"Amuck, amuck, amuck!" A Pre-TR (link to TR in the first post)

Thanks Kaoden. :)

My daughter's aren't teenage yet. What is even more disturbing is that the junior high set is reading these books. The teacher actually discussed Ella as though all the 7th graders had already read the book!

I was going to let them read it but my DMIL is a librarian and recommended I read it first. Thanks Barbara! That was a very good idea.

I'll keep your title's in mind though.
I think your trip is going to be SO fun and I know it will be because you guys are a great, fun family! Also, you take the most awesome pics and cover ALL the good stuff (as seen in the Cool wind in your hair report). You ROCK!

Awww, thanks! :)

That's interesting to hear your take on Twilight. I still have yet to read it, but everyone seems to love it. It's always good to hear different opinions.

My teenage daughter didn't enjoy the first one. If you want books that are female empowering and are really a good read and are fit for teenage girls too I have the author for you.

Tamora Pierce. She has a series of books that has sub-series. They start with THe Lioness, then they go from there. The Lioness series is about a young girl who really wants to become a knight so she pretend to be her brother. I bought the first book to read to find out if they were approproate for my girls and fell in love. They are you go girl books.

Sorry for keeping it off topic but I figured that having daughters that you might want a good author for them.
Now back to regularly scheduled programing.

That's ok! It's not the worst thing to go off topic now and then especially if someone else reading along might be interested in reading those books you recommended. :)
Well, speaking of going off topic I thought I'd share some pics from our day out today. And I know some of you are planning Vegas trips in addition to your Disneyland trips, so it's not totally off topic.

Ruben had the day off we decided to go out to breakfast at the Rio buffet. I really like it there. It's not fancy schmancy like the Wynn or Bellagio, but the food is good and there are tons of choices. Plus with the locals discount, breakfast is SO cheap!

I didn't take any food pics because it just didn't occur to me. BUT I remembered we had the camera with us just in time for dessert! :rotfl2:


Don't worry, I didn't eat ALL that. LOL That was for me and the kids to share. :thumbsup2

The bar in the Rio buffet area. For those who prefer something stronger then OJ with their scrambled eggs.


After the breakfast we drove down the Strip for a bit and I snapped a few pics along the way.



We went to the Mirage to see the white tigers. They used to have them on display during the day for free, but now they are only in the Secret Garden area and I didn't want to pay to go in there. So we ended up walking around the hotel.

This was the atrium by the lobby.


In the window of the LOVE gift shop was this picture. I thought it was cool but the price tag was something like $180,000 or some crazy thing.


Inside the gift shop was this really neat bag. I'm not a huge Beatles fan, but I really liked this. Not for $68 though. LOL


We saw the LOVE show not long after we moved out here and I really enjoyed it. It's one show I would like to see again.


We passed by a place called the Carnegie Deli. OMG, they had the most delicious looking desserts on display!!! I was so full from breakfast, but man these looked good.
I'm a sucker for cheesecake. Here is their website. http://www.mirage.com/dining/casual_dining_carnegie.aspx The menu sounded good, and the food must good because there was a line to get in.




(I have to say thanks to Ruben for taking those pics! I was too embarrassed to go up and take a pic of the dessert case, but I said I really wanted them for my food porn, so he took them for me. :love: )

Outside of the Mirage. The grounds are so pretty. Well, except for all the construction going on around the volcano which won't reopen until later this year.


From the Mirage we walked to the Forum Shoppes in Caesars Palace next door.


I cannot afford a darn thing in there, but I like to look and it's so pretty inside.



This picture just cracked me up because while I am not a tennis player, I'm pretty sure that isn't the usual attire worn during a match. :rotfl2: Notice the lovely shade of DIS lime green. LOL


After walking around a bit we headed back to the Mirage and the service there is so great that they already had our ride parked out front waiting for us! So thoughtful of them!


Yeah, I wish! I need to get a big group of ladies out here so we can rent one of those bad boys and go have some fun on the Strip!! :banana:

Any takers?? :rolleyes1
Yeah, I wish! I need to get a big group of ladies out here so we can rent one of those bad boys and go have some fun on the Strip!! :banana:

Any takers?? :rolleyes1[/SIZE][/B]

Pick me! Pick me! I would so totally rent one with you! :goodvibes

Yummy food porn!
I love your photos of LV. I've been there a few times, but always for business. I've seen more of the walkway between the MGM hotel and their convention center than I EVER need to see. I've never had the urge to go there on vacation, but your pics and descriptions make it look much more interesting.

Love the cake display. I'm just going to assume they look much better than they taste. YEAH RIGHT!
A Las Vegas meet sounds like oodles of fun.

We've only been to the Forum shops once, and it was a looooong time ago. They had a Disney Store, and we bought footie jammies for the kids. They are 18 and 20 now, so you know it's been a while.
Love, love, love your mini Vegas TR!

Reminds me of my wedding :goodvibes

We bought this card called "Vegas City Pass" and it really paid off for us. We were able to go to ALL of these cool things on the strip for one price. It was kind of like a park hopper for the entire city of LV. (maybe I'll do a TR! ROFL :lmao: ) For normal people it probably wouldn't have been a good deal but for us intense-over-achiever planner types it works out quite nicely. 8:00 am ____ 11:15 am ____ 3:45pm___ You know the drill!

We really enjoyed ourselves at Madame Trousouds (SP???) wax museum!

DD showing her disdain for Simon

Sittin' down with Stevie


Second to that was the Star Trek experience (which is closing soon.. maybe the end of Sept??) If you haven't done the Star Trek experience I highly, HIGHLY recommend it (and I'm not even a fan!!!). It was a great time. They have a full sized mock up of the "bridge" and you get attacked by live borgs! It's all very interactive and cool. Have you done it????

Also at the Star Trek experience (I forget the hotel) .. is Quark's Bar and Grill! SO cool!! The characters are all walking around and talking/taking pictures with you. Klingon's, the whole bit. Really fun.

Xrated ear kiss of the Ferengi (no oomox)

Beth, your camera takes such good pics of the inside of the forum shops. I love the trojan horse at the toy store. My camera at the time was TERRIBLE for indoor lighting.

DD playing a tune on the Tom Hanks piano. No piano lessons had been had yet for this girl.. she just hears it

We also went to the Luxor and saw the King Tut exhibit (and a ride) that was a complete recreation of the tomb as it was when they opened it for the first time.

Who says you can't find culture in Vegas???

We also had a fantastic desert at the Paris (I fear that I am talking and adding too many pics so I'll leave that out!)

And saw art by the famous impressionists at the Bellagio. There are so many fantastic things to do in Vegas. We gambled for a total of 45 min and lost $20 but we certainly took Vegas for all it was worth in terms of fun!

I hope this inspires some people to try these various "tourist traps." They sure can be fun!! All of these things were included in the price of the card that we bought but I don't know if they do that anymore. This was in April of 06.

MammaU4, please PM me if you want me to keep my pics outta your TR. I will not be irritated at all! I just figure you like to have fun and so do I so I thought I'd pass these along. :flower3:


P.S. I am planning my big 40th Bday party in Vegas (2009) You are CORDIALLY invited!
Pick me! Pick me! I would so totally rent one with you! :goodvibes

Yummy food porn!
OK! Come on!! But we'll need more ladies to join us. I bet those monsters are not cheap to rent.

I love your photos of LV. I've been there a few times, but always for business. I've seen more of the walkway between the MGM hotel and their convention center than I EVER need to see. I've never had the urge to go there on vacation, but your pics and descriptions make it look much more interesting.

Love the cake display. I'm just going to assume they look much better than they taste. YEAH RIGHT!
OK so if you make it out here we know one place you don't want to go.....the walkway. LOL

It's so much fun out here. I think what's nice about it is you can come out and make it the sort of vacation you want. There is something for everyone. Whatever you're into, you can probably find it here. LOL And then some!!

A Las Vegas meet sounds like oodles of fun.

We've only been to the Forum shops once, and it was a looooong time ago. They had a Disney Store, and we bought footie jammies for the kids. They are 18 and 20 now, so you know it's been a while.
It does sound like fun! I've been wanting to do a DIS Ladies Only Vegas trip for awhile now. It's hard to get everyone to give up their Disney time though. LOL

The Forum shops has grown so much. You wouldn't even recognize it. It's so pretty inside and I love the curving escalators. But like I said, I personally can't afford a darn thing in there. Everything I need in life, I can find at Target. :thumbsup2
Me, me, me
Alright! We'll fill up that huge stretch limo yet!

I am in!!!! I love the Strip :yay: :yay: :yay:
Fat Tuesdays, here we come!:drinking1
Do you make it down to the Strip often? We still like going down there especially in the winter months when it's cooler and less crowded.

MammaU4, please PM me if you want me to keep my pics outta your TR. I will not be irritated at all! I just figure you like to have fun and so do I so I thought I'd pass these along. :flower3:


P.S. I am planning my big 40th Bday party in Vegas (2009) You are CORDIALLY invited!
Not at all! I love your pics!! I really want to go to Madame Tussauds. It looks so cool.
The Star Trek experience closed already. I wasn't a fan but I know many people were sad to see it go.

Also the Luxor is redoing it's inside look. I haven't been for awhile but last time they were working on it. I should go back and take some pics. See how they've changed it. They were trying to actually get away from the whole Egypt look. Go figure.

That's the one constant about Vegas, it never stays the same. :rolleyes:

Can't wait till your party!!! Say when and I'm there! ;)
The tennis playing mannequins...

Does that remind anyone else of the window display with the tennis players in the movie "Mannequin?"
The tennis playing mannequins...

Does that remind anyone else of the window display with the tennis players in the movie "Mannequin?"

Can't remember the movie but I did notice that they looked as though they were about to spank each other! :scared:

Thanks for the updates on the strip! Looks like my TR is outdated! :rolleyes:

Those were some fun places though! Guess we'll have to see what's next..:thumbsup2

EDIT: Luxor is not going TOO far from Egypt!! They're still into MODERN MUMMIFICATION! :lmao:

I've actually seen the exhibit called "BodyWorlds" if this is like that one I'd highly recommend it.. but the vegas version may be different? Also, if you get a chance, it looks like they're still showing "In Search of the Oblisek" which is a really fun, semi-interactive, and really well themed ride. Or, at least, it was! P.S. Their buffet.... blech. :sick"

EDIT: Is Quarks Bar and Restaraunt closed, too?

Birthday Party is looking to be somewhere... maybe February of 09. I'll keep you posted!
Alright! We'll fill up that huge stretch limo yet!

Do you make it down to the Strip often? We still like going down there especially in the winter months when it's cooler and less crowded.

In fact, I was down on the Strip two weekends ago with my little sis. She works at the Outback that just opened where the Coca Cola Factory use to be. Can you believe the size of that City Center???? It is huge!
In fact, I was down on the Strip two weekends ago with my little sis. She works at the Outback that just opened where the Coca Cola Factory use to be. Can you believe the size of that City Center???? It is huge!

It is huge! Too huge for my taste. LOL I wonder what kind of havoc that's going to play with traffic on the Strip once it's completed and all those workers, residents, shop owners, tourists, etc are all driving in and out of there. :rolleyes:

So did they completely shut down Coca Cola World? I saw them building Outback, but I wasn't sure if they were taking over the entire spot or not. I'll miss going there and getting an icy cold little glass bottle of Coke. Even though I'm a Pepsi gal, I love the little Coke bottles. LOL
Does she like working there?
The other day after we finished our time on the Strip we went to the mall and to the Disney Store. They had some tees on sale for $5.99 and $4.99 so of course I had to buy some more. Can't beat those prices!

These are the Jack Skellington tees I bought for Ruben and Adam to wear. Ruben's actually came from Disneyshopping and cost me $9.50. They had the exact same thing at the store for $5.99 so I got one for Adam. (Side note: The Mickey Trick or Treat tee I ordered for Adam was too small and they don't have any left for me to exchange it with, so I just had to return that one. Oh well. I'm sure the stores will start having some fun Halloween tees before too long.)


I found two tees I really liked for myself. A Pooh Bear one and a Tink one. I'll be saving these for the March Girls Only trip though.



And Ruben found a tan Grumpy sweatshirt that was on sale for $20. I love it. But then I love Grumpy. ;)


The girls didn't get anything this time. They have so many Disney shirts already so they weren't missing out on anything. :earsgirl:
Those are great shirts!! Our Disney store had some t-shirts on sale for $4.99 and I got some for the trip - but it looks like our stores had different selections.

I'd post pics on my PTR, but I'm running out of time! I'm glad you posted pics of yours though.

Love these too

And Ruben found a tan Grumpy sweatshirt that was on sale for $20. I love it. But then I love Grumpy. ;)


The girls didn't get anything this time. They have so many Disney shirts already so they weren't missing out on anything. :earsgirl:

Ok I'm going on Disneyshopping.com and seeing if they have this there. I love me some Grumpy.
I bought two of these, each a different size. I almost fit in the women's Large!
I used to wear XXL and now I'm down to their XL. I'm hoping to fit in the large by my October trip.


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