2010 Annual Goals: What will you accomplish this year?

I was going for scrapping princess last year, which didn't go so great, but that's my goal again this year.
Morning Ya'll!

Wow...goals for 2010, I first need to bid a fond farewell to 2009, it has been a rough one and I am happy to see it go!

Now on to the good stuff:

I would like to reach Journaling Genius status. I hope to:
  • Finish DS's first year album
  • Finish HHI album
  • Complete Girls Only 2008 WDW album
  • Continue to scrap current stuff as the ideas hit me

Cards: I am new to cards, but I hope to not buy a single card for 2010. I want to make them all! :thumbsup2

I also would like to be on a design team for a scrapping site by the end of 2010.

Family Goals:
  • Take one small trip
  • Have Date Nights with DH
  • Have game nights with DS

Finally, personal goals: I would like to get a job teaching at the college level part time. This would take a little work/money stress off DH and still allow me time to spend with DS.

I also am looking forward to beginning to homeschool DS! :yay:
New to the Goals thread :wave2:

Scrapbooking Goals:
Finish 2009 (I'm in October, so not too bad)
Keep current for 2010
Finish 2008 DC trip book - I can't decide whether to go digital or not?
Kit for SDV (it worked so well this year!)
Use up old stuff and not buy more supplies
Work on older pictures - old family photos, nieces and nephew's books, etc.

Personal Goals:
Keep working out for my stronger back
Stop worrying so much
Get my business off the ground (just registered for a small business class in January!)

Family Goals:
ADOPTION - of course I have no control over this - we've completed all the paperwork and now it's out of our hands and in the Nepal government's hands
Let DH know, more often, how wonderful he is :lovestruc
Nancy--I think you missed me. I want to be a master scrapper by the end of 2010!!! Thanks, Cheryl
I'll be in on this too, got to put my thinking cap on and make some realistic and attainable goals! Will be back :)
I am in!!!

I will be thinking about my goals tomorrow on our next drive (heading to MD).

I will go for Queen of the crop this year. I already have a number of things on my list to work on so I know of at least 100 pages I need to get early this year to get my first set done. I am also going to work on doing more cards- I think I want to give monogram sets for Christmas next year so I will need to start working on those before too long.

Get AK into book
Get DHS done and in a book
Keep up with a monthly calendar pages(put them together in Jan)
Finish Anniversary album

Colors of Christmas book for wee care, and 2 sets of nieces/nephews
Children's story books for nieces and nephews
Monogram sets for all the females- notepads and note cards
bracelets for the moms

finish cross stitch for mom- getting close- just need a little more black flossdone
frame cross stitch for Mira and James (wedding gift from June 2008- I am a little late)done
finish 1 of the stocking kits I bought- I started it on my trip
finish sweater I started knitting a couple years ago- just need to sew the sides together
look through drawers and pull out all those almost finished and finish them off for next year's presents

clean out each room as on the organizing thread
maintain household
start Organizing Christmas in July

I will continue thinking about these and add to them

I am with Jacksmomma, 2009 was a tough year, I won't be sorry to see it go, though the final month picked up.

My goals for 2010 is just to keep my sanity. :upsidedow :lmao: Anything beyond that is a bonus! With DD's health getting back on track it looks like everything else is falling into place. I did keep up with pictures throughout the year by digi scrapping.:love: Perhaps I will get more scrapping time in my scrapbooking room.
Can you put me down for Memories Maven- maybe I can get alot done during SDV Orlando in August. :cool1:
Hi Nancy, can you put me down for Memories Maven. I'm hoping I can get 200 pages done in 2010. Thanks.

Ok, I'm in! Please put me down for Priceless Memories Preserver - 100-199 pages.

I am the world's slowest scrapper! I really savor each layout and nudge things around for days while it sits out on my desk - before the FINAL stickdown. Maybe I'll pick up momentum as I get moving...

This is a goal I think I can achieve - and that is perfect for my first attempt. (Hard to believe I only started scrapping exactly a year ago - feels like I've know you all a lot longer!!!)
Well I'm in. I just have to think more about my goals.
Can I join in too? I'm so glad I found this forum. I need help staying on track with my scrapbooking, and love meeting new scrapping friends. That we all love Disney makes it even better!

I'll try for Crop Champion.

My scrapbook hopes for 2010:

*Finishing my 2 year old's baby album (it's just an overwhelming project to me)

*Getting our Disney album caught up from our April 06, August 09 and now Jan/Feb 10 trips.

*Start a family album. Mainly I work on albums for the boys.

*Catch up my "Friends" album

Personal Goals:

Get back into Church each Sunday.
Get back into the gym at least 4-5 days a week.
Be more patient.
Enjoy the small things.
Smile more...stress less.
Be the best wife, Mom and friend I can be.
Do charitable work.
you can most certainly join! We welcome everyone!

you can get your DS2's album done. I know it feels overwhelming, but one page at a time. Heck my oldest is 13 and I'm still on year one with him! Don't sweat it!!

We have monthly challenges too. So you can post how many pages you've done. StitichIsOurHero and I keep track for the year.
First a big amen to seeing 2009 leave. It was the worst year I can remember in a long time.

I have been thinking of my scrapping and personal goals and here is what I have come up with:

Put me down for Priceless Memories Preserver . I did a little over a 100 last year, but a lot of those were completed swap pages.

Albums I want to complete:

QVC 4 pack album. I have one left and it is almost finished. I said this last year but had two left.

Disney cruise trip from 2001.

Aim towards finishing one of my ds13:littleangel: disney trip albums.

Work on ds3 first year album, may not complete, but to start on it more.

Personal Goals:

Save more;spend less. I am going on a envelope in the cash budget for scrapping supplies. If I can do it (and I MUST) I can save around $1500-$2000.

Going to do the same envelope with cash budget for eating out with ds3, but I need to get the first one mastered first.

Lose 12 lbs by the time I hit the big 40 in Disney in October
Save more;spend less. I am going on a envelope in the cash budget for scrapping supplies. If I can do it (and I MUST) I can save around $1500-$2000.

Going to do the same envelope with cash budget for eating out with ds3, but I need to get the first one mastered first.

Good for you - remember, I have your back on this one! :cheer2:

Start small with one or two specific envelopes, get these down and incorporated into your life routine, and then you know if/when you'll be ready to see if you need envelopes for the other expenses in your life. This isn't a system that works for everyone, but it did WONDERS for me...former debit card queen!

I'm happy to be your envelope system sponsor and go-to girl for encouragement!!! :hug:
I wanna see a pic of your envelope system PBF!
I used to do that when I was 10, they were taped to the inside of my closet.
I will update this later.. I'm currently typing up my journaling for my December Daily book. DH let me sleep in, the one day I told him I had alot to do and wanted to scrap... Hello!!!

Anyway, :welcome: to everyone!!!
I need to update some goals for the month of January!!
By January 3rd these will be complete!
~~ Project 365 from 2009
~~ XC book for a friend (she lost it somewhere but asked for another, no problem)
~~ December Daily book for 2009
~~ Finish stack of kitted pages in basement


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