DDA Chapter 6

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The bank called today to tell us that they have received our appraisal. Everything is in order to close, but we still haven't locked in on a rate yet. The rates keep fluctuating and are currently at 6% :confused3 I plan to keep watching for a while, but we would like to have this all wrapped up before our trip. That gives us 8 weeks. The appraisal came in about $40000 less than we are taxed on. Once I get a copy of the appraisal at closing I will be heading to the tax assessors office to have that corrected. That should save some more money :cool1: I'm not at all disappointed as we have no plans to sell EVER.
Colby and I are having a relaxing day. I've been reading a long trip report and Colby has been hanging out. He watched the Country Bears which I Dvr'd the other day and he loved it. The other kids are home now so he is watching it again. We even took a nap. I've been tired this week. I think dieting is screwing up my system as it usually does the first week or so. After my body adjusts I usually feel much better. I slept for about 1 1/2 hours and Colby slept for over 3. He had insisted that he was not tired and was only going to take a very quick nap :rotfl: Next week it is back to the grind around here as I want to FINISH this house.
It is amazing how different you feel about something when you think of it from the perspective of it being your child and not yourself. I got married at 20 after dating someone less than a year. I KNEW that he was the one. My parents had only met him once in the 1st 6 months we were dating. I can't imagine what my parents thought. Mom says that when we announced our engagement that my dad fell asleep on her shoulder crying that night. I had been in a bad relationship just weeks before Chuck & I started dating. Actually, Chuck was the reason I was finally strong enough to end the relationship. I figured if someone as wonderful as him could be my friend that I deserved better in a boyfriend.

Now, if my daughters were to come to me after only dating for a year and I'd only met their boyfriend once, I think I'd have a panic attack myself.

I guess when you know it's right, you just know.
You have been so busy, Deb! I need to catch a little of that motivation from you. I don't know why I am so lazy. I am glad that you had a relaxing day today.
Tell Laura not to be such a weenie! ;)
We're meeting in a public place in broad daylight. Nobody will be injured. Unless they cut in line at the Tea Cups, then things might get ugly. :rolleyes1 Tell her we are your college friends, or preschool teachers you met at a conference, or some other thing that makes us more acceptable than your internet chat buddies! :lmao:

You know this is another of those things that I told my kids they should never, ever do! And look at me, I've now had three trips where I've met up with "virtual" friends. Never, say never, I guess!
Lindsay - Here is my bag.
No actual photos because I don't have a camera at work! :rotfl2:
How much luggage do we have? Oh, my. Um...

A cheap 2 pc. set from Foley's that is in the storage unit.
A big, heavy, floral tapestry garment bag thing. I'm not sure where it is.
A nice Samsonite overnight bag that DH decided was too small.
A nice Samsonite laptop case that I didn't realize was for a laptop.
A rolling duffle that most of the interior is taken up by the frame of the bag. :rolleyes:
Big Red, my 29" Samsonite.
Big Blue, DH's 29" Delsey.
2 big black Samsonites, maybe 24" each.
A no name black suitcase that matches the rolling duffle, maybe 23".
Little red, my Samsonite carry-on.
Little blue, DH's carry-on.
Little gray, DS's carry-on.
The souvenir duffle - packed flat in a checked bag, then carried on coming home.
The Magic bag (my "personal" item for carry-on, which is about to be retired.
The Crocs backpack (with tags still attached, which has now been displaced by the briefcase Baggalini.)
The brand new Baggallini "urban" backpack for the parks.
My old Adidas "mini" backpack that is coming apart, which will be retired.
DS's Croc backpack.
DH's backpack (filled with cameras in separate bags.)
Assorted other totes, backpacks, and camera bags that we don't use because we bought something else. :)

Do I win? :confused3

You know what? I think we have a 24" blue Delsey, too.

How big is your place? You have 30 pairs of shorts, plus all these bags. Where do you store it all? :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:
I see that my DH has been reading today as he has made reference to things that were posted and I hadn't read yet. He's a sneaky little devil :goodvibes

We're at 65 days until our trip :cool1: Somehow it seems so close yet so far away. I have so many non Disney related things to tie up before then. I also need to drop 10 lbs or my shorts will not fit and that will totally screw up my clothing itenerary.

Chuck just did the same thing with me! They are sneaky little things! At least Chris posts sometimes though! Mine is a total lurker!
We're at 65 days until our trip :cool1: Somehow it seems so close yet so far away. I have so many non Disney related things to tie up before then. I also need to drop 10 lbs or my shorts will not fit and that will totally screw up my clothing itenerary.

I also have to lose 10-15 pounds or my clothes will be totally screwed up!

I'm starting to panic a little. There are only 42 days until our trip.
Please say prayers for Chuck's SIL Jean and her family. Jean's mother has passed away. Jean is about 10 years older than me and she had an older mother so it was not unexpected due to her age. However, the loss of your mother is never easy!
Please say prayers for Chuck's SIL Jean and her family. Jean's mother has passed away. Jean is about 10 years older than me and she had an older mother so it was not unexpected due to her age. However, the loss of your mother is never easy!

you've got them
Speaking of Cape May, did you say that is the 14th? What time? Are you doing a big reservation or just all getting individual reservations for the same time? I guess I should see if I can get us in when you are going to be there. I think Laura will survive. ;)

It's one big ressie, at 5:45. People have added in and dropped off, but it was such a big party to begin with I don't think showing up with 1 extra person will matter. We lost Jennifer's family since they changed to Sept, added Debbie & Richie, but I still have 2 extra spots from Jennifer's girls. So if the 3 of you would like to join us it won't be a problem in the least!

How big is your place? You have 30 pairs of shorts, plus all these bags. Where do you store it all? :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

The luggage nests, and most of it lives under the bed. The shorts are in a dresser (we have 3 in our bedroom) and DH doesn't have enough drawer space for his things - they usually end up in a folded pile on top of one of the dressers. I have been looking for another dresser. :rolleyes1

It's a good thing that you got a laptop to go with that bag! I mean what's a bag, without a laptop in it? :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Precisely! :lmao: But we were already looking for a laptop, I just needed to make a decision about not adding all the excess stuff to it that jacked the price way up.
Tammi and Elin - I'm looking at the Courtyard Washington Capital Hill/Navy Yard or the Washington Marriott. Any suggestions between the two?
You know this is another of those things that I told my kids they should never, ever do! And look at me, I've now had three trips where I've met up with "virtual" friends. Never, say never, I guess!

That's where the struggle is. I would be so upset if my dd ever thought of meeting a bunch of strangers that she was talking to on the internet (even in a public place). But I just "know" that you are all ok. But I can't describe that to dd.
Please say prayers for Chuck's SIL Jean and her family. Jean's mother has passed away. Jean is about 10 years older than me and she had an older mother so it was not unexpected due to her age. However, the loss of your mother is never easy!

I am sorry to hear that. Her family will be in my prayers.
It's one big ressie, at 5:45. People have added in and dropped off, but it was such a big party to begin with I don't think showing up with 1 extra person will matter. We lost Jennifer's family since they changed to Sept, added Debbie & Richie, but I still have 2 extra spots from Jennifer's girls. So if the 3 of you would like to join us it won't be a problem in the least!

Ok! I'll figure out how to spring it on dd. But if two others really want the spot, we'll just see if we can get an ADR for about the same time...just let me know.

And so that there are no surprises, I've told all of you that I am really, really, really big, right?
You guys got me thinking about my type. I loved basketball. It was my passion and what I did when I needed to relax. I was sure that I'd marry a basketball player. Well, Chuck is a hockey and football player. No basketball for him!
It is a rainy, dreary looking day here. We were supposed to go camping but I didn't make it home until 11pm last night. I got up and worked for a couple of hours. Then went back and slept for another 3 hours.

There was a big fire in Grayling and I-75 was closed down. I was routed off the expressway onto a very dusty dirt road. We got off at mile marker 251 and 55 minutes later got back on at mile marker 254.

There were at least 50 homes vacated as well as a nursing home. It had burned 1100 acres. I'm hoping that the rain from here has moved their direction and helps put out the fire. I haven't checked the news yet today.
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