In search of my body...not the one I ate!

OK, some tech help please?!?

I tried to post a picture on my blog from a few days ago, when i went "shopping" in my closet. Well, using Photobucket, which I always use, I THOUGHT I had the picture sized and rotated. But when I posted the link, it came out HUGE, and unrotated.:confused3

Can someone please help me fix it? My blog address is in my siggie if you want to check it out.

Update on me:

So I started the new medication for my vertigo and I am feeling so much better and I am only 3 days into it.

I am thinking that I may be able to do water aerobics on Wed. That will be a first in three months. And I am down in my weight!!! I can't wait to see what it is on weigh in day on Friday.

Off to fix lunch for the kids. Have a good day everyone.

I am glad that you are feeling better!!! :hug:

Kat- Loved your outfit. You look great! You are so close to your goal :thumbsup2 .

Thanks!! It is looking closer right now, but I know my May WDW trip will derail me...

LOL!! A woman I work with is always threatening to take me shopping in an effort to girl me up. Once I hit goal I might take her up on it. You looked AWESOME in your new outfit. You really do have great legs!!

Just in case I am online the next time you all are chatting, my AIM screen name is Kbjenday. Yeah, its a bird thing.

Thanks!! My husband has been trying to girl me up for a while, and I think I am finally learning. Liz and Erika have been helping too! :laughing:

I added you to my buddy list. My AIM is katk1975.

I can't get over all of you, planning triathalons and 5Ks. I could do a 5K. It would just take me a week! (OK, maybe not that long, but more than one day!) I keep forgetting that you are all SO much younger than I am!

I went to NYC today to see the new ortho. My knees aren't as bad as I'd feared, but the plastic parts are wearing thin, and they have to be replaced before they are totally gone (THAT would be a bad thing!) But the Dr. thinks I can probably go with a partial replacement, rather than a total, which is MUCH better. BUT he is talking about THIS year, not next. Ugh. How on earth do I plan for 2 weeks in the hospital and rehab, and 2-3 MONTHS at home? There's just no good time for something like this. I guess I'm gonna have to hire someone to live in, who can drive the kids to their activities, and me to the doctor/ therapy/ whatever.

Or maybe I just need a wife...:lmao:

Marathons!! I couldn't run a block. I can beat the crap out of the elliptical, and skate, but I can't run... too much stress on the ankles and knees.

So, I am back in Raleigh/Durham. My Charlotte trip went very, very well. We convinced the Ops folks that their issues are indeed user error (something we have known for weeks), I have filled in about 10 blanks as far as faces go (I spend a LOT of time on the phone w/ people I had never met), and I managed to make it back in 2 hours flat. Still had time for dinner, and made it to my hockey game, which we won 6-5.

I bought new shoulder pads last week on ebay, and MAN what a difference! I feel like I am lugging around at least 5 lbs less. I even got one or two good shots on goal.

Oh, and I drive a black Toyota FJ cruiser. I love it. It is all rubber inside so I can just wipe it down when I spill my coffee!
Update on me:

So I started the new medication for my vertigo and I am feeling so much better and I am only 3 days into it.

I am thinking that I may be able to do water aerobics on Wed. That will be a first in three months. And I am down in my weight!!! I can't wait to see what it is on weigh in day on Friday.

Off to fix lunch for the kids. Have a good day everyone.

I am sooo glad you are feeling better! :cool1:
Does anyone have a heart rate monitor they love? I want one to use for weight loss/calories burned and heart rate, and later maybe for tougher stuff, like interval training.

Does anyone have a heart rate monitor they love? I want one to use for weight loss/calories burned and heart rate, and later maybe for tougher stuff, like interval training.


I have a Polar one and LOVE it. Now if I could just look like the women in the ad!

Oh and I drive a new Homda Odessy VAN - yep I'm a soccer mom. Well actually a gymnastics/ballet mom :)

And thank you all, I love feeling better. I took a walk tonight while my DD rode her bike. So I was walking faster than usual and felt pretty good. I did get lightheaded when I got home but what can I expect after not moving for months?
I have a Polar one and LOVE it. Now if I could just look like the women in the ad!

Oh and I drive a new Homda Odessy VAN - yep I'm a soccer mom. Well actually a gymnastics/ballet mom :)

Uh-oh....we better stop bashing the ballet moms here....:lmao:

I agree, Liz, that Polar is the way to go. They have lots of models to choose from...pretty inexpensive to several hundred dollars.

Ok, gotta run....literally! :goodvibes
Thanks! Which ones do you use, Pixieshouse?

Love the Odessey. My BFF has one. So comfy! And we all know I am headed for ballet mom - maybe soccer/ballet mom. I have a super active girly girl, so she's gonna need more than one sport! Hey, maybe I'll start dressing in all Lily Pultizer. :rotfl:

Last night, as I washed my face, I realized that it had been at least three days since I wore makeup. I mean, I think I did on Friday, but maybe not. Definitely not on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. I start the day by going to the gym and then shower and just never get around to it. :scared1: And I am a make-up girl! I love makeup! So I think maybe today I should break out that bag that's been hiding in my Vera Bradley (trying to work in VB once a day until Kim and Liz cave and buy one).

Today I'm going to take Emily to the gym for the first time. We'll see how she does in the childcare! The answer better be "well" because school will be over before we know it, and I will need her to play nice once a day at the gym!
I have a Polar one and LOVE it. Now if I could just look like the women in the ad!

Oh and I drive a new Homda Odessy VAN - yep I'm a soccer mom. Well actually a gymnastics/ballet mom :)

And thank you all, I love feeling better. I took a walk tonight while my DD rode her bike. So I was walking faster than usual and felt pretty good. I did get lightheaded when I got home but what can I expect after not moving for months?

I would love to get an Odyssey and if the pending job becomes a reality we will look into getting a new one. Nothing says soccor mom like a hip minivan:rolleyes:

O glad to hear you are feeling better. Great job getting out there for the walk.:thumbsup2

Thanks! Which ones do you use, Pixieshouse?

Love the Odessey. My BFF has one. So comfy! And we all know I am headed for ballet mom - maybe soccer/ballet mom. I have a super active girly girl, so she's gonna need more than one sport! Hey, maybe I'll start dressing in all Lily Pultizer. :rotfl:

Last night, as I washed my face, I realized that it had been at least three days since I wore makeup. I mean, I think I did on Friday, but maybe not. Definitely not on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. I start the day by going to the gym and then shower and just never get around to it. :scared1: And I am a make-up girl! I love makeup! So I think maybe today I should break out that bag that's been hiding in my Vera Bradley (trying to work in VB once a day until Kim and Liz cave and buy one).

Today I'm going to take Emily to the gym for the first time. We'll see how she does in the childcare! The answer better be "well" because school will be over before we know it, and I will need her to play nice once a day at the gym!

You are definitely headed towards the ballet/soccer mom persona. That's Ok I am right there with you being that I am turning into a gymnastic mom. Not really but I do hang with them once a week and chat about kid stuff.

I am going online at lunch today to see what VB bags I like and how much $$ I need to save to treat myself. I will let you know how that turns out.:rolleyes1

No make-up no worries!! I am sure you look gorgous without it anyway.

Kat and Erika, I added you to my AIM buddylist.

Well I have to head to a different building so I won't be back until this afternoon. have a good one everyone. Oh yeah, our family car (Honda Accord) died on us last night and we just found out it needs a new transmission. My lord that is expensive :faint: What can you do?? We are driving a crappy rental until ours is fixed.I shouldn't complain since the repair shop is covering the cost of the rental. My other car is a 2 seater Honda Del Sol. Not a particularly practical car for a family of 4 but I love it. It is old and showing some wear and tear but it is my "fun" car since it is a convertible and it helps lessen the pain of purchasing a minivan.:lmao:
Happy Earth Day everyone....

Hope everyone is doing a little something to help the planet...

Went to JC last night and lost 1/2 pound... yeah!!! its a loss and is the first step towards my losing the next 35 pounds...

The week is going well so far. I am going to be a bit tested this week since I am eating out - alot... :scared1: We are celebrating my mom's birthday tonight and I am meeting a friend for dinner tomorrow night. Then I am heading to CT this weekend to get together with my girlfriends from college for a weekend of scrapbooking and conversation (before you get started, my scrapbooking is extremely simple stuff... no crazy craft skills going on here....) Thankfully, I am staying at one of their houses and am planning on bringing some of my JC food with me so that I can eat two out of three meals each day using my Jenny food...

Now that the weather is finally nice, I am also trying to get in a quick 20 minute walk every day during lunch... Golf season is finally here - YEAH!!! - and I promised my JC consultant that I would start walking the course more instead of riding the cart all the time. I need to work up to that because walking those courses is not easy - especially the really hilly ones...

Anyways - enjoy the day ladies (and you too grumps...). I'll check in later,
Go, Paula! :cool1: You are so right - it's step towards the next goal. I really needed to hear that today. Thanks. It helped me, too. :goodvibes

I love the idea of walking the golf course. I just read a really good article on strength training for women golfers - simple exercises that build muscle and help your game. It was in Golf for Women, I think. Golf is on my list of sports to try - my parents even have a set of used clubs waiting for me when I'm ready. Maybe this year?

We celebrate my friend's birthday tonight - Greenie's husband. I'll be thinking about you, Paula, as I try to stay on plan tonight!

I had a great conversation with him last night. He is really into the psychical aspects of fitness. He has amassed a library of books on fitness and is lending me some - one on core strengthening and one on cardio. One is laymen's, one is more of a text book, but it will be good to have some knowledge. You know I have to research everything! And, oh YES, I have a spreadsheet for my workouts!
Hola everybody! I wasn't hiding yesterday. I was working on my, err, I mean my daughters 6th grade conservation project. (At least she stuck the information to the board.;) )

Wow--everyone is having a hard time waking up this morning!

Ok, so I am back from my run...and it was such a good run! I can usually cruise for the first 3/4 or so of the run, but the last section is usually a struggle. Today I was just cruising along and went a little farther than planned for a FULL 10k! That is 6.2 miles! And it wasn't really even a struggle!

I figured out that I have impostor I am not a real runner and at any moment, my body is going to figure that out. I have two off days a week from running, and I am always terrified that when I go to run after a day off, I am only going to be able to run for like half a mile. Not sure when this will go away...

You are a runner. You're body is thanking you for finally figuring it out.

Or maybe I just need a wife...:lmao:

:rotfl: Where can I get one of those?

I drive a Honda CRV. We bought it new last March, so it's only a year old. I LOVE it. Perfect for one kid and lots of stuff in the back, and works well, sans car seat, for four adults, and it's also good when I have my niece and nephew and Emily at the same time. Great stereo system, which is essential to me, as you might imagine. Also, very funny, the designer was talking about why they did what they did with the redesign last year (this was in Car and Driver magazine) and he said they designed it to target "cool moms" - women with kids who still thought of themselves as happening. And of course he got it right with me! I cracked up when I read that - could I be more target market? Like, who is really cool when they are in the small SUV category? But I sure think I am! The imagined Audi, now that would be much cooler. Nick did float that by me as an option!


Liz, cool, check.
CRV, cool, check.
All is right in Liz World.

Before this car I drove a bright red Jetta for six years. Loved that car, too.

I can see this.

On other news, my inlaws are stressing me out. I need a good solution to them and this situation this keeps coming up. Arghh.

I don't remember, what's the deal with your inlaws? (Or, am I on a NTKB?)

Thanks!! It is looking closer right now, but I know my May WDW trip will derail me...

Thanks!! My husband has been trying to girl me up for a while, and I think I am finally learning. Liz and Erika have been helping too! :laughing:


So, I am back in Raleigh/Durham. My Charlotte trip went very, very well. We convinced the Ops folks that their issues are indeed user error (something we have known for weeks), I have filled in about 10 blanks as far as faces go (I spend a LOT of time on the phone w/ people I had never met), and I managed to make it back in 2 hours flat. Still had time for dinner, and made it to my hockey game, which we won 6-5.

I bought new shoulder pads last week on ebay, and MAN what a difference! I feel like I am lugging around at least 5 lbs less. I even got one or two good shots on goal.

Way to whip up on em. :cat: Kat.

Oh, and I drive a black Toyota FJ cruiser. I love it. It is all rubber inside so I can just wipe it down when I spill my coffee!

Interesting. A car you can wipe down.

I am crazy about cleaing out my car. Keep a dedicated sweeper in my garage just for this. In my dream house, I'll have a garage with professional, flourscent, spot lighting and a powerful-built in vacuum, heated, so I can sweep it out every day.:lovestruc

Gold fish cracker, no problem, suck.

Spiral notebook paper bits, easy, suck-suck.

Dirt and debris, I'm not scared of you. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

Last night, as I washed my face, I realized that it had been at least three days since I wore makeup. I mean, I think I did on Friday, but maybe not. Definitely not on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. I start the day by going to the gym and then shower and just never get around to it. :scared1: And I am a make-up girl! I love makeup! So I think maybe today I should break out that bag that's been hiding in my Vera Bradley (trying to work in VB once a day until Kim and Liz cave and buy one).

I'm not a big makeup person. I don't use liquid foundation. Just powder. BUT...I am now obsessed with mascara. I never used the suff before, but I was talking to a pretty woman, and her eyes looked gawgous, so I am now slathering on the black stuff.

VB - ok. Here's what I got. (By the way, did I mention I love bags.) (LOVE EM.)

Rasberry Burst Satchel for my carry on. This is the pattern that made me actually look at VB. I had no clue there were so many styles.

Pink Elephants Coin Purse, to keep my camera in, in my purse. Because I love elephants.

This "luggage tag" which I didn't realize was a luggage tag. I thought it was for id. I got it for travel, because I don't travel with my full on wallet.

And for spending so much, a free coin purse with a "kiss lock" closure. Love me some kiss lock. (No picture available)

DD12 was drueling over it, so I gave it to her. Well, that pi$$ed off DD5, who I didn't buy anthing for, despite her begging and begging. When we got to our office, she walked up to Daddy and said "Mommy spent some money." Can you believe that child!!!! Rotten I tell you!!! Bob laughed when I explained why she's "tattling" and said, "I'll get you something Maddi." Can you see why she's spoiled.

Happy Earth Day everyone....

Hope everyone is doing a little something to help the planet...

Went to JC last night and lost 1/2 pound... yeah!!! its a loss and is the first step towards my losing the next 35 pounds...

Yaaay GOOF!

The week is going well so far. I am going to be a bit tested this week since I am eating out - alot... :scared1: We are celebrating my mom's birthday tonight and I am meeting a friend for dinner tomorrow night. Then I am heading to CT this weekend to get together with my girlfriends from college for a weekend of scrapbooking and conversation (before you get started, my scrapbooking is extremely simple stuff... no crazy craft skills going on here....) How did you know we were gonna say something.;) Thankfully, I am staying at one of their houses and am planning on bringing some of my JC food with me so that I can eat two out of three meals each day using my Jenny food...

Anyways - enjoy the day ladies (and you too grumps...). I'll check in later,

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: Erika, this banana's for you:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

What kind of vechicle do you drive? I'm guessing a SUV. A big one. Suburban or Expedition.
I like to be able to wipe down the inside of my car (technically a SUV, I guess)... I call it the big rubber truck. It also has about 1' of ground clearance, and even 5'8" me has to launch a bit to get in.

I don't wear that much makeup either. I went to powder foundation for a while and have gone back to liquid lately. My skin is really dry and I am lazy about moisturizer, so the liquid seems to go on a bit better. I do have to even out the red, though. I like mascara but my contacts unfortunately do not.

I am on a seriously boring conf call, not helping my already sleepy self to wake up.

Paula, I like the slow and steady thing. I decided a while back to not expect the BL weight loss plan, and I take every little bit down as a good thing. Liz and I are proof that eventually it all adds up!

I am excited about my lunch. I brought leftover roasted chicken breast for my salad, and 1.5 cups of pumpkin soup. Mmm.

I also realized that I totally underestimated what 1 chicken thigh and 1 chicken leg adds up to when it is roasted, so I was WAY under my calories last night. That is why sparkpeople is my friend!! comes a REALLY long post...

Okay so this is the post where I pretty much only quote Erika. :laughing: Still love the rest of you!

That would be because I was like the only one posting for a while there! (foot tapping smiley)...

You don't even have to bribe me! YES, we will go shopping and have dinner and drinks! Looking forward to it!


Before this car I drove a bright red Jetta for six years. Loved that car, too.

That was actually my first instinct before I said Audi! I just knew it had to be sporty! I am a fan of the CRV.

I took the spin class yesterday. It's fun! The lady parts don't hurt so much as the sitting parts. I would suggest walking a lot the day of, but the next day it's not too bad. I'm going to do it again!

Most people don't have the experience that I did. I must have done something wrong...but it was bad enough for me to swear off spinning forevah!

Oh, and I drive a black Toyota FJ cruiser. I love it. It is all rubber inside so I can just wipe it down when I spill my coffee!

Now see, this is what they ought to do for mini-vans and other kid vehicles...just make it so you can hose 'em out!

Last night, as I washed my face, I realized that it had been at least three days since I wore makeup. I mean, I think I did on Friday, but maybe not. Definitely not on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. I start the day by going to the gym and then shower and just never get around to it. :scared1: And I am a make-up girl! I love makeup! So I think maybe today I should break out that bag that's been hiding in my Vera Bradley (trying to work in VB once a day until Kim and Liz cave and buy one).

I wear only mascara...I have always been blessed with flawless skin and so never needed any. But now that age and many years in the sun have caught up with me, I have big time wrinkles!!! So I am going to have to do something soon.

Today I'm going to take Emily to the gym for the first time. We'll see how she does in the childcare! The answer better be "well" because school will be over before we know it, and I will need her to play nice once a day at the gym!

Give a report! Hope it goes well!

I am going online at lunch today to see what VB bags I like and how much $$ I need to save to treat myself. I will let you know how that turns out.:rolleyes1


Well I have to head to a different building so I won't be back until this afternoon. have a good one everyone. Oh yeah, our family car (Honda Accord) died on us last night and we just found out it needs a new transmission. My lord that is expensive :faint: What can you do?? We are driving a crappy rental until ours is fixed.I shouldn't complain since the repair shop is covering the cost of the rental. My other car is a 2 seater Honda Del Sol. Not a particularly practical car for a family of 4 but I love it. It is old and showing some wear and tear but it is my "fun" car since it is a convertible and it helps lessen the pain of purchasing a minivan.:lmao:

Ugh! Sorry about the transmission. What a drag! And with 2 boys, yeah you need something to haul GEAR.

Happy Earth Day everyone....

Hope everyone is doing a little something to help the planet...

Yup, we sure did! I have a regular run that I do right near my house and there is just tons of trash, so I took the kids this morning and we cleaned up my running route! :goodvibes

Went to JC last night and lost 1/2 pound... yeah!!! its a loss and is the first step towards my losing the next 35 pounds...

The week is going well so far. I am going to be a bit tested this week since I am eating out - alot... :scared1: We are celebrating my mom's birthday tonight and I am meeting a friend for dinner tomorrow night. Then I am heading to CT this weekend to get together with my girlfriends from college for a weekend of scrapbooking and conversation (before you get started, my scrapbooking is extremely simple stuff... no crazy craft skills going on here....) Thankfully, I am staying at one of their houses and am planning on bringing some of my JC food with me so that I can eat two out of three meals each day using my Jenny food...

WOO HOO--back headed in the right direction! Your week sounds busy, but good busy...lots of friends and family.

I had a great conversation with him last night. He is really into the psychical aspects of fitness. He has amassed a library of books on fitness and is lending me some - one on core strengthening and one on cardio. One is laymen's, one is more of a text book, but it will be good to have some knowledge. You know I have to research everything! And, oh YES, I have a spreadsheet for my workouts!

Good God, what have we done?!?!?! First the gym, then the Polar watch, and now this?!?! :faint:

I am crazy about cleaing out my car. Keep a dedicated sweeper in my garage just for this. In my dream house, I'll have a garage with professional, flourscent, spot lighting and a powerful-built in vacuum, heated, so I can sweep it out every day.:lovestruc

Then come on over, girlfriend! That is what we have. No lie. This is a Jeff OCD thing. And since he built our garage, this is what he did to it.

VB - ok. Here's what I got.

Send the bill to Liz! :rotfl2:

DD12 was drueling over it, so I gave it to her. Well, that pi$$ed off DD5, who I didn't buy anthing for, despite her begging and begging. When we got to our office, she walked up to Daddy and said "Mommy spent some money." Can you believe that child!!!! Rotten I tell you!!! Bob laughed when I explained why she's "tattling" and said, "I'll get you something Maddi." Can you see why she's spoiled.[/B][/COLOR]

Too funny!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: Erika, this banana's for you:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Seriously....that many bananas are making my cringe! They're freaking me out, man! :lmao:

What kind of vechicle do you drive? I'm guessing a SUV. A big one. Suburban or Expedition.

Nah. I am way too small for one of those big ones. I can't get up into them and then I have a hard time seeing well and/or maneuvering them. Here is my car history--

pre-kids I had an oh-so-sporty Saab Turbo. Loved that car! :love: Had kid # 1 and got a sensible and reliable Toyota 4Runner. had that for a couple of worked great when I had two babies...but then right away I got knocked up with #3 (and this was before 3rd row seats), so buh-bye to my 4Runner and hello Toyota Sienna mini-van. :scared1: We looked at lots and lots of SUVs, but only the huge ones had the third row seats at that time, and I had 3 kids in car seats...and not boosters, but full size car seats.

I had that Sienna for almost 3 years and hated it every single day. (Now don't get me wrong, as far as mini vans go, you can't do better then the Sienna and Odyssey...and with 3 babies, it was really the only option for us.) But God, did I hate it. When I went to pick it up, my dealer didn't even say "congratulations" or "enjoy your new vehicle" or anything like that. He saw that I was trading in my sporty 4Runner for a mini-van...and man, there are just no words for that. :sad2:

Now, though, I have a 2006 Honda Pilot and I love, love, love it! :love: We got that two years ago, brand new. And I will stay in this vehicle for a while. It is the perfect size for us, has plenty of room, but is sporty enough and ok on gas (certainly not great, but it is exactly the same as what I got with my mini van).
I don't wear that much makeup either. I went to powder foundation for a while and have gone back to liquid lately. My skin is really dry and I am lazy about moisturizer, so the liquid seems to go on a bit better. I do have to even out the red, though. I like mascara but my contacts unfortunately do not.

The only maintenance my face gets is ProActiv. It works for me.

No contacts. Laser Vision correction in 2003. Best money EVER!!!!!!!

I'm in love with your husband.
He gives you cards (even if he doesn't know what to write, he still got a card)
He give you gifts.
He fold's laundry.
He likes a clean car. ENOUGH TO BUILD A CAR CLEANING STATION!!!!!!
When I went to pick it up, my dealer didn't even say "congratulations" or "enjoy your new vehicle" or anything like that. He saw that I was trading in my sporty 4Runner for a mini-van...and man, there are just no words for that. :sad2:

Hi lar ious! That is depressing. I refuse to go to the other side.
Ok, so I hate to be out of the loop....

So I went to the Vera Bradley website just to see what all the hub-bub is about. :rotfl2: I am definitely NOT a purse person, but I love BAGS...totes, messenger bags, rucksacks, etc.

LIZ--YOU DIDN'T TELL ME SHE HAD TECH STUFF! Omg, there are iPod cases and a laptop bag and all sorts of fun things! And I am desperate for a new wallet as well.

And the reality is that I came to the conclusion about a few months ago that I have to start carrying a purse...or at least have one and leave it in the car. It is just so NOT me. But I used to always have either a diaper bag or a briefcase, so all of my crap was always in either of those. Now I am out of the diaper bag stage and I work from home so don't really ever have a briefcase with me. I can get away without carrying a purse all winter because I have a ton of pockets in my winter coats, so I just shove my cell and wallet, etc. in pockets.

But this that I am going to be wearing skimpy clothes...:rotfl2: ...I can't very well have crap jammed in my pockets.

I am looking at the mini hipster in classic black. It has to be something small...I cannot tolerate a "real" purse. Liz & Liz...tell me what you think. (And anyone else who is interested in this stuff....which is usually NOT me!)
"Skimpy clothes" :lmao:

It's too small for me - but I LOVE IT. I think you'll like it too. Best part, it's on sale. It will be light. And hipster, I totally see you as a, throw it over a shoulder gal. Perfect.
Go, Paula! :cool1: You are so right - it's step towards the next goal. I really needed to hear that today. Thanks. It helped me, too. :goodvibes

I love the idea of walking the golf course. I just read a really good article on strength training for women golfers - simple exercises that build muscle and help your game. It was in Golf for Women, I think. Golf is on my list of sports to try - my parents even have a set of used clubs waiting for me when I'm ready. Maybe this year?

We celebrate my friend's birthday tonight - Greenie's husband. I'll be thinking about you, Paula, as I try to stay on plan tonight!

I had a great conversation with him last night. He is really into the psychical aspects of fitness. He has amassed a library of books on fitness and is lending me some - one on core strengthening and one on cardio. One is laymen's, one is more of a text book, but it will be good to have some knowledge. You know I have to research everything! And, oh YES, I have a spreadsheet for my workouts!

Liz - I'll be thinking of you as well. Together, we can both stay on plan...
I have that issue of Golf for Women, but am still trying to find the time to read it. I will be pulling it out tonight to check out the exercises. My game needs all the help it can get... My friend (the golf expert) already told me that my swing would change as my body does. My first thought was great, I was just getting the hang of this and now I go and change it. Now I am thinking let's see how much better my swing will get as my body gets smaller.... Have fun tonight...

I like to be able to wipe down the inside of my car (technically a SUV, I guess)... I call it the big rubber truck. It also has about 1' of ground clearance, and even 5'8" me has to launch a bit to get in.

I don't wear that much makeup either. I went to powder foundation for a while and have gone back to liquid lately. My skin is really dry and I am lazy about moisturizer, so the liquid seems to go on a bit better. I do have to even out the red, though. I like mascara but my contacts unfortunately do not.

I am on a seriously boring conf call, not helping my already sleepy self to wake up.

Paula, I like the slow and steady thing. I decided a while back to not expect the BL weight loss plan, and I take every little bit down as a good thing. Liz and I are proof that eventually it all adds up!

I am excited about my lunch. I brought leftover roasted chicken breast for my salad, and 1.5 cups of pumpkin soup. Mmm.

I also realized that I totally underestimated what 1 chicken thigh and 1 chicken leg adds up to when it is roasted, so I was WAY under my calories last night. That is why sparkpeople is my friend!!

Kat - Thanks for the words of encouragement...

For all you non makeup wearing folks out there... I have one suggestion for you... tinted moisturizer... if you get one with sunblock in it, you can cover three bases in one... moisturize, add a little coverage and sunblock in one fell swoop... I believe all the major brands now carry something, so there is something for every price point. I used to use Chanel skin care and makeup, but then my budget caught on and said no more... Their tinted moisturizer was great, but at $50 / bottle it got to be a bit much. Now I am an Oil of Olay gal... much easier on the pocketbook...

Ok, so I hate to be out of the loop....

So I went to the Vera Bradley website just to see what all the hub-bub is about. :rotfl2: I am definitely NOT a purse person, but I love BAGS...totes, messenger bags, rucksacks, etc.

LIZ--YOU DIDN'T TELL ME SHE HAD TECH STUFF! Omg, there are iPod cases and a laptop bag and all sorts of fun things! And I am desperate for a new wallet as well.

And the reality is that I came to the conclusion about a few months ago that I have to start carrying a purse...or at least have one and leave it in the car. It is just so NOT me. But I used to always have either a diaper bag or a briefcase, so all of my crap was always in either of those. Now I am out of the diaper bag stage and I work from home so don't really ever have a briefcase with me. I can get away without carrying a purse all winter because I have a ton of pockets in my winter coats, so I just shove my cell and wallet, etc. in pockets.

But this that I am going to be wearing skimpy clothes...:rotfl2: ...I can't very well have crap jammed in my pockets.

I am looking at the mini hipster in classic black. It has to be something small...I cannot tolerate a "real" purse. Liz & Liz...tell me what you think. (And anyone else who is interested in this stuff....which is usually NOT me!)

Now look who is being converted to the dark side....:rotfl2: :rotfl:

I am not a big purse fan either, but I have the hipster in the yellow bird pattern. Big enough for my checkbook, but doesn't feel like I am carrying a piece of luggage. I liked the yellow and black combo. It felt very fresh to me... Have fun shopping...



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