Nurse Tammy's "Waiting for ROFR" Support Group - The Sequel

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I've been a train wreck all day. I don't want to be a "downer," so you might just want to look at the photo of Sandra and me with three of our four beautiful grandbabies, and skip what comes after.


The news about little Maria Chapman hit me so hard this morning. If you're a long time reader here, you may remember I drove to St Louis week before last, after the death of the 5-yr-old granddaughter of our dearest friends. Then, just yesterday I was introduced to Stephen Curtis Chapman's song, Cinderella, and knowing about his family and all the love there made it hard to listen without losing it. And, of course, Mom's sick (though having some good days this week). Then the news this morning. (It was also in our paper, so it was probably helpful to hear it first from someone who cared.)

Well, I mentioned yesterday that my older son's family is active in a "Chinese adoptee's" playgroup with the Chapmans. Also, Maria was in the four-year-old class at the same church playschool where Spencer was in the three-year-old class this year. Stephen came to the year-end "commencement" for Maria's graduation to kindergarten, last week, and sang at the little program they had for the "graduating" four-year-olds. (All from my daughter-in-law, who has also been a bit of a wreck all day.)

Anyway, Lord willing, I will be with all four of the grandchildren by 8 or so tomorrow night. Little Aidyn, my only little girl, will wonder why Poppa is squeezing her so hard.
GB - it's tough just knowing about the story and looking at my own girls, I can only imagine how much harder it would be with so many connections through your family. You're in our prayers.
Good Morning peeps...still dealing with lacrosse weather...Susan will you look out your window and tell me if you see the sun yet??? :cool1: The lax weather is supposed to give way to golf weather and be nice and golfy this weekend though not :beach:

Anywho...more makin' bacon a bit later this morning and then a bit of down time! No baseball tonite!!!!!!!!!!!!! DS11's team got smoked last nite and he didn't have his best game ever.

It was beautiful here today!! So, your'e gonna love tomorrow!!;)

We are so excited!

We just found out Disney waived on our contract!! YEAH!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Our offer is as follows:
135 AKL points $90/pt, 135 banked 07pts, all 08pts.

SO excited to tell our 9-month old , although, I think he's probably wondering what all the fuss is about and why we are checking our email constantly! His first trip to Disney is in December so he'll know then!

Whooo hoooo!! Congrats!!!

I closed today! :woohoo:

Awesome......again!!!!! Whooo hoooo.....again!!

My DH isn't going to be a happy man tonight. I called the TTS + the closing company. Somehow, this fell through the cracks. I will fill you all in with the details:

About 2-21 we purchased 150 Beach Club Villa points with December use year. 34 points available now and 150 coming in Dec. 08 for $86 a point (seemed like a good deal!!).
On 2-26 Contract was emailed to us. We sent our deposit and waited for ROFR. I think it was about a week later that they found out the contract number was wrong. They had to send another contract to be signed.
On 3-28 Disney finally waived Right of First Refusal!! Yeah!!
On 4-18 TTS sent us the closing documents to be signed. We sent them back immediately (aware that we are very close to our deadline for booking Easter next year!)
Waiting, waiting, waiting to hear something, I checked the board yesterday and got advice.
Today, I called the closing service company. THE SELLERS HAVEN'T SENT THE PAPERWORK BACK!!!
I know NOW that I should have kept a closer eye on this. But with a bunch of kids at home, it just slipped past me. Not until I started booking the plane tickets for next Easter did I start to worry. So, now I have 5 tickets to WDW and no hotel room. I talked to WDW today and they are sympathetic, but said I needed to book soon or there won't be anything left for Easter.
Jerry Sydow is sympathetic too, but said the only thing we can do is back out of the contract! No legal recourse (it wouldn't be worth it).
So, Everybody Needs to Stay on Top of This!! Don't do what I did and figure that everything will be taken care of. Once Disney waived ROFR, I thought I was home free. Believe me, you don't want to be one of the ones who "falls through the cracks".
Hopefully, next week the seller will send those documents like he promised. It still sounds really fishy to me. Meanwhile, we are already paying on a loan for points that we don't have.
I'm going to have to get rid of the kids, have my DH's best dinner waiting tonight, open the Miller Light and put it in a frosty mug before I tell him this one (lol). Somehow I don't think he'll be amused! Can you believe it? :confused:

I would not be giving them a week!!! And I would be looking elsewhere! What was TTS thinking by not updating you!!! I think I would go up the chain here and make sure they know you are posting it here!

Whoo-hoo!! :yay: :woohoo: Just got our 'Welcome home' email from the TTS - we closed today! :cheer2:

Offer accepted on 13th April, ROFR passed 25th April, closing package received 10th May, welcome home today... and we had to send the funds from the UK!

Things certainly seem to have gone smoothly for us - hope that many more of you can share our good luck :)

Whoo hooo!!! Congrats!!!

Yes, I think it really is alot more complicated than it sounds! Now we are paying for this loan on something we don't have. The TTS will refund our money, but when we pay off the loan early the bank has a fee. Plus there is immeasurable inconvenience on our part! I thought they would hold our checks until closing, but that wasn't the case. Now we just wait and hope the seller comes through. It is possible that he changed his mind about selling and we will be stuck!

I think someone at TTS owes you an explanation of why you weren't notified. I'd be thinking of filing a complaint with the real estate board in Florida.
Congrats! I have been looking at doing a small add on through Disney :rolleyes1 Plan on talking to guide during our up coming stay.

Grandbuddy - Your in my prayers :hug:

Ooooo! Talking to them about what?! :idea:

For anyone that is interested......the Chapman family has set up a fund for donations in lieu of flowers to benefit adopting families in Maria's name. Here is the link:

While it doesn't seem very important to me right now, I did hear back from the closing co. and she has been in and out due to a death in the family. She is going to try to get the docs to us next week. Then I get an email from Carolyn at GMAC asking how my closing went since she has been on vacation. Where's the smiley smacking himself in the forehead? I filled her in.
Ooooo! Talking to them about what?! :idea:

For anyone that is interested......the Chapman family has set up a fund for donations in lieu of flowers to benefit adopting families in Maria's name. Here is the link:

While it doesn't seem very important to me right now, I did hear back from the closing co. and she has been in and out due to a death in the family. She is going to try to get the docs to us next week. Then I get an email from Carolyn at GMAC asking how my closing went since she has been on vacation. Where's the smiley smacking himself in the forehead? I filled her in.

Thanks for the link.

DH and I we're talking abouy AKV and how much he likes that resort. So we will probably do a small contract for there while we're on vacation. There goes my O/T this summer :rotfl:
I hope you told Carolyn the WHOLE STORY.
I shall post separately with regard to my own ongoing saga. Oh, yes, there's more.

But first, I think I forgot to congratulate Tammy on finally getting closed.:woohoo: :banana: :yay: :woohoo: :banana: :yay: (where do people find that little party scene with the balloons?)

When last we spoke of my continuing quest for a second contract, having had one problem after another with making offers to sellers who would not call the agents back, and sellers who listed points for sale they had already used, I reported that I thought I had finally found the contract that would work for me:

160 points at SSR, December UY. 10 banked '06 points. '07 points have been banked, so 320 points Dec '08; 160 each year thereafter.

Purchase price $12,600 ($78.75 per point), with buyer (that would be me) to pay closing, one year's maintenance fees, and GMAC fee.

Well, guess what. I can still pick 'em. It's like my uncanny ability to choose the grocery line where someone in front will need a price check, or the terminal will suddenly go down.

Turns out the sellers had actually banked their '06 points during the 2006 use year, then decided they wanted to take a trip. So they had borrowed all but 24 of their '07 points into '06, and used them. Meaning, now follow this closely, that they actually have 146 '06 points that must be used before December 1, 2008; and they have only banked 24 '07 points into the '08 UY! (And when do I want my points? 2008. I can't make plans to travel right now, with all that's going on in my family.) When Rachel quizzed them day before yesterday about the status of their points, they were not on the ball enough to know that this makes any difference. Again, she only found out the correct details when she called Disney to verify the points, before having the contract written up.

Forgive me for going on, but it is just so ridiculous. When I offered on the contract, it was showing 320 points available this use year (160 banked '06; 160 current). My offer was contingent on this use year's points being banked into '08. Rachel called me back to report the seller actually had only 10 '06 points left, and was having trouble banking the '07 points, because they had stopped paying mfs when they listed the contract. They couldn't bank the points unless they caught their dues up. Then she called me back and reported they had taken care of the arrearage, so that they could bank the '07 points. And now I found out they did that to bank 24 points, instead of the full year's allotment. Really folks, I could not make this stuff up!!!

On a lighter note, Sandra passed through a few minutes ago and said, "I think you have a new group of best friends that I don't even know." I think she's right. Who knew you could get so involved in the lives of folks that meet only in cyberspace? I'm glad I have gotten to know, or am getting to know, all of you.
Thanks for the link.

DH and I we're talking abouy AKV and how much he likes that resort. So we will probably do a small contract for there while we're on vacation. There goes my O/T this summer :rotfl:
I hope you told Carolyn the WHOLE STORY.

Yep. I did.

Grandbuddy, I am utterly speechless. And for those of you who have come to cyber-know me over the past 2 months, know that is something!! Where IS that smiley smacking his forehead!!!!!!
On a lighter note, Sandra passed through a few minutes ago and said, "I think you have a new group of best friends that I don't even know." I think she's right. Who knew you could get so involved in the lives of folks that meet only in cyberspace? I'm glad I have gotten to know, or am getting to know, all of you.

The feeling is mutual, I assure you. To your post, however, I'm speechless! :sad2:

It is mindblowing that there are this many people confusing and misrepresenting things this significantly. Don't they know that if they want to find a buyer they need to represent things accurately? It is mindboggling to me that people would be this confused (is it too harsh to say 'ignorant') about such a large asset/liability in their lives.

I'm just amazed at what you are going through. I don't know if we'll ever add on or not (this was MAJOR financial decision for us), but I know we consider it a possibility for a few years down the road. If/when we do, however, I hope you'll all be here to help us through what seems to be an ever-worsening process.

One of these days you'll find it! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: (a little girly, I know, but just think of it as a reversion to my frat days! :rolleyes1 )
But first, I think I forgot to congratulate Tammy on finally getting closed.:woohoo: :banana: :yay: :woohoo: :banana: :yay: (where do people find that little party scene with the balloons?)

When last we spoke of my continuing quest for a second contract, having had one problem after another with making offers to sellers who would not call the agents back, and sellers who listed points for sale they had already used, I reported that I thought I had finally found the contract that would work for me:

160 points at SSR, December UY. 10 banked '06 points. '07 points have been banked, so 320 points Dec '08; 160 each year thereafter.

Purchase price $12,600 ($78.75 per point), with buyer (that would be me) to pay closing, one year's maintenance fees, and GMAC fee.

Well, guess what. I can still pick 'em. It's like my uncanny ability to choose the grocery line where someone in front will need a price check, or the terminal will suddenly go down.

Turns out the sellers had actually banked their '06 points during the 2006 use year, then decided they wanted to take a trip. So they had borrowed all but 24 of their '07 points into '06, and used them. Meaning, now follow this closely, that they actually have 146 '06 points that must be used before December 1, 2008; and they have only banked 24 '07 points into the '08 UY! (And when do I want my points? 2008. I can't make plans to travel right now, with all that's going on in my family.) When Rachel quizzed them day before yesterday about the status of their points, they were not on the ball enough to know that this makes any difference. Again, she only found out the correct details when she called Disney to verify the points, before having the contract written up.

Forgive me for going on, but it is just so ridiculous. When I offered on the contract, it was showing 320 points available this use year (160 banked '06; 160 current). My offer was contingent on this use year's points being banked into '08. Rachel called me back to report the seller actually had only 10 '06 points left, and was having trouble banking the '07 points, because they had stopped paying mfs when they listed the contract. They couldn't bank the points unless they caught their dues up. Then she called me back and reported they had taken care of the arrearage, so that they could bank the '07 points. And now I found out they did that to bank 24 points, instead of the full year's allotment. Really folks, I could not make this stuff up!!!

On a lighter note, Sandra passed through a few minutes ago and said, "I think you have a new group of best friends that I don't even know." I think she's right. Who knew you could get so involved in the lives of folks that meet only in cyberspace? I'm glad I have gotten to know, or am getting to know, all of you.

I'm speechless too Grandbuddy.......just unbelievable (although I totally believe you!).
Yep. I did.

Grandbuddy, I am utterly speechless. And for those of you who have come to cyber-know me over the past 2 months, know that is something!! Where IS that smiley smacking his forehead!!!!!!

Don't know where to find that one, but as I scanned the options, there was something about these three that really jumped out to me for GB. Saw them and couldn't help but think of your expeditions.



Grandbuddy- your grandbabies are adorable- you have a gorgeous family. You go ahead and squeeze them all nice and tight when you see them. I will be saying a special prayer for the teenage son of the Chapman family. He will be tortured by this I am sure- Bless their family.

Your contract- sheesh- crazy sellers. I guess GMAC just takes a sellers word on point status when they get a listing- they don't have any proof.
Do you even still want the contract?
The feeling is mutual, I assure you. To your post, however, I'm speechless! :sad2:

One of these days you'll find it! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: (a little girly, I know, but just think of it as a reversion to my frat days! :rolleyes1 )

Under those circumstances, I can appreciate the cheerleaders. I remember when Sela Ward was on the sidelines for Bama. We have had some gorgeous young ladies cheering on the Tide.

Don't know where to find that one, but as I scanned the options, there was something about these three that really jumped out to me for GB. Saw them and couldn't help but think of your expeditions.




Yes. Those might work, too.

Grandbuddy- your grandbabies are adorable- you have a gorgeous family. You go ahead and squeeze them all nice and tight when you see them. I will be saying a special prayer for the teenage son of the Chapman family. He will be tortured by this I am sure- Bless their family.

Your contract- sheesh- crazy sellers. I guess GMAC just takes a sellers word on point status when they get a listing- they don't have any proof.
Do you even still want the contract?

Well, can you tell who dresses the grandchildren? All of my buddies have piles of Bama gear.

As to the contract, I'm a little ambivalent. I could make it work, but it's not "great." I feel a little bad about the sellers making the financial commitment to catch the fees up, so they could bank the points to sell (even though I can't figure out how they thought I would have had them go to that expense for 24 banked points!) So, I told Rachel that if they wanted to sell for $77 a point; and if GMAC would waive their fee, I would go through with the purchase. I'm waiting to hear what the answer is, on both those counts.
As to the contract, I'm a little ambivalent. I could make it work, but it's not "great." I feel a little bad about the sellers making the financial commitment to catch the fees up, so they could bank the points to sell (even though I can't figure out how they thought I would have had them go to that expense for 24 banked points!) So, I told Rachel that if they wanted to sell for $77 a point; and if GMAC would waive their fee, I would go through with the purchase. I'm waiting to hear what the answer is, on both those counts.

If it does go thru then maybe you'd be able to rent the current points you couldn't use and use that money to rent points for 2008? Not as easy as you first thought, but might work.

And I'm sorry...but is your family wearing something special? :rotfl2: It's a beautiful family by the way!
But first, I think I forgot to congratulate Tammy on finally getting closed.:woohoo: :banana: :yay: :woohoo: :banana: :yay: (where do people find that little party scene with the balloons?)

Is this the one you are looking for? party: If you go to the smilie face above where you type your message and click on it and scroll down to where it says show all smilies and click on that the party scene smiley is to the right of the red one that kind of looks like a Spider Man mask.

So sorry to hear of all that your family is going through right now. :grouphug: It kind of puts everything into perspective. I hope you find the perfect contract soon.

Loved the picture! You have a beautiful family with darling grandbuddies!!:thumbsup2
As to the contract, I'm a little ambivalent. I could make it work, but it's not "great." I feel a little bad about the sellers making the financial commitment to catch the fees up, so they could bank the points to sell (even though I can't figure out how they thought I would have had them go to that expense for 24 banked points!) So, I told Rachel that if they wanted to sell for $77 a point; and if GMAC would waive their fee, I would go through with the purchase. I'm waiting to hear what the answer is, on both those counts.

I have to come back on this one and say WHAT? :eek: This is on them, not you. You made an agreement and asked them to do something based on a misrepresentation of the status of their points. You have no reason to feel badly about backing out if the original agreement was not based on fact.
I have to come back on this one and say WHAT? :eek: This is on them, not you. You made an agreement and asked them to do something based on a misrepresentation of the status of their points. You have no reason to feel badly about backing out if the original agreement was not based on fact.

I don't mean to sound cruel, but I just worry that if they are as dumb as they seem to be (hope they don't post here!), they may need a little help just to get by in life. And, honestly, I think Disney might exercise their ROFR at that price point, which might make it easier for me to find a contract that suits me better. (If DVC has already stocked up on some December points, maybe they will leave the next one alone. If this one goes through, $77 a point is a bargain price.)

I think one of my sons could be flexible enough to be able to use the '06 points for a trip in the fall, before they expire. Sandra and I won't be able to do that, since she is a schoolteacher - for 2 more years.
party: Is this the one you are looking for? party: If you go to the smilie face above where you type your message and click on it and scroll down to where it says show all smilies and click on that the party scene smiley is to the right of the red one that kind of looks like a Spider Man mask.

So sorry to hear of all that your family is going through right now. :grouphug: It kind of puts everything into perspective. I hope you find the perfect contract soon.

Loved the picture! You have a beautiful family with darling grandbuddies!!:thumbsup2

party: party: party:

Yea! I'd never looked closely enough to realize the box expanded. Always just scrolled down.

Thanks. And yes, I am truly blessed with beautiful grandchildren.
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