, a Coast Guard graduation and a Disney trip, I can't do much about most of those things until I hear if I am going to have surgery or not. But I am hoping and praying for what will be best. If Surgery is the only way to fix th ekne, then I guess that is the best. It's the not knowing that's driving me crazy.
I'm playing the waiting game, it's a game I hate to play because I am no good at it. think about how much of your life is spent just waiting.......
waiting at the Dr's office, waiting in line, waiting at a red light, waiting for a phone call, waiting to start work, waiting to get off work. waiting for your food to be ready, waiting to not feel so full. We wait. For the most part I can take waiting in stride, it's just a part of life. But when you are waiting on news that will effect your future disney trip.....that plain sux!

I have 2 weeks before my second opinion about my leg, then another week after that until I see my Ortho dr. so I am looking at 3 weeks of not knowing my Disney fate.

Kent said if I do have to have surgery then the September trip is off, he said 4 months is not long enough to heal, I would be miserable and probably do more damage to my knee then good. I know he is right. But I keep saying that our trip will be extremely relaxing, we'll have lot's of down time. He comes back with "I'm no fool, there is no way you can take it easy at Disney, it's just not in you to sit back and chill."

He said we'll go next September. :guilty: That's 18 months away, you can't do this to me.

If we didn't already have a date set and a deposit put down on the trip I wouldn't be so upset, because then everything is just tentative, but up until my Dr. last week I had a solid plan. no details of said plan, but a plan no less. and now......I wait.

My good friend Laura is at Disney right now as we speak. It's her first trip, it's her whole families first trip. They are having such a great time. She calls me a few times a day to ask a question. "where's the best spot to view the fireworks at Magic Kingdom?" "Where's the best place to grab a burger at Epcot?" "Do you think Holden could handle the Orange side of Mission Space?"

I love this, I'm off work right now until I get my brace, about 10 more days to go (more waiting) so having a friend call from Disney everyday is fun for me.

Laura told me that they plan to go again next November and probably stay on property. Kent said maybe would she would want to go in January with you, have a Mom's get away and she can get a feel for on property vacationing before taking the whole family.

I asked Laura how she felt about this, she said it is something she would like to do and we'll talk more this summer.

SO I will get a Disney trip regardless, but I wanted to go with Kent now, not wait another 18 months. I feel like such a baby right now, I should be happy but I'm not.

I am going to leave it all up to the Dr. though, if he says I can do Disney in september if I take it easy, then I am going to go with Kent. THe trip is supposed to be about Kent and me with a little Disney mixed in. I can still make it happen, I just need to convince Kent it will be ok. another agenda, this one not so hidden.
OK, here is the latest.

I am done worrying, no more what ifs and maybes. The situation is....."it is what it is."

constantly obsessing over this is not going to change anything, I have made the decision to let the worrying rest.

I will keep planning as if I am going to disney in september and if I get news saying other wise I will re-adjust my plans accordingly.

I just needed to post this to make it "real" for me now. serioulsy no worries here.
That's a great plan!! A plan NOT to worry- "No one can add a single day to his life..." It does more harm than good, so you are very wise to let it be what it will be.

Why 3 weeks though??? That seems like an awfully long time to have to wait for an appt. at the doctor! Can you not find someone else that has an earlier opening??
That's a great plan!! A plan NOT to worry- "No one can add a single day to his life..." It does more harm than good, so you are very wise to let it be what it will be.

Why 3 weeks though??? That seems like an awfully long time to have to wait for an appt. at the doctor! Can you not find someone else that has an earlier opening??

Yea, I thought I would try something new. I'm a worrier by nature. I hate not knowing, how can one have a plan when one doesn't know what's going on? But really it's silly to worry over something so little, I mean compared to what some people have going on in their lives, my disney trip being up in the air seems so miniscule. I am happy for what I have, and that is a husband who understands how much I like disney and is willing to let me take a trip in January if our trip for September this year gets postponed until September 2011.

3 weeks! I know! I am at the mercy of workmans comp. I have to use their Dr.'s and April 22nd was the earliest I could get in for my second opinion and April 28th was the earliest my Dr. could see me after that 2nd opinion.
I'm still waiting for authorization for my brace, they were nice enough to get started and made a cast of my leg last Monday, they were going to originally make me wait until the authrization came through before they even gave me an appointment to be fitted (I'd still be waiting) but I was told that authrization should go through by today and then it will be 10 days from then before my brace is ready, then I can go back to work with restrictions. But for now it's just hurry up and wait. At least I am being compensated for missing work though. Always gotta look on the bright side.
I'm so glad to hear that you're being compensated!! It would have been really, really tough had you not been!

yeah, being bound to a certain doc is tough.

As for waiting... it's so very hard! I so totally know that!
Camille - sorry to jump in - I just noticed you're north of Austin. We are in Lakeway. Our daughter (a senior) goes to Lake Travis HS. She'll be going to Project Graduation too. What school is your son at? Where will he be going to college? Katie just accepted.

Susan, I say this because I know Ty doesn't mind. Jump in any time!! :goodvibes Tyler is a Senior at Vista Ridge, and he found out he's going to A&M. :goodvibes It's kinda funny because his girlfriend is already going to UT. :rotfl: If they marry, it will be a house divided for sure. :rotfl:

I'm not organized enough to write a book:lmao:, and yes, I need to make a plan to have a plan that Kent thinks is not a plan. This will take a lot of brain power, I' talking a few weeks here to save up for that kind of work.

I think you could do it. :thumbsup2 You totally have the talent for it.

You know they programs for people like us, the first step is admitting we have a porblem, we are almost there.

Problem? I have a problem? :confused3 :laughing:

Again, There are groups for people like us, If I were more organized I would figure out where and when they meet.:lmao:

I'm am all for Kent learning the hard way, he'll never admit he was wrong though. Bu tI am thinking I should make a plan just incase. Maybe actually follow the plan but make it sem like I am winging it each morning. "Hmmm, what do you think of DHS today? I could totally go for ToT."

I think you most certainly need to have a plan and then everyday let him think he's in charge and pick which park to go to, of course you can throw your .02 in worth, but then you make suggestions, like.....
You know Kent....we could go here, here or here. This way you get to plan, but your making him think he's getting a choice in the matter. Of course this will take some serious planning on your part to get this all down.

I will be honest I did embellish a little, I think sometimes you have to rearrange the words when telling a story just to make it a little more interesting. I am disorganized in life, but extremely organized in Disney. I don't however have a command central, it's just a room that houses all my Disney paraphenalia.

I think I scared my little sister once (23 years old) by me freaking out that I thought I had lost my park maps. :eek: I just about had a heartattack thinking that someone threw them away. It wasn't pretty, I think a group for people like us isn't such a bad idea. :laughing:

I am pondering the idea of doing this trip on the fly, not just for the "I told you so factor" which is my favorite line to tell Kent along with the rolling of the neck and a Z snap. But also it seems adventurous to me, just doing things by the roll of the dice. Kind of makes me want to buy an Indiana Jones hat and carry a whip, well maybe not the whip I could have too much fun with a whip.:rolleyes:

You do the z snap, huh? I personally like the two snaps up, and the exclamation point snap, of course there's the love snap, you know the one where you do the snaps at the v of the heart and make a heart shape with your hands and you then snap at the bottom point of the heart. :rotfl: How sad is it that we remember In Living Color, as Jim Carrey would say...."When J-lo had two ginormous butts." :laughing:

Leisa knows about whips, just ask her! :laughing:

Well Welcome to my PTR, I'm so happy to have you along for planning (if I can even call it that) another trip.

OK, here is the latest.

I am done worrying, no more what ifs and maybes. The situation is....."it is what it is."

constantly obsessing over this is not going to change anything, I have made the decision to let the worrying rest.

I will keep planning as if I am going to disney in september and if I get news saying other wise I will re-adjust my plans accordingly.

I just needed to post this to make it "real" for me now. serioulsy no worries here.

Good for you honey, no sense in worrying, it does a body harm any way.

That's a great plan!! A plan NOT to worry- "No one can add a single day to his life..." It does more harm than good, so you are very wise to let it be what it will be.

Why 3 weeks though??? That seems like an awfully long time to have to wait for an appt. at the doctor! Can you not find someone else that has an earlier opening??

She's a good one to take advice from Ty, you won't go wrong with direction from Mama Leisa. :goodvibes

I'm so glad to hear that you're being compensated!! It would have been really, really tough had you not been!

yeah, being bound to a certain doc is tough.

As for waiting... it's so very hard! I so totally know that!

You probably know this better than anyone I know Leisa, long suffering is not lost on you.
I'm very thankful for you getting some sort of compensation Ty. I hope that helps with the wait. :hug: I'll give you a call here soon since I know that your home. :goodvibes
Hi! I hopped over from Dawn's TR and just finished reading the first page. What a guy you have there! I am bawling at work and my co-workers think I'm crazy. Stupid work has the pics blocked, so I'll have to go back and check them out when I get home tonight.

I can't wait to read more!
OK, here is the latest.

I am done worrying, no more what ifs and maybes. The situation is....."it is what it is."

constantly obsessing over this is not going to change anything, I have made the decision to let the worrying rest.

I will keep planning as if I am going to disney in september and if I get news saying other wise I will re-adjust my plans accordingly.

I just needed to post this to make it "real" for me now. serioulsy no worries here.

I like this plan... :thumbsup2

No use worring about something that you have no control over... And better to have a knee 100% healed than to have one 75% healed and have problems with it the rest of your life...

Like my DH keeps on telling me, "Disney will be there next year for us to go. It's not going anywhere"... What he doesn't understand is I need Disney EVERY YEAR!!!:rolleyes1


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