Please Read, board downtime tonight



The boards will be going down at Midnight Eastern Time for some database work. I expect this to last for several hours.
Do you have a sufficient amount of Coke ready?
Oh man that's only 7pm here!! What am I going to do with my evening? Read or something?
Oh man that's only 7pm here!! What am I going to do with my evening? Read or something?

Board down-times are usually when I get caught on laundry and spend time with my family. But this one is in the middle of the night for me. So I will just sleep. Whoo Hoo!
That's too late for me to shred paperwork. I'll end up waking everyone. Have to find something else to do.

By several hours, do you mean it won't be back up by morning?
Oh man that's only 7pm here!! What am I going to do with my evening? Read or something?

I KNOW I hate the time zone issue, I try to wait as late as possible but when I'm not sure how long something will take I have to start at some reasonable time

That's too late for me to shred paperwork. I'll end up waking everyone. Have to find something else to do.

By several hours, do you mean it won't be back up by morning?

Well I'm hoping, I'd like to get some sleep :)
It's just one of those things where I don't have a real good handle on how long it will take
The boards will be going down at Midnight Eastern Time for some database work. I expect this to last for several hours.

:mad: Change it to TOMORROW NIGHT!!! PLEASE!!! My 3 year old DD went to bed early tonight. What else am I going to do???? There's nothing interesting going on on Facebook tonight. Youtube can get boring too. And I started a thread about adoption, and tonight I really have the time to stay on here a long time. So, you can chage the maintenance work to tomorrow night. :sad2:

What is this...Iran? Webmaster Alex - just who do you think you are...Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Well, it's not going to work. You can't suppress the internet and spreading of information for the sake of your own thirst for power. We shall all take to the streets and protest. Who's with me? We must wrestle back our human rights from the hands of these brutal Webmaster dictators. The time to rise up and fight is here. We will have FREEDOM!
Oh, one more thing. It's SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!! Most of us don't work tomorrow. Do it during the week when we have shows to watch on TV. :rolleyes:
Anyone?:confused3 Are we all just obedient lambs, just willing to line up to wait our turn to be slaughtered? Is there not one of you that will stand up and for the sake of freedom finally declare "ENOUGH!!!" Look at your children. Is this the future you want to leave for them? We are at a crossroads. History will judge us by the actions we take in this place, at this time. I will fight for what I know to be just. Will you?
A few hours? I guess if you want to call 45 hours a few hours then... OK. :lmao:

Anyone?:confused3 Are we all just obedient lambs, just willing to line up to wait our turn to be slaughtered? Is there not one of you that will stand up and for the sake of freedom finally declare "ENOUGH!!!" Look at your children. Is this the future you want to leave for them? We are at a crossroads. History will judge us by the actions we take in this place, at this time. I will fight for what I know to be just. Will you?

Your going to make me call out the DIS Riot police squad


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