Expedition Everest Challenge Trekkers

Thanks to all of you for the reports and for the pics. It looks and sounds like a very fun race! I hope they have it again and that I can participate!
You've heard the reports. Here are my photos. Maybe I can write more tonight after work. It was great seeing Jeanne, Diane, Anne -- and so many others -- there.
The announcer said show me your best cold face

Jeanne's son Adam was kind enough to take this photo

From wave 11, the start looked far away

45 minutes after the race started, it was our turn

My six-foot-plus brother braves the hurdles

Me climbing the cargo net

the twofools team was right behind us

Made excellent time with my bro on the scavenger hunt: 4 out of 4 right!

Celebrated the next day at Cape May

Great race! Gotta go to work NOW! More later....




Inside the "compass" it says Expedition Everest Challenge September 27, 2008
Greetings Everyone: I got back from Disney last night. I had a great time. Saturday was the best day. DW and I hung out at the pool at the Yacht Club, went to the ESPN club to watch college football, and then I went to the race.

I thought the race was a blast. The 5K was fun, the obstacle course was fun, and the scavenger hunt was fun. I was just laughing and having a great time the whole time.

I need to apologize to my WISH team-mates about Saturday. I had to leave the party around 9:00pm. DW didn't come to the race, and I wanted to get back to her so we could have dinner.

All my best,

I agree with everyone - it was so much fun! The run was uneventful. We had to stop to walk a few times because my team mate had just gotten over an achillies tendon injury. I'm sure the FOUR beers I had at the F&W Festival didn't help either. :lmao: It was worth it though - I've never been to F&W and I was there with no kids - I had to take advantage of the situation!

The paths were kind of narrow so it was hard to steer around the walkers and slower runners- we tried to move way over when we walked. I didn't see a finish line anywhere - we saw the mile 3 marked and kept running until we got to the obstacle course. A friend told me there was a mat but no sign so I guess I just didn't see the timing mat?

The obstacle course was my favorite - I wish it was longer! I had my friend boost me up to the first hurdle, but then figured out a way I could go to the supporting beams and kind of hop my butt up there then climb over! :rotfl:

Scavenger hunt was great. I thought the clues were easy, but finding them was hard! I had only been to Animal Kingdom once for about 2 hours so I don't know my way very well. We missed at least two of our spots and had to run all over that park so many times! I think we managed to turn it into a 10k! :) We also ran from clue to clue instead of walking, but when we thought we were close we slowed down so we wouldn't miss it.

After the race we had to find a bunch of people (I was with work people as well as friends) then we got a drink and headed over for my first ride on Everest. I absolutely loved it! If I had been alone I would have ridden over and over.

I will definitely do this one again if the have it next year.
LAN! You totally rock! I was hoping someone would get the chalked Everest Logo at the Expo. If it's ok with you I'd like to get a copy of that :cloud9: He was doing such a great job on the logos.

Where were you?!?!? You have to come and say hi at the next race!!!

Same obstacle photos in mine LOL I did get a few more of the little 'airport' and bear because we arrived just arrive 5 pm and there were only a hand full of us around. Only another group of 3 were at the 'airport' taking pics which was great although ASI wasn't there yet so we won't have the 'official' photo. But oh well.

All 4 in my group finished but I never got a finish photo on my camera with us and our medals. My dad did get a photo of me post race that I will share when I get it to show how dirty my knees/legs were from the crawl unfortunately I had already washed my hands when I remembered I had wanted a hands/knees photo because I was DIRTY! LOL But I didn't care it was a badge of honor or would that be H2O? lol

My DH Ray put up the good fight and managed the 5K portion in 15 min/miles I'd have to dig out my race report to Susan for exacts but I won't bore ya'll LOL I walkd up to the hurdles and should have done what Wendy's brother did but didn't think of it until after I went around it but hey I would have fallen and hit my head anyways LOL I did complete the cargo net climb, beam and crawl. Doing the beam was a bit tough being afraid of falling, having a bit of sea legs going on after the cargo climb and THAT THING WAS LONG! omg! I had thought it would be half that size before we arrived. thankfully we did get to walk around it in the light so i knew ahead of time.

Our scavenger hunt went really really well. I was soooo worried about that H2O hint but these were easier and a lot of fun. We got all 4 right.

I know it was under 1 1/2 hours for our complete race. That included a potty break LOL Dang DH I have to condition him better. I do 1/2's without a stop MAN!

Coolest thing I heard that night..... backstage on the way to the obstacle course, i'd have to review the Marathon map to find the exact mile that is in but I thought it was Mile 17 or rather that area is part of Mile 17 so I told Ray that and pointed out that our sponges were back here. He said he had more respect for me. Poor guy was tired so I didn't ask more. The next day I said so what you didn't respect me when I finished the Marathon. Oh no he said, I did but now have more respect at what you can do. He said he couldn't have imagined keeping that pace or faster for another 10 miles for a half let alone 23 miles to complete my full. :goodvibes

Felt really good. It was a weird race for me because I didn't feel like I raced. I knew it was going to be a fun night so would run ahead so DH wouldn't kill me if I asked him one more time how he was feeling :lmao: then stop. The only part that was bad for me was the 1st mile which it always is, I did have us doing a bit more running to not get trampled. So we did run/walk in the parking lot and my calves hadn't loosened up yet. After that it was all good :thumbsup2

Parents had a fabulous time. Dad and Ray's 1st Disney Race and largest race for either of them to date went amazingly well. Mom attempted 3 out of 4 obstacles. She didn't do the hurdles. Got a bit unbalanced and couldn't finish that. But did the cargo net and crawl. Dad went all out and DID and FINISHED all 4. Ray and I skipped the hurdles but I think I'll give Wendy's brother's idea a try if we do it again. But I did finished the other 3. Poor Ray also became unbalanced on the beam so 'faked' he was helping me stay up. It must have been his 'fake help energy' that almost upended me 1/2 way across LOL

Here are newest photos link http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=1AbtGzNm0bsWFv&emid=sharshar&linkid=link5

if you missed it here is my expo link...


Gotta go, heading back to AK for some medal photos :thumbsup2


Expedition Everest Challenge SEPTEMBER 26, 2009

they don't have ToT or Race for the Taste listed yet but maybe because they still list the 2008 dates for those 2 races. But it looks like there WILL BE a 2009 EE5K :cool1:

OH!! CHOCO CAT!!! :hug: I'm so glad you were able to join us in the Wave on your 1st 5K. I know you will rock on you next one which I think is in Oct or Nov? Can't wait to see you at another race soon!!! Great seeing you at the end. To the poor lady sitting with her husband with us. I didn't catch you name!! But I know you will understand that since I would catch you with your hands over your ears. Side note to everyone... the speakers were plenty and LOUD. Hope you can hear again LOL

It was great being in our wave with Jen, Adam, Anne, Bob, Chococat &DH and ??? LOL Ok, I liked that I could hear what they were saying but not that I wasn't able to catch your name.

Georgiagirl??? Were you on the Kahli Rapids bridge during the party shooting water at people??? I thought I saw you and yelled GEORGIA GIRL but the person didn't respond. Well if that was you THANKS FOR GETTING ME JUST THE MUCH WETTER! I was drenched on the ride that night :lmao: But it felt good to cool off :)

Gotta run he's walking out the door!!! LOL
We did it! And it was even more fun than I expected it would be. Disney really knows how to put an event together.

And it was nice to meet the group of WISHers that I ran into before the race. You guys were almost as friendly as the CMs! I have really been enjoying reading everyone else's reports, and thought I would add my report to the boards. And some pictures too!

We arrived Friday morning at AKL, checked in and unpacked, then went to the parks. We had bought hoppers, so we did MK, DHS and Epcot during the EMHs. We had a great time on ToT, our group was loud and rowdy! Maybe because it was one of the last rides of the night. I had only ridden that ride two other times, so I didn't know there was a floor with a creepy little girl on it. The doors opened and this long haired little figure slowly moves around in front of us, then we got pulled back up for another view of the park. Best ride of the day!

Saturday was packet pick-up, Downtown Disney and Beaches and Cream before a little pre-race downtime. Before we knew it, it was showtime.


Team Sweaty Yeti (That's me in the glasses)


Here's the crowd in wave 2 and beyond


And they're off!

We started from wave 2 (even though I was a single and supposed to start with wave 1, I had to run with my Yetis!), and finished the 5k portion in under 29 minutes. I really wish they had put a water station at the end of teh 5k course. I always feel a little drained after a 5k, and a bottle of water usually gets me straightened out. So instead, I just knelt down and waited for our last yeti to cross the line.

After we had all recovered a little, we tackled the obstacles. That was fun! I also would have liked to have had more obstacles, but what they had was great.

During the scavenger hunt, our two teams worked together to get both books done. It was kind of loud in places, and I got one of my answers confused. I thought Brian said "Celebrate", but he actually said "Accelerate", so at the finish, I was 3 out of 4. But I still got the medal and had an amazing time, so no biggie.

After we cooled down with a drink and a little bit of bagel, we got changed and had a few beers and hit the rides. Dinosaur twice and EE 8 times. At the end of the night, we were walking right onto Everest. It was so awesome.

Now we are home and life is getting back to normal. Hope everyone else got or gets home safely. Once again, it was nice to meet the few WISHers that I met. Keep it up, maybe we will meet again at the Kentucky Derby Mini in 2010?

btw, did anyone else notice that the tech shirts have a glow-in-the-dark part around the logo? I had been wearing it in the car on the ride home, and when I stepped inside the house, my kids thought it was too cool. Heck, I did too!

Hi DianeL,
Send me your email address and I will send you a copy of that pictures you want.

Do you know that I didnt even get a picture of me in my medal? :rotfl2:
Looks like a great event! Glad everyone had a good time! :cool1:
The results are posted!!!.

DD16 Miranda and I finished 19th out of 451 Coed teams that answered all 4 scavenger hunt questions correctly. Our Chip time was 50:59. I'm looking forward to doing this one again next year.

Thanks Chester for posting that the results were up - we have been anxiously waiting for them to be posted. We ended up coming in 95 out of 451 Co-ed teams that got all 4 clues right. We are happy with that - my DH is happy we came in at least under 100. Clock time 1:29:20 - chip time 1:04:13

All in all it was a GREAT experience and we will definately be back next year for the race.
Hey everyone: I came in 7th!!! of the solo men who got all 4 items correct. Awww man, I lost about 5 minutes waiting to cross the path of runners or I might have been in the top three. Now I think I have to go back.

Here's some pictures I got during the race...

Me in my race garb.

Chester, Miranda, Tracy, Anne, Jodi and Spencer

Inspirational Everest Climber dude...

Pre-race characters

Start line from Wave 1
The results are posted!!!.

DD16 Miranda and I finished 19th out of 451 Coed teams that answered all 4 scavenger hunt questions correctly. Our Chip time was 50:59. I'm looking forward to doing this one again next year.

Chester - I just noticed that Cindy and Matt finished 20th out of the Coed teams and were 2 chip seconds behind you.
I had a total blast at EEC! I was sooooo happy to find Anne and see all the WISHers in their green shirts (I would have worn mine...but I was with my church group)!
I feel cheated!! I am not on the results list!! I forgot to shut off my watch, but I finished in around 1:15 (took my time with the scavenger hunt).



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