Something About Nothing.......part 2 (please join us)

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Hope that weather straightens out soon for you Todd! Oh, Todd, ole buddy ole pal.....I nominate you to go by and try the Jamaican Jerk Wings at Lone Palm and go in Margaritaville and try the Jamaica Mistaica wings and come back and report the results..... They give you wet wipes with the wings at the lone palm! They are so messy!!!
Hmmmm...maybe...are they spicy? I don't do well with spicy foods. I tend to take off like the shuttle if it's too bad. might see a green cloud floating over CityWalk.
ha, big pink reminds me of the Sopranos:rolleyes1

mac - i'm just shell-shocked i guess, even though i knew my pressures were high; all the other tests continually were passed with flying colors...i was always over the mark, today it was nasty (had a feeling...night blindness worse, off & on blurry vision, headaches, etc.. Nobody in family has ever had any issues:confused3 . I'm told the drops will make my blue eyes turn brown:confused: . Didn't quite catch if i'd still need drops if i do the surgery, my brain shut down...guess i'll find out soon enough.

good news - DH found my glasses, evidently they managed to jump into the back of the SUV:confused: and middle DS (stopping home for dinner while on patrol) brought me a card and a candle to cheer me up

ps thanx for the support, it's been an interesting year so far, where's boring...boring is good.

janet, my dad has or had very dark brown eyes. they have turned hazel since he started the drops. just opposite of what your doc told you.

the drops are not bad but my dad has to be up at a certain time each morning to do his drops. he also does the drops other times in the day.

the surgery he had was laser surgery on the eyes for the glaucoma eye pressure. it was better than the drops. the only reason he went with surgery was the drops did not stabilize his pressure all of a sudden.

drops are effective now since the surgery.
he doesn't have the night vision problem as severe now.

sounds like you have a keeper of a dh.
he found your glasses for you...

I Can't Post!!!!



i hate when that happens. i feel your pain.

Evening everyone!!

The weather is awful here!!! Wet, cold, yuck...

Today is Matt's Birthday (DF) and he is the big 2-4. My little boy is growing up so fast;)

So I'm being the good fiancee and waiting for him to come over after work (he gets off at 11:30)

Now off to do a powerpoint......

24 and what ?????

one of my sons had a bd this week and i can't imagine him getting married this young....
he did give his gf a promise ring on his birthday.

now only if he could get a job.......

And, since when is 24 a "big" anything? :confused3

Don't make me have Barb get out the whacking smiley again. :mad:

:rotfl: [/COLOR][/SIZE]

tricia, you put that so well.
i guess when you are only 25, anything over 30 is old.

marcie will feel that pinch soon. a teen son driving now.........hb to matt too!

To My Dearest Friend Tricia,
You are so off the Christmas Card List now.

The 99 Team Fan Club

you are so funny.
i always laugh at your one liners..........
and poems
and dear john letters...

You guys make me laugh! Thanks for being...ahhh, real I guess.

Back from dinner. There is a restaurant right around the corner(as the crow flies{ from me. I enjoyed 32 ruma amd cokes, ooops make that 5. Tha's about the limit for me. anymore and I'm waking up with the room spiining. I also had the combo special. Fried clams and maine shrimp. Surprise, it's the only thing i eat there. With a name of the Ocean Garden, you should order seafordd right?

But no, DH orders steak and wonders everytime why its not good. Listen up, buddy, its a seafood restuarant...jeez
its not rocket science.

never order steak from a sea food joint.
5 rum and cokes...........i'd be under the table if i had that much rum....

Even tho it was only 2 days will realize exactly how far behind I is :rolleyes1

::yes:: I agree!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

What was the electrician for? Did he ever show? :confused3

electrian showed up around 10ish on thursday.

$65 an hour charges which is pretty good for this area.
i had an "incident" and readers digest version is had to replace the light fixtures and redo some wiring in the upstairs bathroom.

don't need the flashlight anymore for that room...

Goodnight Homies. I have to be up early. On-Location training continues bright and early.

we will hunt you down like a rabid dog to find you at your new location...

Hey Homies!

I've been MIA for a few know.....real life stuff.....We got a lot of snow here today, but it's all melted now. The kids got out of school at 1:30 today, so they felt happy and ripped off at the same time. Zack (DS14) said that his school came close to a riot! He said that they were all wanting to go outside and play in the snow. They even started a petition and the assistant principle said that they needed 2,000 signatures to go outside in the snow....His school is only 7th and 8th grade, so there are probably about 450 students in the whole school. Anyway, he said that at lunch, they locked the doors into the hallways in the cafeteria and that there were teachers standing guard at the exterior doors to make sure that no students went outside to play in the snow....poor kids! I kept looking out the window at work today thinking about how Zack(DS14) and Jacob(DS10) had to be going crazy wanting to play in the snow. They got their chance when they got home though, but it was mostly gone by the time I got home from work.

I just got home from my little sister's house. She's in college and needs lots of help....she got me to do some of her assignments for her computer class..... I know it's not really helping her, but she is bipolar and has lots of ups and downs. She's the same sister that went to US/IOA with us that Saturday. If anyone knows about bipolar people, it may help explain a little of the reason she complained so much on the trip.

You guys have been quite chatty, and there is no way I can "ketchup" but just remember I luvs ya all!:grouphug:

yea, i have had issues in ketchuping here lately.
i know how that goes.
you feel disconnected to life then..

that is great your sister is attending college.
i admire that!
i know first hand about bipolar. i hear ya'...
it's tough.

Oh, here's another pic from our quick Feb 23 trip. It's my baby sis and me (or I guess I should say me and my baby sis, since I'm on the left):


beautiful pic of you both.....!!

You'll get to enjoy the kitchen for several years before ya move/retire.....I thought you didn't cook? :confused3 What's up with the new kitchen? :confused3 [/COLOR][/SIZE]

:eek: You gots "people"??? :eek: [/SIZE

Good...then you can please pay me for the hamburger you ate yesterday! :thumbsup2

all blonde homies have people...........:laughing:

i skipped over jodie's remark of redoing her kitchen. it was so unlike her.
her kitchen is used for the fridge and microwave for the necessities

i thought she set up speed dial for the carry out places.

on a roll....all by myself... :confused3

and you are doing quite well with it...

Well, I can't stay up any's late and I gotta go nite nite! Sweet dreams to all the homies!:cloud9: I hope Mac comes by and turns the lights out and locks up!

i would have turned off the lights last night but left them on.
i am supporting the economy and doing my share of paying high prices for the good of mankind..

real story, i feel alseep watching forensic files last night.

ok now i only have 6 more pages to read and ketchup with.
who knows if i am talking to myself at this point...:laughing:
OMG! Somebody posted this link on the CB:

The poor guy is getting blasted by the "Don't say anything remotely negative about the Mouse" people. I read it, and I gotta tell you... the first 2 pages were amusing, but I laughed my butt off on the 3rd page. :lmao:

OMG, this was great! Here's my favorite line: "Barack Obama is stealing all our white American princesses! This has been a friendly message from the Clinton campaign." I also like the term "Male Disney Rape." :lmao:
nap + new bed =

yep....pretty much.....
Just a fun little somethin' my DH created.....on HIS mssg. boards, the admin "created" a similar award....handed out for something really good (like Tricia cleaning her basement, Lori ketchuping like 20 pages) or for something that totally catches me off guard or really makes me laff....something 'deserving' like that.... of course....bribes accepted also :rolleyes1 :lmao:

:confused3 we don't bite :rolleyes1

::yes:: I've noticed and I agree!

me too :(

(I'm guessin' not....she's got "other" plans :rolleyes1 )

hey, that horny banana smilie got censored.
i have a gray little, yes little box covering a portion of the nanners.....

how can anyone censor a banana........:confused:

Good to see ya Sharon! :lmao:

Sell the MIL house yet?

Okay...compared to sis, YES...i can see your tan!! She is really cute....and looks like she's related to ya.... unlike the piece of crap I stuck with for a sister...she looks NOTHING like me....thank God!

Welcome to my world sister :headache:

Lights out.

Doors locked.

Cats & dogs are done and asleep.

Everyone is job here is done!

Nite everyone.
Sleep tight.
Don't let the bed bugs tickle :rolleyes1



brab has a halo
the other sibling has horns.

they are nothing alike.......

I'm up, stop nagging!

Ugh, I spent the whole day in bed yesterday. Literally, not euphemistically. ;)

I am not sure what's going on with me. I am not sure if my body doesn't know what to do since I am just coming off midnights and then going back on Monday at 1045 pm. Or, if I am having a reaction to the tetanus shot I got Thursday. I was fine Thursday, but Friday I woke up with it throbbing (still is) and then I was going through the sweats followed by the chills. Sadly, I still have an appetite.

Katie ... the big 2-4? Please. I just found a pair of shoes in my closet older than that (they were part of an Easter outfit I saved for some reason?).

Barb and Alison, where do you buy your tanning lotions on the web?

i think it is a reaction to the tetanus shot.

why did you get a shot?

did you step on a rusty nail and it went through your shoe?

had a wicked headache when i got up and when back to bed. DH has a cold and around my eye just hurt. little better now, but feel a cold coming on.

Wendy- how big is your coffee grinder? i have a smaller one, about 10 inches high, got it at wally world. the cat HATES it. it is very noisy. im sure it is a cheapo model, cost less than15 bucks.

Regarding the carl edwards inspection malfunction:
yeah, they will nail him to the wall and that is the end of his year, I can see it now. I knew winning two weeks in a row was too good of thing. 'Tis. Yet the vulgar, vile, despicable behavior of some neanderthal drivers is overlooked.
Nascar sure picks and chooses the way it handles things.

It is pooring rain here. With all the roof collapses the last two weeks, now it is the flooding of rivers, streams and snow embankments onto roads that is the problem. We are in a fairly new developement with good drainage. We always blow the snow off the manhole/drain area near the mailbox. most folks do.

Sharon, how are your roads?
Tetanus shots are an every 10 year thing for adults. My arm always gets a spot the size of a baseball from the injection.
Sometimes those will make you sick.

If you cannot remember the last time you had one, get one at your next yearly checkup.
Good morning from SC. Looks like a major storm hitting back home. I sure hope my kids stay off the roads!!!

hi homie damo!

i read your mind......

We had a pretty bad night here too. Pouring rain all night and now the winds are trying to uproot the trees!

on the weather channel last night i saw some of that in lakeland area. was bad...

Maybe so. . .is he expensive?? Things are reverse in our house. . dh just puts his check in the bank and assumes/expects everything to be taken care of. He only wants to discuss finances if he wants to make a purchase that is over our agreed upon limit. I don't so much like being the one to deal with it, but I'm way more organized which makes me better at it. My dh hasn't had to pay bills or deal with our finances since, well, never.

I enjoy the feeling of security in knowing we are fortunate enough to be able to pay our bills and have some disposable income. . . especially these days. . .but I dislike the actual work of it. I don't mind the math. . cept when the bottom line just doesn't add up to what I want it to ;)

my job is to spend mr mac's money and save my money.
i let him pay all the bills.......

that's how nice i am to him.....:rolleyes1


:lmao: That makes me miss Gemma! Of course, with Gemma's pui's, you usually couldn't understand her. At least I understand these.

Sounds like you had a good time last night Sharon! Good to have you back.

did the house get put on the market yet sharon?
do you want all the homies to come down and have a big party in the house before it does go on the market??

always willing to help a homie....

and i understood every word you posted.
tricia is on target. she is our translator for PUI

Yes. That's what a lot of the broadcasters have started saying... or COT for short.

It's kinda funny and sad all at the same time to think of 7th and 8th graders in "lockdown" so they don't riot over playing in the snow. Sheesh. Like the kids are going to be concentrating on school work and learning much on a day like that?

Alright Wimpy... :laughing:

I wuz wondering if anyone would get that! ;) [/QUOTE]

that's why i posted it that way.
sure took some long enough to catch it...:laughing:

Hello all ..

Barb. Share the cheat sheet any time . :thumbsup2 And no matter who gets a new mattress and breaks it in those bannana's are just WRONG in so many ways . :lmao: :rotfl2:

So I hear I share a B-Day with Matt . Sorry to say I am a Little older then he is .:rotfl2: . But In my heart I am still only 21. :lmao:

So DH :love: gave me a gift card to Coach awhile back and from the nice people there I got a 25% off coup. So what did I do yesterday . Shop ! Well I got for my trip to USF/IOA a Hip Bag and some flip flops. :) Very Happy NOW . I am almost ready just need a swim suit and then I am ready to go .

So I tried to read everything I missed but I will never be able to Ketchup if You guys keep moving at this pace.

Gotta go busy day already . I hope to get back tonight to say hi and let everyone know how the big dinner out goes.

BTW someone asked about DH and the sleepnumber bed well we are all adjusted now and we LOVE IT . Sleeping much better now .

and for homie mary:






had to include the cake.
that's the best part of the day!!
I did not find anythng funny regarding that individuals
I just keep telling myself that the first amendment applies to everyone.

That being said, that is just my opinion.
electrian showed up around 10ish on thursday.

$65 an hour charges which is pretty good for this area.
i had an "incident" and readers digest version is had to replace the light fixtures and redo some wiring in the upstairs bathroom.

don't need the flashlight anymore for that room...

i skipped over jodie's remark of redoing her kitchen. it was so unlike her.
her kitchen is used for the fridge and microwave for the necessities

i thought she set up speed dial for the carry out places.

and you are doing quite well with it...

i would have turned off the lights last night but left them on.
i am supporting the economy and doing my share of paying high prices for the good of mankind..

real story, i feel alseep watching forensic files last night.

ok now i only have 6 more pages to read and ketchup with.
who knows if i am talking to myself at this point...:laughing:

Hey $65/hour is good for around here too for an electrician! Good job!

Yes, I want to redo the kitchen. I do cook a tiny bit. And, don't forget, I have to heat up Thanksgiving dinner from Wegmans every year. ;) Mainly, I just think my kitchen is ugly.

My hugest pet peeve is that my cabinets don't go all the way up to the ceiling. I think that is the cheesiest look EVER, and of course that's what I have now. It's just a sloppy look, and I CAN'T STAND it in my house! My oven is also a wall oven so it's very narrow. So, I want a double oven, one on top of the other. My microwave doesn't go over my ceramic range top right now, and it needs to, with a new hood. And, another huge pet peeve is cheap counter tops (which I have now). When I redid my upstairs bath, I put in Corian with a seamless matching sink and cove-backsplash (yes, I HATE seams and they are all over my friggin kitchen now). The Corian so nice. When I redo the kitchen, I am going for the Zodiaq. My kitchen really does drive me nuts. Everyone knows: light countertop/dark cabinets or dark countertop/light cabinets. We have white (old) cabinets and off-white countertops. ICK! Now, all I need is an extra $60K lying around somewhere to do everything I want to do (pantry and laundryroom off the kitchen should be redone at the same time). Anyone know a good place I can find $60K just lying around and doing nothing?! :lmao:

P.S. Forensic Files Rules!!!!
Hey $65/hour is good for around here too for an electrician! Good job!

Yes, I want to redo the kitchen. I do cook a tiny bit. And, don't forget, I have to heat up Thanksgiving dinner from Wegmans every year. ;) Mainly, I just think my kitchen is ugly.

My hugest pet peeve is that my cabinets don't go all the way up to the ceiling. I think that is the cheesiest look EVER, and of course that's what I have now. It's just a sloppy look, and I CAN'T STAND it in my house! My oven is also a wall oven so it's very narrow. So, I want a double oven, one on top of the other. My microwave doesn't go over my ceramic range top right now, and it needs to, with a new hood. And, another huge pet peeve is cheap counter tops (which I have now). When I redid my upstairs bath, I put in Corian with a seamless matching sink and cove-backsplash (yes, I HATE seams and they are all over my friggin kitchen now). The Corian so nice. When I redo the kitchen, I am going for the Zodiaq. My kitchen really does drive me nuts. Everyone knows: light countertop/dark cabinets or dark countertop/light cabinets. We have white (old) cabinets and off-white countertops. ICK! Now, all I need is an extra $60K lying around somewhere to do everything I want to do (pantry and laundryroom off the kitchen should be redone at the same time). Anyone know a good place I can find $60K just lying around and doing nothing?! :lmao:

P.S. Forensic Files Rules!!!!

there's a place in downtown chicago where you can earn lots free money for just lying around.
it's located by the second street light on the corner by the train.....:laughing:
OMG, this was great! Here's my favorite line: "Barack Obama is stealing all our white American princesses! This has been a friendly message from the Clinton campaign." I also like the term "Male Disney Rape." :lmao:

My favorite from the hotel reviews: "Coronado Springs - The Spaniards invaded the Yucatán Peninsula in the 1500s, stole all their money, and murdered the ones who refused to convert. There's an analogy to be made here, but I simply cannot locate it." :rotfl:
there's a place in downtown chicago where you can earn lots free money for just lying around.
it's located by the second street light on the corner by the train.....:laughing:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
My favorite from the hotel reviews: "Coronado Springs - The Spaniards invaded the Yucatán Peninsula in the 1500s, stole all their money, and murdered the ones who refused to convert. There's an analogy to be made here, but I simply cannot locate it." :rotfl:

obama's mother is white
there's a place in downtown chicago where you can earn lots free money for just lying around.
it's located by the second street light on the corner by the train.....:laughing:

Are the alleys at least well-lit? And is there a market for men lying around too? It'd be nice if Mike could bring in his fair share ....
"To a man, there is simply no greater way to say "I love you" than by refusing to murder his wife and children. I'd better hurry up and trademark that phrase before Hallmark steals it away."
Are the alleys at least well-lit? And is there a market for men lying around too? It'd be nice if Mike could bring in his fair share ....

You guys are killng me :lmao: That reminds me of a time a friend was at a stop light and there was a guy with a sign asking for money and he rolled down his window and gave the guy 5 dollars and just as he was turning the guy pulls out a wod of cash you wouldn't believe :lmao:
Are the alleys at least well-lit? And is there a market for men lying around too? It'd be nice if Mike could bring in his fair share ....

well, there are some men that are dressed like female and think they are a female.

what the heck, life is full of surprises.....

mike might find it fun.......

be sure to get your shots

"To a man, there is simply no greater way to say "I love you" than by refusing to murder his wife and children. I'd better hurry up and trademark that phrase before Hallmark steals it away."
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i love the way you think
Are the alleys at least well-lit? And is there a market for men lying around too? It'd be nice if Mike could bring in his fair share ....

not well lit at night.
don't have to worry or be concerned about wearing make up.
it would never be noticed.
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