In Search of my Body...Not The One I ate...#3 "Crowning Goddesses As We Go"

OMG, I am waking up the thread and it is almost 10AM!!!!


I know, I know....I am out straight, too.
Nancy - I'm so glad to finally see you. Yes, you look the same to me too. I figured you were hiding something, but no, lovely.

I'm here. In and out. Tons to do.
I was in my car stuck in the depths of traffic he!! for the past two hours trying to get to work... I left my house at 7:30 for a trip that usually lasts 30 - 40 minutes and I sat down at my desk at 9:30.... I so have my angry eyes on towards those drivers that are just too stupid to have the privilidge of carrying a license and actually driving a car.... How is it possible to have three major accidents on a clear, dry day within a ten mile stretch????

OK - rant over.... because...

LYZ is back.....:cool1: :cool1: :dance3: :dance3: :cheer2: :cheer2:

We missed you girl.... the boards are just not the same without you...

Get reading and get caught up... there is lots to talk about...

Welcome back Lyz.

Much to do...little time...did work out though :cool1:

Gotta...'cause I EAT SO MUCH :confused3 and running. Work, shop, play, repeat! :laughing:

Have a great day everyone.:santa:
OMG, all 3 of my kids have their class parties at the exact same time today. Looks like they each only get 20 minutes...???
OMG, all 3 of my kids have their class parties at the exact same time today. Looks like they each only get 20 minutes...???

Yikes.... talk about being overbooked...

BTW - Erika, I have a date with an exercise bike on Saturday.... Day 1 towards my fitness goal begins this weekend... I am going to just go and get used to the bike and get comfortable. Nothing crazy - hoping for 30 minutes... bringing the DIS Podcast with me to keep me company/entertained...
Paula, I am so excited about your exercise plan!!

Nancy!!! You look awesome. And not dorky. And now I know why it was 18 degrees here this morning! :laughing:

Amy, sorry you came to NC for the cold. It was in the 70s here last week, and will be in the 60s this weekend, but yesterday and today, highs in the mid-30s. I had to find my coat this morning and never did find the gloves, brrr.

Lyz, glad you had a good trip and are home safely. I feel the same way about Caribbean Beach. I want to like it, but I just don't.

Liz, I hope it all works out. :hug:

And why, oh why, do I drink on school nights?? :confused3 To anyone I chatted with last night, please forgive me.
Yikes.... talk about being overbooked...

BTW - Erika, I have a date with an exercise bike on Saturday.... Day 1 towards my fitness goal begins this weekend... I am going to just go and get used to the bike and get comfortable. Nothing crazy - hoping for 30 minutes... bringing the DIS Podcast with me to keep me company/entertained...

That is awesome Paula! And absolutely no need to push it. You are right...just get the feel of it.

I *strongly* recommend the recumbent bike (this is the one that has more of a chair-like seat on have a back rest). First, this is better on your lower back, but more importantly (for me anyway), it is SUPER easy to read! OMG, I can stay on that thing for hours if I am into a good book!
That is awesome Paula! And absolutely no need to push it. You are right...just get the feel of it.

I *strongly* recommend the recumbent bike (this is the one that has more of a chair-like seat on have a back rest). First, this is better on your lower back, but more importantly (for me anyway), it is SUPER easy to read! OMG, I can stay on that thing for hours if I am into a good book!

I will give it a try, but generally, I prefer the upright bike over the recumbent one. I think it is because of my belly... I tend to keep poking my belly as I pedal and end up making myself seasick in the process... (nice visual huh...) We'll see though... I do have a book series to catch up on so any help I can get with that is a bonus... ;)

Kat and Lyz - I stayed at the Caribbean Beach a few years back... it was nice at first, but way to spread out... Hated the fact that there was no direct route back to your room and you had to weave in and out of the buildings. It was to the point where you could see your room, but couldn't get to it. Way too frustrating after a day of park touring... Not my first choice for a moderate at all... of course now that I have been spoiled by DVC, I may never stay at a moderate again....:rotfl:
I'm Caught UP! Couple of comments.

Looks like we now cover 3 countries, well 4, Nancy is part Mexican now.:laughing:

:wave2: :tiptoe:
Uh oh, busted for Lurking!
I would really like to join you guys - some of you may 'know' me from the Peeps thread, for those of you who dont my name is Kelly, I got married in August and reached my target weight - its now December and Ive managed to gain about 15lbs. Not good!

Soooo, im still on the Peeps thread but I need more, Im greedy! :rotfl: If its ok with you guys I'd like to post here too, for motivation, exercise ideas, gossip and twilight talk!

So if you'll have me, here I am

Welcome Kelly. You are already cracking me up. This means good.

It will be much harder for them to get down here than it used to because of my brother's situation

Amy, my heart breaks for you over this. I am SUPER close to my siblings and when they hurt I hurt.

I thought of you in Orlando, lots. Well I thought of you all, but I kept thinking, Amy lives close.

:lovestruc Hey Cutie!!!

You said you would be reading. Hope your having a fantastic time.

I did. Except when I was on my deathbed. Just sayin'.

Well, I like her now, so I'm looking forward to seeing her.

:laughing: So you.

Boss is headed to WDW tomorrow

I totally met your boss! So nice.

And from the Hen Party

Loved the pics. You are beautiful. Hen Party? Splain?

It was totally meant to be. We pick it up Saturday. SO excited.

Stephen and I had decided earlier that this is what we would do for "us" for Christmas...instead of other gifts, we would get something for "us" I'm really happy that we found what we were looking for

Sounds Awesome!

I have no problem making decisions. I either love or hate everthing. Usually no wavering on my part. And I can wait until I find just what I want.

And I was #9 overall of all teams - all partipants. I'm thrilled. I am a competive girl and didn't expect to be that high overall.


Amy - I am not a long line agian...nothing would wow me at that point besides Sean Connery! Sigh!:cloud9:

I am SO not a line person either. Line = me moving on.

Kelly - here is an article about the I mean the Duggars...

Ewwww, those Duggers. (Said in my best Arch Enemy sneer.)

At this point they just use a turkey baster. Cause their is NO WAY she's holding his package for any meaningful amount of time.

need to get some things for the nieces (armwarmers, sigh, I feel like an enabler)


My goal is to be the same weight I was when DH and I first met which is 160. I am now.... ugh 230,

Welcome Leanne.

160 to 230. That sucks. Big time. And your husband knew you before. Omg. What is he like? Average? In shape? Overweight?

Alot of your responses spoke to me too. Would love to wear awesome clothes and look great.

And Kat. I'm DETERMINED to get the pic's off my camera. And figure out how to post them. Someone who shall remain nameless, but who is currently on vaca in WDW with her hubby and 2 girls promised me detailed instructions....:confused3 ...but I think I *might* be able to do it....I just need to TRY! :laughing:

I don't have a clue who you are talking about.

Kelly, so with you. Yelling Jim-Bob. :laughing: Also, her hair would be just as hard to get past as his name. She has some sort of strange messed up curly mullet that is really long in the back. :scared:

And I can't remember the name of their show. It is like watching a train wreck, though.

Yes! The hair. Blech. I am gagging.

BUT I did go to the gym! I'm awarding myself a gold star for that. ;)

Gold Star! I love a gold star.

OH - a copy of Twilight found its way into my cart... I'll start reading it after the Chiristmas.. promise...

They are pushers aren't they?

Hola from NC

Flight sucked!! delena was THAT kid on the plane. All is good now though Christmas wine and beer !!! Hugs to all

Amy - "THAT" kid is always 10 times worse to her parents. The other people, probably barely noticed.

Hi All,

Found this thread by reading Dawn's TR....

How do I sign up? :goodvibes:

Erica, welcome. I think you just did.

...I just found out....that Becca went to see the Twilight movie. :eek: :eek: :eek: BEFORE THANKSGIVING :eek: :eek: :eek: all I can say is WTH?

Weird she didn't tell you. Did she like it? Does she want to read the book?

Ran my a$$ off all morning getting ready for J's family...then had the party. All went well, food was excellent. No snow sticks, but I got a (as in one) kinfe from my in-laws. A paring knife. They are SO messed about giving gifts! At least the gifts for the kids were appropriate (though not at all "even").

A paring knife? That is screwed up! And not "even" presents. That is cruel.

Now Ive got a cross trainer which takes care of the thighs

Whats this cross trainer?

SIL just called. Her mother passed away unexpectedly last night - massive stroke.

So so sorry Nancy. And right at the Holiday.

(Erika, I found the way to communicate with him TEXTING he texted me so much yesterday I think it was almost as much as he has talked to me in a years time he even texted me to check in on me this morning)
Steph - this is great news! Good for you.

I didn't find bottoms that I like so got a new top that is pretty LOW cut! I love low cut tops LOL!

Steph! I am scandalized!

(we call them our "Oldsters"...which they find HI LAR IOUS).


Right after they left, we went to a holiday party at one of J's work friends. I knew no one there, but it was a pretty decent time anyway.

Of course you did. I can't imagine you "not" having a good time.

J is now home until January 5th. So tomorrow the kids go to school and he and I clean the basement. Good times.

Home till Jan 5? That's a jail sentence in my house.

and from the picture, look like a heap of rocks! :laughing: They are *much* higher than they look. And for someone like me, who has a HUGE fear of heights...:eek: I got up there and had to sit for a bit before I could talk myself "down" :rolleyes1

They DO look like a heap of rocks. Scary.

Nancy, you are adorable! Totally!!!

ok, lots to talk drama. Tell you all later.


Liz :hug:

My niece and I have a twilight movie date tomorrow so I will get to see my Edward.sigh.

I am way thru New Moon and I totally don't get the swooning over Edward. He's ok, but not swoonworthy. Did the movie do that for you or the whole series?

So Yesterday I STILL DIDN'T have a tree!

You JUST got your tree? Oh my.

So I'd adopt the cookie, I'd be the mother and I'd gobble it up.

My alias would be Corky Charleston.
You did NOT meet my boss. :laughing: He is definitely nice, though.

And I never did find armwarmers. They got HSM pjs from target and a Disney Sing It! game instead.

This day is moving like molasses...
Disneyworlddelight... Yes when DH and I first met I was very athletic, i actually worked at curves, and besides maybe having my stomach a little more flat, i was very happy with the way I looked. We met at the rescue squad and not long after we met I had to stop working b/c of school, and grabbing something on the go at 1am left very few options, so you can imagine how I ate. DH is more active then I, and he is average size. He's 6'3" about 220. He does have a small belly, but nothing that say OMG!
He doesn't really care what I look like. Honestly he's happiest when I have on sweatpants and a t-shirt, but he knows I'm uncomfortable in my body so he encourages me constantly, eats the "diet foods" and goes with me walking or bike riding, and even convinces me when I'm not so willing. Sorry so long, but there's a history to how I got where I am.
Hey Team....

Just buzzing through on my way to the bus stop. Kid parties...check. Only thing left to do is some wrapping which I will do once the kids are asleep.

So this is huge...I am DONE with work until January 5th. I don't *have* to turn on my computer till then. (Of course I will, since otherwise I would go into withdrawal from all of you.) But this is the only time of the year when all of my contracts are on break. The rest of the year, I am on 5 different schedules. Yes, really. My main full time job and then my 4 consulting jobs. All on different calendars, which totally sucks. It means a 24/7 schedule for me...except for this next week and a half.

Ok, I will pop in tonight.
That is EXACTLY it.

side note: I have totally not even made Christmas cards yet. They might be New Years cards.

Lyz - I haven't either... mine are definitely going to be New Year's cards....

oh well... it is the thought not the date that counts right...
Hey Team....

Just buzzing through on my way to the bus stop. Kid parties...check. Only thing left to do is some wrapping which I will do once the kids are asleep.

So this is huge...I am DONE with work until January 5th. I don't *have* to turn on my computer till then. (Of course I will, since otherwise I would go into withdrawal from all of you.) But this is the only time of the year when all of my contracts are on break. The rest of the year, I am on 5 different schedules. Yes, really. My main full time job and then my 4 consulting jobs. All on different calendars, which totally sucks. It means a 24/7 schedule for me...except for this next week and a half.

Ok, I will pop in tonight.

you wild woman you... whatever will you do with your free time...

oh I know, you will solve the world hunger problem, craft and incredible snowman, run a half marathon, bike a gazillion miles all while planning your next Disney trip and devising a training program for me and my bike... did I leave anything out...:rotfl2: oh yeah, all while supporting all of us like no one else can.... word...
You did NOT meet my boss. :laughing: He is definitely nice, though.


And I never did find armwarmers. They got HSM pjs from target and a Disney Sing It! game instead.

Armwarmers? Like leg warmers, but for arms? Weird.

He doesn't really care what I look like. Honestly he's happiest when I have on sweatpants and a t-shirt, but he knows I'm uncomfortable in my body so he encourages me constantly, eats the "diet foods" and goes with me walking or bike riding, and even convinces me when I'm not so willing. Sorry so long, but there's a history to how I got where I am.

Umm, not long at all. Interesting. Glad he loves you no matter what. And share that history when you are ready.

So this is huge...I am DONE with work until January 5th.

Totally throwing my shoe.

you wild woman you... whatever will you do with your free time...

oh I know, you will solve the world hunger problem, craft and incredible snowman, run a half marathon, bike a gazillion miles all while planning your next Disney trip and devising a training program for me and my bike... did I leave anything out...:rotfl2: oh yeah, all while supporting all of us like no one else can.... word...

I'm Caught UP! Couple of comments.

Looks like we now cover 3 countries, well 4, Nancy is part Mexican now.:laughing:

Si, Senorita! :rotfl2: OMG did I love Cancun. At least once a day, either Stephen or I just throw our hands up in disgust and exclaim "we should just MOVE TO MEXICO!" :laughing:

At this point they just use a turkey baster. Cause their is NO WAY she's holding his package for any meaningful amount of time.

<spewed my drink>

So glad you are back Lyz! We so missed you! :hug:

side note: I have totally not even made Christmas cards yet. They might be New Years cards.

Me either. I'll get there eventually...I'm assuming it's like a wedding...we have a year, right?

He doesn't really care what I look like. Honestly he's happiest when I have on sweatpants and a t-shirt, but he knows I'm uncomfortable in my body so he encourages me constantly, eats the "diet foods" and goes with me walking or bike riding, and even convinces me when I'm not so willing. Sorry so long, but there's a history to how I got where I am.

Leanne...that's so great that he's supportive. Mine is's a wonderful thing. :goodvibes

So this is huge...I am DONE with work until January 5th.

I was "SO DONE" with work today that I almost quit my job :eek: Seriously frustrating the last 2 days...but eh. It's the "holidays" right? Everyone is just a bit "on edge". :headache:

oh well... it is the thought not the date that counts right...


you wild woman you... whatever will you do with your free time...

oh I know, you will solve the world hunger problem, craft and incredible snowman, run a half marathon, bike a gazillion miles all while planning your next Disney trip and devising a training program for me and my bike... did I leave anything out...:rotfl2: oh yeah, all while supporting all of us like no one else can.... word...

:lmao: :lmao:

um... anyone heard from Lisa lately.....

we miss you Lisa....

Hey Lisa...WHERE ARE YOU???? :confused3

Just got back from the grocery store. :scared1: What a ZOO. Absolutely awful. Going next door tonight for a neighborhood Christmas party. :thumbsup2 Plenty of holiday cheer :santa:
Lyz, welcome back!!!

Edward not swoonworthy???? What???that is crazytalk!! I was totally swooning after the first book. The movie just raises it to another level!
Paula,your biking plan sounds great !!

Kat, thank goodness it was warmer here today!! The lack of humidity is killing my skin though!!!

Steph, I bet your tree is gorgeous!!!

Nancy loved the pics as much as I could see them on the blackberry

Liz :hug:

Erika can you believe it is just over two weeks to the half??? So excited!!!!

Lisa dawn aimee Kelly
Other new people :wave:

I do apologize for craptastic crackberry typing


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