DDA Chapter 6

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Morning all,

About an hour ago I received a phone call from my manager, her son was killed tonight in a motorcycle accident. I am so devastated, I cannot believe this happened :sad1: Matt was in his 30's & a father to a wonderful little boy that recently turned one.

Please say a prayer for Mary & Russel & for their family as they try to deal with this very sad tragedy.

I cannot go back to sleep, so I am going to go ahead & get ready to head to work. Chat with you all later.
Janet prayers for this family

I'm going to beg some spare pixie dust if you've got it. I was told by my doctor that I'm not producing enough progesterone, so they've put me on a pill for that. I have to go to the doctor for an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon to make sure that all is well. Please send me good thoughts for a safe baby, and an ultrasound that shows that all is going well!

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Elizabeth :wizard: for your mom's test results.

Tammi I hope the ran stays away this weekend for you!

Beth :cool1: for the August trip!

Jennifer glad you passed your glucose test!

Denise, I know I missed you, but have a MAGICAL trip

Becky, stay safe in all your travels this weekend. I think I forgot to type my condolences regarding your great Uncle Good luck on your test :wizard:

love all the new siggies!!
Well, we're packed! I'm shocked how much luggage we needed for 9 days! We leave tomorrow at 1pm. I will try to post on my BB and let you know how the kids reacted to the surprise. Night all!
Hi, Hope you all have a great weekend. I will probably not be on again until Monday or Tuesday. Monday I am taking my test.

I have to pack stuff tomorrow, for everything through Sunday night. Although I may be home before then. I need to plan for the entire weekend away from home. I still do not know details of when I need to be where. Or what I am required to wear at certain places. I am sure I will get that information tomorrow after I have already left home.:laughing:

I need to type up some stuff for my class, before I leave home as well. Way too much to do too little time. What is new there?:confused3 ;) :lmao: :confused:

Have a great weekend everyone:wizard: :wizard: :grouphug: :hug: I am headed to bed. Although I should probably work on some of this stuff tonight yet.
Good luck on your test! :wizard:
Nicholas just woke up and came in my room. I asked him what he wanted and he said he wants someone to tell him how many eyelashes he has. I can hardly type this without giggling. Then he started stammering about something and again I asked what he wanted and this time he said Kinzcash. :rotfl: That must have been some dream he was having!

Good morning all! Denise, have a great trip!

Im headed to work..then out for dinner/drinks...I may be back tonight, but tomorrow i have a huge test at 730am, so if you could cross yoru fingers for me, id greatly appreciate it! i dont wanna pay 130 bucks to take it again!

TGIF and hae a great day
Monday I am taking my test.

Well, we're packed! I'm shocked how much luggage we needed for 9 days! We leave tomorrow at 1pm. I will try to post on my BB and let you know how the kids reacted to the surprise. Night all!
Have a magical trip!

Good morning. TGIF! :)

Im headed to work..then out for dinner/drinks...I may be back tonight, but tomorrow i have a huge test at 730am, so if you could cross yoru fingers for me, id greatly appreciate it! i dont wanna pay 130 bucks to take it again!
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
Tia hope Phil is feeling better soon :wizard:

Elizabeth you will love your laptop :cheer2:

Denise have a wonderful trip!

Becky & Jen good luck with your tests!
So American Express (my Jet Blue card) sent me an email that if I fly between something like May 1st and May 15th they will "buy me a drink"-just show your Amex to the flight attendant.

Then I get an email from Owner's Locker that they want to buy all members who are in Epcot on May 6th from 7:30pm til Illuminations a drink.

Too bad I'm not much of a drinker. I can't see me drinking on a 9:30am flight and I'm afraid if I drink on the 6:45pm flight home I'll fall asleep. Not sure if I can make it to Epcot for the Owner's Locker event.

Bottoms up! :rotfl2:
I said something to DS about SW serving beer & wine at 9 AM when we went to KC. Bizarre. :sad2: And for $4 a serving even if I WAS a drinker I might have to pass! :rotfl:

What a nice story, except of course the part about Dora. How horrible.

I agree!

Denise - Have a magical trip!

Uncle1 e-mailed that he can come by this weekend and help me "network" the laptop and the Wii with the router. That means I need to clean like a mad woman tomorrow to get things presentable!
Hopefully the maintenance guy will come today. We have a BIG water leak in the roof. Yesterday I noticed some magazines I had on the counter were all wet. Weird. So I called DH, he didn't know anything about it. When he came home he started looking around and discovered we have water stains across about a 4 foot section of the ceiling. :scared1: The section ends just over the area of the counter where the magazines were, so it must have dripped out of the ceiling above the counter.
pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: to all in need.:grouphug:

TGIF!!!!!!!! I thought this week would never end.....:hug:
Y'all have been very chatty the past week...

I'm skimmed, so I apologize if I miss remarking on something important.

Glynis -- I'm so thrilled for you and Alan. Sending lots of PD for you. I hope the appt. goes well.

Elizabeth -- PD to your Mom for the tests. I hope they come back ASAP. I finally got the biopsy on the skin my dermatologist sent out last week. It was a good thing he took the spot off as it was pre-cancerous, but I'm fine for now. Boy do I hate this fair skin...

Tammi -- sending PD for good weather for you this weekend. I hope the parties go well.

Robyn and Elizabeth -- about Tut tickets -- I'm a member of the DMA. I don't know how many tickets I'm allowed, but I'll help out if I can.

I've been out in CA on that business trip I told you guys about a while back. My plane left early on Wednesday from CA to miss the storms in Texas, which was nice. We did land in Dallas, and on time. (Our route went to Phoenix and back through El Paso to Dallas to miss the storms.) Jake's play was yesterday (that's why I came back early) He did really well, and then I hurried back for the lunch I was giving for our admins. Andrew had soccer practice last night and Jake had a double header baseball game (make-up game from earlier) so we weren't in until 9:45 last night. I've got to get caught up at work, then the boys get out early and I have errands before Andrew's game at 6. They may not play, as it's supposed to rain some more here in Dallas. I need to get food together for the cook-out at the tournament this weekend, and get re-packed for that. Luckily, we don't drive to Waco until tomorrow (and Jake and I will go after the others because he has a soccer game) and we'll stay at the Hampton Inn with the rest of the team Saturday night.

Please send good thoughts to Andrew. He really needs more confidence for this tournament this weekend.

Elin -- thank you so much for the advice about Napa Rose. It was fabulous! I met a friend from a Disney cruise two years ago (we still keep up on our cruise thread) for dinner one night, and it was fabulous. So good, in fact, that I went back the next night by myself and sat at the Chef's table. A really fabulous treat!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning all! Denise, have a great trip!

Im headed to work..then out for dinner/drinks...I may be back tonight, but tomorrow i have a huge test at 730am, so if you could cross yoru fingers for me, id greatly appreciate it! i dont wanna pay 130 bucks to take it again!

TGIF and hae a great day
Good luck! :wizard:
Morning DDA!

Tammi - if it rains here I'll be sure to tell it to say until the weekend is over. I don't mind clouds over Ohio to make your weekend sunny!

I'm enjoying all the stories from everyone! :)

I know I'm missing a few - but :pixiedust: and :grouphug:
One last thing before I go...

Eric and I met when he started working at the same store, CompUSA, as I did in the late summer early fall of '94. There were a bunch of kids our age that all hung out together after work and on the weekends. We didn't start dating until near the end of January 95. Our first date was to The Lion King, it was playing at the dollar theater. Both of us really wanted to see it and hadn't yet so it was perfect. We ended the night at Taco Bell, very romantic-huh, (it was right next door to the theather, and talked for a few hours. I can remember that one of our co-workers, Dora, was so excited that Eric and I hooked up. She had been pushing for it for a long time, but both of us sort of danced around it for a while. Sadly, the week after our first date Dora was murdered. It was horrific, we were all just barely 20. She met a guy a few weeks earlier and he killed her for drug money the night of the Superbowl. She was actually missing for about a week or so before she was found. I think we sort of just stuck together after that.

But by May, Eric and I went our separate ways. I had found a new job and our schedules weren't working out so well and he wanted to spend every last second of time that we could together. I felt smothered and wanted some "me" time too. We both still lived at home and it was just too much.

We than ran into each other again at the bowling alley in January of '97. It took about a week or two after that before we had another "first" date. My girlfriend called him and had him call me, she and I thought something was still there a year and a half later and we were both single.

This time it worked, :love: We were engaged that May, at the wishing well at Cinderella's Castle. And it will be 10 years this October that we got married.

What a romantic start...The Lion King :love: :love: A true Disney love story for the two of you. I'm sorry you had to live through a tragedy at such a young age. How horrible. In some ways I'm sure it strengthed your bond with all of those friends including Eric.

Emma's dress is done except for the buttons and buttonholes. It was going great until she tried it on and it was way to long. It looked goofy-looked homemade so I took it apart and cut 4 inches off. I pinned it up and tried it on before I cut it so hopefully it will look cute now. She's asleep now. Joe slept through the lights on and the sewing-I have the sewing machine on his desk.

Hope SIL can help me out with the buttonholes tomorrow. I want to make Halley's sleep pants before the trip so I can take them with me. I got her flannel with flamingos as she loves flamingos. I saw the same fabric in cotton sheeting and thought it might be nice to make her some PJ shorts she could actually wear now in FL. The other projects will have to wait as now my neck is killing me so I want to take a break and get better for the trip. And I have to pack! Have to do my Owner's Locker box this weekend to ship via UPS on Monday.

Good luck getting things done. I hope you can relax a bit now and feel better. Button holes are much more intimidating to think about than to actually do. Of course I have an automatic button hole fuction so that may help.

Nicholas just woke up and came in my room. I asked him what he wanted and he said he wants someone to tell him how many eyelashes he has. I can hardly type this without giggling. Then he started stammering about something and again I asked what he wanted and this time he said Kinzcash. :rotfl: That must have been some dream he was having!

So did you count his eyelashes :rotfl: :rotfl:

My parents got in this afternoon. We all went to Nicholas' soccer game, which they lost, then came home and had pizza for dinner. Tomorrow my mom will start making some of the food for Saturday and my dad will wash all the pollen off of the porch and deck.

It sounds like your parents are helpful like mine. It's nice to have some backup from time to time :thumbsup2

Good morning all! Denise, have a great trip!

Im headed to work..then out for dinner/drinks...I may be back tonight, but tomorrow i have a huge test at 730am, so if you could cross yoru fingers for me, id greatly appreciate it! i dont wanna pay 130 bucks to take it again!

TGIF and hae a great day

:wizard: :wizard: Good luck on the test:wizard:

Bottoms up! :rotfl2:
I said something to DS about SW serving beer & wine at 9 AM when we went to KC. Bizarre. :sad2: And for $4 a serving even if I WAS a drinker I might have to pass! :rotfl:

I agree!

Denise - Have a magical trip!

Uncle1 e-mailed that he can come by this weekend and help me "network" the laptop and the Wii with the router. That means I need to clean like a mad woman tomorrow to get things presentable!
Hopefully the maintenance guy will come today. We have a BIG water leak in the roof. Yesterday I noticed some magazines I had on the counter were all wet. Weird. So I called DH, he didn't know anything about it. When he came home he started looking around and discovered we have water stains across about a 4 foot section of the ceiling. :scared1: The section ends just over the area of the counter where the magazines were, so it must have dripped out of the ceiling above the counter.

Good luck with the networking. It shouldn't take him long. As for the ceiling, I hope it can be fixed without creating a big mess. If there is wallboard involved you can expect lots of drywall dust. I can attest to that for sure

Y'all have been very chatty the past week...

I'm skimmed, so I apologize if I miss remarking on something important.

Glynis -- I'm so thrilled for you and Alan. Sending lots of PD for you. I hope the appt. goes well.

Elizabeth -- PD to your Mom for the tests. I hope they come back ASAP. I finally got the biopsy on the skin my dermatologist sent out last week. It was a good thing he took the spot off as it was pre-cancerous, but I'm fine for now. Boy do I hate this fair skin...

Tammi -- sending PD for good weather for you this weekend. I hope the parties go well.

Robyn and Elizabeth -- about Tut tickets -- I'm a member of the DMA. I don't know how many tickets I'm allowed, but I'll help out if I can.

I've been out in CA on that business trip I told you guys about a while back. My plane left early on Wednesday from CA to miss the storms in Texas, which was nice. We did land in Dallas, and on time. (Our route went to Phoenix and back through El Paso to Dallas to miss the storms.) Jake's play was yesterday (that's why I came back early) He did really well, and then I hurried back for the lunch I was giving for our admins. Andrew had soccer practice last night and Jake had a double header baseball game (make-up game from earlier) so we weren't in until 9:45 last night. I've got to get caught up at work, then the boys get out early and I have errands before Andrew's game at 6. They may not play, as it's supposed to rain some more here in Dallas. I need to get food together for the cook-out at the tournament this weekend, and get re-packed for that. Luckily, we don't drive to Waco until tomorrow (and Jake and I will go after the others because he has a soccer game) and we'll stay at the Hampton Inn with the rest of the team Saturday night.

Please send good thoughts to Andrew. He really needs more confidence for this tournament this weekend.

Elin -- thank you so much for the advice about Napa Rose. It was fabulous! I met a friend from a Disney cruise two years ago (we still keep up on our cruise thread) for dinner one night, and it was fabulous. So good, in fact, that I went back the next night by myself and sat at the Chef's table. A really fabulous treat!

Have a good day everyone!

It sounds like a wonderful trip to CA. It's nice that you found some time for yourself as you are always on the run for everyone else. :wizard: :wizard: That the boys do well and that you have a safe and relaxing weekend.

:wizard: :wizard: Becky for your weekend and Monday's test

Tia I hope that Phil is doing much better this morning. I really stinks to feel so horrible and not know why

Glynis I'm still thinking sticky thoughts. Hopefully the meds have kicked in and all is ok.
Morning all,

About an hour ago I received a phone call from my manager, her son was killed tonight in a motorcycle accident. I am so devastated, I cannot believe this happened :sad1: Matt was in his 30's & a father to a wonderful little boy that recently turned one.

Please say a prayer for Mary & Russel & for their family as they try to deal with this very sad tragedy.

I cannot go back to sleep, so I am going to go ahead & get ready to head to work. Chat with you all later.

How sad for this family! Prayers & pixiedust: while they are dealing with such a sad loss.
What a nice story, except of course the part about Dora. How horrible.


Nicholas just woke up and came in my room. I asked him what he wanted and he said he wants someone to tell him how many eyelashes he has. I can hardly type this without giggling. Then he started stammering about something and again I asked what he wanted and this time he said Kinzcash. :rotfl: That must have been some dream he was having!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

My parents got in this afternoon. We all went to Nicholas' soccer game, which they lost, then came home and had pizza for dinner. Tomorrow my mom will start making some of the food for Saturday and my dad will wash all the pollen off of the porch and deck.

Sounds like things are coming along. So glad that your parents are here to help you out.

Before I forget...last week I popped in down to the Children's Area at work and Anna had told me "Mom's painting Willy Wonka". I go in and say "It looks like Candy Land". Both painters laughed and said that I must have played it too much. Nah...It just reminded me of your family!!:lovestruc :lovestruc

Aww, thanks!


Have a magical trip!


:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:


Bottoms up! :rotfl2:
I said something to DS about SW serving beer & wine at 9 AM when we went to KC. Bizarre. :sad2: And for $4 a serving even if I WAS a drinker I might have to pass! :rotfl:

I agree!

Denise - Have a magical trip!

Uncle1 e-mailed that he can come by this weekend and help me "network" the laptop and the Wii with the router. That means I need to clean like a mad woman tomorrow to get things presentable!
Hopefully the maintenance guy will come today. We have a BIG water leak in the roof. Yesterday I noticed some magazines I had on the counter were all wet. Weird. So I called DH, he didn't know anything about it. When he came home he started looking around and discovered we have water stains across about a 4 foot section of the ceiling. :scared1: The section ends just over the area of the counter where the magazines were, so it must have dripped out of the ceiling above the counter.

Hope the ceiling can get fixed easily!

pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: to all in need.:grouphug:

TGIF!!!!!!!! I thought this week would never end.....:hug:

Hi Steffy!

Y'all have been very chatty the past week...

I'm skimmed, so I apologize if I miss remarking on something important.

Glynis -- I'm so thrilled for you and Alan. Sending lots of PD for you. I hope the appt. goes well.

Elizabeth -- PD to your Mom for the tests. I hope they come back ASAP. I finally got the biopsy on the skin my dermatologist sent out last week. It was a good thing he took the spot off as it was pre-cancerous, but I'm fine for now. Boy do I hate this fair skin...

Tammi -- sending PD for good weather for you this weekend. I hope the parties go well.

Robyn and Elizabeth -- about Tut tickets -- I'm a member of the DMA. I don't know how many tickets I'm allowed, but I'll help out if I can.

I've been out in CA on that business trip I told you guys about a while back. My plane left early on Wednesday from CA to miss the storms in Texas, which was nice. We did land in Dallas, and on time. (Our route went to Phoenix and back through El Paso to Dallas to miss the storms.) Jake's play was yesterday (that's why I came back early) He did really well, and then I hurried back for the lunch I was giving for our admins. Andrew had soccer practice last night and Jake had a double header baseball game (make-up game from earlier) so we weren't in until 9:45 last night. I've got to get caught up at work, then the boys get out early and I have errands before Andrew's game at 6. They may not play, as it's supposed to rain some more here in Dallas. I need to get food together for the cook-out at the tournament this weekend, and get re-packed for that. Luckily, we don't drive to Waco until tomorrow (and Jake and I will go after the others because he has a soccer game) and we'll stay at the Hampton Inn with the rest of the team Saturday night.

Please send good thoughts to Andrew. He really needs more confidence for this tournament this weekend.

Elin -- thank you so much for the advice about Napa Rose. It was fabulous! I met a friend from a Disney cruise two years ago (we still keep up on our cruise thread) for dinner one night, and it was fabulous. So good, in fact, that I went back the next night by myself and sat at the Chef's table. A really fabulous treat!

Have a good day everyone!

:wizard: :wizard: for Andrew. Your CA trip sounded like a great balance of work and pleasure. Dinner sounded divine!

What a romantic start...The Lion King :love: :love: A true Disney love story for the two of you. I'm sorry you had to live through a tragedy at such a young age. How horrible. In some ways I'm sure it strengthed your bond with all of those friends including Eric.

I guess some things are meant to be!

It was a horrible thing to go through but we also all learned a very valuable life lesson.
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