Tammy's pj ... 10/20/2008 WP & ADH.... TRIP REPORT UPDATED pg 12!! Day 7 WEDDING DAY!

Awww I love the pic of you guys with the castle..so pretty and the pic of you and Mickey. How adorable.

Thank you so much

Tammy, everything looks so beautiful! :goodvibes I love your tiara! I'm glad your parents were able to find it! :thumbsup2 I'm so happy you guys had such a great time at the mnsshp! Can't wait to read more! :goodvibes

I was so happy they found it too. We had a balst at MNSSHP. I can't wait to go back and do it again!

Hi from the seasonal thread,
I love the zombie dancers in the parade!

Your bridesmaid with you and your flowers pic is SO PRETTY!

Aww thank you!
I didn't know they had drawing classes in DHS? That's so cool, where is that at? You're Plutos came out so well! I'm very impressed! Looks like you had a great time with the Cars! Your brother looks so excited! :goodvibes
I didn't know they had drawing classes in DHS? That's so cool, where is that at? You're Plutos came out so well! I'm very impressed! Looks like you had a great time with the Cars! Your brother looks so excited! :goodvibes

The drawing class is in the same building where you can meet Mickey and the Incredibles. It's in the building right by the Voyage with the Little Mermaid. There is like an art store there if you go in that store you can cut through the store and it will take you right into the building. The class is so much fun!
Ok where were we?!?! Oh yes ......

Day 5 - Girls day at MK - part 1

Today was my day to spend some time with my bridesmaids. We decided to have a girls day at MK. First stop was lunch at Crystal Palace. Both Jen and Bri have never been to a character meal so I was very excited to take them to one of my very favorite. My mom is also a huge Eeyore fan so she was happy to join us.

*on a side note you will notice that one of my bridesmaids did not join us. She, who would be Andrew's sister decided she just didn't have time or the money to join us.

Me with my bridesmaids

My MOH Jen and me

A couple of group shots (Mom, Bri, Me, Jen)


First to stop at our table was Eeyore. Of course my mom was the first to jump up. Jen thought about wrestling her for him but then decided against it. We all took turns taking and getting our pictures done.







Next up was Tigger. He is one of my very favorite. This Tigger was great! He spent alot of time at our table and had a lot of fun with us!







Next to our table was piglet but before then we had a little break since they were about to start the little parade around the resturant. Everyone was very pleased with the food and we ate a lot. It was great to be able to spend some none wedding time with my girls.





..... continued in next post
Last but not least to our table was Winnie the Pooh. By this time we were stuffed and pretty much ready to head out into the kingdom. So once again we took turns having our pictures with Winnie the Pooh. Once he was finished we paid our checks and made our way out of the resturant. It was time to meet up with a few more friends and see if we can find Mr Captain Jack Sparrow!!!




Next up ..... Girls day at MK Part 2
Those pics from Crystal Palace are so adorable! We love to go to Crystal Palace fro breakfast. Can't wait for more :)

Great TR so far!! I am enjoying all the pics! Looks like you all had so much fun. I am so happy to hear about that drawing class. My DF loves to draw and it would be perfect for him!! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read more!
Can't wait to read more :goodvibes

Thank you!

Those pics from Crystal Palace are so adorable! We love to go to Crystal Palace fro breakfast. Can't wait for more :)

Crystal Palace is one of my favorite too! Thanks for reading!


Great TR so far!! I am enjoying all the pics! Looks like you all had so much fun. I am so happy to hear about that drawing class. My DF loves to draw and it would be perfect for him!! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read more!

Thank you. I think you guys will love the drawing class. We have done it 3 times now and it's been a different character every time!
Girls Day at MK Part 2

So we had just finished up our lunch and we were off to meet up with some other friends. I sent a text to Tara to find out where they were. She said they were just about to board the Jungle Cruise so we decided we would meet them over at Pirates of the Caribbean. While waiting we decided to jump in line and pay a visit to Captain Hook and Mr.Smee.




So finally we meet up with Tara and Carol and begin to make our way into Pirates when all I hear is JACK!! JACK I LOVE YOU! and there is my maid of honor trying to chase Jack Sparrow down. Unfortunantly for her she didn't get to him in time but we did grab a few photos for her.



I do have to admit this guy wasn't too bad to look at. ;) So anyways we finally ride Pirates which everyone loved and continued on our way. Next stop was Splash Mountain. This took a little convincing to get Carol to ride but she eventually came around and loved it.




After Splash Carol and Tara wanted to grab some food so my mom took them over to Harbor House while Jen, Bri and I went to ride Big Thunder Mountain. This is one of my favorite rides at MK.





We got off Thunder Mountain and headed over to meet the other 3 at Harbor House. Our next few stops were to be Haunted Mansion, It's a Small World and Mickeys' Philharmagic. So far we have had a great day and alot of fun but we still had one mission left ..... Go and visit the Mouse himself!!!

Next up ......

Girls Day at MK Part 3
Cute pics! I compared your WDW CH to our DL CH and our CH has less 5:00 shadow. :rotfl2:
Girls Day at MK Part 3

So where were we?!?! Oh yes we were off to meet the mouse himself ..... MICKEY!!!!

So we headed over to Toontown and got in line to see Mickey. Bri said she couldn't leave Florida until she saw Mickey .... so 45 minutes later we were in!

First up was Jen ...


Then me ...


Then it was my moms turn who insisted on picking on Mickey. She kept asking Minnie were here engagement ring was and got Mickey going. It was pretty funny.

Minnie wanted to know where her ring was ....


Mickey has had enough .... lol

My mom






And finally Carol


We had a blast with Mickey. It was so worth the 45 minutes to get in. They really got into their characters! It was just too funny.

After some time with the mouse we made our way over to Tomorrowland. We rode Space Mountain which Jen had been waiting all day to ride and then made our way over to Buzzlightyear.



We finished up in tomorrowland and then decided to head on home. We had a big day a head of us tomorrow.

Next up ...... Day 6 - Rehersal
Day 6 - Rehearsal

Rehearsal was at 12pm so we were up and ready to go by 11am. We still needed to go pick up my grandma from her hotel and the flower girls from the airport. Poor little things were up at 5am that day to catch their flight. We make it to pavilion and meet Rev. Jack Day who is absolutely hilarious! Rehearsal starts and runs smoothly with the exception that one of our groomsmen didn't make it there in time. (let's just say he's lucky I didn't kill him) Anyways ...... everything went well and we were starting to get very excited.




Once Rehearsal was finished everyone went their separate ways for the afternoon. We had dinner reservations at Ohana at 5:15pm. For my mom, my bridesmaids and myself we had an afternoon of manicures and pedicures planned. No pictures of that since we really wanted to be able to relax and enjoy the afternoon.

We finished up with that and made our way to the Polynesian for our dinner reservations. I was very excited for this since I have heard so many great things about Ohana.









Dinner was great. Everyone had a blast and the food was awesome. My dad surprised me with a bracelet from Tiffanys at dinner and Andrew with a Kenneth Cole watch. We couldn't believe his generosity. I thanked him for the wedding gift but he said they weren't wedding gifts just a gift for the great 28 years. :o

After dinner and some dancing we were all ready to get on our way. Tomorrow was the big day. My mom, MOH Jen, Bridesmaid Bri and I had a relaxing night planned at the Grand Floridian. Andrews sister Angie (also a BM) couldn't be bothered to spend the night with us but by this time we didn't even care. Us four were looking forward to spending some time together.

So we jumped in the car with my dad and made our way to the hotel. What a beautiful hotel. We had a few issues checking in .... they wanted to put my mom and myself in a different building then the girls but that wasn't going to work since we had Anna coming to do all of our hair in the morning. My dad got everything figured out and we were on our way to our rooms.




We got to our rooms which were side by side (thanks dad :) ) and then decided to head out to do a little shopping and explore the hotel before we called it a night.




After about an hour or so we decided it was about time to head to bed so we all grabbed a tea and then headed back to our rooms. Anna was going to be there at 7:30 the next morning so we all wanted to make sure we got our beauty rest. :lol

Next up ..... Day 7 - WEDDING DAY!!!
Tammy you and your girls are adorable. Aww. I love your TR!
Tammy, I am definitely diggin' your reports! All your pics look like you guys were having a blast! Can't wait to hear about the big day! :goodvibes

Just found your TR. You look so beautiful. Can't wait to see more photos and hear all about it.
Day 7 - WEDDING DAY!!! ..... Well wedding morning :)

So we were all up bright and early today. I couldn't believe it was finally here. Anna and her crew arrived right on time at 7:30am and got right to work. (and just an FYI .... I am so not a morning person)






My Grandma




* and just incase anyone asks .... yes I have a black eye in this picture which I had gotten the day before horse playing in the pool. Of course I of all people would end up with a black eye. Thankfully Anna did a great job covering it up

Anna was done within a few hours. I was so happy with how everything turned out. Everyone looked so beautiful. We were done a little earlier then expected so we took this chance to grab some food and relax. While waiting for my flowers and for Ty to arrive Bri fixed up my nails that I had gotten done the day before.


Finally after about an hour we got a knock on the door and the flowers had arrived!!! Yay flowers ...... they were so pretty! I was so happy.

Bridesmaids flowers


My flowers

Me holding my flowers and realizing how heavy they really are

So hair and make-up was done, flowers were there and we had all eaten something. All that was missing now was the photographer. Within a few minutes of the flowers arriving we recieved another knock on the door. It was Ty!!!! Yay he finally arrived. He began snapping pictures right away.






Continued in the next post ....................
So Ty left the room for a few minutes so the girls and myself had a chance to get our dresses on. Once we were dressed he came back in the room and began snapping away again.










He finished up with us and then made his way to the lobby to get pictures of the boys and flower girls. We were told to sit tight (easier said then done) and Meri would call us when it was safe to come down. So back to waiting again ......



So while I looked like this waiting impatiently ..... this was what was going on in the lobby of the Grand Floridian.





*I know the boys pictures are not as creative as some but my brother has cerebral palsy so there was only so much we could do with him. I think Ty did a great job not making his disability too obvious.







So back in the room we finally got the phone call we were waiting for. It was safe to come down to the lobby and get our pictures done.

*Next up ..... WEDDING DAY!!! (con't)


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