Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

My family went to Disney in 1996 and my counsin, my sister and I were in the movie room of the Alien Encounter and my cousin was sitting on a garbage can. A man came over and started peeing in the can while she was sitting on it. I quickly moved her (she did not see him) and pulled her away. We were like 16 and he seemed very proud of himself, he gave us this little smirk as I walked away saying EEWWWW!!!!
On our first trip to WDW together my DH (then fiance) and I ate a restaurant in Germany at World Showcase. I don't remember the name of the restaurant, but the tables were like big tables where they sat several different groups together and I think served the food family style. Anyway I see this HUGE FLORIDA COCKROACH :eek: crawling across the table. I am absolutely terrified of roaches and here in Nebraska, we don't have the huge four-inch and larger flying roaches like they have down there. I couldn't even speak! I yanked DH's sleeve and pointed at the roach and he tried to swat it away, which just propelled it across to another couple at our table and that guy killed it and got the server. The server didn't even act like it was a big deal... just cleaned it up with a napkin and acted like it was no big deal. :sad2: Needless to say, DH and I and the other couple couldn't eat any of the food after that and ended up just leaving.
On our first trip to WDW together my DH (then fiance) and I ate a restaurant in Germany at World Showcase. I don't remember the name of the restaurant, but the tables were like big tables where they sat several different groups together and I think served the food family style. Anyway I see this HUGE FLORIDA COCKROACH :eek: crawling across the table. I am absolutely terrified of roaches and here in Nebraska, we don't have the huge four-inch and larger flying roaches like they have down there. I couldn't even speak! I yanked DH's sleeve and pointed at the roach and he tried to swat it away, which just propelled it across to another couple at our table and that guy killed it and got the server. The server didn't even act like it was a big deal... just cleaned it up with a napkin and acted like it was no big deal. :sad2: Needless to say, DH and I and the other couple couldn't eat any of the food after that and ended up just leaving.

You DIDN't like the "added magic" of a Flordia enviroment?:confused3
I was floating on Castaway creek and I saw a giant cockroach right next to me in the water. :scared1:
Okay, I have one. We were at Blizzard beach last week just lounging and watching the kids from a chair toward the back of the area by the wave pool. I noticed a mom changing the diaper of her child about 2 yo. She takes the diaper off and then proceeds to walk with her child to the poll and ............ yep you guessed it......... rinsed her bottom. :sick:

I just sat there with my mouth open in total shock. My dh asked what was wrong and I was mute for a couple of seconds but then explained. Ewwwww!

Also down the "lane" from this family was another lady. She was on her stomach and propped up on her elbows reading a magazine. I commented to my dh that the lady's top must be pretty far down to show that much skin. I thought she just had her straps down so no tan line. Well, my dd needed me so I got up and - lo and behold - got a glimpse of both of her "girls"! I just don't get some folks! :confused3
A perfectly innocent drinking fountain turned into a vomit receptacle in the line for Journey to Atlantis...sorry not Disney, but this is by far the grossest thing I have ever seen...and I'm a former Vet Technician :sad2:
A perfectly innocent drinking fountain turned into a vomit receptacle in the line for Journey to Atlantis...sorry not Disney, but this is by far the grossest thing I have ever seen...and I'm a former Vet Technician :sad2:

Since people use them for baby bidets, that isn't surprising.:sad2:
Got a few today from the Animal Kingdom.

At the Nemo show, waiting for it to begin. I look over and see a man heading for the exit doors with what is clearly a large used diaper in his hands -obviously he was heading to throw it out. All I could think was "I really, really hope he didn't change that child right there in the seats", but he probably did. I mean, if you were going to step outside to get rid of the diaper anyway, why not take your child outside to the restroom that is right there?:confused3

Then,while waiting for the second show (saw it once in the morning and once in the afternoon) the gentleman sitting next to me asks me a question, so I turn to look at him, and one aisle over, directly in my line of sight, I see a child's naked bottom, and his father pulling a new pair of underwear onto this maybe 5-6 year old. I presume the child had an accident that needed to be addressed, but the poor boy had nothing on but a long shirt and the show was already crowded with people, so anyone could have seen! I must have had a horribly shocked expression on my face, because the gentleman sitting next to me who had asked me the question gave me a funny look, lol.

And maybe the grossest of all - I'm walking through the park by Everest, and I see a mom with her two sons, one of whom is an infant of about one in his stroller. The older boy, who was maybe 4 was eating a Popsicle and dropped it on the ground. The mom picked it up, looked at it for a second, and then offered it to the baby! (who wisely turned his head away and refused it). Now, I've heard of the 5 second rule, but ewwwwww! People have walked all over that ground, etc., why would you even think to do that??
Haven't heard any gross stories in awhile. Is it gross to say that I'm missing them?
Oh nasty. I can't believe the lack of class some people have. Eeew. I'm subscribing so I can read more....this thread is like a train reck. I want to look away but I just can't. :rotfl:
There was this kid who fell and broke his nose at Fantasmic and blood was gushing everywhere. Also when your at Epcot, near the TestTrack pavilian there is a sort of hidden bridge, it leads to a restroom. On the bridge there is a huge plant where someone could easily be hiden. Just saying.
OMG! I've been waiting for the opportunity to share this one!
In Dec. of 2007, we were at MK watching the night parade. We had a good spot to watch, but what happened in front of me distracting me so much that I didn't see as much of the parade as I wanted to!
This girl, maybe 13 or 14, was right on the curb with a great view. She had a digital camera with the viewer display to see the pics she took. She was LICKING (thoroughly) the viewer. :confused3 Up, down, sideways. Every which way. I was SO confused. Then, she licked off the clear plastic thing that was covering it (that comes on your camera when it's new). Then she played with it in her mouth and then used her tongue to try to put it back on. Then she started licking the front of the camera.
She really went to town on this camera. To this day, it still boggles my mind. I couldn't take my eyes off of her :eek: -it was the strangest thing I've ever seen.
OMG! I've been waiting for the opportunity to share this one!
In Dec. of 2007, we were at MK watching the night parade. We had a good spot to watch, but what happened in front of me distracting me so much that I didn't see as much of the parade as I wanted to!
This girl, maybe 13 or 14, was right on the curb with a great view. She had a digital camera with the viewer display to see the pics she took. She was LICKING (thoroughly) the viewer. :confused3 Up, down, sideways. Every which way. I was SO confused. Then, she licked off the clear plastic thing that was covering it (that comes on your camera when it's new). Then she played with it in her mouth and then used her tongue to try to put it back on. Then she started licking the front of the camera.
She really went to town on this camera. To this day, it still boggles my mind. I couldn't take my eyes off of her :eek: -it was the strangest thing I've ever seen.

That is a definite "What the?" moment....ewwww:confused3
Um ok...rigghhhhhtttttt.............
All I can say is 1 word - EW!

OMG! I've been waiting for the opportunity to share this one!
In Dec. of 2007, we were at MK watching the night parade. We had a good spot to watch, but what happened in front of me distracting me so much that I didn't see as much of the parade as I wanted to!
This girl, maybe 13 or 14, was right on the curb with a great view. She had a digital camera with the viewer display to see the pics she took. She was LICKING (thoroughly) the viewer. :confused3 Up, down, sideways. Every which way. I was SO confused. Then, she licked off the clear plastic thing that was covering it (that comes on your camera when it's new). Then she played with it in her mouth and then used her tongue to try to put it back on. Then she started licking the front of the camera.
She really went to town on this camera. To this day, it still boggles my mind. I couldn't take my eyes off of her :eek: -it was the strangest thing I've ever seen.
The camera licking one is just odd.

This is at DL at the tables near the Jedi Academy stuff.
We were walking through the eatery section that was full of people eating their lunch, where we saw these two women with a boy who was around 4 or 5. He was standing on top of the table in full view with out any pants or undies on and they were trying to get him to piss in an empty coke bottle.
OK I have one. July 1998. My sister and I were staying off site. We got on the bus, cant remember what park we were going to, MK maybe? :confused3 Anyways, this guy comes on the bus and then start coughing a lot. To me he looked like he wanted to be sick. And I was right. A minute later he ran off bus and vomited. Everyone could hear and see him. And what was worse, I had just ate breakfast and I felt like I was gonna be sick for seeing him vomit. Luckly I was able to compose myself and not get sick. And then after the guy got sick, he had the nerve to get back on the bus! I wanted that bus ride to go very quickly so I could get off, before he vomited again. Luckly, he didnt anymore during the bus ride and right after we got off.
I did see someone throw up once at Disney but I've seen and heard stories of throwing up so many times that it has to be pretty spectacular for me to call it really bad.

Probably the grossest thing I saw was at one of the Pop or All Star resorts in the dining area. I was going to get some ketchup and there were some kids at one of the condiment sections. One of them had one of those paper cups filled with mayonaisse. As soon as he noticed me he started dipping his finger in the mayonaisse and slurping it up, eyeing me the whole time like he thought I was about to take it from him. I finally just went to another condiment section and got my ketchup there.


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