Girls Only Trip (old thread, link to new thread in first post)

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Cheryl, the list is on the front page and yep, you are on it! :thumbsup2

I am totally Team Jacob. I like my men tall, dark and handsome. :love:

Midnight Sun is a book she started telling Twilight from Edward's POV. You can find it on her website. She stopped writing it because it was leaked out to the public and that upset her.

Sounds like a fun day!!! Wendypooh22 was on our list at one point. Hopefully she can make it after all.

I have only read Twilight so far, but I am also Team Jacob all the way.:love: But, my sister has warned me that as the series goes on I will grow to dislike Jacob in the long run. :confused3 I started the second book almost immediately after finishing Twilight and about 30 pages in I was so bored that I put it down and haven't gone back. That was like 3 months ago, but I haven't had much reading time ever since Ty was born... I used to be a voracious reader. Now, I am just happy to read the mail without interruption!!!;)

Hope that everyone had a great weekend. Mine was lost to me, as I am fighting an infection in my right nostril. It started 5 or 6 days ago feeling like I had a zit on the inside of my nose (gross, I know!), and by yesterday it was so bad that I went to Urgent Care. Two hours later I was out the door with a prescription for both oral and topical antibiotic ointment. And now, here I am on Sunday night and it still is really infected and it hurts like crazy. I have taken 2-3 hour naps each of the last couple days because I am so physically exhausted from the pain and pressure it is causing.

So, I think that I am probably going to have to go to my doctor tomorrow... It is supposed to be my first day back at work after 2 weeks off, and here I am being felled by an infected nose! I swear to god, my c-section didn't bother me as much as this little nose thing. How can it be that something so innocuous can turn out to be such a pain (both literally and figuratively)? :confused:

Anyhow, I sound like a total whiner at the moment, so I will say goodnight and hope that the antibiotics decide to kick in and do their job overnight so that I can move on with my life!:banana:
I already asked the VIP gal to reserve a table or tables for our tour. At the time, I said 4:30. I was going to call and change it to 5:00, but now I am thinking that perhaps we leave it at 4:30, then show up at 4:30, probably getting seated at 4:45 or so. Then if everyone else gets a 5:00 seating, and shows up at 4:40, we are likely to have a good overlap. I am concerned if we all try to get our bookings at 5:00 that we won't be able to. Any feedback on that thought Beth?? I will shot the gal an email tomorrow to reconfirm the reservation, and can adjust the time then.

That sounds good to me Tracey, I just didn't know how it was left. Thanks for clearing it up for me! :flower3:
I have only read Twilight so far, but I am also Team Jacob all the way.:love: But, my sister has warned me that as the series goes on I will grow to dislike Jacob in the long run. :confused3 I started the second book almost immediately after finishing Twilight and about 30 pages in I was so bored that I put it down and haven't gone back. That was like 3 months ago, but I haven't had much reading time ever since Ty was born... I used to be a voracious reader. Now, I am just happy to read the mail without interruption!!!;)

Hope that everyone had a great weekend. Mine was lost to me, as I am fighting an infection in my right nostril. It started 5 or 6 days ago feeling like I had a zit on the inside of my nose (gross, I know!), and by yesterday it was so bad that I went to Urgent Care. Two hours later I was out the door with a prescription for both oral and topical antibiotic ointment. And now, here I am on Sunday night and it still is really infected and it hurts like crazy. I have taken 2-3 hour naps each of the last couple days because I am so physically exhausted from the pain and pressure it is causing.

So, I think that I am probably going to have to go to my doctor tomorrow... It is supposed to be my first day back at work after 2 weeks off, and here I am being felled by an infected nose! I swear to god, my c-section didn't bother me as much as this little nose thing. How can it be that something so innocuous can turn out to be such a pain (both literally and figuratively)? :confused:

Anyhow, I sound like a total whiner at the moment, so I will say goodnight and hope that the antibiotics decide to kick in and do their job overnight so that I can move on with my life!:banana:

I really hope you feel better soon!!! :wizard:
Beth, are we making enough Carnation Cafe ressies for everyone including the VIP folks?
This is the list I have for Carnation Cafe:
1. Mommau4/Beth
2. Wendylady36/Wendy
3. stacielee/Stacie
4. toocherie/Cheryl
5. tinkermell/Melody
6. LittleBlackRaincloud/Heather
7. Dangermouse/Callie
8. Stacerita/Stacie
9. kelmac284/Kelly
10. Rosemarie (Kelly's mom)
11. jordansmomma/Debra
12. Daisy_77/January
13. stacielee/Stacie
14. sahbushka/Sarah
15. lilycat/Heather
16. grizbuzz/Jen
17. cheshiregirl/Jane
18. 21yankees/Steph
19. Zoemakes5/Michelle
20. Terri/trodrigue's friend
21. trodrigue/Tracey
22. jlparedes/Jenn
23. bigskyernurse/Amy
24. Mary Jo/Mary Jo
25. Deanne
26. Sherri
27. disney-super-mom/Capri
28. Cathy (Capri's friend)

I'm hoping to get 4 tables of 6 and one table of four.

I already asked the VIP gal to reserve a table or tables for our tour. At the time, I said 4:30. I was going to call and change it to 5:00, but now I am thinking that perhaps we leave it at 4:30, then show up at 4:30, probably getting seated at 4:45 or so. Then if everyone else gets a 5:00 seating, and shows up at 4:40, we are likely to have a good overlap. I am concerned if we all try to get our bookings at 5:00 that we won't be able to. Any feedback on that thought Beth?? I will shot the gal an email tomorrow to reconfirm the reservation, and can adjust the time then.
I think that sounds good. An overlap is probably about as well as we can hope for. I'm still not sure how this is going to work out. CC is such a small place. :headache:
So every person doing the VIP tour is eating at CC? If so, then I think my list has some duplicates.

I have only read Twilight so far, but I am also Team Jacob all the way.:love: But, my sister has warned me that as the series goes on I will grow to dislike Jacob in the long run. :confused3
Really? Not me. I love him!! And in fact I didn't really start to become Team Jacob until the second book. The way he cared for Bella when Edward ditched her :rolleyes1 was really sweet. Forgetting the movie actors, just the way the characters are described in the book makes me more into Jacob. I like dark skin versus pale. And warm versus cold. Happy versus moody and possessive. Etc.
I'm not sure what I will think of him after Breaking Dawn, but hopefully I'll still like him.
Keep reading New Moon! None of them are exactly top notch writing, but it gets better and you see how Jacob changes.

Anyway, I am so sorry to hear about your nose!! Ouch. Poor thing. Sounds like you are entitled to a little whining. It's funny how something so little can be so painful. I hope it clears up fast. :hug:
I have only read Twilight so far, but I am also Team Jacob all the way.:love: But, my sister has warned me that as the series goes on I will grow to dislike Jacob in the long run. :confused3 I started the second book almost immediately after finishing Twilight and about 30 pages in I was so bored that I put it down and haven't gone back. That was like 3 months ago, but I haven't had much reading time ever since Ty was born... I used to be a voracious reader. Now, I am just happy to read the mail without interruption!!!;)

Hope that everyone had a great weekend. Mine was lost to me, as I am fighting an infection in my right nostril. It started 5 or 6 days ago feeling like I had a zit on the inside of my nose (gross, I know!), and by yesterday it was so bad that I went to Urgent Care. Two hours later I was out the door with a prescription for both oral and topical antibiotic ointment. And now, here I am on Sunday night and it still is really infected and it hurts like crazy. I have taken 2-3 hour naps each of the last couple days because I am so physically exhausted from the pain and pressure it is causing.

So, I think that I am probably going to have to go to my doctor tomorrow... It is supposed to be my first day back at work after 2 weeks off, and here I am being felled by an infected nose! I swear to god, my c-section didn't bother me as much as this little nose thing. How can it be that something so innocuous can turn out to be such a pain (both literally and figuratively)? :confused:

Anyhow, I sound like a total whiner at the moment, so I will say goodnight and hope that the antibiotics decide to kick in and do their job overnight so that I can move on with my life!:banana:

So sorry Jane! Hope you start feeling better. That is a sensitive, small area to get an infection, so I can imagine i hurts!!
Morning all. Guess I am the first one on. Probably cuz it is THAT time again. BACK to school. And probably because I got NO dang sleep last night. Shane didn't get home till late and by the time we went to bed I had a nasty headache/migraine and I ended up with NO sleep. I also have some other issues that I won't get into but let's just say I was miserable all night and was up all night long.

So typical. I was so gung ho to start my diet and exercise today to. This is what ALWAYS happens to me. Sabbotage! Makes me SO angry! Something allways goes wrong. But I am not going to let it get me down. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully I will feel better. Even if I can't workout today I am going to at least start my eating better!

Anyway I have to take Lynn to school shortly then come home and wait around till it is time to take the little ones. Then instead of my normal shower I am going to take a nice hot bath instead and hopefully that will make me feel a little better and then unfortunately I have to go in to stupid work but I am going to tell my mom that I had a rough night and hopefully I can just go in and get my work done and come back home and rest.

It is also TAX time. BLEH. That means this week I have to start on the corporate taxes. YUCK! That is always stressful cuz the books NEVER seem to balance and there is always weird stuff on our books that give me headaches when I am doing it because during the year when I am entering it I know that at the end of the year it is going to be a nightmare to reconcile. It is a long story but it is complicated. It is a small business and we have been running in the red for the last few years and trying to make things balance with negative numbers and it is just an ugly scenario. My main concern is getting the 1099's and W2's done first and then the rest I can get done later but those have to be done by the end of the month.

Anyway that's my day. Tomorrow I am off luckily and the only thing I have to worry about is taking Lynn to the ortho to get her retainer. Then nothing else the rest of the week I know of till Friday when I have to work again and then Friday night we have our cookie ralley for Girl Scouts. Shane is almost done with his side job and he assured me he is not going this weekend so we can finally go back to church! So hopefully I feel better tomorrow and can work out!

Hope everyone has a GREAT day and see you later this afternoon!
This is the list I have for Carnation Cafe:
1. Mommau4/Beth
2. Wendylady36/Wendy
3. stacielee/Stacie
4. toocherie/Cheryl
5. tinkermell/Melody
6. LittleBlackRaincloud/Heather
7. Dangermouse/Callie
8. Stacerita/Stacie
9. kelmac284/Kelly
10. Rosemarie (Kelly's mom)
11. jordansmomma/Debra
12. Daisy_77/January
13. stacielee/Stacie
14. sahbushka/Sarah
15. lilycat/Heather
16. grizbuzz/Jen
17. cheshiregirl/Jane
18. 21yankees/Steph
19. Zoemakes5/Michelle
20. Terri/trodrigue's friend
21. trodrigue/Tracey
22. jlparedes/Jenn
23. bigskyernurse/Amy
24. Mary Jo/Mary Jo
25. Deanne
26. Sherri
27. disney-super-mom/Capri
28. Cathy (Capri's friend)

I'm hoping to get 4 tables of 6 and one table of four.

I think that sounds good. An overlap is probably about as well as we can hope for. I'm still not sure how this is going to work out. CC is such a small place. :headache:
So every person doing the VIP tour is eating at CC? If so, then I think my list has some duplicates.

Honestly Beth, I have not checked with everyone in the VIP tour about CC. I just thought it would be a good vehicle to get 10 seats reserved for the group. I assume that everyone from the tour that wants to go, is on your list, so therefore if some of the VIP folks are not on your list, then those seats would be available for non VIP tour ladies to use. If we end up with more than 30 seats reserved, we can always cancel some??
So, VIP gals, if you want to attend the Carnation Cafe dinner on Friday, please make sure you are on the list above.
Jane and Kelly,
I sure hope you both get some relief today and start to feel better!:grouphug:
Honestly Beth, I have not checked with everyone in the VIP tour about CC. I just thought it would be a good vehicle to get 10 seats reserved for the group. I assume that everyone from the tour that wants to go, is on your list, so therefore if some of the VIP folks are not on your list, then those seats would be available for non VIP tour ladies to use. If we end up with more than 30 seats reserved, we can always cancel some??
So, VIP gals, if you want to attend the Carnation Cafe dinner on Friday, please make sure you are on the list above.

I am on the list and I want to go!!

Today is a snowday for ML school district! I wish the college would take a snow day, I am not sure I am ready to go back, already!!
Oh well yay math I guess.
I can't believe its almost time to go!! I am so excited!!
I have been busy all wknd planning my friends 31st birthday party. We are having an '80s theme, its called her 31 should be a lot of fun.
Now to find the proper attire!
OK, I just called Disney dining and it is tomorrow that we can start booking. She said whatever the date is just go back two months. For example, March 6 meals can be booked on January 6. Well, that's not technically 60 days then, but whatever. LOL Tomorrow it is!

Tracey, if we end up with extras we can always cancel them. In fact, some of the names on my list have not even confirmed they are still coming on the trip at all, so who knows. We'll figure that out as it gets closer. :thumbsup2

I've got to run. Back to school madness this morning!! But once we get the twins off, Ruben is off today so we're heading of to run some errands and maybe sneak in some fun time. :goodvibes
I am on the list and I want to go!!

Today is a snowday for ML school district! I wish the college would take a snow day, I am not sure I am ready to go back, already!!
Oh well yay math I guess.
I can't believe its almost time to go!! I am so excited!!
I have been busy all wknd planning my friends 31st birthday party. We are having an '80s theme, its called her 31 should be a lot of fun.
Now to find the proper attire!

Wahhhhhh! I want a snow day!
OK, I just called Disney dining and it is tomorrow that we can start booking. She said whatever the date is just go back two months. For example, March 6 meals can be booked on January 6. Well, that's not technically 60 days then, but whatever. LOL Tomorrow it is!

Tracey, if we end up with extras we can always cancel them. In fact, some of the names on my list have not even confirmed they are still coming on the trip at all, so who knows. We'll figure that out as it gets closer. :thumbsup2

I've got to run. Back to school madness this morning!! But once we get the twins off, Ruben is off today so we're heading of to run some errands and maybe sneak in some fun time. :goodvibes

Thanks for the info Beth! I'll be sure to call tomorrow morning then.:thumbsup2

I'm going back to bed soon. Became sick last night with chills and fever, and this morning I feel terrible. I think I have the flu. It sure came on fast! I felt fine all day yesterday until about 8:00pm last night, then BAM!......chills, then fever, then sore eyes, headache, etc. I took some night time Thereflu when I went to bed, but I'm going to have to take some more. The chills and headache are setting in again.:sick:

All schools are closed today in Spokane County, so our kids are home for another day. A roof collapsed at our school district this morning (Mead School District). I think it was just a maintenance building though. And it's snowing.....again.
Thanks for the info Beth! I'll be sure to call tomorrow morning then.:thumbsup2

I'm going back to bed soon. Became sick last night with chills and fever, and this morning I feel terrible. I think I have the flu. It sure came on fast! I felt fine all day yesterday until about 8:00pm last night, then BAM!......chills, then fever, then sore eyes, headache, etc. I took some night time Thereflu when I went to bed, but I'm going to have to take some more. The chills and headache are setting in again.:sick:

All schools are closed today in Spokane County, so our kids are home for another day. A roof collapsed at our school district this morning (Mead School District). I think it was just a maintenance building though. And it's snowing.....again.

I hope you feel better soon!
PUHLEASE!! Keep the snow that way or send it Idaho or Canada...

I swear its never going to stop snowing!!
Hello everyone! :wave2: I'm still alive, I promise!

My birthday trip to Disneyland isn't going to work out for me, 'cause my friend is a LOSER! :sad2: But, I do get to go at the end of February for my eldest niece's b-day! Then I get to go back like a week and a half after that for the girl's only trip! :banana:

All this t-shirt talk has me so confused on what to do! You gals that ordered from Zazzle have to let me know how they turn out. I already messed once on the iron-on. Here's a little help:

Can you tell what mistake I made!? :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

I hope everyone is having a great Monday!
When will you be there in Feb? I am there the 14th to the 22nd.

Thanks for the reversed image. I made the same mistake, but hadn't figured out how to flip it yet.

Hello everyone! :wave2: I'm still alive, I promise!

My birthday trip to Disneyland isn't going to work out for me, 'cause my friend is a LOSER! :sad2: But, I do get to go at the end of February for my eldest niece's b-day! Then I get to go back like a week and a half after that for the girl's only trip! :banana:

All this t-shirt talk has me so confused on what to do! You gals that ordered from Zazzle have to let me know how they turn out. I already messed once on the iron-on. Here's a little help:

Can you tell what mistake I made!? :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

I hope everyone is having a great Monday!
Hi everyone. :)

I'm set to call in for a table tomorrow @ Carnation Cafe.

Wendy - Zazzle is pretty good. I have ordered from them and CafePress, and have been satisfied with the quality of the shirts and other stuff I got.
When will you be there in Feb? I am there the 14th to the 22nd.

Thanks for the reversed image. I made the same mistake, but hadn't figured out how to flip it yet.

I'll be there the 21-23! :banana: We'll have to met up one day. :goodvibes

You're welcome for the image! I felt not-so-smart when I realized what I'd done! :rotfl2:

Hi everyone. :)

Wendy - Zazzle is pretty good. I have ordered from them and CafePress, and have been satisfied with the quality of the shirts and other stuff I got.

Hi to you too!

I'm seriously thinking about just paying to get it done. Me and irons don't really get along. Thank goodness for Downy Wrinkle Release or I'd look like a slob!
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