You mean it's not always sitting-on-the-sun hot at WDW!? #14 Trip Report Link Posted


<font color=green>Just Maryann :)<br><font color=b
Jan 24, 2005
Here it is…only one week out and I’m deciding to start a pre-trip report. Nothing like being timely. We’re taking the kids for the first time ever on Spring Break, until now they’ve only been to WDW when it was 100 degrees and 90% humidity. I wonder if they even realize it DOES get cold at Disney World or if they think it’s always hot as an oven.

So the four of us are going…and just for the record, I'll be looking much pastier in the shots from this trip. ;)


I’m Maryann…36, been a Disney addict since I was a child

Fiancee, Larry…42, became a Disney addict during a whirlwind trip in 2004

DD, Hallie…11, into all that is Disney, still a believer in the “magic”

DS, Baker…7, pint-sized walking Disney tour book


Thankfully the kids have gotten to the age and comfort with the parks where they’re content to do things other than the attractions sometimes. They’ll spend hours going from resort to resort to pin trade, search for Hidden Mickey’s, etc. We have a lot of fun doing this and it really adds something to the experience.


Just for fun, a shot from the kids first trip ever in 2005…they’ve grown so much. Sniff…


Up next…the grand plan and dining.
Over the years I've gotten out of micro-managing our WDW trips and just trying to go with the flow. Trying being the key word here. :thumbsup2

Since this IS Spring Break and it’s going to be super crazy crowded I’m reverting back to my old ways and have made us a :::gasp::: schedule. Also because we’re not AP holders this trip and I’m not spending the extra dough for hoppers we’re going to have to be on a plan. There, I’ve defended the schedule. Moving on.

We’re trying out French Quarter for this trip, we’ve done Riverside a ton of times and figured why not. It’s not exactly living on the edge, but at least we’re trying something new, right?!?

In order not to spend a bazillion dollars on flights we’re (ugh) driving, no matter what I tried I could NOT find cheap flights from DFW this time. This worries me for the future, we’ve spent the last 10 years flying to MCO for $250 or less a person. Hope times aren’t changing…

So with us driving the Tahoe….have I mentioned how much fun this will be?? No? Can’t imagine why…. Actually, I’m trying to make the best of it in reminding myself I can take as much luggage as I want and pack full size toiletry items. It’s the little things you know…..


We should be arriving in happy Orlando on Sunday afternoon and this just happens to be EMH night for the MK, woohoooo.

Magic Kingdom till close


We’re meeting Vicki & David Ardnt at the Grand Floridian for our Family/Engagment photo shoot. We’re spending three hours between the GF and the Polynesian having pics taken. I’m super excited but nervous too, I’m not very relaxed in front of the camera.

After the shoot we’re headed to DHS for the rest of the day.

This is our big adventure day….

We’re leaving WDW at 3 am. Yep, you heard that right. 3 am to drive to Crystal River, Florida for a 6:30 am Manatee snorkeling tour. As I’m looking at how cold it’s going to be I’m wondering if we’re not out of our minds but we’re doing it anyway.

We’re taking the tour with Birds Underwater…

Once we make it back that evening we’re just going to spend the rest of the day at Downtown Disney and relaxing at the resort.

Animal Kingdom – I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to spending the day at AK in nice weather and not the oppressive heat and humidity. Good times!!

Back at the Magic Kingdom…following our tradition of first and last park of the trip.

Last character breakfast at the Poly then headed home :sad1:
Great pre-trip report. Your photo in B&C made me want to cry.
I'm looking forward to seeing photos and hearing about the actual trip.
Great pre-trip report. Your photo in B&C made me want to cry.
I'm looking forward to seeing photos and hearing about the actual trip.

Thanks!!! I love going to B&C, we just started a few years back and now it's a tradition. Pretty sure we'll need to be making 2 week trips to fit in all the "traditions". :lmao:
So the only part about going on vacation that I hate is leaving the Brat Pack behind. Here's a shot from Christmas a couple years back...


I like to think that they don't consider my going on vacation a break of their own where they can run like mad dogs through the house doing whatever they want. Well, actually, they already do that when I'm home. ;) Their Grandpa Paul is coming to spend the week with them so hopefully they'll have fun and have lots of good company. :dogdance:

I wish Disney had continued having cool dog toys & accessories, I always liked bringing them home surprises. Boo to all the stores having the same stuff! :rolleyes:
This trip sounds so exciting.:yay: I can't wait to see all the pictures and hear more.:goodvibes

Well, we've changed plans once again. First we weren't going to do a dining plan this trip...then decided to do the Quick Dining Plan.

We had a couple sit-down meals planned, but the time we added up what we were going to spend on those it just made more sense to do the regular dining plan. Soooo I'm calling today to change it over.

I'm frantically trying to get dining reservations since it's IS Spring Break and apparently the entire world will be there. So far we have:

Biergarten in Germany - Dinner

Crystal Palace @ MK - Breakfast

Ohana's @ Poly - Breakfast

50' Prime Time @ DHS - Lunch (kid's fave place)

Tusker House @ AK - Breakfast

Boma @ AKL - Dinner

I would really rather do Ohana's for dinner, but it's not looking good so far. I'll keep trying this week though, never know.

Since I'm off the diet for the week at WDW, I'm already plotting for Dole Whip Floats and cream cheese pretzels. Can't wait!!
Love that picture of the kids in China!

I'm gonna tag a long here because we will be there in 43 days so your trip should help me gauge what to expect from ours...only less!
We're three days from leaving and nothing is ready. I made a to-do list today and emailed it to Larry. I'm sure he was soooo happy when he saw it.

So before leaving Saturday morning...

-Rotate Tires/Get Spare installed
-Pick-up Dog Poop
-Wash dog toys from backyard
-Clean house/bathrooms/dust
-Move water to garage
-Registration for Mini
-Dog Baths/Furminate/Clip nails
-Clean off patio/patio furniture
-Clean off nightstand
-Make dog instruction list/contact list for Paul
-Get Coke for Paul
-Pack us/toiletry bag
-Pack the kids
-Pack photo clothes
-Pack activity box/bag for kids in car
-Charge ipods/DS/load movies – pack chargers & games
-Pack movies & laptops
-Buy Blackberry case
-Charge camera batteries/clean off memory cards/pack camera bags (don’t forget Flip)
-Pack phone chargers
-Complete money envelopes/kids money bags
-Pack snorkel equipment
-Clean out Tahoe/pack maps in console (will bring home today)/make sure insurance card is in there
-Use or freeze remainder of Turkey
-Shop for snacks/pack snack bag & cooler for Tahoe
-Cash & deposit check for trip
-Haircut for L

I'm tired just thinking about it all!!!
OK so I should be working on the above giganto list of stuff to do but I'm taking a break. I was actually dreading the drive but now am kind of looking forward to it since it'll be peaceful with nothing that has to be done!!!

We decided to go the envelope route this trip, we haven't done it in a while but I really want to keep a handle on what we're spending. So basically I've stuffed envelopes w/ cash for each meal that is not on the dining plan plus snacks for each day. Whenever we have money left over we split it between the kids as extra spending money. Lock them in the room safe and just pull out each day's envelopes in the morning. It's always worked well. I just know what happens otherwise, we $5 and $10 the room key to death and we're left with a $500 who-knows-what-we-bought bill at the end of the stay.

So we were all quizzing each other on what we're looking forward to the most...

Hallie - Riding Primeval Whirl for the first time (finally tall enough) and staying at French Quarter

Baker - After many, many trips of breath holding measuring, he's finally tall enough to do Expedition Everest and Space Mountain. He's so excited he can barely contain himself. He's also distressed we won't be at AK till Thursday. ;)

Larry - Believe it or not, family pictures. He's been wanting to do them for a long time at WDW so I'm really hoping they turn out well.

Me - Besides just being at WDW, I'm mostly looking forward to swimming with the manatees and spending a day at AK without roasting. We skip so much when we're there during the Summer because of the heat.

Guess I should get back to packing...
Your trip sounds awesome! I have similar lists when we on vacation also. I top item is to always clean the house. I don't like coming to a mess after vacation. It's bad enought trying to get through laundry afterwards!

Enjoy your spring break trip!!!
In case anyone wants to follow along, I post live updates and pics during the trip on my Facebook account, the link is in my signature. I like being FB friends with other Disers and following along on their trips.

I'm in search for a white cardigan for our pics at the Poly, I've been searching everywhere with no luck. Either they don't have them at all or they don't have my size. Frustrating and Im quickly running out of time.

Kids are packed, wow what a chore that is. They're at the age where they're starting to care what they're wearing so it makes it tons more challenging. Now I can't just throw a bunch of matching Gymboree clothes in the suitcase and be done with it. :laughing:

Checked the crowd predictions for the week, solid 7's the entire time. The kids have only gone during the Summer so the crowds aren't anything new, I'm just happy it won't be so hot this time!
Packing kids is a HUGE chore! To save you future bright-idea grief, don't do what I did a few years ago.

When my kids were 12 and 15, I bought them each a set of luggage with the intention of them packing their own. They were old enough to do this and I felt liberated!

It all seemed like a very smart idea until we got to the rental car in Orlando to find out that not all of the luggage would fit in the car. Since we each had two pieces of luggage plus a guitar, we could barely fit all 4 of us in the car. There was some creative juggling of seats and luggage, some of which included a suitcase on the lap of two people and the guitar straddling the front and back seats.

Had we shared luggage space (which meant that one person was in charge of packing), we wouldn't have been in that predicament.


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