Stop Making Me Laugh Or I'll Pee My Pants! Go Back! I Lost My Shoe! Trip Report!

I just started reading your trip report. (I know, I'm a little behind :) ). I just thought I would let you know that around page 48 or so, you exceeded your bandwith with Photobucket so none of your photos are showing.

You possibly already know this since I didn't read through every page yet but, I really do miss seeing your pictures. You have an eye for the little details that most people miss.

First of all.....welcome! Better late than never. Photobucket gives me fits. I think I have four accounts with them. Call me cheap 'cause I won't just upgrade to photobucket pro.

I am a picture taking fool when at Walt Disney World. I take pictures of the most obscure things.

All the pictures have been coming through fine for me.

Glad to hear that you were able to see the pictures!

She has a couple of photobucket accounts, so one gets close she goes to another on to hopefully avoid that, but it does happen.

Now maybe I'm weird, but I always carry at least a 12 inch screwdriver with me to the parks. You nevr know when you need to fix a ride? right? :rotfl2:

You know my photobucket woes so well.:laughing:

Now why didn't I think about that maybe the screwdriver lady was keeping the screwdriver on hand just in case a ride broke down.:rotfl:

Love the update! OUCH!!! That castle costs some money, the closest I'll get to it is a pic too!

Wasn't the cost of the castle out of this world? But, when you really looked at all the details, it was amazing and I can see how it would have to have a high price. Waaaaaaay out of my price range though!

I like the idea of the silhouettes...hmmm...might have to work that little souvie into the budget. :)

Definitely work it into your budget because they make a great souvenir.:thumbsup2
Hopefully its nothing too serious!

So far, the test results have come out :thumbsup2. I'm hopeful that the cardiologist give us a :thumbsup2 too!

I did it, all caught up!
I am exactly like you when it comes to my food touching! No way. I have to have a sperate plate for each thing unless it does not have a sause. Lie a piece of fish and mashed potatos can share a plate but never say meat and a salad.
Cute matchy matchy shorts. The paunch pics were cracking me up. We have to try Donald' boat ride and the Piggy bank adventure in May!
Still thinking about Lacey.

Yea for being caught up. I am a "no food toucher" all the way. Don't even try to put a salad on the same plate as my other food 'cause the dressing may scoot on over and touch my meat. Yuck!

When I bought the matching shorts, they were on sale for just $5.00 a pair at Old Navy. For that price, I didn't care if Lacey and I matched every day.

Weren't the poncho pictures the funniest thing ever! John knew that we were all tickled so he kept hamming it up.

Flutter, that's cute. I hope they find a strong healthy heart and that she just over did it a bit ... epsecially if she was not drinking enough water.

As for the families paying her bill, I would let them. After all she has done for them, it will probably make them feel good about themselves to be able to do something for her in return ... paying it forward. I know it is hard to let someone do something that big for you, but I have found that you sometimes should. If it was in the thousands, that would be different, but just $300 is OK.

I hope that it was just exhaustion and not eating good too. We know that about the arrythmia but that's probably something she's had for a long time and we didn't even know.

We've decided to pay for the doctor's bill. If the people in the church want to help reimburse us for the bill, we won't turn it down. As you said, it's all about paying it forward. I know that we pay it forward all the time and it makes us feel good.

I'm not sure if I have posted on here or not, but I started following your thread because we wanted to stay at CBR and I didn't know that much about it.

Now I am hooked and look forward to your updates and tidbits about your family life. I feel a kinship because I have been on a few mission trips.

So glad to hear that Lacey is doing better! I will continue to pray for her and you all. BTW, I agree with a pp - letting people help out when you have a problem (by paying the bill) allows them to feel useful. When someone you love/respect goes thru a struggle it's nice to be able to help in a tangible way.

Just in case you haven't posted before.....thanks for joining our party. Notice I said "our" 'cause all of us have become quite good friends here. I love the Disboards for that fact.

I think you'd love to stay at the CBR. We like the fact that we feel like we are getting a Disney vacation and a beach vacation all rolled into one.

Lacey has known she wanted to be in the ministry since she was a teenager. I have to admit that we were worried when she told us because we knew that mission work is hard. However, we also knew that if you are called to the ministry/mission, you can't really say no.

Hope Lacey's appt goes well. :hug:

One good doctor's visit down....hopefully, the next will go as well.
That seems like a fun souvie to have...I would have thought it was alot more than $50 I may just have to have Ashton's done...if the older two are with us I of course will add them.

The silhouettes make a great souvenir. Right after we signed in, a lot of other people signed up too. I guess we've always rushed down Main Street and never really stopped to "smell the roses" or "stop get the silhouette".:rotfl:

Great update, Lisa! :thumbsup2 I love your MK photos. The photopass pics came out really nice!

I thought the Photopass pictures came out pretty good. With my Bell's Palsy, the sun really really hurts my eyes so I have to wear my sunglasses in most pictures which I really don't like but....nothing I can do about it.

Hi Lisa! Sorry I've been mia, for obvious reasons I don't get much time for the computer these days! LOL! I am so far behind on all my threads I'm subscribed to! I decided to try and catch up on everything! I started with yours! I had to go all the back to when you went to Cirque! LOL! Lots of great updates I missed! Sorry to hear about Lacey! Hope everything turns out ok! I will be thinking of her and keeping her in my prayers! Hope all is well with you and the rest of the family! Now I have to start reading your pre-trip report! And of course catching up with others! LOL!!

Glad to see you back on the Disboards. That baby of your's is growing like a weed and soooooo adorable.

You've probably caught up with the report by now.

Thanks for the prayers for Lacey. Hopefully, the cardiologist gives us a big :thumbsup2 too.

Hey at least it was windy that day. So it wouldnt be too hot. lol. ive never seen the silhouette lady before.

That's exactly what we said. It was really hot on a couple of our days so the wind felt really good. The silhouette lady is nestled into between a couple of buildings about half way down Main Street. Maybe you can stop and see her work next trip.

umm....y would u bring a screwdriver to the park??:confused: lol that was pretty weird....i usually get through security pretty fast soo tis good:)

Wasn't that the weirdest thing ever! I mean who takes a screwdriver into the park?
Hi! Another newbie headed to CBR in June. That's why I started reading your TR. But I kept coming back and caught up due to you and your awesome family. Your engaging writing is addictive and the pictures are fab! As a Disney first-timer, I appreciate all of the entrance pictures. Having seen your pictures, I can at least pretend to my family that I know exactly where we are going! Now I will start reading your pre-trip report!
Thoughts and prayers for Lacey and your family.
Hi! Another newbie headed to CBR in June. That's why I started reading your TR. But I kept coming back and caught up due to you and your awesome family. Your engaging writing is addictive and the pictures are fab! As a Disney first-timer, I appreciate all of the entrance pictures. Having seen your pictures, I can at least pretend to my family that I know exactly where we are going! Now I will start reading your pre-trip report!
Thoughts and prayers for Lacey and your family.
Hi! Another newbie headed to CBR in June. That's why I started reading your TR. But I kept coming back and caught up due to you and your awesome family. Your engaging writing is addictive and the pictures are fab! As a Disney first-timer, I appreciate all of the entrance pictures. Having seen your pictures, I can at least pretend to my family that I know exactly where we are going! Now I will start reading your pre-trip report!
Thoughts and prayers for Lacey and your family.

Hey there! I love having new readers! Oooooh, planning a first trip to Disney World. I think you've made a fabulous choice with the CBR. From the minute we got there, we were in love. It's just so doggone pretty.

I remember back in 1998 when we were planning our first trip to Disney. If I knew then what I knew now, I'd have never ever stayed offsite. Definitely keep reading the Disboards, they are a great help when planning a Disney trip. And, if you have ANY questions, post 'em here and if I don't know the answer, I bet you dollars to donuts that some of my friends here can.

Just wanted to let all my friends here about the ticker problem. If you have not already found out about it, please go to this thread:

A DISboard rep explains the problems and why the tickers have been removed.

I read about that a couple of days ago but I don't think everybody on here knows yet. I went to mickeypath and made a new ticker. Kinda sad that my slider is way over on the left now.:rolleyes:
Hey..sorry I have not been on much! But I am all caught up ! I am so happy that Lacy's appointments had great answers!!
I can't wait to see the pictures of the siloutes that sounds really nice!
Hope you have a great weekend, we will be painting eggs!!!

I read about that a couple of days ago but I don't think everybody on here knows yet. I went to mickeypath and made a new ticker. Kinda sad that my slider is way over on the left now.:rolleyes:

Me too. I just said that to my mom today! I was nearly half way. Not any more. :sad2:
We did the silhouette thing when I was little too.
So then when I took my two oldest girls for their first trip, I had their's done. Then this last trip, I had Megan's done. I was trying to see if it was the same artist in your picture, but you can't see her face that well and I can't remember.

I hope Lacey is doing well.
I just found your thread yesterday and have been practically reading it nonstop. I absolutely love all your pictures! We are going to WDW in July, so this trip report is making me so excited!

Thanks for the great report, can't wait for more :)
Hey..sorry I have not been on much! But I am all caught up ! I am so happy that Lacy's appointments had great answers!!
I can't wait to see the pictures of the siloutes that sounds really nice!
Hope you have a great weekend, we will be painting eggs!!!

Don't apologize. I haven't even been around for my own trip report.:rotfl: I've been doing horribly on reading my subscribed threads. I'm trying to get caught up now but it just doesn't seem to be working.

I hope that everything goes well at Lacey's appointment tomorrow. Believe me, I'll be saying an extra prayer tonight.:thumbsup2

Hope you'll post a picture of your eggs on your report. I'd love to see 'em.

Me too. I just said that to my mom today! I was nearly half way. Not any more. :sad2:

I was all excited that my slider was almost to the end. Then, when I made my new ticker, it was way over on the left. Oh well, at least it now says under 2 months.:thumbsup2

We did the silhouette thing when I was little too.
So then when I took my two oldest girls for their first trip, I had their's done. Then this last trip, I had Megan's done. I was trying to see if it was the same artist in your picture, but you can't see her face that well and I can't remember.

I hope Lacey is doing well.

I think we'll do my mother's silhouette this year so I can add it to the ones we had done.

Lacey is feeling lots better. I appreciate you asking. Hopefully, the cardiologist appointment goes well too.

I just found your thread yesterday and have been practically reading it nonstop. I absolutely love all your pictures! We are going to WDW in July, so this trip report is making me so excited!

Thanks for the great report, can't wait for more :)

Hey! I love hearing from new readers. I try to find "Different" things to take pictures of.

Where are you guys staying in July?
I thought for sure that I replied to the MK post. Oh well..guess not!

I love the balloon pictures! For some reason, balloons on Main Street just make me smile! :goodvibes

Yay for being under 2 months!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


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