Disboutiquers Part 7 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

Thanks, He just turned 2 and I realize that he looks like such a little man now and not a baby anymore.. boo hooo!!!

I know what you mean sophia turned 2 last friday and dh and I decided it was time to move her to a toddler bed so we're going to get it today and put it together and take down the crib (probably never to be put again) :sad1: this weekend. We're having our staycation next week we thought it was a good time for this transition. Our babies are growing up!!! :sad:

I can't believe my baby boy is 6 today! I want to cry!

My little boy, Kyler, is 6 tomorrow!!! I cannot believe it has been six years since he was born. Happy Birthday to your sweet baby. I also love his outfit. It is hard to do things for boys but I really like that one!! The fabric is perfect and good job on the Mickey head appilque.

I finally got around to Making Nicholas a Mickey set for our October trip. I am unsure of the weather.... so we can add a long sleeve tshirt under this if it is too cold....


I love it!! You did an awsome job at the appliques.


I know I need to clip threads, and I am also adding a bow and making a top to go with it! Maybe soon I can post a pic of Sydni actually wearing it!

WOW!! You did awsome with that petti. it is perfect!! Can"t wait to see Sydni in it. I have material waiting to be transformed into a petti - but I am scared!!
Nevermind my question earlier...we are off to get x-rays of DS4 arm...I'll let you all know later if we have a break! Keep your fingers crossed!
Okay- I have got to figure out how to make my qoute pictures smaller. Anywho, I just finished my newest outfit. I am very proud of it.



Twirl factor
Like I said, I've had a pretty stressful week, but something AMAZING happened today!!!!!

You all might remember that while we were in Florida, 2 1/2 months ago, our cat ran away? So, we got a new little kitten about a month ago. Well, today, we got a phone call from someone who had found our cat!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I have NO idea what he had been doing for the last 2 1/2 months, but we got him back tonight, and he looks great!!! I thought he woudl be skinny and flea infested, but he doesn't look any different than when we lost him. Although, he does look HUGE to us now, compared to our little kitten!!! I combed him out with a flea comb, and didn't even find any fleas or ticks on him. We brought him into the house, and he came out of the carrier, and went right to the kitchen where his food is! He is now in his old spot, underneath the computer desk, next to my feet!!!! It's like he was never gone!!! Foxie, our new kitten doesn't quite know what to think of him though!!! He keeps running up to him looking at him, then one f them will growl, and Foxie runs away. Then, he'll sneak back up to him really slowly. They both keep giving me looks that seem to say, "What the heck is HE doing in my house?!"

We are pretty pleased to have him home! I am just so shocked!!! I thought for sure he was dead!!! I'm really glad we keep nametags on our cats!

Now, if we can just get him to stay inside form now on!!! He is already meowing to be let outside!!!!
:cool1: That is great!!!!

I want to say thank you for all the prayers. My mom is doing much much better.They moved her from ICU to the main floor today.They are shooting for next Friday for a surgery date,her BP is good and her sugar is back to normal.She is talking up a storm just like her normal self. If she is still doing good I told dd that I would start on her school clothes Saturday.
I want to send a special thanks to HeatherSue. yes they have started her on the Lovenox 2x a day.The Dr had a look on his face like why didn't I think of that when I asked him about it,but they still have to wait till the other is mostly out of her system before they can do the stent.
well I am going to try n get caught up on this thread then go to bed I am so tired but can never fall asleep till 2-3 am.
Wonderful news!

Here is the whole outfit.

My birthday boy clowning around

I can't believe my baby boy is 6 today! I want to cry!
Looks great on him! Happy Birthday to your DS! And :hug: for you!

YAY! Another person to fly from Logan with me!!
Will you bring your DD? I'll let you know if I see Jet Blue opening their schedule beyond 1/31/09.

Sorry I have been MIA but my little business venture is taking off like crazy.
:woohoo: Congrats!

I finally got around to Making Nicholas a Mickey set for our October trip. I am unsure of the weather.... so we can add a long sleeve tshirt under this if it is too cold....

SO cute!

Just saying HI!!! I really don't post often, just don't really have the time to keep up! But I did want to show off my latest project! Mind you I haven't sewn in like FOREVER, but I ordered this fabric and had to use it! So here is my first attempt EVER at a pettiskirt! Be honest and tell me what you think!

I know I need to clip threads, and I am also adding a bow and making a top to go with it! Maybe soon I can post a pic of Sydni actually wearing it!
That looks awesome!

So, DS4 decided to dance on our air hockey table the other night while I was folding clothes upstairs...all of a sudden thump! the screaming and crying...i went down and he would not calm down. Finally he does. I felt his arm and nothing seems out of wack or broken. That was Wednesday night. Yesterday he seemed okay, but today it seems a little swollen and now he has a small bruise on his elbow. He can move all his fingers just fine, make a fist like I said, yesterday, he was fine. But now, since he is favoring it, I am worried that he may need to have an x-ray. DH thinks that he probably just hit it wrong and wants to wait the weekend out. What do you guys think? He's not crying or anything, just not using that arm a lot. And he doesn't want me to mess with his arm.
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Hope things go OK with the Xray!

Here's what I stayed up half the night to finish:
Very cute!
Okay, so my first shirred dress. How do you guts pronounce that? I say sheered, but I wonder if it's shirred, like shirt with out the "t".


And here are a couple of pics of a bag I made from a pattern on YCMT...


A peek of the inside...


I know none of this is Disney, but the dress was "practice" on fabric I didn't care about. Didn't want to ruin my good Disney fabric! :)

Thanks to all of you awesome Disboutiquers, I have started sewing again. This dress and bag, and two more dresses complete, just waiting for my model to get back from her grandparent's house for pics!
I am SO far behind! We've had a pretty busy week, so I haven't had much computer time. The time I've been online has been spent writing my trip report. So, here I am to shamelessly plug my TR.


Part 23 is the beginning of this installment.
Will you bring your DD? I'll let you know if I see Jet Blue opening their schedule beyond 1/31/09.

Probably not...I tried to fly to Vegas this February and got snowed out. I'm afraid to tell DD that we are going to Disney and then having to cancel cuz of snow...plus I'd love an adult weekend. My DH works nights so I'm like a single mom during the week. I don't get very much "adult" time.

But hey, if I don't bring my child...I can help out with yours!!!
Get the kleenex again! This was on our local news last night and it really hit me. It's Amys Story. Click on view the video:

She also has a blog the link is at the bottom of the linked page.

Wow - she sounds like an amazing woman and mother!

I somehow missed your whale appliques with the multi-quote! Anyway - very cute! I love that fabric.

Okay- I have got to figure out how to make my qoute pictures smaller. Anywho, I just finished my newest outfit. I am very proud of it.



Twirl factor

WOW! That is an absolutely DARLING outfit! Right down to the matching flip-flops! You should be very proud of it! Awesome job!
Are Denise and I the only ones in the KC area? If there are any others or for any of you lurkers are from KC - Missouri Sewing Machine is having a Christmas in July Sale through tomorrow - I haven't been to check it out yet, but it sounds like a good one! I think 40% off cabinets and lots of other stuff on sale, too!
NOpe when they are together it is literally a cat and dog fight but this is confusing to me because the cat used to give daizie a bath all the time :laughing: and they would sleep together then Daizie had her
1st heat cycle and after that it was war......:QUOTE]
OH dear!


I can't believe my baby boy is 6 today! I want to cry!
So cute!!!
That is so Cool! I wonder what he has been doing the past 2 1/2 months? He is obviously glad to be home!

How is grandma doing?
I do wonder what he was up to!

Grandma, is doing great. Unless, you ask her, then she's not doing so well at all......:rolleyes1

That is amazing! :cool1: What did the kids do? Were they amazed too?? I have some pretty funny cat stories to share. I will be on later to do that!
The kids followed him around for quite awhile. But, this morning Arminda said it pretty well, "It just seems like he was never gone."

Teresa - Glad the cat is back. I was thinking about you and Heather the past couple of days since I hadn't seen any posts.

I'm just glad you noticed I was gone! ;) I've been catching up with the posts at night, but haven't had tome to post much.
That's great that he's back!! How wonderful! We got a new kitten a couple of months and ago and it took out 1 yr old cat about a week or two to get fully used to him, and now they are best buddies!
I hope they become friends! Right now, they just keep staring at each other!
That is so cool. Now you have two babies to love.:love:
This is the ONLY way Brian wouldn't put up a big fuss about having more than one cat!!! I always said I would have two, if it were up to me, and now we do!

Sorry I have been MIA but my little business venture is taking off like crazy. I am a little overwhelmed to say the least. I am getting ready to go on vacation with rara to WV and TN for a week then hopefully I can try to catch back up on the thread.

YEAH TERESA about your cat. A similar thing happened with ours---he was gone a month and thenone night I heard him meowing outside he came in and it was like he was never gone. Yeah to finding yours and your new addition.
I'm glad your business is picking up!!!! That is so exciting!!!!

Thanks about Foster, we are pretty excited!!! I'm glad your cat came back too!!!

It's a little confusing right now though, because our old cat's name is Foster and the new one is Foxie. I keep calling them the wrong names!

I'm so glad he someone found him. When our cat disappeared when I was in college we weren't so lucky. How cool. I hope they get each other figured out soon. That can be a big adjustment for a kitten.

I had a friend who had a son born with Trisomy 18. He lived about a day & a half. All the doctors were amazed that she had carried him to term because he was so bad. She said she was just glad she got to meet him. So many of her friends had miscarried that she just prayed through her whole pregnancy that she would at least get to meet her baby & not miscarry. I couldn't believe how strong they were through the whole thing.

Foxie (the kitten) seems to be having a harder time with this than Foster! I thought it would be the other way around.

I'm so sorry about your friend's son. I understand her feelings about meeting him. I would have given anything to have spent just a minute with my babies. :hug:

Sorry you're having a bad week but yaya! kitty came home!
Thanks so much Jeanne. :hug:
I was in a mops group with a lady who found out at 8 mos. pregnant that her baby had trisomy 18. It was horrible for the family. Someone actually told her that she was lucky that she didn't have to "get used to the baby and then lose it." I know she would have given anything to get to have her baby for even 99 days.
People can be SO insensitive! They really just don't get it sometimes.
about Bryan Adams! I remember once my friends and I went to his concert. We were 15 or 16. We went early and stalked the hotel he was staying in. We ended up on an elevator with his manager or publicist or someone You have to be 3 for BBB but some people...uhm...leave that info out when making the ressie. I was very tempted to do this with Lily on our trip last January because I know she would've been really well behaved for the FGITs but in the end I could not bring myself to lie about her age. But karma is my friend and we get to go back again in February when she WILL be 3 She better not get a mean FGIT!!!
I love Bryan Adams!!! When we were younger, Heather and I made up an entire routine to the song "Night in Shining Armor" (was that the name of the song?)
Cool about the elevator!!! I once rode in an elevator with members of Jefferson Starship and Night Ranger. My friend and I went to the hotel near the stadium they were staying at, and looked around for them. We were so excited when they actually got into the elevator!!!! We didn't say a word though!!! We just stood there looking at each other and them!

Just saying HI!!! I really don't post often, just don't really have the time to keep up! But I did want to show off my latest project! Mind you I haven't sewn in like FOREVER, but I ordered this fabric and had to use it! So here is my first attempt EVER at a pettiskirt! Be honest and tell me what you think!

I know I need to clip threads, and I am also adding a bow and making a top to go with it! Maybe soon I can post a pic of Sydni actually wearing it!
That is gorgeous!!! It looks sparkly, is it sparkly!!!??? :yay: Great job!!!
Yeah, I think that's one of the reasons why the video got to me so much - that family knew how blessed they were to have him for so long, that's why they celebrated each day at his birth time. The little guy I took care of lived for 11 days, and I know his family absolutely cherished those days they had with him.

It's easy sometimes to forget or take for granted just how blessed I am. Then I go to work and take care of a really sick baby or see a video like this one and I am reminded. I try to remember these things when my kids are driving me crazy. I know that those families would have given anything to go through the terrible twos and potty training and everything else.
I sure wish you were working in our NICU when Lydia was in there! :hug: Her nurses did not have your compassion! You probably don't even know what a huge blessing you must be for your patients and their parents. :hug:

Yipee!!! I am so glad you got your kitty back!

Hope your week is getting better!.
Thank you!! We are happy too!!!

I hope the week gets better too!

The girls are going to wear them to my cousins grad party tomorrow.
Grams has the skirt parts all done we just have to "join" the two.
Anna!! These look great! I love the horse one!!! Arminda would adore that!
Don't know if anyone read the "Last Lecture" or saw it on YouTube but he passed this morning
Oh, that is really sad.

Nevermind my question earlier...we are off to get x-rays of DS4 arm...I'll let you all know later if we have a break! Keep your fingers crossed!
I was going to tell you you should do that! I hope he is ok. Please let us know what you find out. :hug: :hug:
Okay- I have got to figure out how to make my qoute pictures smaller. Anywho, I just finished my newest outfit. I am very proud of it.

You SHOULD be proud!!!! It is adorable!!!!
Okay, so my first shirred dress. How do you guts pronounce that? I say sheered, but I wonder if it's shirred, like shirt with out the "t".


And here are a couple of pics of a bag I made from a pattern on YCMT...


Thanks to all of you awesome Disboutiquers, I have started sewing again. This dress and bag, and two more dresses complete, just waiting for my model to get back from her grandparent's house for pics!
I pronounce it like shirt with a t, or if you will, like sure, with a "d" at the end!

Either way you say it, yours looks great!! YOur daughter is adorable!!! and, I love the bag!

I hestiated to share this but, I thought I would, partly to explain what's going on with me this week, and maybe to warn any parents out there! I was on Myspace (not a place I go to often, but a friend sent me a message) and happened to check out my 16 year old neices' page. I was SHOCKED to say the least!!! She had VERY suggestive pictures of herself up with some really crude comments from older guys. The whole site was just an attempt to get male attention. And, Heather told me that the title of her site meant something bad, and when I looked it up on one of those slang dictionaries, it really was horrible! I called her Dad (hubby's brother), and he looked at it and was upset. I thought they were going to have her delete her page, but as of today, it was still there. I'm worried sick about my neice and what she might be getting herself into!
Okay- I have got to figure out how to make my qoute pictures smaller. Anywho, I just finished my newest outfit. I am very proud of it.



Twirl factor

Wow! Fantastic job. I'd totally buy that from you...:lmao: It's gorgeous. Great color choice....and love her tattoos...
I should have said that the update I just posted to my TR is the day we meet Chantelle, Disney 4 Me!

Like I said, I've had a pretty stressful week, but something AMAZING happened today!!!!!
Like Tessa and I said "The cat came back the very next day. Yeah, the cat came back. We thought he was a goner. But, the cat came back the very next daaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!" :banana: :banana: :banana:

I want to send a special thanks to HeatherSue. yes they have started her on the Lovenox 2x a day.The Dr had a look on his face like why didn't I think of that when I asked him about it,but they still have to wait till the other is mostly out of her system before they can do the stent.
well I am going to try n get caught up on this thread then go to bed I am so tired but can never fall asleep till 2-3 am.
I'm not a doctor, but I play one on the Disboards. ;)

Oh my goodness, I am SO glad you mentioned Lovenox to the doctor! Sometimes people think that doctors know everything, but they are humans too! I'm glad your mom is doing better. I'll keep praying for her.

One of my coworkers sent me this video the other day. It's a beautiful video of a little boy with Trisomy 18, narrated by his father. One of my very favorite babies I've ever taken care of had Trisomy 18 and this video was very touching to me, so I thought I'd share. Be forewarned, though, it's sad and you'll need tissues.

LOTS of tissues. :sad1:

:scared1: about Bryan Adams! I remember once my friends and I went to his concert. We were 15 or 16. We went early and stalked the hotel he was staying in. We ended up on an elevator with his manager or publicist or someone You have to be 3 for BBB but some people...uhm...leave that info out when making the ressie. I was very tempted to do this with Lily on our trip last January because I know she would've been really well behaved for the FGITs but in the end I could not bring myself to lie about her age. But karma is my friend and we get to go back again in February when she WILL be 3 She better not get a mean FGIT!!!

You are so funny about Bryan Adams! I caught that picture of you after WW last time in someone else's post. I just have to say - HA-chachacha!!!! You will be putting me to some serious shame if you show up looking that great in February!

??? for all of you who applique. I think I had a light bulb moment or maybe a blonde moment it could be either with me:lmao:
When appliqueing do you fuse the fabric you want to applique to the main fabric. ie fuse the mickey head to the tshirt? Or do you use the fusing to make the Mickey head sturdier but pin it to the shirt?

I was doing the fuse stuff to the Mickey head to make it stiffer and mining it to the shirt....
I know a really good applique tutorial that explains exactly how to do this, step by step...:rolleyes1

Get the kleenex again! This was on our local news last night and it really hit me. It's Amys Story. Click on view the video:

She also has a blog the link is at the bottom of the linked page.
I think I'm down an entire box now. :sad1:

Here's what I stayed up half the night to finish:

They are bodices to twirly jumpers my grams and I are making for sophia and my cousins dd (who just got here today from MI)



The girls are going to wear them to my cousins grad party tomorrow.
Grams has the skirt parts all done we just have to "join" the two.
Those are wonderful appliques!! I especially love the horse design. That is so pretty!

I know what you mean sophia turned 2 last friday and dh and I decided it was time to move her to a toddler bed so we're going to get it today and put it together and take down the crib (probably never to be put again) this weekend. We're having our staycation next week we thought it was a good time for this transition. Our babies are growing up!!! :sad:
I know what you mean! I took Sawyer's crib down right after his 2nd birthday and it was so sad knowing we'd never put it back up again. :sad2:

Nevermind my question earlier...we are off to get x-rays of DS4 arm...I'll let you all know later if we have a break! Keep your fingers crossed!
I will!

Okay- I have got to figure out how to make my qoute pictures smaller. Anywho, I just finished my newest outfit. I am very proud of it.



Twirl factor
VERY cute!!! I LOVE it!!! The fabrics are wonderful and it's very nicely done!!
ETA: No wonder I love the fabrics, I just realized I have that butterfly fabric! LOL!

Okay, so my first shirred dress. How do you guts pronounce that? I say sheered, but I wonder if it's shirred, like shirt with out the "t".


And here are a couple of pics of a bag I made from a pattern on YCMT...


A peek of the inside...


I know none of this is Disney, but the dress was "practice" on fabric I didn't care about. Didn't want to ruin my good Disney fabric! :)

Thanks to all of you awesome Disboutiquers, I have started sewing again. This dress and bag, and two more dresses complete, just waiting for my model to get back from her grandparent's house for pics!
I say it like shirt, but with a "d" at the end.

The shirred dress is so cute and the purse looks great!

Grandma, is doing great. Unless, you ask her, then she's not doing so well at all......:rolleyes1

I hestiated to share this but, I thought I would, partly to explain what's going on with me this week, and maybe to warn any parents out there! I was on Myspace (not a place I go to often, but a friend sent me a message) and happened to check out my 16 year old neices' page. I was SHOCKED to say the least!!! She had VERY suggestive pictures of herself up with some really crude comments from older guys. The whole site was just an attempt to get male attention. And, Heather told me that the title of her site meant something bad, and when I looked it up on one of those slang dictionaries, it really was horrible! I called her Dad (hubby's brother), and he looked at it and was upset. I thought they were going to have her delete her page, but as of today, it was still there. I'm worried sick about my neice and what she might be getting herself into!

:rotfl: about Grandma! Yes, she's doing great, but she won't admit it!

I can't believe her myspace page is STILL there! I wonder if she hoodwinked them into thinking she had erased it! It makes me sick to think those pictures are still out there for the world to see!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISTY!!! Love ya!!!:hug:
Thanks love ya too;) ;)

Just saying HI!!! I really don't post often, just don't really have the time to keep up! But I did want to show off my latest project! Mind you I haven't sewn in like FOREVER, but I ordered this fabric and had to use it! So here is my first attempt EVER at a pettiskirt! Be honest and tell me what you think!

I know I need to clip threads, and I am also adding a bow and making a top to go with it! Maybe soon I can post a pic of Sydni actually wearing it!
way to go that looks great...

That's looks great! And Happy Birthday to Your DS & to You Spongie!!!!

Nicholas looks really adorable!!
thanks for the b-day wishes

Yeah, I think that's one of the reasons why the video got to me so much - that family knew how blessed they were to have him for so long, that's why they celebrated each day at his birth time. The little guy I took care of lived for 11 days, and I know his family absolutely cherished those days they had with him.

It's easy sometimes to forget or take for granted just how blessed I am. Then I go to work and take care of a really sick baby or see a video like this one and I am reminded. I try to remember these things when my kids are driving me crazy. I know that those families would have given anything to go through the terrible twos and potty training and everything else.
oh sad and i am frustrated with mayson who i am training....

i am so glad your mom is doing better. I'll continue to pray for her recovery!:hug:

:sad: Thanks for sharing...makes you want to hold your kids a little tighter and cherish EVERY moment as they did.

:bday: :cake: Happy Birthday to your little one! Don't forget to update your signature!

Yipee!!! I am so glad you got your kitty back!:banana: :banana: :banana:

Hope your week is getting better!

I am so jealous, I have everything to make one, just not the nerve (or the time right now!)

So, DS4 decided to dance on our air hockey table the other night while I was folding clothes upstairs...all of a sudden thump! the screaming and crying...i went down and he would not calm down. Finally he does. I felt his arm and nothing seems out of wack or broken. That was Wednesday night. Yesterday he seemed okay, but today it seems a little swollen and now he has a small bruise on his elbow. He can move all his fingers just fine, make a fist like I said, yesterday, he was fine. But now, since he is favoring it, I am worried that he may need to have an x-ray. DH thinks that he probably just hit it wrong and wants to wait the weekend out. What do you guys think? He's not crying or anything, just not using that arm a lot. And he doesn't want me to mess with his arm.
ouch poor guy i hope it all okay

Get the kleenex again! This was on our local news last night and it really hit me. It's Amys Story. Click on view the video:

She also has a blog the link is at the bottom of the linked page.
wow the courage that people have i just don't know if i could be as brave.

Here's what I stayed up half the night to finish:

They are bodices to twirly jumpers my grams and I are making for sophia and my cousins dd (who just got here today from MI)



The girls are going to wear them to my cousins grad party tomorrow.
Grams has the skirt parts all done we just have to "join" the two.
way cute

Okay- I have got to figure out how to make my qoute pictures smaller. Anywho, I just finished my newest outfit. I am very proud of it.



Twirl factor
CUUUUTTTTEEE i love the colors..

Okay, so my first shirred dress. How do you guts pronounce that? I say sheered, but I wonder if it's shirred, like shirt with out the "t".


And here are a couple of pics of a bag I made from a pattern on YCMT...


A peek of the inside...


I know none of this is Disney, but the dress was "practice" on fabric I didn't care about. Didn't want to ruin my good Disney fabric! :)

Thanks to all of you awesome Disboutiquers, I have started sewing again. This dress and bag, and two more dresses complete, just waiting for my model to get back from her grandparent's house for pics!
way to go i have not done shirring yet i am askeered:scared1:

I am SO far behind! We've had a pretty busy week, so I haven't had much computer time. The time I've been online has been spent writing my trip report. So, here I am to shamelessly plug my TR.


Part 23 is the beginning of this installment.
i still need to read the
1st part...;)
Hello! I have been a long time "window shopper" :)
I started sewing about the same time I began planning our October Disney trip so I naturally became addicted to this forum! I have learned so much from all of you and have gotten lots of great inspiration (and also making me aware of YCMT- what a great place!!!). I am basically making all my 2 year olds clothes these days and she is even going to have to change during the day to wear all of the outfits I have planned for our trip princess:
So thanks for getting me hooked on such a great hobby!

I recently upgraded to an Embroidery Machine with the design software. I was wondering a site where you guys get so many of these Disney machine applique designs? I realize that you may need to PM this "sensitive" info;)

Hello! I have been a long time "window shopper" :)
I started sewing about the same time I began planning our October Disney trip so I naturally became addicted to this forum! I have learned so much from all of you and have gotten lots of great inspiration (and also making me aware of YCMT- what a great place!!!). I am basically making all my 2 year olds clothes these days and she is even going to have to change during the day to wear all of the outfits I have planned for our trip princess:
So thanks for getting me hooked on such a great hobby!

I recently upgraded to an Embroidery Machine with the design software. I was wondering a site where you guys get so many of these Disney machine applique designs? I realize that you may need to PM this "sensitive" info;)


Can't wait to see some pics of your creations!
way to go i have not done shirring yet i am askeered:scared1:

i still need to read the
1st part...;)
Happy birthday, Misty!!! :jumping1:

I read your entire trip report and commented on it and everything...but, you know, you don't need to feel guilty that you haven't read mine. :rolleyes1

Hello! I have been a long time "window shopper" :)
I started sewing about the same time I began planning our October Disney trip so I naturally became addicted to this forum! I have learned so much from all of you and have gotten lots of great inspiration (and also making me aware of YCMT- what a great place!!!). I am basically making all my 2 year olds clothes these days and she is even going to have to change during the day to wear all of the outfits I have planned for our trip princess:
So thanks for getting me hooked on such a great hobby!

I recently upgraded to an Embroidery Machine with the design software. I was wondering a site where you guys get so many of these Disney machine applique designs? I realize that you may need to PM this "sensitive" info;)


:welcome: I don't have an embroidery machine, so I can't help you there. But, we're glad to have you here! Please post pictures of the things you've made!
Okay, so my first shirred dress. How do you guts pronounce that? I say sheered, but I wonder if it's shirred, like shirt with out the "t".


And here are a couple of pics of a bag I made from a pattern on YCMT...


A peek of the inside...


I know none of this is Disney, but the dress was "practice" on fabric I didn't care about. Didn't want to ruin my good Disney fabric! :)

Thanks to all of you awesome Disboutiquers, I have started sewing again. This dress and bag, and two more dresses complete, just waiting for my model to get back from her grandparent's house for pics!

I love your creations.I am impressed with your shirring technique. That was very good,and I really like the color combination that was used with the bags. I am the same way about my Disney fabric. I have a ton of it sitting in my sewing room,but I don't want to mes it up!!! However, I have to start getting into it. My Disney trip is in 45 short days and I have a ton of ideas for my outfits.
you fuse the mickey head straight to the shirt/fabric you want it on to. then you applique... you have to use a stabilizer on the back of the tshirt/fabric to give it stability while appliqing...
AH that is what I did wrong! Ok need to get some more supplies before I make another one. I put backing on the Mickey head and pinned it to the shirt and then stitched.

he definately is happy with it ... Happy Birthday to your lil one,,, We share a Birthday :thumbsup2


Just saying HI!!! I really don't post often, just don't really have the time to keep up! But I did want to show off my latest project! Mind you I haven't sewn in like FOREVER, but I ordered this fabric and had to use it! So here is my first attempt EVER at a pettiskirt! Be honest and tell me what you think!

I know I need to clip threads, and I am also adding a bow and making a top to go with it! Maybe soon I can post a pic of Sydni actually wearing it!
IT came out great! I really want to try one!

Fuse to the appliqué fabric, cut out the shape, remove the backing paper and fuse to the tshirt. If you're doing satin stitch around the edge, definitely use stabilizer behind the appliqué. The stabilizer goes inside of the tee so you have these layers: appliqué fabric, fusible, teeshirt and then stabilizer. If you haven't tried already, I'd suggest using an open-toe presser foot or whatever comes with your machine that is made for appliqué. Mine is clear plastic and has a small raised area that allows the satin stitch to pass under it without getting caught up. The regular sewing foot can work but too often my work gets hung up and the stitching bunches. The plastic presser foot helps me keep the stitches much smoother.

I think it looks great!
Thanks! You ROCK! So ok I screwed up my 1st applique but he is happy so I guess that is all that counts he'll never know it is wrong;)

:bday: :cake: Happy Birthday to your little one! Don't forget to update your signature!

so, DS4 decided to dance on our air hockey table the other night while I was folding clothes upstairs...all of a sudden thump! the screaming and crying...i went down and he would not calm down. Finally he does. I felt his arm and nothing seems out of wack or broken. That was Wednesday night. Yesterday he seemed okay, but today it seems a little swollen and now he has a small bruise on his elbow. He can move all his fingers just fine, make a fist like I said, yesterday, he was fine. But now, since he is favoring it, I am worried that he may need to have an x-ray. DH thinks that he probably just hit it wrong and wants to wait the weekend out. What do you guys think? He's not crying or anything, just not using that arm a lot. And he doesn't want me to mess with his arm.
Will do!
Take him in! It can't hurt.. When I was in 3rd grade some silly boy had the nerve to tell me that boys were faster then girls on bikes. Yeah right!!! Any way so I raced him and I was winning until I went flying on and uneven sidewalk. Well my mom said you can move your fingers and still use it and it doesn't look swollen. So for 3+ days she did nothing and then all of the sudden bam it swelled like a balloon! Turns out I broke it and spent the summer in a cast. Darn boy it was all his fault for challenging me! :lmao:

Here's what I stayed up half the night to finish:

They are bodices to twirly jumpers my grams and I are making for sophia and my cousins dd (who just got here today from MI)



The girls are going to wear them to my cousins grad party tomorrow.
Grams has the skirt parts all done we just have to "join" the two.
They look GREAT!
Like I said, I've had a pretty stressful week, but something AMAZING happened today!!!!!

You all might remember that while we were in Florida, 2 1/2 months ago, our cat ran away? So, we got a new little kitten about a month ago. Well, today, we got a phone call from someone who had found our cat!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I have NO idea what he had been doing for the last 2 1/2 months, but we got him back tonight, and he looks great!!! I thought he woudl be skinny and flea infested, but he doesn't look any different than when we lost him. Although, he does look HUGE to us now, compared to our little kitten!!! I combed him out with a flea comb, and didn't even find any fleas or ticks on him. We brought him into the house, and he came out of the carrier, and went right to the kitchen where his food is! He is now in his old spot, underneath the computer desk, next to my feet!!!! It's like he was never gone!!! Foxie, our new kitten doesn't quite know what to think of him though!!! He keeps running up to him looking at him, then one f them will growl, and Foxie runs away. Then, he'll sneak back up to him really slowly. They both keep giving me looks that seem to say, "What the heck is HE doing in my house?!"

We are pretty pleased to have him home! I am just so shocked!!! I thought for sure he was dead!!! I'm really glad we keep nametags on our cats!

Now, if we can just get him to stay inside form now on!!! He is already meowing to be let outside!!!!

Sorry that you have been having a stressful week..hope things get better for you soon. Glad that you found your cat!

I want to say thank you for all the prayers. My mom is doing much much better.They moved her from ICU to the main floor today.They are shooting for next Friday for a surgery date,her BP is good and her sugar is back to normal.She is talking up a storm just like her normal self. If she is still doing good I told dd that I would start on her school clothes Saturday.
I want to send a special thanks to HeatherSue. yes they have started her on the Lovenox 2x a day.The Dr had a look on his face like why didn't I think of that when I asked him about it,but they still have to wait till the other is mostly out of her system before they can do the stent.
well I am going to try n get caught up on this thread then go to bed I am so tired but can never fall asleep till 2-3 am.

Glad that your mom is doing much better..will continue to send prayers her way.

One of my coworkers sent me this video the other day. It's a beautiful video of a little boy with Trisomy 18, narrated by his father. One of my very favorite babies I've ever taken care of had Trisomy 18 and this video was very touching to me, so I thought I'd share. Be forewarned, though, it's sad and you'll need tissues.


I just watch the video...it is so sad!

I have two of the 1034's and I LOVE them!!! It's an excellent serger. I've done every fabric imaginable on it including leather. I have two of them because at one point I had to put it in the shop for maintenance and the repair lady got sick so I needed a back up to finish orders. I got the White Speedylock as a back up but never liked it much. I complained about it so much that one day DH came home w/the second Brother serger. I very highly recommend it and everyone I know that has one loves it.

I have this serger and I LOVE it. I bought it a Walmart.com for basically the same price. I have used it a lot and I really :love: it.

Thanks for the positive review...I am going to order it from Amazon tonight and hopefully will have it next Wednesday!

How cute! I love the designs!

and I LOVE Bryan adams! I would stand in line to meet him! I still have some of his cd's!

HFCS-free shopping!
We went to Trader Joes again and found some food without HFCS and it wasn't really expensive. In fact, the peanut butter was much cheaper than the popular brands and so was their yummy hazelnut spread! We also got some Strawberry jam, cans of corn, soda, and a few other things. I am really loving that store right now!

I wish we have a Trader Joes around here!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISTY!!! Love ya!!!:hug:

Happy Birthday!!!


I know I need to clip threads, and I am also adding a bow and making a top to go with it! Maybe soon I can post a pic of Sydni actually wearing it!

That looks GREAT!!

Here's what I stayed up half the night to finish:


That is so cute!!!

Nevermind my question earlier...we are off to get x-rays of DS4 arm...I'll let you all know later if we have a break! Keep your fingers crossed!

I hope he is OK! Keep us updated.

Okay- I have got to figure out how to make my qoute pictures smaller. Anywho, I just finished my newest outfit. I am very proud of it.


I love, love, love this set!!! What pattern did you use for the skirt?

Okay, so my first shirred dress. How do you guts pronounce that? I say sheered, but I wonder if it's shirred, like shirt with out the "t".



Love the dress and the bag! I have not tried shirring yet...but after seeing all the beautiful shirred top/dress, I think I am going to try it this weekend after I finish my dd's birthday dress!

I am SO far behind! We've had a pretty busy week, so I haven't had much computer time. The time I've been online has been spent writing my trip report. So, here I am to shamelessly plug my TR.


Part 23 is the beginning of this installment.

I just read it..and love your report and now I am waiting for Teresa's next installment.


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